Ib Lab - 02 Pendulum (pla Plb Dc Dpp Ce)

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  • Words: 847
  • Pages: 3
International Baccalaureate Physics


The Simple Pendulum. Aim: This practical is designed to give you an introduction to IB planning, data collection, data analysis and evaluation experiments. You should design an experiment in order to test different variables that may contribute to the time period of a pendulum and try to determine a mathematical relationship between these variables.

Criteria assessed

Aspect 1



Level awarded

Pl (a)

Apparatus : Whatever you feel is suitable for this experiment.

Pl (b)

Planning: Design a procedure that includes appropriate use of apparatus for the control, collection and analysis of data. This procedure should include the following sections. Planning (a) • Research question • Variables list • Hypothesis

IB Criteria Assessed Planning (a), Planning (b), Data Collection, Data Processing, Evaluation


Planning (b) • Plan for collection of data • Plan for control of variables • Diagram and suitable apparatus

Data Collection: • Show the results for the experiment in suitable tables. Include uncertainties. Data Processing and Presentation: • Using suitable graphs, determine a mathematical relationship between your chosen variables and the time period of the pendulum. • Calculate the actual and percentage errors in this value, based on the uncertainties in the apparatus that you have used. Conclusion and Evaluation: • Evaluate the data that you have collected and analysed - compare your results to literature values (if possible). • Evaluate your own plan, including any modifications you had to make to overcome problems. Include an evaluation of the apparatus used. • Suggest ways in which the procedure could be modified in order to improve it for the future.

© 2006 - Mike Dickinson


International Baccalaureate Physics


Internal Assessment Marking Form Crit.






Aspects Research Question: Hypothesis: Variables: c. Identifies a focused c. Relates the hypothesis or c. Selects the problem or research prediction directly to the relevant question. research question and independent p. States the problem or explains it, quantitatively and controlled research question, but it where appropriate. variable(s). is unclear or incomplete. p. States the hypothesis or p. Selects some n. Does not state the prediction but does not relevant problem or research explain it. variables. question or repeats the n. Does not state a n. Does not select general aim provided by hypothesis or prediction. any relevant the teacher. variables. Materials / Control of Variables: Collecting Data: Apparatus: c. Describes a method c. Describes a method that c. Selects appropriate that allows for the allows for the collection apparatus or control of the of sufficient relevant materials. variables. data. p. Selects some p. Describes a method p. Describes a method that appropriate that makes some allows for the collection apparatus or attempt to control the of insufficient relevant materials. variables. data. n. Does not select n. Describes a method n. Describes a method that any apparatus or that does not allow for does not allow any materials. the control of the relevant data to be variables. collected. Collecting / Recording Raw Data: Organising / Presenting Raw c. Records appropriate raw data (qualitative Data: and/or quantitative), including units and c. Presents raw data clearly, uncertainties where necessary. allowing for easy p. Records some appropriate raw data. interpretation. n. Does not record any appropriate raw data. p. Presents raw data but does not Aspect 1 includes units, uncertainties, allow for easy interpretation. significant digits n. Does not present raw data or presents it incomprehensibly. Processing Raw Data: Presenting Processed Data: c. Processes the raw c. Presents processed data appropriately, helping data correctly. interpretation and, where relevant, takes into p. Some raw data is account errors and uncertainties. processed correctly. p. Presents processed data appropriately but with some n. No processing of raw errors and/or omissions. data is carried out or n. Presents processed data inappropriately or major errors are made incomprehensibly in processing. Aspect 2 includes uncertainty bars, max / min slopes (HL), axes with labels and units, best fit line drawn Drawing Conclusions: Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the c. Gives a valid and results: investigation: conclusion, based on the c. Evaluates procedure(s) c. Identifies correct interpretation of and results including weaknesses and the results, with an limitations, states realistic explanation and, where weaknesses or errors. suggestions to appropriate, compares p. Evaluates procedure(s) improve the results with literature and results but misses investigation. values. some obvious p. Suggests only p. States a conclusion that limitations or errors. simplistic has some validity. n. The evaluation is improvements. n. Draws a conclusion that superficial or n. Suggests unrealistic

Level ccc 3 ccp 2 ccn 2 cpp 2 ppp 1 cpn 1 cnn 1 ppn 1 pnn 0 nnn 0 ccc 3 ccp 2 ccn 2 cpp 2 ppp 1 cpn 1 cnn 1 ppn 1 pnn 0 nnn 0

cc 3 cp 2 cn 1 pp 1 pn 0 nn 0

cc 3 cp 2 cn 1 pp 1 pn 0 nn 0

ccc 3 ccp 2 ccn 2 cpp 2 ppp 1 cpn 1 cnn 1 ppn 1 pnn 0 nnn 0


International Baccalaureate Physics

misinterprets the results.




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