Ian And Bryce (2)

  • October 2019
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More details

  • Words: 909
  • Pages: 5
Name: Generatio n:


Clan: Catiff







Demeanor : Socialite


Nightclub owner


Occupatio n:

Nighclub Owner


Email: 7noOni@c omcast.n et

Sect: (Cammarill a or Independe nt)



Approved by:


Appearance Age:52

Hair: brown /Bald Eyes: bright bright green Race: NZ Mouri Indian Nationality :

Apparent Age: 32

DOB: 02.06.56 RIP:1988

Distinguishi ng Features:

Height: 6’2 Weight: 240

Gender: M

Bald, heavy NZ accent, Muscular and Dressed well

Attributes (7/5/3) Strength ••••oo Dexterit ••••oo

Charisma Manipulation

••ooo ••ooo

Perception Intelligenc

•••ooo •ooooo

y Stamina


e Wits




Abilities (13/9/5) Talents Alertness Athletics Brawl Dodge Empathy Expression Intimidation Leadership Streetwise Subterfuge

oo ooo ••••• ••••• ooooo ooooo •ooo •oooo •ooo ooooo

Skills Animal Ken Crafts Drive Etiquette Firearms Melee Performance Security Stealth Survival

Knowledges Academics Computer Finance Investigation Law Linguistics Medicine Occult Politics

ooooo ooooo ••••• ooooo •••• ••••• Ooooo Ooooo Oo Ooooo


Advantages Backgrounds (5pts) Fame 1

Disciplines (3) (Fortitude) •••

Resources 4 Well off 9000 a month




(Protean) •••∴ (--------------) ooooo (--------------) ooooo Virtues (7)

Humanity 7 Willpower 7

[7] [] [] [] [] []

Blood Pool 14

[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

Conscience: Self Control: Courage:

Merits: (Extras can be bought with freebies only)

••••o •••oo •••ooo

Flaws: (7pts Max)

Prestigious Sire 1 Ambidextrous 1

Addiction 3

Phobia 2 Bee’s

ooooo ••oo ••••o ooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo

Acute hearing 1 Light Sleeper 2

Gear (Carried) Backpack Laptop

Equipment (Owned) Smith n Wesson .45


Feeding Grounds:

Derangements/Deformities/Paths: Split Personaliy

Vehicles 2009 Harley Davidson VRSC Night Rod turbo and thunderheaders white tires and Black rims Body is all black No Decals no namebrand..very Loud Very reconisable sound very fast about 0 – 100 in like 5 sec’s if pushed has a standard Porsche engine

History: When Ian was a child he was diagnosed Split Personality Ian and Bryce are there Names. Ian is Friendly Life of the Party wants to Joke around have some fun and just plain out rock on. Bryce however only comes about when Ian is threatened and All he wants to do it kill anything and everything around with some exceptions to Ians friends. Although it’s a small exception but its there depending on the situation Ian Owns a Nighclub its still going but he has people there to run it But the Nightclubthat’s actually were he was Turned by an Extreamly Good Looking Girl.. She was tall and long dark hair Skin you could almost see threw she was a Dream To bad she turnd out to be a Nightmare. She Changed Him into a Catiff,She apparently had Learned many tricks because None of them where connected to the other such as Protean and Potence it’s a Shame she couldn’t oftaught me more but of course she picked someone fucked up already but there just wasn’t anytime for me to learn more befor she had other things to take care of I guess, Ian Trusts everyone He see’s way to easy although Bryce Doesn’t trust anyone Except Ian is where the Fighting Happens. Ian knows there is something wrong with hIm he knows he has Split personality but the Meds he use to take no long work now that he is no longer Human..he does his best to Control Bryce but sometimes it just happens Theresa few signs of Bryce comeing into play and that’s Ian begins to twitch a little his Lips will shake or quiver possably his eyes depending on how bad things are.. To most it looks like Ians scared of them…to bad its not them he is afraid of .. Ian loves everyone and is normaly accepted Very quickly among others and is not shy to walk up to an Unknown group and just hang with them. He usually doesn’t sit still long and has to keep paceing back and forth. Wile Ian was Human he was trained in Hand to Hand Combat and Medatation he was trying to Control Bryce him self. But that just didn’t work.. he loves playing with Guns but doesn’t use them to Kill or hasn’t yet his mind always races with How he would fight in each situation tho he never gets to Because Bryce comes in and takes over,, Ian Actually comes from New Zealand he is of the Mouri Indians but doesn’t bare the tattoo’s of there tribe his skin is clean of tattoo’s and peiceings he looks to be about 32 years old but actually he is 52 this is his 20th Birthday as a nonmortal and he just CANT wait for his little trip to Tx he has heard about a Bar that’s possably forsale and is planning on buying it to reopen for a less Lively crowed

Health Levels -1 Bruised

-2 Hurt

No Dice Penalty

-1 Dice Penalty

-3 Injured

-1 Dice Penalty. One half max running speed.

-4 Wounded -2 Dice Penalty. Cannot run, though can walk. Moving + attacking in same turn results in penalties.

-5 Mauled

-2 Dice Penalty. Can only hobble three yards per turn.

-6 Crippled

-5 Dice Penalty. Can crawl only one yard per turn.

-7 Incapacitated aggravated

Character is paralysed and likely unconscious. Further damage indicates a dead character.

Dex +brawl for Claw attacks Dex + Dodge for Dodge h ok

Makarov 9 dex + firearms +1 to attack then 5 damage

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