Irises AcrossIowa An Affiliate of The American Iris Societv Region2l
We are an Affiliate of the American lris
IAI membership is open to all
Sociefy,Region21. Both the American Iris
interesfed persons. Members of the
Sociefy(AIS) and Region21 hold annual
AIS may become members of IAI
eventsthat are open to fhe membersof our
lvithout further payment of dues by
asking their names be placed on the IAI membership list. Non-AIS
Irises AcrossIowa (IAI) was formed on May
members may become a local member
3l, 2009. The purposeof of IAI is to promofe
free for the first year.
interestin the culture, propagationand hybridizationof the numerousforms and variefies of our favorite flower. the Iris. lris comein all varities suited to growing in
Pleasecontact the following for
the desertor in water. Manv are well suited to
membership informafion or any
growing vigorouslyin lowa. Most gardeners
questions you might have about our
are familiar with the Tall Beardedbuf we
hope to introduce you to a wide rangeof flower sizes,colors and patterns,plant sizes and varities. Iris meansttrainbow" because irisesoccur in every color of the rainbow from
I r
K ls
IrisesAcrosslowa Vicki Harmon, President
simple singlecoloredflowers to a wide range
614 SouthUnion Street
of multi-coloredpatterns.
Vladrid,lA 50156
IAI will host a saleand gardentour annually
(srs) 44r-6s63
wifh all of our other meetingsand business conductedby e-mail.