Mba Placement Brochure 2009 - 10

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Placement Brochure 2009-10

Department of Industrial & Management Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. - Sir Winston Churchill



Golden Jubilee @ IITK


IME Department








Alumni Speak




Student Activities


Department Events


Student Initiatives


Past Recruiters


Recruitment Process




The Institute

IIT Kanpur


ndian Institute of Technology, Kanpur is a premier institution established by the Government of India. The combined record of its past and present faculty and students along with the alumni spread across the world is aweinspiring. With path-breaking innovations in both curriculum and research, the Institute is rapidly advancing and adapting, thus maintaining its legendary reputation. The Institute is ideally located in a sprawling campus, spread over an area of 420 hectares. The campus is home to about 1850 undergraduate & 1800 postgraduate students, 320 faculty members & more than 1500 supporting staff. Since its inception, IIT Kanpur has been striving to develop itself into an institution of excellence in education and research in consonance with the contemporary and future needs of India. The Institute has already acquired worldwide reputation for its faculty, students, alumni who continuously serve towards pioneering and innovative work, both in the fields of research and services. The Institute offers its students an outstanding academic environment coupled with worldclass infrastructure. Not only does it celebrate freedom of thought, cultivate vision and encourage growth, but also inculcates human values and concern for the environment and the society. The special efforts to recruit talented faculty on a global basis and stringent admission procedures to select brilliant students across the country, ensures a pool of formidable intellectual capital at any given time in the campus. This helps in a healthy and dynamic exchange of ideas which incubates leaders for the corporate world.


The Institute

Golden Jubilee @ IITK “The institute has seen five decades so far and each decade was marked with a story. The first decade was the decade of growth after the inception of the IIT-K but the second decade registered unrest from the staff of the institute. The third decade was a soothing balm after the institute faced a lot of agitation. In the fourth decade, prosperity and development was at its peak, which led to the entry into the fifth decade, which came roaring and now the institute should reach at an international height for, which the mantra would be research” -Prof S.G. Dhande Director


he journey has been immense. Now its time to rejoice. The institute kicked off its Golden Jubilee Celebration on 8th August 2009, with the esteemed presence of the IITK Alumnus and the non-executive chairman and founder of Infosys, Mr. Narayana Murthy. Mr Murthy emphasized that the thrust of this institute should be to provide quality education to even such students who are brilliant but unable to afford the fees. Such students should be given scholarship. Also more focus should be given to post-graduate and post-doctoral programmes so as to produce more Phd scholars. He also laid stress on research work and added that more research projects should be done to compete with the institutions of global repute. The audiences present at the inaugural ceremony of the golden jubilee of the coveted IIT-K were left mesmerised with the screening of the documentary on the institute, directed by Sunil Shanbag. The documentary showed the initial days of IIT when the classes were conducted in the rented part in the Hartcourt Butler Technological Institute. The laying of the foundation stone of the IIT-K, the infrastructural growth it received, the expansion of buildings that took place and the student activities were also highlighted in the film. The evening programme was proceeded by a cultural extravaganza by special invitee Shubha Mudgal who set the ball rolling for the good moments to continue. The following day was proceeded by a Workshop on Challenges in Higher Education, which had eminent personalities like Sam Pitroda (National Knowledge Commission) and Arun Shourie (Author & Journalist). 3

The Department

IME Department


ith the establishment of the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering (IME) in 1974, the institute extended its technical supremacy to managerial disciplines. The IME department was established with the aim of synergizing technology with management. This synergy, which commenced with the M.Tech and Ph.D. programmes offered by the department, was consummated with the introduction of the MBA programme in the year 2001. Technological advances have brought changes to organization and industries across the world. This had led to ever-increasing need for professionals who have analytical, managerial skills along with sound technical knowledge. Foreseeing this need, IME Department designed its M.Tech programme to help existing engineers gain managerial skills. Keeping up to its tradition of innovation, IIT Kanpur also introduced its 2-year MBA programme in the year 2001. This programme aims at creating business leaders and entrepreneurs by leveraging on its strength in technology, computing and social sciences. The department is currently engaged in a diverse set of activities including teaching, academic research, industry consulting, management development programmes, and public sector projects. SIDBI Innovation and Incubation Centre


The department is endowed with the state of the art interactive teaching facilities that help to augment the endeavour of the faculty in creating both knowledge and opinion leaders. Classrooms, labs and hostel rooms are provided with continuous connectivity through the extensive LAN and Internet facilities. SIIC (SIDBI Innovation and Incubation Centre) is a live management laboratory where MBA students have opportunities to implement the theoretical understanding on practical problems faced by the start-up firms. Facilities like lecture halls, seminar rooms and audiovisual aids have been inspirationally designed to promote learning and interaction. Excellent recreational and sporting facilities further enrich the environment.


State of the Art Facilities Computational Facilities The department has been endowed with enviable computational facilities. The hostels, labs and classrooms are provided with broadband internet and LAN connectivity round the clock for fast and efficient access of information. Apart from the central computer centre, the department has its own computer lab which includes necessary computational tools and facilities like NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group), SPSS; Statistical packages like Matlab, SAS; Simulations like Arena, SilverSuit and graphics like Axum 6. A large numbers of newsgroups existing within the network make it a formidable information highway. The institute also has one of the best video conferencing facilities and the whole campus is Wi-Fi enabled. Knowledge Resources With a need to supplement and support the students and faculty with knowledge resources to keep themselves abreast of thoughts and latest developments in the corporate field, a vast database of information in the form of periodicals, journals, CDs, magazines, machine readable databases, technical reports and books in the central as well as departmental library. The P.K. Kelkar library, rated among the best libraries in the nation, has about 3,80,000 books that deal with the various aspects and intricacies of science and management in addition to about 1500 periodicals and journals thus fortifying its existing setup with a vast repertoire of current knowledge base. Each year, on an average 4500 books and journal volumes are added to the collection. E-resources like online databases and archives of journals are also provided to facilitate easier access to knowledge. The IME department subscribes to online databases like Prowess, Infraline, Alpha, EBSCO, EMERALD, Indiastat, Proquest, Capitaline etc. and is part of INDEST consortium. Besides this, there are regular subscriptions to a gamut of reputed management journals and magazines like Journals on Marketing, Strategic Management, Manufacturing System, Financial Economics; apart from the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, etc. In addition, the department M.Tech thesis is also archived to highlight the excellence of the students, some famous ones out of which include: ? Impact of aggregating supplies from single supplier to a cluster of producers:

opportunities for third party logistics service provider. ? Machine scheduling problem in cellular manufacturing plant. ? Portfolio Optimization Considering Uncertainty of Parameter Estimates and NonNormality of Asset Return Using RBDO, EVT and Copula Theory ? General genetic algorithm based heuristic to solve integer linear programming problems ? Awareness, attitudes and buyer behaviour of solar photovoltaic products



Stringent Screening


tudents are selected through a rigorous admission process comprising of two phases. The first phase consists of a JMET (Joint Management Entrance Test) or GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) conducted for admission to MBA and M.Tech programmes respectively in various IITs. In the second phase, the short listed candidates are subsequently screened through inter personal interaction to select a pool of the most talented budding managers for the Management Programme at IIT Kanpur.



















Coping with the Changes The course pedagogy is divided into two modules. The first module is common for all students and comprises of foundation courses spanning over two semesters. This is followed by a valuable association with the industry in the form of a summer internship programme. The third and fourth semesters, which form the second module, are made up of specialization courses and electives. Students also work on a faculty-supervised project by the name of Special Studies (equivalent to two courses) or M.Tech thesis (equivalent to seven courses) in an area of mutual interest. This helps in gaining in-depth knowledge in a specific business domain.

SPECIAL STUDIES Special studies are undertaken by students under the guidance of a dedicated faculty in their interest area to develop in depth understanding of the particular subject.

Continuous industry interaction, seminars and live projects are a regular part of the curriculum. Organizational environments are simulated to sharpen the skills of decision-making, leadership and team building. Teamwork, group assignments, case studies, participation in class discussions and real business issues are strong features of the management programme at IIT Kanpur.







First year

Compulsory Courses + Electives


Summer Internship 8-10 weeks Second Year

Electives + YEAR


M.Tech Thesis



Subjects of Study The curriculum comprises state-of-art techniques to plan, design, implement and manage integrated systems of men, materials, capital, information and technology. The subjects taught provide a well-rounded coverage of the methods to manage and improve productivity, customer satisfaction and profitability of industrial, information and infrastructural (service) systems. In today's competitive era these methods have rapidly become relevant for engineers.

CORE SUBJECTS ­ Accounting for Management ­ Computing for Management ­ Economic Analysis for Management ­ Financial Management ­ Human Resource Management ­ Managerial Communication

­ Marketing Management ­ Organization Structure & Design ­ Probability and Statistics ­ Production & Operations Management ­ Quantitative Methods for Decision Making ­ Social, Political & Legal Business Environment

SPECIALIZATIONS ­ Commercial Banking, Risk Modeling &


Management ­ Portfolio Management ­ Financial Intermediaries, Financial

Institutions and Regulators ­ Infrastructure Regulation, Policy and Finance ­ Project Finance and Appraisal ­ Measuring and Driving Corporate

­ Business to Business Marketing ­ Consumer Behaviors ­ Advertising and Marketing Strategy ­ Decision Models for Marketing ­ e-Marketing ­ Marketing Research ­ Marketing for Service


FINANCE IT & SYSTEMS ­ Database Management ­ Enterprise Resources Planning ­ Knowledge Strategies & Knowledge Systems ­ Management Information System ­ Simulation of Business Systems


MARKETING OPERATIONS ­ Advanced Manufacturing Systems ­ Computer Aided Decision Systems ­ Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems ­ Managerial Decision Analysis ­ Managing Service Operations ­ Manufacturing Planning and Control ­ Manufacturing Strategy ­ Supply Chain Management ­ Total Quality Management

Alumni Speak

Words from Alumni IIT Kanpur MBA program was more of a lifeline than an academic qualification for most of my batch mates as we were the pioneer batch. The time we spent at IITK had an astonishing influence on my personality. IIT Kanpur MBA program is very unique and the way we have performed in the industry proves its uniqueness. The faculty were outstanding and they were more like mentors than teachers. Today, being a Manager with one of the Big 4 consulting companies, I can vouch that the credit of my growth goes to the faculty and the learning I had during my MBA Ramana Kumar Ernst & Young (’03 Batch)

The M Tech in management IIT kanpur has provided me immense knowledge both from the technical and business points of view. It has enhanced my critical thinking and analytical skills, and the ability to predict problems and recommend solutions with forceful logic. My II year MTech has definitely helped me to gain respect within the organization. As I expected this is the best place, for integration of management and engineering.. Vineeta Bhandari Citigroup Global Services ('09 Batch)

The IITK MBA program is for those who have a desire to augment their technical knowledge with the underpinnings of a formal business education. Looking back at those two wonderful years, IITK taught me the value of team work, out of the box thinking and allowed me to meet some extraordinary people. Choosing IITK is the best thing I have done for myself from a professional standpoint and I must say that it has opened for me many a door to new opportunities and been a key element in my career Yashodhan Shevade Lehman Brothers ('06 Batch)



Teaching & Research The faculty of IME Department are distinguished academicians and researchers. Many have held senior management positions in the industry before joining the department as faculty. Besides regularly contributing papers in internationally recognized academic journals, they have maintained a symbiotic relationship with business and industry by providing consultancy services and engaging in collaborative research. The vast scholarly knowledge coupled with a contemporary understanding of the industry has placed them in a unique position to address the challenges of business and give the right perspective to students for dealing with these challenges.

The best CEOs I know are teachers, and at the core of what they teach is strategy. - Michael Porter



Prof. Anoop Singh Ph.D. (IGIDR, Mumbai) [email protected]

? Visiting Researcher, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo ? Deputy Director (Economics), Haryana Electricity Regulatory ? Member, Working group on Power for Eleventh Five-Year Plan ? Member, Core Group on Next Generation Networks (Licensing), TRAI ? Consultant to The World Bank, UNIDO, UNU/IAS ? Member, Electricity Contract Advisory Board of Multi Commodity

Exchange (MCX) of India

? Consultant DFID, UK project on SME Development and Pro-Poor

Prof. A P Sinha Fellow (IIM Ahmedabad) [email protected]

Economic Growth ? Consultant on financial service markets in Asia ? Coordinator of EDPs, including Marketing Of Services, Manufacturing

Strategy, Industrial Marketing, Hospital Management and others ? International Visiting faculty, Nepal and Iran

? Visiting faculty Kellogg School of Management; Asian Institute of

Prof. A. K. Mittal Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve University USA) [email protected]

Technology, Bangkok ? Coordinator - National Technical Manpower Project - Govt. of India ? Coordinator - Institute Industry Interaction - Project and Management of

Technology Project, AICTE ? Consultancy for HAL, TELCO, Allen Bradley, Indian Airlines and Industry

organizations such as CII, ASSOCHAM, QCFI

? Assistant Professor, Finance and Control, Indian Institute of

Prof. B. V. Phani Fellow (IIM Calcutta) [email protected]

Management , Calcutta ? Consultant, Department of International Development (DFID), U.K ? Chief Executive Officer, Blue Chip Info Tech Ltd, Hyderabad


? Co-Founder & Director- Strategy Innovation Inc, Softedge

Prof. Jayanta Chatterjee Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) [email protected]

International, VI ePlex. ? Executive Director & V.P., Rockwell International- Asia Region ? President and CEO, Allen Bradley India Ltd. ? Visiting Professor, Design Factory, Aalto University, Finland ? Adjunct Professor Hong Kong PolyU ? Advisor, NUS KM Laboratory, Singapore

? Visiting faculty Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok;Cornell University

Prof. Kripa Shanker Ph.D. (Cornell) Deputy Director, IIT Kanpur [email protected]

Prof. N. K. Sharma Ph.D. (Delhi University) [email protected]

? Chair/Member, Project Review Committees at National Level ? Member, CII National Committee on Technical Education and Training ? Member, AICTE National Board of Accreditation of Management

Institutions ? Member, All India Board of Management Studies ? Chairman, Board of Apprentice and Training, Northern Region ? Vice Chancellor, UP Technical University (since July 2009)

? Association with Education Film:”Communicating Through Blackboard” ? Conducted several seminars/courses/workshops ? Published several papers in leading journals like quarterly journal of

Experimental Psychology, Behaviourial Scientist, Psychological studies, Journal of Technical and Vocational Education

? Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Singapore-MIT Alliance, Nanyang

Technological University, Singapore

Prof. Peeyush Mehta Fellow (IIM Ahmedabad) [email protected]

? Senior Engineer, Essar Power Ltd., Gujarat, India ? Publication in International Journal of Production Research and Journal of

Science and Engineering Research. ? Co Coordinator, Visionary Leadership in Manufacturing (VLFM) Program

? Assistant Professor. Department of Finance, Insurance and Real

Estate, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business

Prof. Puneet Prakash PhD Georgia State University [email protected]

? Lecturer, Georgia State University ? Published Paper “Risk Attitudes: Expected Utility Theory and Demand

for Hedging.” in Risk Management for Enterprises and Individuals, by Baranoff, E., Brockett, P.L., and Kahane, Y. ? Published “Investor Protections and their Impact on capital Markets.” in Handbook on Emerging Issues in Corporate Governance

N O T A B L E A C H I E V E M E N T S 11


N O T A B L E A C H I E V E M E N T S 12

Prof. R. R. K. Sharma Fellow (IIM Ahmedabad) [email protected]

? Design Engineer, TELCO ? Marketing Executive and MIS Incharge, TVS Suzuki ? Principal Investigator, Food distribution in the Indian Context ? Development of Optimal Network of Freight Terminals and Designing ? Developed the fastest known algorithm for preparing PERT networks (that

runs in O(n2 log(n)) time) ? Written many international papers in the field of warehouse location

theory and transportation problems

Prof. R. N. Sengupta Fellow (IIM Calcutta) [email protected]

? Senior Engineer (Projects) and Engineer, Quality Control, Alcatel Alsthom, India ? Visiting Research Scholar, Operations Research & Financial Engineering, Princeton University, USA ? Assistant Professor, Industrial and Management Engineering IITK, INDIA ? Dissertation: Application of LINEX loss function and Multistage Sampling in Management Science.

Prof. Rahul Varman Fellow (IIM Ahmedabad) [email protected]

? Consulting with UNIDO, Govt., and Industry, especially SMEs in the area of organization development, change and restructuring as well as HR issues Founding head of the incubation centre at IIT Kanpur ? Advisor to Shramik Vikas Sahkari Shram Samvida Samiti Ltd. Kanpur, a ? workers' co-operative, 1994 – 2003. ? Facilitator, Stakeholder Analysis, UP Health Systems Development Project ? Provided advice to PICUP, UP on their VC scheme for IT projects, 2001.

Prof. Runa Sarkar Fellow (IIM Calcutta) [email protected]

Prof. Subhas C Misra Ph.D (Carleton University) [email protected]

? `Energy and Environment consultant, Tata Korf Engineering Services Ltd ? `Highest achiever in a Summer Course on Opportunities and Challenges in Transitional Economies at Leipzig, Germany ? `Member, Editorial team, India Infrastructure Report, 2007, a publication by the 3i network

? Worked at Harvard University, USA. ? Won over 15 awards including Research Excellence Award (USA),

Achievement Award (USA), NSERC Award and OGS Award (Canada) ? Keynote Speaker in international conferences including World

Congresses held in UC Berkeley and Imperial College (London, UK) ? Associate Editor of 10 international journals (USA and Europe) ? Published more than 50 research papers and 5 books ? Invited as Program Chair and Session Chair in conferences


Notable Achievements Prof. Veena Bansal Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) [email protected]

Mr. Dipankar Ganguly Chartered Accountant & Proprietor, D. Ganguly & Co [email protected]

? Adjunct Faculty, IIM Lucknow ? Visiting Faculty, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal ? Consultant to ITC, Infotech ? Conducted several SAP faculty workshops ? Text and Image Based Tools for Technology Mapping from Patents Literature, MCIT sponsered project

? Finance and Taxation Consultant for Development Authorities, State Government Industrial Units, Manufacturing and Trading Companies ? Teaching Roles with Institute of Chartered Accountants

? 20 years of experience in Project Management, Software Engineering,

Mr. Jayant Krishna Principal Consultant TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) Limited [email protected]

Information Systems and Sales & Marketing. ? Regional Director (UK & Ireland), Delivery Centre Head, Group Leader,

Global Relationship Manager and Regional Manager during TCS tenure ? President - Lucknow Management Association, Convener CEO Forum

and Chairman - Computer Society of India's Lucknow Chapter ? Visiting faculty at IIM-Lucknow, IIT-Roorkee, ISB-Hyderabad, University


of Leeds-UK and University of South London, UK

Dr. B. Chandra Ph D (Delhi)

? Statistical Classification and Clustering for data mining, Neural Networks for Statistical Pattern Recoginition, NLP, Databases, Adaptive Control Models.

? Social Demography and Social Statistics ? Neo-Social Movements

Prof. A. K. Sharma Ph D (IIT Bombay)

Course work, rigorous effort of faculty and research work subjected to the students, imparts in them the potential to be a top notch business or management analyst Chirag Jain HSBC Analytics (M.Tech.'08 Batch)

F A C U L T Y 13

Student Activities

Marking Presence ANTARAGNI Antaragni is an All-India Inter-Collegiate cultural festival hosted by the Students Gymkhana. Not withstanding the academic rigour at IIT Kanpur, Antaragni serves to fuel the creative mettle in the students. Over the years, the festival has earned a reputation of being a complete “cult-fest” as it offers the participants a plethora of contests and professional performances by artists renowned worldwide. Performance of Shankar Esaan Loy during Antaragni ‘08

MBA Students in tryst with the Bull during Megabucks ‘09

Galaxy Performance

MEGABUCKS Megabucks, the Annual Entrepreneurship Competition of the institute takes place in February. MBA students play a crucial role in the successful organization of the event which has gained great recognition among the academia and corporate world. The event attracts participation not only from Indian institutes like IIMs, XLRI, SP Jain, but also from international universities like Stanford, Purdue and National University of Singapore. Over the passage of time, the spirit of growth and innovation associated with Megabucks, has witnessed the inclusion of Cliffhanger, The Corporate Quiz; Battlefield, The Case Study Competition and strategy games like Markstrat and Transport Tycoon. TECHKRITI The need to provide the students with an opportunity to showcase their technical expertise and ingenuity led to the genesis of Techkriti, the annual Science and Technology festival of the institute. It includes a section called 'Olymbiz' which invites articles on new products, services or marketing strategies of existing companies. UDGHOSH To sustain and revitalize the energy and spirit inherent in the students, Udghosh, the annual national level sports meet of IIT Kanpur is a depiction of sporting fervor. Students of numerous educational institutions all over the country exhibit and hone their skills in the sport arena through this mega event. GALAXY This is the Annual Inter-hall cultural event held in March. It provides a stage for showcasing talent, unity, energy, and the competitiveness among halls. The events range from literary, to fine arts, to high profile structure designing and many more.

14 1

Student Activities

Department Events Department of IME organizes many conferences and seminars on regular basis. The students play key role in organizing these seminars and immensely benefit from the vast wealth of knowledge which are exchanged in such platforms. Some of the events of the department that have been conducted under the aegis of the department are briefly mentioned here. ENERGY REGULATION COMMISSION SEMINAR The first week of August saw Workshop related to capacity building for power infrastructure being organized at IIT Kanpur. This was an ideal forum where issues related to infrastructure and power reforms were discussed. This event featured variety of talks by eminent personalities on topics dealing with electricity regulations ranging from restructuring in Indian Power Sector, competitive bidding & Distribution reforms to Tariff determination and transmission pricing. The workshop organized under the aegis of management department, spearheaded by Dr. Anoop Singh proved beneficial for the student community at IIT Kanpur as this gave them an opportunity to experience deep insights from the industry practitioners ALUMNI MEET: DELHI AND MUMBAI CHAPTER Desired with an aim to learn from the invaluable experience of its alumni, the MBA batch of IIT Kanpur organized the Delhi and the Mumbai chapters of the alumni meet during summers. The alumni meets brought with them bitter sweet reminisce of the time spent at IIT Kanpur. From sharing their worst and best experiences in campus, to discussing the daily rigors of hostel life to changing placement scenarios, the experience was enlightening for both the sides involved. The 2010 batch benefitted immensely from learning how the students before them countered and tackled the various issues that confronted them during their time in college. The alumni also enthusiastically shared their work life experiences and how what they learnt in the classes has helped them wade through it. FINATICS The annual finance conclave of IIT Kanpur – ‘Finatics’ was organized in April. The conclave comprised of a gamut of events ranging from case studies to debates etc, both online and live, which garnered in a lot of enthusiasm and participation from students. An NCDEX workshop which aimed to apprise the students of the industry trends and practices in the situation of current financial turmoil. Industry veterans such as Mr Ashish Sethia, head, New Carbon Finance’s Research & Business development in India, Mr Prashant Reddy, NCDEX were the guest speakers who gave enlightening talks pertaining to their field of expertise. . CONSILIUM MBA batch organized the annual consulting event of IIT Kanpur, Consilium '08 in August. The event consisted of lectures on emerging challenges and opportunities in consulting, panel discussion on merger and acquisition, consulting case presentation and a case completion for students

(L-R) Prof Dhande, Sh V S Verma (Member, CERC), Mr. Alok Kumar (Ex Director, CERC), Prof. Anoop Singh

Mumbai Chapter Alumni Meet

Delhi Chapter Alumni Meet

15 1

Student Activities

Student Initiatives

IIC Team Members

INDUSTRY INTERACTION The Industrial Interaction Committee (IIC) is an initiative of the MBA programme to increase interaction with the corporate world and to understand the challenges a manager faces in his day to day life. IIC has organized conclaves on critical issues of business, internal lecture series, business case competitions, seminars and workshops. Some of the recent events include: ? The annual finance conclave Finatics '09, organized in April, 2009 ? Workshop on commodities and derivatives, organised by NCDEX ? The 'Intellectual Property Rights' conclave, organized in collaboration with SIDBI ? Mr. Priyadarshan Deshmukh, Asia Pacific Sourcing Manager, IBM gave lecture on integration of global supply chain.


True to its meaning, Avant Garde - the monthly MBA e-newsletter of IIT - Kanpur represents new and original piece of work. Avant Garde features variety of articles written not only by the students of the Management programme but also by students and faculty from other Bschools and the big shots of the corporate world. In the relentless pursuit of knowledge and refusal to accept things dished out on a platter, this magazine provides a face to the very spirit of the students of MBA @ IIT Kanpur. Every contribution towards the magazine is diligently edited upon to extract the best information out of it. It also brings out the innovative side of students as their ideas get a platform through this magazine. The readership of the e-magazine has been increasing ever since it was launched and includes students and faculty from leading B-schools, leading Editorial Team, Avant Garde professionals, free lancer writers and management aspirants. The exhilarating success of Avant Garde has further invigorated and inspired the spirit of e-newsletter, which promises to churn out more and more quality editions in the future. Website:


Student Activities

BUSINESS CLUB The Business Club serves in enhancing the business acumen of the student, promote mutual learning and enabling the exchange of ideas. The club organizes year round series of lectures, case study contests, corporate quizzes and other such group activities. FINEIIT and Sigma are the wings of Business club that cater to the areas of finance and marketing respectively POWER It was realized that there was an ample opportunity for MBA students to take up live projects in the local markets pertaining to the local industries present in and around Kanpur. Keeping this in mind this initiative was started, to study the processes of the various industries and then help them improve their functioning. Hands on training, experience and unparalleled knowledge enhancement are just a few of the features of this initiative. FINEIIT The finance club, FINEIIT is the brain child of the MBA students of IIT Kanpur. It provides a platform for students and finance enthusiasts to discuss and do brainstorming with the intention to improve their knowledge in various financial issues. It operates a student managed mutual fund, FINWISE, where investments are made in the stock market. Besides this, FINEIIT also organizes lectures and discussion for important and basic financial topics like Micro and Macro economics, Capital markets, Insurance, Derivatives, Banking etc. PR & MEDIA CELL This cell is an interface between the IIT K Management brand and world outside the campus. the main functions include maintaining the blogs, updating the website with latest information, updating alumni database, publicity of various events, programmes, culture of IIT K Management and other related activities through various channels such as the print media, interaction with Alumni, interaction among different B schools and interaction with corporate HR teams. It would also serve as the one stop source of all the information about the IIT K MBA program for the JMET aspirants through online forums and other media. CULTURAL CLUB The Cultural Club started off as a new initiative to showcase the latent talents of the MBA batch. The club essentially looks to organize various events and parties to bring the batch together and give a platform of interacting with the faculty on issues other than studies between hectic assignments and presentations where the students can dance, sing, play music or simply rejuvenate.



Past Recruiters

ABN Amro Amul Anand Group ANZ Accenture Airtight network Alstom Amsoft Arvind Mills Ashok Leyland B&K Securities Basix India Bajaj Auto


Berger Paints Bharti Televentures BHEL BPCL Bristlecone Boston Scientific Care Ratings Citibank CL InfoTech Crisil Deloitte DCM Shriram Eicher E-serve Essar GAIL

GENPACT GSPL HCL Tech Healthsprint Hero Group Hexaware Honda Hyundai HSBC Analytics IBM Global Service ICICI Lombard ICICI Securities ICICI Bank ICRA Infosys Technologies Ingersoll Rand

International Tractors Ltd. Kotak Mahindra Bank KPMG Krawler Networks Lanco Infratech Market Rx Maruti Motilal Oswal Securities Nestle Pantaloon Retail Ltd. Pepsi Perot System Power Finance Corporation

PWC Reliance Energy RBI Sahara Next Satyam Computers SBI Capital Markets SBI Mutual Funds SIDBI SIEMENS Synnovate India Tata Communications Tata Motors TCS Vedanta


Recruitment Process Placement process for MBA IIT Kanpur will start in the first week of December 2009. The batch of 2008-10 has 53 students in which 85% have relevant work experience. The academic rigorousness and cultural vibrancy of IIT Kanpur coupled with an ideal exposure in corporate life makes them suitable to be a prime asset for any organisation. Pre Placement Talk (PPT) The pre placement talks provide opportunity for the students to know the company, kind of profile it offers and the career growth path available. As a standard practice, companies give a formal presentation which is followed by an interactive discussion wherein different queries of students are entertained. Selection Process The selection process is decided under the purview of rules & regulations of the institute and requirement of individual companies. Campus Recruitment 2009 A company will be provided a slot on a given day during the placement week. The slot scheduling is done according to student preferences where following criteria are considered. ? Job Profile ? Career Growth Opportunities ? Remuneration ? Past Relationship with IIT Kanpur

IMPORTANT DATES Summers Placements: 1st Sept 2009 onwards Pre-Placement Talk: 15th Sept 2009 onwards Last Date for Confirming Participation: 10th Nov 2009 Final Placements : 2nd Dec 2009 Onwards Lateral Placements: 1st Dec 2009

Lateral Recruitment 2009 85% of the students in current batch have work experience with an average of 25 months. Through lateral recruitments, companies can get hand-picked students who would be match up for their organisation. The lateral placements shall be organized on 1st of December 2009. For more information about the lateral process, kindly get in touch with faculty placements coordinator. Placement Guidelines ? Companies will have to fill up and submit the recruitment form attached with the brochure. ? A date of mutual convenience will be decided for PPT, campus recruitment and laterals. ? It is expected that final results will be declared immediately after the interview.


Beyond Studies


Runners Up - "Corporate Roadies", Parivartan'09, Annual Management Festival, IIT, Delhi. (Amish Thakkar) Third Prize - "Phoenix - Product Re-launch", Cognizance '09, IIT Roorkee Management Conclave. (Amish Thakkar, K Shree Vidhyaa, K Praveen) Finalists - “Chomskybot” The Debate Competition, Parivartan ‘09

(Anamika Tiwari, Sai Prakash)

Finalists - “Battlescape”, The Debate on Financial Crisis, IIT Chennai (Darpan Aggarwal, Siddharth Chawla) Third Place - “TCS Change Management” case study, IIT Delhi

(Arun Kumar, Sai Prakash, Varchasva Garg)

Finalist - “International Conference of Indigenous Management Practices”, Paper on “Word of Mouth (Bappaditya Roy) Marketing”, Annamalai Univeristy Finalists - “Micanvas'09", Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA)


(Reetam Biswas, Sandeep Ahuja)




Silver medal - “Weight Lifting” (under 77 kg), Udghosh ’08

T (Trilochan Khambra)

First Prize - “Markstrat”, marketing strategy event, Megabucks ‘09 (Ashutosh Dwivedi, Deepak Chaudhary, Deepika Thukral, Siddhartha Nigam) Second Prize - “Xerox case study”, "Changing Brand Perception", Megabucks ‘09 (Arun Kumar, Deepak Chaudhary, Shailika Parmar) Second Prize - “AdMad”, Megabucks ’09 Finalist - “Battlefield-Technopak Case Study” Megabucks ’09 Participant - “Acumen”, the strategy competition, Megabucks ’09


(Vikash Priyadarshi)

(Abhishek Sharma)

Finalist - “Kingpin”, Business Board Game, Megabucks ’09 (Arvind Jetwal, Ramnik Garg, Sandeep Ahuja)

Contacts Faculty Placement Coordinator Dr. B V Phani [email protected] +91-512-2596646 (O)

Student Placement Coordinators Arvind Jetwal [email protected] +91-9452002466

Tarun Bajaj [email protected] +91-9005850204

MBA Placement Email Id : [email protected]

Department of Industrial & Management Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur 208016, Uttar Pradesh, India Phone - +91-512-2597376 Fax - +91-512-2597553

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