Dean’s Cabinet April, 2008
Dean’s Cabinet April 17, 2008 Center for Energy Efficient Design
• • • •
Integrated Building Systems Energy Efficiency in Transportation Energy Storage Energy Harvesting and Micropower (off-grid) Generation
• Data Center Cooling • Smart Grid Interdisciplinary. Unifying theme: Dynamics. Control. Computation. Bamieh, Chong, Bullo, El Abbadi, Gibou, Hespanha, Khammash, Homsy, Yuen, Matthys, Mezic, Moehlis, Pennathur, Wolsky, Yang, Madhow
Dean’s Cabinet April 17, 2008 Why Buildings?
U.S. Buildings Produce • 48 % of carbon emissions
• • • •
U.S. Buildings Consume 39 % of total U.S. energy 71% of U.S. electricity 54% of U.S. natural gas
Jeff Moehlis, I.M. Sources: High Performance Commercial Buildings: A Technology Roadmap, U.S. DOE., US GBC, DOE EIA CBECS Database, Table C2A and 5B.
What are we trying to do? Why does it ma2er? Energy Breakdown by Sector
What are we trying to do? Why does it ma2er? Energy Breakdown by Sector
Sensor Work: Prof. Francesco Bullo, Prof. Madhow Upamanyu
What are we trying to do? Why does it ma2er? Energy Breakdown by Sector
Can we do 70% be5er in NEW buildings? 90% be5er?
50% be5er in RETROFITS?
Sensor Work: Prof. Francesco Bullo, Prof. Madhow Upamanyu
How is it done today, and what are the limitaDons of current pracDce? 2("%&'#"%3(3%4#*%*0(#)(&5.(6787(9.:%*&;."&(#)(-".*/0 +))'<.(#)(-".*/0(-))'<'."<0(=(>.".?%43.(-".*/0
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• “Properly applied offtheshelf or state‐of‐the‐shelf technologies are available to achieve low‐energy buildings. However, these strategies must be applied together and properly integrated in the design, installaDon, and operaDon to realize energy savings. There is no single efficiency measure or checklist of measures to achieve low‐energy buildings.” ‐NEED FOR INTEGRATION OF BEST‐In‐CLAS COMPONENTS • “‐There was oNen a lack of control soNware or appropriate control logic to allow the technologies to work well together. ‐Design teams were too opDmisDc about the behavior of the occupants and their acceptance of systems. ‐Energy savings from daylighDng were substanDal, but were generally less than expected. ‐Plug loads were oNen greater than design predicDons. ‐EffecDve insulaDon values are oNen inflated when comparing the actual building to the asdesigned building. ‐PV systems experienced a range of operaDonal performance degradaDons. Common degradaDon sources included snow, inverter faults, shading, and parasiDc standby losses. “ ‐NEED INTEGRATED CONTROL SOFTWARE AND UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS • Each of these buildings saved energy, with energy use 25% to 70% lower than code. Although each building is a good energy performer, addiDonal energy efficiency and on‐site generaDon is required for these buildings to reach DOE’s ZEB goal. ‐NEED FOR FOR ENERGY EFFICIENT DESIGN BLUEPRINTS
Faculty in CCDC
How is it done today, and what are the limitaDons of current pracDce? 2("%&'#"%3(3%4#*%*0(#)(&5.(6787(9.:%*&;."&(#)(-".*/0 +))'<.(#)(-".*/0(-))'<'."<0(=(>.".?%43.(-".*/0
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• “Properly applied offtheshelf or state‐of‐the‐shelf technologies are available to achieve low‐energy buildings. However, these strategies must be applied together and properly integrated in the design, installaDon, and operaDon to realize energy savings. There is no single efficiency measure or checklist of measures to achieve low‐energy buildings.” ‐NEED FOR INTEGRATION OF BEST‐In‐CLAS COMPONENTS • “‐There was oNen a lack of control soNware or appropriate control logic to allow the technologies to work well together. ‐Design teams were too opDmisDc about the behavior of the occupants and their acceptance of systems. ‐Energy savings from daylighDng were substanDal, but were generally less than expected. ‐Plug loads were oNen greater than design predicDons. ‐EffecDve insulaDon values are oNen inflated when comparing the actual building to the asdesigned building. ‐PV systems experienced a range of operaDonal performance degradaDons. Common degradaDon sources included snow, inverter faults, shading, and parasiDc standby losses. “ ‐NEED INTEGRATED CONTROL SOFTWARE AND UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS • Each of these buildings saved energy, with energy use 25% to 70% lower than code. Although each building is a good energy performer, addiDonal energy efficiency and on‐site generaDon is required for these buildings to reach DOE’s ZEB goal. ‐NEED FOR FOR ENERGY EFFICIENT DESIGN BLUEPRINTS
What does the DNA of a Zero Energy Building LOOK LIKE? @.<5"'<%3(>.:#*&(
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Faculty in CCDC
What is new in our approach / technology, and why do we think it will be successful?
Lucid Design Group Building Dashboard
Agilewaves Building Dashboard
Dean’s Cabinet April 17, 2008
Uncertainty Management Tool 3: DSample Deterministic Test Vectors for Accurate Sampling
Sharp increase in accuracy with new Sampling tool (red) vs standard method (blue)
-Automatically produces test vectors for uncertainty analysis, beating the curse of dimensionality.
Example of use: to reduce cost of physical testing, perform model-based testing of a subsystem whose description contains 100 to 1000s of states and physical parameters that are not known exactly, but only within a range, such as outside temperature.
-The tool (DSample) produces a set of deterministic test vectors for such simulation. DSAMPLE precision does not depend on the number of dimensions and it beats the speed of the competing algorithms by orders of magnitude.
DyNARUM Program •
Develop analysis and design tools for Uncertainty Management in large Dynamical Systems
Demonstrate complexity management tools in problems with 10,000+ states/ parameters.
Close collaboraDon with industrial partner (United Technologies CorporaDon)
Dean’s Cabinet April 17, 2008
Uncertainty Management Tool 1: VERTool Simplification Using Graphical Decompositions
Layered system decomposition
-Automatically finds chains of influences in complex systems with 1000’s of variables Example of use: vendor change requests a small change in communication protocol linking two components. What are the possible negative consequences for system performance? Which other components will be affected?
-The tool (VERTool) produces a layered decomposition, that enables efficient system analysis.
Dean’s Cabinet April 17, 2008
Uncertainty Management Tool 2: COORTool Simplification Using Global Modes
Global (emergent) mode oscillation
-Automatically finds global description variables in complex systems with 1000’s of variables Example of use: Design of an system leads to unwanted oscillations that represent themselves on the scale of the system (i.e. state of every component oscillates in time), with no apparent cause from a single component. Which changes are necessary to remove oscillatory behavior?
-The tool (COORTool) produces a description of the system in global variables that reveal cause and effect relationships at system scale.
A Power Grid Model Classical
DOE seed project (with LBL,UTC)
Energy Efficiency in a UC Merced building
The Classroom and Office Building at UC Merced
• 92000sq ft. Leed gold building
A small number of parameters affect energy output!
Dean’s April 17, 2008 LocalCabinet interactions
Dean’s CabinetBuilding April 17, 2008 Student Resources
Dean’s Cabinet April 17, 2008
• Secured $100K/year for 2 years from SEMPRA utility. • Looking for matching funds (total project cost: $250K/year)
Dean’s Cabinet April 17, 2008 Recreation Center
• 50% of all Divisions of Student Affairs energy costs • Relatively simple use of our modeling and optimization tools can improve energy efficiency substantially (e.g. just swimming pool thermal cover scheduling optimization can lead to up to 30% savings)
Dean’s April 17, 2008 LocalCabinet interactions
• Southern California Edison support for study of integrated system design: cost-benefit, engineering/economics/sustainability study
NaDonal laboratories
Student Affairs
Commercial partners
FaciliDes Funding agencies
InternaDonal partnerships