Energy Efficient Refrigeration

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Energy Efficient Refrigeration Bill Greco 4/9/2009

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The use of thermostatic expansion valves, capillary tubes and constant pressure expansion valves used in todays refrigeration systems all have one thing in common, they waste the energy used to expand the refrigerant. A pressure drop through expansion devices is required to produce a pressure drop and corresponding refrigerant phase change. By eliminating these devices and installing in their place a turbine connected to a generator, a 4% reduction in energy can be realised. THE BASIC REFRIGERATION CYCLE Mechanical refrigeration is achieved by constantly circulating, evaporating, and condensing a fixed suppy of refrigerant inside a closcd systen. Mechanical refrigeration is made possible thrcugh the proper use of tcmperature, Prcssure, latent hcat of vaporization, and latent heat of condensation. Evaporation occrus at a low pressure and 1ow temperature. Condensation occurs at a high temperature and high pressure. Thus, it is possible to transfer lteat ftom an area of 1ow temperatrre to an area of high temperature If we begin the rcfrigeration cycle at the evaporator inlet the 1ow-pressure liquid expands absorbs heat, and evaporates, changing to a low prcssurc vapor at the ortlet of the evaporator. During the cxpansion process approrimately 20 petcent of the refrigerant tums to flash gas. Flash gas cools the remaining refrigeranlt down to evaporator temperature. The compressor draws this vapor from the evaporator and increases its pressure. The high prcssure vapor is then dischargcd to the condenser . In the condenser, the heat is removed from the vapor, causing it to condense and become warm, high-pressure liquid. The next component encountered by the refrigerant as it travels through the system is the liquid line strainer/drier, which prevents plugging of the flow-control device by trapping scale, dirt, and moisture. The flow of refrigerant into the evaporator is controlled by a pressure differential across the flow control device. As the warm, high-Pressurc liquid refrigerant cnters the evaporator, it is subjected to a much lower pressure owing to the combined suction of the comprcssor and the pressrre drop across the flow control device. Thus, thc refrigerant tends to expand and evaporate. In order to evaporate, the liquid mrst absorb heat from the air passing over the evaporator. Eventually, the dcsired temperature is reached inside thc conditioned space and a tcmperature control (thermostat) will stop the compressor. As the tempenttre of the conditioned space rises, the temperatue control starts the compressor again. After the compressor starts, the cycle is continued. A11 compression rcfrigeration systems operate at two deturite pressrre levels. The dividing line passes through the compressor discharge valve on one end and the orifice of the flow-contrcl device on the other end. The compressor discharge valve and the orifice of the flow control device are the dividing points between the high side and the low sidc of ihe system.

Energy Efficient Refrigeration Bill Greco 4/9/2009

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The high sidc of the system includes all the components operating at or above thc condensing pressure. The high side includes the discharge side of the compressor, the discharge service valve, condenser, liquid receiver, liquid line shutoff valve, drier, liquid line strainer, and the connecting lines ln practice, the complete compressor is considered as being on tle high side of the system. The 1ow side of the system includes all components operating at or below the evaporating pressure. The low pressure side includes the outlet side of the flow-control device, evaporator, suction line, suction service valve( for refilling the system), comprcssor crankcase, the piston or scroll, and suction valves of the compressor. In practice, the flow control device is considcred as being on the low side of the system. Although therc are mary type’s of compression refrigeration systens, the cycle in all of them is the same. We can summaize the compression rcfngeration cycle as follows: 1. The refigerant vapor is compressed by the compressor and discharged into the condenser. 2.The comprcssed vapor is cooled and condensed to a liquid in the condensor. 3. The liquid refrigerant is passed through the flow-control device to the evaporator or cooling coil. 4. Because of the reduccd Pressure in the evaporator. vaporization takes place. Some of lhe refrieerant converts to flash gas. Refigeration results from thc absorption of heat dunng vaporization in the cooling coils. 5. The refrigerant vapor is drawn into the compressor and the cycle is repeated.

Energy Efficient Refrigeration Bill Greco

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Better Energy Efficiency See Figure-2 above indicates a simplified Refrigeration Diagram where the expnsion valve has been replaced by a turbine to decompress the refrigerant, the pressure drop through the turbine is used to turn a generator which sends power back to the compressor motor. Mathematical Example of the energy savings: Assume a 9 ton direct expansion system using R-407c with the following characterisitcs: A 10 hp compressor motor A condensing temperature of 123 degrees F. An outdoor ambient temperature of 99 deg F dry bulb and 77 deg. F wet bulb. 64 deg F return gas temperature to the compressor 15 deg F sub cooling and 20 deg F super heat 1,450 pounds of refrigerant flow per hour 44 deg F saturated suction temperature at the evaporator The refrigerant to be at 305 psia at the condenser and 98 psia after expansion At 25 deg C. R-407c has a specific gravity of 1.136 1 gallon of R-407c = 8.34 x 1.136 = 9.474 pounds  1,450 pounds per hour  Flow =    24.167 pounds per minute 60 minutes   24.167 pounds per minute  2.551 gallons per minute Note: 1 psia = 2.31 head feet 9.474 pound per gallon Refrigeration Pressure drop through the turbine = 305 - 98 = 207 psia Brakehorsepower 

2.551gpm 2.31 207 psia P 1.136 specific gravity   0.437 hp 3960 0.8 expansion efficiency 

The generator would supply about 4% of the electric power back to the 10 hp compressor.

Energy Efficient Refrigeration Bill Greco 4/9/2009

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The brake horsepower equation is based on:


Gallons per minute pressure drop in head feet specific gravity of refrigerant  33, 000 foot pounds per minute 8.34 pounds per gallon (water)

3960 = 3960 8.34 Figure –2 is simplified. An actual system would require that a rectifier supply DC power to a DC bus. The DC bus would be connected to DC inputs and outputs from inverters. The inverters would have AC connections to the compressor motor and generator. The turbine would require a speed governor to act as a decompression brake to control the amount of refrigerant being supplied to the evaporator. A temperature sensor located on the evaporator discharge would send a signal to a PLC which would control the turbine speed governor. A hot gas bypass line should also be provided. See page-5 of 5 for diagram 3.

Energy Efficient Refrigeration Bill Greco 4/9/2009

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