Hydrology Resources

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  • Pages: 8
HYDROLOGY RESOURCES ON THE WEB Hydrology Links A number of useful links to hydrology resources are available at


Hydrology Forum (Topica) This list aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in all aspects of Hydrology including hydrologic design, surface water analysis and modelling, flood studies, drought studies, watershed development, groundwater assessment and modelling, conjunctive use, drainage, mountain hydrology, environmental hydrology, lake hydrology, nuclear hydrology, urban hydrology, forest hydrology, hydrological investigations, remote sensing and GIS applications etc. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of hydrological softwares are also welcome. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

Hydrology Forum (Yahoo!) This group aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in all aspects of Hydrology including hydrologic design, surface water analysis and modelling, flood studies, drought studies, watershed development, groundwater assessment and modelling, conjunctive use, drainage, mountain hydrology, environmental hydrology, lake hydrology, nuclear hydrology, urban hydrology, forest hydrology, hydrological investigations, remote sensing and GIS applications etc. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of hydrological softwares are also welcome. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

Hydrological Modelling This group aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in modelling of hydrologic systems including * * *

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling Overland Flow Modelling Unsaturated Flow Modelling

* * * * *

Groundwater Flow Modelling Solute Transport Modelling Sea Water Intrusion Modelling Water Quality Modelling Other relevant aspects of Hydrology and Water Resources Development and Management.

It intends to provide a forum for technical discussions; announcement of new public domain and commercial softwares; calls for abstracts and papers; conference and workshop announcements; and summaries of research results, recent publications, and case studies. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of hydrological softwares are also welcome. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

Ground Water Modelling An email discussion group related to ground water modelling and analysis. This group is a forum for the communication of all aspects of ground water modelling including technical discussions; announcement of new public domain and commercial softwares; calls for abstracts and papers; conference and workshop announcements; and summaries of research results, recent publications, and case studies. To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to

[email protected]

Groundwater Research and Management In many regions of the world, the groundwater resource base and the social, economic and environmental systems dependent on it, are under threat from over-abstraction and pollution. Groundwater management, beyond pure development of the resource, is in its incipient phase in many countries and traditionally, management is only weakly hinged on research. When it comes to solving the problems, and putting into place management schemes, the impediments are numerous. Besides the lack of basic knowledge and information of the groundwater resource, knowledge of possible management options is also inadequate. This group aims to provide an interaction between groundwater researchers and managers to synthesize their knowledge, perceptions and ideas for improved groundwater management and research. To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to

[email protected]

Roorkee Hydrology Group This group aims at interaction amongst professionals, academicians, research scholars and students working in the field of Hydrology and Water Resources. The Roorkee city has got unique distinction of having a number of leading organisations in the water resources sector: 1. Water Resources Development Training Centre 2. Department of Hydrology (IIT, Roorkee) 3. Department of Earth Sciences (IIT, Roorkee) 4. National Institute of Hydrology 5. Irrigation Research Institute 6. Alternate Hydro Energy Centre (IIT, Roorkee) To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

Decision Support Systems in Hydrology The decision support system (DSS) includes information systems that perform data acquisition, management and visualisation; and models that perform simulation and optimisation of the system. This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding development and use of decision support systems in surface water planning; integrated operation of reservoirs; conjunctive surface water and groundwater planning; drought monitoring, assessment and management; water quality; and other aspects of hydrology and water resources development and management. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

FEFLOW Users Group FEFLOW (Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) is a sophisticated software package for the modeling of flow and transport processes in porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions. Integral components are interactive graphics, a GIS interface, data regionalization and visualisation tools and powerful numeric techniques. These components ensure an efficient working process building the finite element mesh, assigning model properties and boundary conditions, running the simulation, and visualizing the results.

This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of FEFLOW software. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

Visual MODFLOW Users Group Visual MODFLOW is a proven standard for professional 3D groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling using MODFLOW-2000, MODPATH, MT3DMS AND RT3D. Visual MODFLOW seamlessly combines the standard Visual MODFLOW package with Win PEST and the Visual MODFLOW 3D-Explorer to give a complete and powerful graphical modeling environment. This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of Visual MODFLOW software. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

Groundwater Vistas Users Group Groundwater Vistas (GV) is a sophisticated Windows graphical user interface for 3-D groundwater flow & transport modeling. GV couples a powerful model design system with comprehensive graphical analysis tools. GV is a model-independent graphical design system for MODFLOW MODPATH (both steady-state and transient versions), MT3DMS, MODFLOWT, MODFLOW-SURFACT, MODFLOW2000, GFLOW, RT3D, PATH3D, SEAWAT and PEST, the model-independent calibration software. The combination of PEST and GV's automatic sensitivity analysis make GV a powerful calibration tool. This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of Groundwater Vistas software. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

GMS Users Group GMS (Groundwater Modeling System) is an advanced, powerful, and comprehensive groundwater modeling package. GMS provides complete support for the USGS MODFLOW 3D finite difference, MODPATH 3D particle tracking, MT3DMS 3D multi-

species contaminant transport, RT3D 3D bioremediation transport, SEAM3D 3D bioremediation transport, SEEP2D 2D finite element, and FEMWATER 3D finite element groundwater models. Tools are provided for site characterization, model conceptualization, mesh and grid generation, geostatistics, telescopic model refinement, automated model calibration, and output post-processing. The program allows common information to be shared among different data types and groundwater models. GMS is completely graphical, and can display a defined groundwater model in either plan view or 3D oblique view, and can be rotated interactively. Tools are provided for site characterization, model conceptualization, mesh and grid generation, geostatistics, and output post-processing. This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of GMS software. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

SEAWAT Users Group The SEAWAT program was developed to simulate three-dimensional, variable- density, transient ground-water flow in porous media. The source code for SEAWAT was developed by combining MODFLOW and MT3DMS into a single program that solves the coupled flow and solute-transport equations. The SEAWAT code follows a modular structure, and thus, new capabilities can be added with only minor modifications to the main program. SEAWAT reads and writes standard MODFLOW and MT3DMS data sets, although some extra input may be required for some SEAWAT simulations. This means that many of the existing pre- and post-processors can be used to create input data sets and analyze simulation results. Users familiar with MODFLOW and MT3DMS should have little difficulty applying SEAWAT to problems of variable-density groundwater flow. SEAWAT-2000 is the latest release of the SEAWAT computer program for simulation of three-dimensional, variable-density, transient ground-water flow in porous media. SEAWAT-2000 was designed by combining a modified version of MODFLOW2000 and MT3DMS into a single computer program. This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of SEAWAT software. To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

ArcGIS - Geographical Information System Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are used to display, manipulate and analyse spatial (map) data. ArcGIS (produced by ESRI) is an integrated collection of software

products for building a complete geographic information system (GIS). There are three ArcGIS desktop applications - ArcCatalog, ArcMap, and ArcToolbox. ArcCatalog is the application for managing your spatial data holdings, for managing your database designs, and for recording and viewing metadata. ArcMap is used for all mapping and editing tasks, as well as for map-based analysis. ArcToolbox is used for data conversion and geoprocessing. Using these three applications together, you can perform any GIS task, simple to advanced, including mapping, data management, geographic analysis, data editing, and geoprocessing. There are also server-based ArcGIS products, as well as ArcGIS products for PDAs. Extensions can be purchased separately to increase the functionality of ArcGIS. GIS is a powerful tool for developing solutions for water resources such as assessing water quality and managing water resources on a local or regional scale. Hydrologists use GIS technology to integrate various data and applications into one, manageable system. ArcGIS with Arc Hydro gives you the flexibility to combine watershed datasets from one map source with stream and river networks. The suite of tools contained in Arc Hydro facilitate the creation, manipulation, and display of hydro features and objects within the ArcGIS environment. Use ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for hydrologic analysis such as calculating flow across an elevation surface, which provides the basis for creating stream networks and watersheds; calculating flow path length; and assigning stream orders. This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding application of GIS in Hydrology and Water Resources; and use of ArcGIS software (in general) and Arc Hydro (in particular). To subscribe, send a blank email to

[email protected]

Hydrology This group aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in all aspects of Hydrology and modelling of hydrologic processes. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of hydrological softwares are also welcome. To subscribe, visit the webpage


Groundwater Assessment and Modelling This group aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in all aspects of ground water assessment and modelling. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of groundwater softwares are also welcome. To subscribe, visit the webpage


Water Resources A discussion group on water resources development and management. To subscribe, visit the webpage


Indian Hydrology A forum for discussion of hydrological problems in India. To subscribe, visit the webpage


MODFLOW Users Group A forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of MODFLOW - a modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model. To subscribe, visit the webpage


Modelling of Coastal Aquifers A forum for discussion of hydrological problems in coastal regions and modelling of seawater intrusion. To subscribe, visit the webpage

http://groups.google.com/group/coastal/ ______________________________________________________ For any further information regarding the above, you may contact: Mr. C. P. Kumar Scientist ‘E1’ National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee – 247667 (Uttaranchal)

Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.angelfire.com/nh/cpkumar/ ______________________________________________________

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