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Prathivadi, Abhinav – Database Project Design [Inf 257]

1 Abhinav Prathivadi Prof. Ray Larson Sep 25th, 2008

Personal Database Project Design Throughout the history of the Internet, the communications platform has produced many revolutions and has impacted other industries surrounding it by largely creating a level playing field. The academia has changed in profound ways in the last decade and the Internet has been pivotal in revolutionizing the way students have exchanged information, ideas and the interaction between teachers and students. A challenging task many people from the academia face is the approach towards Internet many schools and universities have taken over the last few years, automating most of their processes including student data and billing for students. The most important aspect of student data is the transcript (the grades associated with it) and an online integration of student grades and courses within an e-grade book is the purpose of this project and in the process streamline the accessibility and build an application to scale over many universities. This grade book is designed to streamline the process of entering and managing grades from a student as well as a teacher perspective. With a form based reporting system and tabulation of data online, updates to students and parents is very effective and convenient method of reporting grades. The purpose of this paper is to design a robust back-end capable of sustaining large amounts of data load as the grading processes of many universities and schools are time and data intensive work. By focusing on flexible and easy data entry into the gradebook, a lot of time is saved that can be productively put in other aspects of classroom interaction. Although the various entities have been documented (see next few pages) changes are inevitable as bottlenecks will be noticed

Prathivadi, Abhinav – Database Project Design [Inf 257]


and optimized to a high level of efficiency in the coming months. The idea of starting off with a rough sketch of the system helps shape the direction of the database system, and by gradually exploring different aspects of grading, various perspectives will emerge and subsequently the gradebook will evolve eventually to a scalable solution for universities to use. Students in many Universities and colleges are eager to know their grades almost immediately after submitting their assignment and the graders are overwhelmed with paperwork amounting to hundreds of papers per assignment per class. Although the amount of work is considerably swifter compared to the traditional calculator approach teachers used to take a decade back, the prospect of a web based grade book is exciting because of the potential communication platform it can setup between students and teachers. Although numerous grade books exist online, most of them are “downloadable” desktop grade book software that has become a pain for the users to use, as web based products are kicking into the industry. With the advent of Google Docs, Windows Office Live, etc. the academia has largely migrated to a web based software world where collaboration and search for information is moving predominantly online. The student – teacher collaboration outside the class room involves the management of numerous assignments and exams and to organize the grades has been a challenge for many years. The academia has developed over a period of time various in-house database systems like bSpace, etc, but an integrated free solution for teachers, students and schools of all sizes and domains is non existent and this project hopes to fill that gap and build a scalable and sustainable solution for an online gradebook system.

Prathivadi, Abhinav – Database Project Design [Inf 257]

Data Dictionary The entities involved in the database are Table: Students *Student_id Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: student id associated with each student. It is unique per student and is a primary key


Type: varchar (25)

Example: {abhinav, adam, john, mark} Description: first name of the student


Type: varchar (25)


Type: varchar (75)


Type: varchar (1)


Type: date (mm/dd/yyyy) Example: {11/7/1988} Description: date of birth of the student

Example: {prathivadi, smith, henderson} Description: last name of the student Example: {Temecula Valley High School} Description: name of the school Example: {0 OR 1 = > Male or Female} Description: gender of the student

graduation_date Type: date (mm/yyyy) Example: {5/2010} Description: graduation date from high school, college , etc

Table: Student_Logins *Student_id Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: student id associated with each student. It is unique per student and is a primary key


Type: varchar(14)

Example: {aprathivadi, jacksmith45, etc} Description: the username associated with the student’s account


Prathivadi, Abhinav – Database Project Design [Inf 257]


Type: varchar (50)

Example: {aksjd81247897asdh18724, etc} Description: stores MD5 hash of the password the user set while registration

Table: Teacher_Logins *Teacher_id Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: teacher id associated with each teacher. It is unique per teacher and is a primary key


Type: varchar(14)

Example: {MacArthur, Allenworth, etc} Description: the username associated with the teacher’s account


Type: varchar (50) Example: {aui18279104756, etc} Description: stores MD5 hash of the password the user set while registration

Table: Teachers *Teacher_id Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: teacher id associated with each teacher. It is unique per teacher and is a primary key


Type: varchar (75)

Example: {Temecula Valley High School} Description: name of the school


Type: varchar (25) Example: {Jack, Mark, David, etc} Description: first name of the teacher


Type: varchar (25)


Type: varchar (1)


Type: varchar (50)

Example: {Bauer, Heggerbond, Antopi} Description: last name of the teacher Example: {0 OR 1 = > Male or Female} Description: gender of the teacher Example: {[email protected], etc}


Prathivadi, Abhinav – Database Project Design [Inf 257] Description: email of the teacher date_of_birth

Type: date/time Example: {5/1/75} (mm/dd/yyyy) Description: date of birth of the teacher

Table: Assignments *Assgn_id Type: int (auto-incremen)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: id of the assignment (unique – primary key)


Type: varchar (100)


Type: text (500)


Type: mm/dd/yyyy Example: {11/5/2008 12:03:45,etc } hh:mm:ss Description: due date of the assignment


Type: int Example: {1,2,3….} Description: the class this assignment is associated with

Table: Classes *Class_id

Example: {Inf 257 Database Deisng, etc} Description: name of the assignment Example: {This assignment covers what we did in class up till the midterm, etc } Description: description of the assignment

Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: class id associated with each class. It is unique per class and is a primary key


Type: varchar (75) Example: {Database Management} Description: The title of the class


Type: int (5)


Type: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: teacher id associated with the class Example: {8/5/2008 5:32:1}


Prathivadi, Abhinav – Database Project Design [Inf 257] Description: time the class started end

Type: mm/dd/yyyy Example: {4/5/2009 5:32:1} hh:mm:ss Description: time the class ended

Table: Student_Grades G_id Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: grade entry id; unique for each entry of an assignment


Type: int

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: assignment id this grade is related to


Type: int


Type: int Example: {100,200,50,75} Description: max score of the assignment


Type: int Example: {89,156,45,70} Description: the score this student received for the assignment


Type: text (500)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: student this grade is being entered for

Example: {“excellent work and quality. good job”} Description: comments associated with this student’s performance in this assignment

Table: Student_Attendance *Class_id Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: id of the course (unique for each class)


Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞}

Description: id of the student date

Type: mm/dd/yyyy

Example: {11/5/2008 12:03:45,etc }


Prathivadi, Abhinav – Database Project Design [Inf 257] hh:mm:ss Description: date this entry was updated/added status

Type: mm/dd/yyyy Example: {11/5/2008 12:03:45,etc } hh:mm:ss Description: status of the student (Present, Absent, Tardy)


Type: text (500) Example: {11/5/2008 12:03:45,etc } Description: comments about the student’s attendance; reserved for things such as detention, unruly behavior or any other notes

Table: Class_Enrollment Student_id Type: int (auto-increment)

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: student id associated with each student. It is unique per student and is a primary key


Type: int (auto-increment)


Type: varchar (20)


Type: mm/dd/yyyy Example: {11/5/2008 12:03:45,etc } hh:mm:ss Description: date this entry was updated/added

* - primary key

Example: {1,2,3…123,124,125…. ∞} Description: class id is associated with the class the student is enrolled in Example: {Enrolled, Wait-Listed, Dropped} Description: stores the status of the student’s enrollment; can vary depending on the class size allowed, etc


Prathivadi, Abhinav – Database Project Design [Inf 257]

ER Diagram of Gradebook


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