Human Physiology

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 651
  • Pages: 4
Introduction to Human Physiology Physiology- Is the study of the functions of anatomical structures. All physiological functions are performed by specific anatomical structures. The functions allow standard physical and mechanical principles. Specialities of physiology: Cell physiologySpecial physiology- Function of specific organs. Systematic physiology Pathological physiology-


-The body is divided into 11 organ systems

-Blood → Sanguine type; cheerful, confident. -Black Bile → Melancholy. -Yellow Bile → Choleric person associated with excitement and easily angered.

Blood corresponds to air. Phlegm represents water. Black bile represents earth. Choler represents fire.

-Human quantities and proportions balance a person’s shape, physical, and psychological. -There are 105 element subs -Genetic makeup constitutes individual uniqueness.

-The body is composed of universal elements obeying laws of nature. The hormones balance within body. Today’s concept of Homeostasis-Self regulating process involves not only fluids but also dynamic process. -Health results from balances among body fluids, substances, and functions (achieves equilibrium). → Inherited from Renaissance. → Body worthy of most rigorous study and eloquent description.

Aristotle (383-322 B.C.) -Blood vessel. -Heart → Keeps human alive. - Lungs (furnace requirement). -Air (cooling agent). -Observed flow of blood between arteries and veins (no capillaries were identified then). -Suggested vessels disappear and appear on blood flow.

Herophilus (335-280 B.C.)- The first psychologist. -Brain → Seat of intellect. -Arteries → Thicker than veins. -Pulse determined -Variation occurs when diseased condition.

Erasistratus (310-240 B.C.)-Blood → In liver from food. -Delivered to body parts → via veins. -Arteries → Air vessels. -Air → Pneuma (living force). Through lungs to heart’s left side. -Transported to body → In “airy” form through artery.

-Explained blood instead of air from cut vessel.

The Pneumatology of Galen (Greek: 130-201 B.C.)- demonstrated that blood, and not air flows through the arteries (used a goose feather). -Practiced dissection of gladiators. -Expanded previous observation and despite some disproven ideas regarded as pioneer physiology till Renaissance. -Blood from food in liver, took natural spirits, carried to organs (natural spirits needed for functions). -Depletion of spirit blood returned on same venous pathways to liver for refuelling. -Blood flows in both ways in vessel. (Later the knowledge of valves was introduced in the Renaissance). -Some blood with natural spirits went from the right side of the heart to the left side and contracted pneuma → further transformed into vital spirits, which is a higher form of pneuma → further carried to the brain → further transformed into animal spirit (higher form of pneuma). -Forms of pneuma are responsible for various functions.

Discoveries of European Renaissance→ Revolutionized physiology. -Dominated with Galen’s physiology.

William Harvey’s (1578-1657)-Discovered the modern theory of heart circulation. -Passing of blood from right to left via lungs. -Notion of heart as a pump. -Maintains circular movement of blood. -Air and blood meeting within heart, but accepting lungs. (Like as Galen’s cooling organs). Key features: →Heart as a pump by contraction to expel blood. →Blood passage.

Vesalium (1514-1564)-Drawing of dissections revised Galen’s suggestions. -Created 6 anatomical tables, showing labelled parts of the body. -Initially followed Glen’s assumptions → vital spirits changed into animal spirits at base of human brain (as presence of organ). -Showed in drawings and never observed in human body. →Conclusions based on combination of creative speculation and simple experiments. -He reasoned instead of each beat pumping a new...

Microscopic studies of Malpighi (1628-1694)-Harvey’s explanation of blood flow. What we breathe-Air elemental, irreducible, a living substance drawn into lungs to cool heart and become pneuma.

Robert Hooke (1635-1703)- Identified special compartments called cells in cork using a simple microscope. -German biologists, Matthias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann discovered cells.

-All cells have the same fundamental chemical makeup and metabolic processes. ATP → Source of cell energy. -Oxygen linked to utilization of ATP, release of ATP allows cells to function. -ATP fuels the life of cells.

Idea of Homeostasis→ Body temperature thought to vary from person to person, and also be gender, age, and etc.

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