Zobel, Working Portfolio #1
DUE T 9/16
Fall 08, HSU
General Introduction: Working portfolios are collections of your brainstorming, drafts, revisions, and feedback as you progress and work towards the assessment portfolio which you turn in at the end of the term. The WP has many purposes. One is to help you cultivate the writing process. A second is to encourage the development of close readings skills and the ability to follow directions. Third, learning to develop and maintain your own working portfolios will help you defend your academic integrity should it be questioned while enabling you to see and examine your writing process closely.
Remember, each assignment should have each of the following stages and appear in the following order. Each version of your assignment should be clearly labeled at the top [use the header function under VIEW in MSWord] as well. 1. Portfolio Draft 2. Revised Draft 3. SFD 4. Brainstorming 5. Peer Review form: this will be handed out and worked on in class. 6. Instructor Feedback form from with feedback from the Writing Lab/Writing Center or me. This will be handed out and discussed in greater depth in class. The brainstorming may be hand written, typed, drawn, or whatever. It goes at the back. Then the SFD is placed on top of that and so on. Then you paper clip all of these together—do not staple all drafts together but paperclip them. For your letters (Assignment #1 and #2): 1. Your SFD for each of your letters must be at least 150 words. 2. Your revised draft, that is a better letter than your SFD, must be at least 250 words. 3. Your portfolio draft—your best draft thus far—must be at least 250 words and show significant changes from the revised draft to the portfolio draft. If there are not significant changes, you will not receive credit for the draft. All due dates are for SFDs. At each following class, you should bring a revised draft with you. If you wait to try and write everything the night before the work is due, you will probably produce terrible work and you will sabotage your own efforts. Students that revise the most usually get two things: first, the greatest improvement and development in their writing facility and written products; second, the better grades. You are not limited to writing only these few drafts. If you write more, then please be sure to include them in the proper chronological order.
The Assignments: Letter #1 Address a formal business letter to me; describe your writing style in one of the three ways Ede discusses. Why do you think you are that way? Provide detailed support and discussion. Next: refer to page 35 and answer questions 10 and 11. This does not mean typing up the questions and answering them in the body of the letter. This means that you discuss procrastination and writing satisfaction in the body of the letter. The letter must be in proper business format, signed, etc. Letter #2 You have read all of the piece on Genres, so you will be familiar with the discussion of the complaint letter genre. Your assignment is to write your own complaint letter to a real business or institution using the same rules, structure, etc., discussed in the reading. You do not have to mail this complaint letter—instead, this is giving you practice to write one, if you need to, in the future. Be sure that your complaint is real, specific, and genuine. It must be in proper business format, signed, etc. Summary First, be sure that you have the assigned reading “Summary, Paraphrase, and Quotation.” Next, be sure that you read the assigned materials “Tattooed: A Participant Observer’s Exploration of Meaning” and “Pumped, Pierced, Painted and Pagan.”
Zobel, Working Portfolio #1
DUE T 9/16
Fall 08, HSU
First, you brainstorm what you can summarize for each article. This means TWO brainstorms. Second, you write a 150 word summary for each article—this means you rough out TWO summaries. Third, you revise each summary into a 250 word summary for your revised stage. Again, you have TWO summaries. Finally, you take your best summary of the two and revise it into a 300 word summary. This is your portfolio draft. This is a summary of either “Tattooed” or “Pumped.”
The Format: First, acquire a manila folder or envelope. Second, assemble all of the writing assignments. The checklists below should help you. As you progress through them, I suggest you put them into your working portfolio so they are already in order. Third, make sure that all of your writing assignments, and their stages, are clearly labeled and in the proper order. Fourth, make sure that THIS sheet is at the very front of your portfolio. Six, read, fill out, and sign the following: I, _______________________________________, submit the following work and declare that it is all the result of my own effort and it is my original creation. By signing below, I indicate that all of the materials checked off below are present, in order, properly formatted, and follow the assignments’ and working portfolio’s directions. __________________________________________ signature
___________________ date
Working Portfolio #1 is worth ten points; that is ten percent of your total grade. Two points of that grade come from you In Class Writings. Be sure that you turn in FIVE pages—complete and full —of In Class Writings. Make sure that you label these and put these at the back of your Working Portfolio. _____ 5 ICWs: 2 pts Ede Letter: 2 pts ___Portfolio: 250 ___Revised: 250 ___SFD: 150 ___Brainstorming ___ Peer Feedback ___ WC/WL/gz Feedback __ in proper order __ paper clipped __ word counts met __ drafts differ from each other __ business format
Complaint Letter: 3 pts ___Portfolio: 250 ___Revised: 250 ___SFD: 150 ___Brainstorming ___ Peer Feedback ___ WC/WL/gz Feedback __ in proper order __ paper clipped __ word counts met __ drafts differ from each other __ business format
Summary: 3 pts ___ Port. Draft of 1 final summary; 300 words ___ Revised drafts of 2 summaries, each 250 words ___ SFDs of 2 summaries, each at 150 words. ___ Brainstorms for each summary (that means 2) ___ Peer Feedback ___ WC/WL/gz Feedback __ in proper order __ paper clipped __ word counts met __ drafts differ from each other 2