HSC legal studies ʹ world order
Establis a world government
Humanitarian intervention
Oorld/regional federation
O at options are available
Regulating t e conduct of ostilities
Peace enforcement and peacekeeping
O k eeds to be an international community k Elected representatives of all nations k Enacted wit t e role of guiding and protecting all umanity. k ble to enforce its ideals.
O k dea beyond world government. ʹ Federation, union or alliance of t e nations in t e world OR ʹ ations wit a common region or istory
k nite governments and peoples from different cultures to a set of common goals. k is as been seen wit t e common goal of eradicating international crimes, suc as apart eid, genocide and piracy. k Regional federation as occurred in t e past, wit nations aligning against a common enemy, eg: Oar on errorism
k k k
C arter guides member states in ow to move towards world peace and armony. rticle 24 ʹ ͞ " e C arter also outlines w at action a nation s ould take wit respect to: ʹ reats to peace ʹ Breac es of peace ʹ cts of aggression
k k
¿ ʹ use of t e to negotiate and establis t e conditions of peace. ¿ ʹ maintaining peace and w ere appropriate preventing outbreaks, fig ting or stabilising a situation for peace promotion.
k Oit t e removal of old imperial control over some territories, suc as Portugal wit drawing from East imor in 1975, greater regulation and monitoring of t e conflict t at ensues. k
k ncreased monitoring and regulation by t e , as well as working closely wit groups involved in t e conflicts t at occur would enable swifter action before atrocities occur.
k n known cases of et nic cleansing, genocide and rape and torture in nation-states, different groups can call on t e to intervene, or intervene on t eir be alf to stop t e in umane actions taking place. k n 1999 O ( ort tlantic reaty Organisation) exercised its rig t to uman intervention, to alt t e massacres occurring under Milosevic͛s regime in Yugoslavia. k on-Government Organisations ( GO͛s) suc as mnesty nternational can act in ways to slow t e persecution, often putting t emselves in arm͛s way. k Similarly t e HCR ( Hig Commission for Refugees) works to assists and works wit refugees to repatriate t em or seek alternative countries to call ome.
4 1. n small groups, create a table of pros and cons to met ods of working towards world order. 2. Determine t e met od t at as most potential to be effective in establis ing long-term world order and armony. 3. Prepare your team for a class debate/discussion.