Hrpolicy Bigbazar[hrpolicy]m.docx

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  • Pages: 30
INTRODUCTION About the retail industry

The Indian retail industry is divided into organized and unorganized sectors. Organized retailing refers to trading activities undertaken by licensed retailers, that is, those who are registered for sales tax, income tax etc. These include the corporate-backed hypermarkets and retail chains, also the privately owned large retail businesses. Unorganized retailing, in other hand, refers to traditional formats of low-cost retailing, for example, the local kirana shops, convenience stores, hand cart, pavement vendors etc.

Traditional markets are making way for new formats such as departmental stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets and specialty stores. Western style malls have begun to appear in metros introducing the Indian consumer to an unparalleled shopping experience.

The Indian retail sector is highly fragmented with 90% of its business being run by unorganized retailers like the traditional family run stores, corner stores. The organized retail is at nascent stage though attempts are being made to increase its presence by bringing in huge opportunity for the potential new players. The sector is the largest source of employment after agriculture, and has deep penetration into rural India generating more than 10% of India’s GDP.

The last few years have witnessed tremendous growth by this sector, the key drivers being changing consumer profile and demographics, increase in the number of international brands available in Indian market, credit availability, improvement in infra-structure, increasing investment in technology and real estate building a world class shopping environment for consumers. In order to keep pace with the increasing demand, there has been hectic activity in terms of entry of international labels, expansion plans, focus on technology, operation and processes.

This has led to more complex relationships involving suppliers, third part distributors and retailers, which can be dealt with the help of supply chain. A proper supply chain will help meet the competition head on, manage stock availability, supplier relation, new value added services, cost cutting and most importantly reduce wastage levels in handling the goods.

being an accepted practice. Proper infrastructure is a pre-requisite in retailing, which would help to modernize India and facilitate rapid economic growth. This would help in efficient delivery of goods and value-added services to consumer making a significant contribution to the GDP.

Growth drivers in India for retail sector -

Rising incomes and improvements in infrastructure are enlarging consumer markets and accelerating the convergence of consumer tastes.


Liberalization of Indian economy.


Increase in spending per capita income.


Advent of dual income families also helps in the growth of the retail sector.


Shift in consumer demand to foreign brands like Sony, Samsung, Panasonic etc.


The internet revolution is making the Indian consumer more accessible to the growing influences of domestic and foreign retail chains. Satellite T.V. channels is helping to create awareness about global products in local markets.


Foreign companies attraction to India is the billion-plus population.

Opportunities and Challenges AT Kearney’s study on global retailing trends found that India is least competitive and least saturated of all major global markets. This implies that there is low entry barriers for players trying to setup base in India. The report further states that global retailers such as Walmart, Carrefour, Tesco would take advantage of favourable FDI rules in India and enter the country through partnership with local retailers. A good talent pool, unlimited opportunities, huge markets and availability of quality raw materials at cheaper costs is expected to make India overtake the world’s retail economies by 2042.

The retail industry in India, according to experts, will be a major employment generator in the future. Currently, the market share of organized retail is just over 4% thereby leaving a huge untapped opportunity. Commanding such a large chunk of the organized retail business in India, fashion retailing has indeed been responsible for single-handedly driving the business of retail in India.

Challenges in Retailing The industry is facing shortage of talented professionals at middle-level management. Most Indian retailers are under serious pressure to make supply chains more efficient in order to deliver the levels of quality of service expected by consumers.

Lack of adequate infrastructure with respect to roads, electricity, cold chains and ports has further led to impediment of pan-India network of suppliers. Due to these constraints, retailers have resorted to multiple vendors for their requirements thereby, raising costs and prices. The available talent pool does not back retail sector as the sector has emerged recently from its nascent stage. Further, retailing is yet to become the preferred career option for India’s educated class that has chosen sectors like IT, BPO and financial services. Even though the government is attempting to implement uniform value-added tax across states, the system is currently plagued with differential tax rate for various states leading to increased costs and complexities in establishing an effective distribution network. The retail sector does not have the ‘industry’ tag making it difficult to raise finance from banks and fund their expansion plans. Non-availability of government land and zonal restrictions has made it difficult to find a good real estate in terms of location and size. Also, lack of clear ownership titles and high stamp duty has resulted in disorganized nature of transactions. COMPANY PROFILE Future Group Introduction Future Group, led by its founder and Group CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of India’s leading business houses with multiple business spanning across the consumption space. Led by its flagship enterprise, Pantaloon Retail, the group operates over 12 million sq.ft of retail space in 71 cities and towns and 65 rural locations across India. Headquartered in Mumbai, Pantaloon employs 30,000 people. The company follows multi-format retail strategy that captures almost entire consumption of Indian consumers. In the lifestyle segment, the group operates Pantaloons, a fashion retail chain and Central a seamless malls. In the value segment, its marquee brand Big Bazaar is a hypermarket format that combines the look and feel of Indian bazaars with the choice and convenience of modern retail.



The Future Group has built a strong portfolio of some of the fastest growing consumer brands in India.


This activity is led by Future Brands India Limited, a subsidiary company set up to create and build powerful brands that address the aspirations of the new Indian consumer. -

Leadership: to be a leader, both in thought and business


Respect & Humility: to respect every individual and be humble in our country

Future Group Firms


Pantaloon Retail(India) Limited


Home Solutions Retail India Limited


Future Brand Limited


Future Supply Chain Solutions Limited


Pantaloon Food Product(India) Limited


Future Capital Holding Limited


Future General India Insurance Company Limited


Future General India Life Insurance Company Limited


Future Bazaar India Limited


Winner Sports(P) Limited


Staples Future Office Products(P) Limited


Talwalkars Pantaloon Fitness(P) Limited

BIG BAZAAR Big Bazaar caters to every need of your family. Where Big Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian customers. Since its first outlet open in Kolkata in late 2001, the Big Bazaar has spread to towns and cities with currently 106 outlets. These multi-level shopping meccas stock everything from food to fridges, and cookware to clothes. It’s been especially designed to Indian consumers. With slogan “Is se sasta aur accha aur kahin nahi”, the Big Bazaar targets itself directly at the average Indian love for following the crowd and scrambling for good discount.

Parent-Pantaloon Retail India Limited Pantaloon Retail India Limited, is India’s leading retailer that operates multiple retail formats in both value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer market.

Headquartered in Mumbai, the company operates over 12 million sq.ft of retail space, has over 1000 stores across 71 cities in India and employs 30,000 people. The company’s leading format include Pantaloons, a chain of fashion outlets, Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, blends the look, touch and feel of Indian bazaars with aspects of modern retail like choice, convenience










A subsidiary company, Home Solutions Retail(India) Limited, operates Home Town, a large format home solutions, selling home furniture products and e-Zone focused on catering to consumer electronics segment.

Target Consumers Big Bazaar targets higher and upper middle class consumers, the large and growing young working population is a preferred consumer segment. Big Bazaar specifically targets working women and home makers who are the primary decision makers.

ABOUT THE TOPIC HUMAN RESOURCE POLICIES Human Resource Policies refers to principles and rules of conduct which “formulate, redefine, break into details and decide a number of actions” that govern the relationship with employees in the attainment of the organization objectives. HR Policies cover the following: 1. Policy of hiring people with due respect to factors like reservations, sex, marital status, and the like. 2. Policy on terms and conditions of employment-compensation policy and methods, hours of work, overtime, promotion, transfer, lay-off and the like. 3. Policy with regard medical assistance-sickness benefits, ESI and company medical benefits. 4. Policy regarding housing, transport, uniform and allowances. 5. Policy regarding training and development-need for, methods of, and frequency of training and development. 6. Policy regarding industrial relations, trade-union recognition, collective bargaining, grievance procedure, participative management and communication with workers. A policy is a pre-determined course of action established as a guide towards objectives and strategies of the organization. As policies are written, approved, published and implemented the organization’s vision is articulated. Policy manuals are developed to help staff and management teams to run the company. It plays an strategic role in running the industry. Carefully drafted and standardized policy save the company countless hours of management time. It is the duty of the HR Managers to design HR Policy for their organization. Drafting a HR Policy is not an easy job whereas it requires lot of inputs to be incorporated. The moment somebody reads your HR Policy, he will come to know the values and culture of your organization. For the employees also, they will tune their sub-cultures according to the requirement of the HR Policy. Actually the words in HR Policy will speak about the culture, values, vision and enjoy working and how these are practiced and proved by all employees in the organization in the same uniform and consistent wave length. Hence to get strong and long survival in the competitive markets, HR Policy is a Must and it should be practised. The Management should believe their people. They respect the values of their employees. Human resource is one of the greatest resources in this industry. They recruit right people for right job. The Management identifies the talents and utilizes it for achieving business excellence. It also

helps them to identify the training needs and provide facilities in developing their knowledge and skills. Strengths and weaknesses of employees are identified through best performance appraisal systems. The ultimate aim is to enjoy working. The Management is open for new ideas, systems and procedures. It is the initial duty of HR Manager to draft HR Policy. He must consult the Line Managers on various inputs to be added in the Policy. Also he must consult the top Management on various important words to be incorporated such as culture, values, development, vision etc. Highly experienced and matured HR Manager will spell immediately the expectations of the top Management on all these areas. It is always better to frame HR Policy by their own employees instead of hiring a Consultant for this purpose. Hence HR Manager must collect inputs from the following: -

Top Management (Last will be MD) Line Managers Sub-ordinates Regular Customers and Vendors

FORMULATING POLICIES There are five principal sources for determining the content and meaning of policies: 1. Past practice in the organization. 2. Prevailing practice in rival companies. 3. Attitudes and philosophy of founders of the company as also its directors and the top management. 4. Attitudes and philosophy of middle and lower management. 5. The knowledge and experience gained from handling countless personnel problems on day to day basis. HR policy framing/monitoring committee A Committee must be formed representing Members from all Departments of Employees. The Duty of the Committee is to - Frame new Policy - Amend the existing Policy if required - Review its effectiveness - Training the employees to mould - Quantification - To find out the deviation and reasons thereof Particular attention must be given to the new employees who join the organization with different set of cultures.

Inputs required for preparing HR Policy: -

Founder’s Vision (Business Growth thro People) Organization Values Culture Practices Business Ethics Importance of Employee Role How organization taking care in employees

- Enjoy Working conditions - Confidence from both Management and Employees - How one grows with the Organization - How the Society values the organization thro employees - Data on Communication practices - Any other data relevant as per your organization requirement Collect all data and statements from all the levels and match it with MD’s vision. Find the differences. Fill up the gaps with Training/Induction/Counselling. Monitor the levels of HR Policy level which should be uniform and also in the same direction. It is like a lead bird flying with group of birds in the sky in the same direction and same speed to achieve one goal. Work under the work culture of “One Team One Goal” Once Policy is approved, HR Manager must prepare the objectives of the HR Policy. He must evolve Procedures as to how to achieve the goals of HR Policy thro action and words. It is identical to Quality Policy as signed by MD and monitored thro Systems, Procedures and Work Instructions. Quality Audit is there and like-wise, during HR Audit, effectiveness of HR Policy must also be measured. BENEFITS OF HR POLICIES Organizations should have personnel policies as they ensure the following benefits: a. The work involved in formulating policies requires that the management give deep thought to the basic needs of both the organization and the employees. The management must examine its basic convictions as well as give full consideration to the prevailing practices in other organizations. b. Established policies ensure consistent treatment of all personnel throughout the organization. Favoritism and discrimination are, thereby, minimized. c. Continuity of action is assured even though top management personnel change. The CEO of a company may possess a very sound personnel management philosophy. He/she may carry the policies of the organization in his/her head, and he she may apply them in an entirely fair manner. But what happens when he/she retires? The tenure of office of nay manager is finite. But the organization continues. Policies promote stability. d. Policies serve as a standard of performance. Actual results can be compared with the policy to determine how well the members of the organization are living upto the professional intentions. e. Sound policies help build employee motivation and loyalty. This is especially true where the policies reflect established principles of fair play and justice and where they help people grow within the organization. f. Sound policies help resolve intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup conflicts.

PRINCIPLES OF HR POLICY 1. Principle of individual development to offer full and equal opportunities to every employee to realize his/her full potential. 2. Principle of scientific selection to select the right person for the right job. 3. Principle of free flow of communication to keep all channels of communication open and encourage upward, downward, horizontal, formal and informal communication.

4. Principle of participation to associate employee representatives at every level of decision-making. 5. Principle of fair remuneration to pay fair and equitable wages and salaries commensurating with jobs. 6. Principle of incentive to recognize and reward good performance. 7. Principle of dignity of labour to treat every job and every job holder with dignity and respect. 8. Principle of labour management co-operation to promote cordial industrial relations. 9. Principle of team spirit to promote co-operation and team spirit among employees. 10. Principle of contribution to national prosperity to provide a higher purpose of work to all employees and to contribute to national prosperity. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY 1. To study the HR Policies of the company 2. To design a HR Policy manual for the company with special emphasis on the “Managerial Service Conditions” 3. To provide efficient, fair leadership 4. Provide an opportunity for expansion 5. Strengthen and appreciate the human assets by providing training and developmental programs 6. To provide conditions for favorable work environment for maintaining stability in employment 7. To facilitate effective utilization of human resources to achieve organization’s objectives 8. Ensure high degree of selectivity in recruitment that will help absorb super talents and nurture them to excel in their performance 9. Provide facilities for all round growth of individual 10. Groom every individual to realize his potential in all facets 11. Build teams and foster team work in all activities 12. Contribute towards health and welfare of the employees

SCOPE OF STUDY As most of the company’s overall performance depends on its employee’s performance which depends largely on the HR POLICIES of the organization. So the project has wide scope to help the company to perform well in today’s global competition. The core of the project lies in analyzing and assessing the organization and to design an HR POLICY manual for the organization. How to start creating the policies? Policies initially are derived from an understanding of core business practices. There also need to be control over operations and therefore good understanding of how the business functions is necessary is the first step in developing policies. The policy manual should be dynamic and subject to change. Existing policies needs to be expanded, supplemented, revised as business conditions change, an organization downsizes and quality improvement initiatives are implemented. HR policies covers the following:

1. Hiring people with due respect to factors like reservations, sex, marital status and the like. 2. With regard to medical assistance-sickness benefits, ESI and company medical benefits. 3. Policy regarding training and development – need, methods and frequency of training and development. 4. Policies regarding industrial relations, trade-union recognition, grievance procedure, communication with workers. Sources that determine the content and meaning of policies: - Past practice in the organization - Prevailing practices in the rival companies - Attitudes and philosophies of founders, directors and top management - Knowledge and experience gained by handling numerous personnel problems on day to day basis Various procedures that form the HR policy of the organization are: - Recruitment and selection of man power - Job rotation - Induction and placement - Performance appraisal - Career planning - Succession planning - Employee training and development - HRIS - Exit interviews

HR POLICIES AT BIG BAZAAR OBJECTIVES The company aims to fulfill the following objectives through its HR Policies: - Ensure high degree of selectivity in recruitment to secure best in the available work force and train them to excel in their performance. - Impart induction, orientation and training to match the individual to the task. - Provide facilities for all round growth of individual by training and development through motivation. - Groom every employees to perform to the full extent contributing to attain organizational and personal goals. - Build team and foster team-work as the primary instrument in day to day activities.

Types of Policies Employment policy These policies that helps an organization in hiring, orientation of new employees, compliance with employment laws and confidentiality. Right to modify procedures and Policies Aim – To ensure the organization’s right to modify the given policy or procedure at any given point of time with or without notification

Policy – The top management and the human resource department reserves the right to change, add and eliminate the company’s policies, procedures at any given point of time. New policies and procedures shall supersede any previously issued verbal or written policies. Procedure – This policy makes it clear that the organization’s policies can be changed, added, eliminated at the discretion of the top management. When policy changes are made, managers and supervisors are required to be familiarize with new policy and procedure. They are expected to comply with the company policy and procedure that are currently in force while supervising the other’s work. Questions and concerns about new or revised policies and procedures should be directed to Human resource personnel in a timely manner. Employment at will (Student Employee) Aim – To clearly establish that each worker’s employment is at will and ensure each employee understands the at will nature of his/her employment. Policy – Each person’s employment is at will, unless the employment is duly authorized written employment agreement or pursuant on terms of the organization. No policy, provision or procedure is intended to create a binding employment agreement, implied or expressed contract between the person and the organization. At will employees will be given the clear notice that their employment is for no specific term, is not guaranteed in any way and can be ended.

Procedure – To stop any potential wrongful discharge claim, it is important that the student employee should be aware of the at will nature of his/her employment. They must sign and date concerned form given by the organization and it will be retained in each student’s official personnel file. Recruitment and Selection Recruitment Policy & Process Objective: To enable selection of right kind of talent into the intended position of the company to meet current and future needs of the organization. Also to thrive a strong Employer Branding to attract the best talents available in the industry. Scope: Covers all vacant positions across functions and levels. Recruitment Norms: Academic Qualification : Minimum Graduation (recognized university) for all positions without any unjustified gaps in education. Experience : Either in the type of role outlined in the Job Description, or in preparatory role. Application Form: An application letter should be filled by the candidate giving his personal, educational, professional information. Application form may have some question relating to aptitude, reasoning and English language to measure the candidate’s knowledge.


Fill up manpower requisition form(MRF)

MRF approval by concerned approving authority. (Recruitment Approval matrix) If approved, forward MRF to HR

Channels- Existing CV database, Erecruitment portals, Advertisement, Head hunting, Hiring consultants

Sourcing based on Job Description & specification through different source channels

Screening application and short listing

Scheduling interview

Hold/ Regret filling

Selection Salary negotiation & fitment preparation Acceptance

Make an offer

If not approved, hold on


Intimate concerned department head about candidates joining


Approval for Staff Positions Aim – To state general procedures to request authorization to fill a new, replacement staff position. Policy - If a new position(vacancy) is created by an employee’s resignation, retirement, termination, the manager to whom the position reports should complete position approval form ensure that there is portfolio and finance approval in place, up-to-date performance management tool exists for open staff position. Failure to obtain the approvals may delay the recruitment process. Procedure: When job openings occurs, some of the following procedures must be adhered to ensure fast and efficient filling of an open position. With all other aspects of selection and hiring process the company makes every effort to ensure equal employment opportunity for all individuals and abides by state and local laws. HIRING MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITIES – The manager to whom the position reports to must complete Position Approval Form(PAF). The form will include the department, unit, work group of vacancy, the reason for vacancy, the budget and proposed compensation information and the date by which the position should be filled in. For new positions, the requisition form will include an explanation of why the new position is created and for the replacement position, the form will include the name of employee who is being replaced and the reason for employee’s departure. An updated Performance Management Tool(PMT) for the position must be forwarded to the Human Resources Department for assignment of position title and salary range. After completing and approving PAF the hiring manager must forward it to the business manager with updated performance management tool. MANAGEMENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL- The completed position approval form should be reviewed and approved by business manager on behalf of Vice president or by the top management. The form should also be reviewed and approved by both finance and human resources. NOTE – Approvals at each and every step indicates that the form(PAF) has been reviewed for completeness and accuracy and the position has been confirmed under department’s current budget. Prior to making invitation for employment, one must ensure that the funding is identified and approved by the budget office. POST REQUISITION PROCEDURES – The Human Resources Department is responsible for ensuring that PMT and PAF is completed. Once both forms are completed, the Human Resources department notifies the hiring manager and initiates the recruitment activities. INTERNAL JOB POSTING FOR STAFF POSITIONS Aim – To identify an internal job posting procedure. Policy – To provide the efficient filling of job vacancies and provide opportunities for career growth, the company encourages filling-from-within where qualified candidates exist for open positions. Vacancies are posted online on the company’s human resources website. Procedure – The Human Resources posts the approved job vacancies on its website.

JOB POSTING LOCATIONS – The locations for current job openings will also be made available in its website. POSTING – All vacancies for the current openings shall be posted for 5 business days. To receive full consideration, candidates must submit applications within the posting period. NOTE – Former employees due to downsizing will be considered as internal applicants during the first 12 months from the date of posting and will be given preferential hiring consideration. ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES – Current employees can apply for new job opening on the following conditions: 1. They meet the minimum qualifications included in the vacancy announcement. 2. Their experience in the current position should be at least 6months. 3. Currently, there is no disciplinary action in progress against them. 4. They are not under-going performance improvement plan. RESPONSES BY CURRENT EMPLOYEES – Interested employees should complete the on-line application form, attach a covering letter that should include a description of how they fulfill the qualifications listed in the posting. Employees are encouraged to update the on-line application each time they apply for the job. The completed application form must be submitted on-line through Applicant Tracking System. NOTE: Neither telephone calls or emails are considered an acceptable response to the job. Recruitment for Staff Positions Aim – To identify the recruitment steps available to ensure a source of talented candidates. Policy – The Human Resource division will administer the recruitment efforts to ensure the company has a source of qualified candidates available for open positions. Advertisement – At the request of concerned supervisor, the human resource department reviews the request to display the advertisement for open position in local newspapers, in selected professional journals and job search websites. Applications and resumes – Human Resource department acknowledges all resumes and applications submitted in response to recruitment efforts to identify external job candidates. Employment agencies/consultancies – Depending on the requirements and level of the open position, a division of human resources at its discretion contacts the employment agencies to locate qualified candidates. NOTE: BEING AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, THE COMPANY ENSURES THAT IN EACH STEP OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY IS GIVEN TO INDIVIDUALS REGARDLESS OF RACE, COLOR, ORIGIN, SEX, CREED, AGE ETC., COMPLYING WITH OBLIGATIONS UNDER STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Interviews and Assessments: Based on preliminary review of individual’s qualifications, applicants who appear to be qualified for the position are asked to participate in an interview with supervisor. The Human Resource department may schedule the interviews, follow-up sessions, required employment assessments.

Reference and background checks: Verification of reference and background information given by candidates on resumes and in interviews is the responsibility of the interviewer and Human Resources. The company should conduct telephone reference checks. In certain cases, the company will seek the assistance of third party (investigative agencies) to conduct background checks on individuals.

INTERVIEWING PROCEDURES Aim – To give information regarding the steps to be followed while selecting new employees. Policy – The company is committed in hiring the best possible qualified employees regardless of race, religion, origin, gender. The persons involved in interviewing and communicating with job applicants must follow the interviewing procedures and avoid any form of unlawful discrimination even if unintentional. Procedure – PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES: A HR person from the Human Resources conducts and initial review of all applications and screening interviews on site or over the telephone. The purpose of this initial screening is to select the candidates with minimum qualification for the job. The resumes of the individuals are forwarded to hiring manager who selects the candidates for interviews. The hiring interviews contacts the selected individuals to schedule interviews at mutually convenient time. While preparing to conduct the interview, the hiring manager should have: 1. The candidate’s resume and any references the candidate has provided. 2. The current Performance Management Tool for the position being filled. Note: PMT must be up-to-date before a job is posted or advertised. 3. A list of job related questions that all applicants are asked should made available to Human Resources prior to the commencement of the interview. CONDUCTING THE INTERVIEW: Applicants are told to report to the designated location at scheduled time. The persons involved in conducting the interviews should observe the following guidelines: 1. Welcome the applicant: Put the applicant at ease. Some of the interviews may begin with small talk – the weather or traffic. However, supervisors must avoid straying into other areas like family status, religion or any other area which is not related job-related criteria and individual’s ability to perform the essential function of the job. 2. Outline the Interview: Let the applicant know how the interview will be structured and any time limits. 3. Describe the job: Give details about the job duties, required skill sets, working conditions, hours, compensation and benefits. Do not hesitate to bring the interview to close politely, if the candidate is not willing to accept the offered salary package and if he/she clearly have not demonstrated the required skill set for the job. 4. Questions: All questions asked during the interview must be relevant to the performance of the job. Keep questions focused on job description and the skill sets required to perform the essential functions of the job. 5. Listen: The common mistake made by interviewers is to dominate the interview. Let the applicant talk. 6. Answer the applicant’s questions: Applicants should be invited to ask questions related to position or the company.

7. Close the interview properly: Thank the applicant. Do not make any promises on behalf of the company. Give an approximate time as to when a hiring decision will be made, sometimes hiring decision may take longer than anticipated. 8. Record information simulantaneously: Write down the specific facts learned about the applicant. At the conclusion of an interview, an Application Evaluation Form should be filled and attached to each individual’s application and forwarded to the Human Resources Department. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND CHECKS Aim – To ensure the accuracy of information given by the candidate in the application form, resume or job interview. Policy – As part of evaluating internal and external applicant’s qualification and determining their suitability for job openings, the company requires all applicants to furnish references from their former employers as well as educational references so that their academic credentials could be verified. Procedure – Employment References: To be considered as qualified applicant, candidates must provide names, addresses, contact number, if possible supervisor’s or contact person from the previous employment. Academic References: In evaluating the candidate’s suitability for employment, the company will contact the educational institutions listed by the candidate. Applicants should provide the contact details of the educational institutions. Reference and Background Checks: Purpose and Method: Information obtained from references is used to: 1) verify the accuracy of employment and academic credentials given by the applicants; 2) verify job-related accomplishments, skills, abilities that help to establish the candidate’s suitability for the position in question. Reference checks are normally done by telephone, mail correspondence or a combination of two. Confidentiality of Reference and Background Information: The information obtained from the sources listed by the applicant is kept strictly confidential by the company. No employee or supervisor will have access to such information without clearly demonstrating the need. Penalties for Fraudulent Information: Any applicant who provides misleading, willfully deceptive information on employment form or resume or in interview process, he/she will be eliminated from the on-going process immediately without any explanation. INDUCTION AND ORIENTATION Aim – To ensure that new hires are welcomed and provided with accurate information relevant to his/her employment at the company. Policy – All the new eligible employees are required to attend new hire orientation program designed for new hires, to make them feel welcome, feel at ease in their new work environment, learn about the company’s employment benefits, payroll requirements and complete on-board formalities. Procedure – General objectives: The company’s orientation program is designed to help new hires feel welcome and inform them about what performance and behavior standards it expects.

Scheduling the Orientation: New employees should be scheduled for orientation program within two weeks of hire. If the new employee has started working before orientation program then it is the hiring manager’s responsibility to make sure that the employee attends the orientation program.

Procedures: 1. New hires should be given with information on company’s history, values, Services and other programs. Persons from other department will give presentation about how their area supports employees in performing the duties. 2. Employees will receive their employee handbook, enrollment materials. Information will be given on each of these topic and new hires will have an Chance to ask questions and complete all necessary forms. 3. Employees will be given a tour of company’s campus/premises. Department Orientation: The new hire’s designated supervisor is responsible for welcoming new hires to his/her area and explain job and department duties, procedures and responsibilities. New employee Responsibilities: In initial days, new joinees are required to complete and turn in number of employment related document and official document. All new hires are required to fill these forms with accurate information. Failure to meet employment deadlines, it may result in suspension of employment. INTERNS Internship An internship is a work-related learning experience for the benefit of individuals who wish to develop hands-on work experience in a certain field. Individuals may – without any expressed or implied compensation agreement - work for their own advantage on the premises of the company. If the following criteria is met, then interns are not considered employees: - Training is for the benefit of the interns - They do not displace the regular employees, but work under their close supervision - Interns are not necessarily entitled to job after the conclusion of training period - Trainees understand that they are not entitled to wages during the training period Note: The internship provides the individual with skills that can be used in multiple employment settings when compared to skills compared to one’s particular operation. More likely, the intern would be seen as receiving training. The intern does not perform the routine work of business on regular basis and the business is not dependent on the work of intern. If the interns are engaged in performing productive work for the employer, for example, conducting audit work, performing clerical work, then they may be entitled to benefits provided by the organization. The internship should be for a fixed period, established prior to the commencement of the internship. Aim – To maximize the benefits of internship experience and ensure compliance with state and local laws and regulations and distinguish unpaid interns from employees. Definitions – Intern – One who, as part of an academic program: 1. Perform services primarily for his/her own training benefit. 2. Does not displace regular employee. 3. Understands that he/she is not entitles to wages for the period of training 4. Not entitled to a position when the training ends.

Procedure – Department wishing to engage the intern should compose and submit a request that includes the description of individual’s role and responsibilities so that there is no misunderstanding whether he/she is eligible for wages under company laws. For an intern the description of role should emphasize the academic nature so that it is clear that business work is not being assigned to them. Department should not assign duties to interns that would be normally performed by an regular employee. EXIT INTERVIEWS Aim – To gather feedback on the working experience with the company. Policy – All employees who are moving out of the company are invited to participate in exit interview through written form or with an executive from the human resources department. The purpose is to get honest opinion about working at the company and what needs to be done for further improvement. Procedure – When an employee notifies about his intention to quit, employees are invited to schedule an personal interview with Human Resources Department to voice out opinion about the working experience. Employees will be assured that their feedback shall be maintained in confidence and in no way it will affect their future job references or other future prospects of employment. WORK SCHEDULE AND COMPENSATION Aim – To establish the normal daily/weekly work schedules and the basis of compensation for regular hours worked, overtime, adjustments to normal work schedules. Definitions – Workday: A scheduled work period between 10.00am to 4.00pm on the same day. Overtime: Hours of work by employees in excess of 40 hours per week. Emergency call-in: When employees are asked to report to work to take care of an emergency that cannot wait until regular scheduled working hours. Policy – Work Schedule: The usual full-time weekly work schedule consists of 5 eight-hour work work schedule with 30-minute meal period. 1. First shift: The 8 hour work period beginning from 10.00 am depending upon the departmental usual work schedule. 2. Second shift: The 8 hour work period beginning from 1.00 pm depending upon the departmental usual work schedule. 3. Third shift: The 8 hour work period beginning from 10.00 pm depending upon the departmental usual work schedule. A organization work schedule may change as and when required. The department head will consult Human Resources to establish or modify the department’s work schedule. Emergency Call-in: An employee is guaranteed minimum of 4 hour pay for each call-in occurrence. Call-in hours above 40 hours will be compensated at overtime rate. Procedure – Overtime records and payment: Overtime pay will be included in the paycheck for the period the employee has worked overtime. Responsibility: The immediate supervisor must approve the overtime assignments and ensure that work is equitably distributed. Such approval must be obtained prior to the commencement of any overtime. It is the responsibility of Human Resources for interpreting of such provisions that complies with state laws and regulations when a question arise regarding the computation of overtime.

MEAL AND BREAK PERIODS Aim – To establish policy on meal and break periods and to clarify the type of meal and break period the employees are permitted to take, whether such periods are compensated. Policy – Break Periods: There will be two 15 minute break, one 30 minute break each day to be taken at times approved by the supervisor. Supervisors can authorize break time for their employees taking into account their department’s operational requirements with following restrictions: 1. A break period cannot exceed other than mentioned time. 2. Employees cannot accumulate any unused break timings as the basis for starting late, leaving early or extending a scheduled meal period. Procedure – Supervisor’s Responsibilities: Supervisors are responsible for administering their departmental meal and break periods in a fair and uniform manner. Supervisor must schedule employee meal periods so that on-going operational responsibilities are not compromised. Employee Responsibilities: Employees are responsible for keeping their supervisors informed about any changes to their work schedules. An employee who takes unauthorized meal or break period or extends authorized meal or break period beyond approved time limits are subjected to discipline, which includes termination of employment. Professional Responsibility The code of professional responsibility applies for all employees. It establishes standards of conduct deemed necessary to foster the professional welfare of the organization. Conduct that breaches or violates the principles will be governed by the code. It is a declaration of organizational values and the statement of enforceable code of conduct. Standards of Conduct Employees shall - Comply with and abide by rules and regulations - Maintain high professional standards - Make no unauthorized commitments or promises binding the company or any of its employees Standards of Conduct and Performance Aim – To set forth that all employees adhere to company’s standards of conduct and performance. Policy – The company expects all employees to adhere to standards of conduct and performance that established to enable all to work together to achieve the objectives desired state.

Procedure – General standards of conduct and performance apply to all employees across all departments of the organization. These standards include: 1. Each employee is to spend his/her time in premises effectively – by performing tasks safely, competently in a timely manner, quickly and well. 2. Each employee is to comply with policies and procedures. 3. Each employee should report to work on scheduled time.

4. They should cooperate with reasonable request from co-workers. 5. Each employee should respect the confidentiality of sensitive information. Such information shall not be discussed, electronically transferred from work area except for legitimate purpose. 6. Employee should maintain appropriate work place behavior and conduct that fosters learning and team work. 7. They should respect the rights of others and be courteous towards their coworkers Attendance Aim – To minimize the number of unscheduled absence, leaving work early. Policy – All employees are expected to maintain satisfactory attendance and report to work on time day. Late arrival and leaving early is deemed as unsatisfactory work behavior. Procedure – Notification: When an employee is late for work without prior approval he/she must notify his/her supervisor 1 hour in advance before scheduled starting time or soon as possible. If possible, the employee should call personally and speak directly with the supervisor. They should rely on their relatives, friends or co-workers to relay their absence from work to the supervisor. Note: Any employee who is absent for three consecutive days shall be deemed as resigned. Use of Electronic media and communications Aim – This policy outlines the provisions pertaining to laptops provided by company for official use. This policy also establishes the company’s rights to access electronic data and information on its systems. Policy – Use of computers and its associated services, email, instant messaging, voice mail, internet are encouraged because they make communication more effective and efficient. Systems are valuable business asset. The data sent and received on these systems are property of the company. Note: Each employee using the system is responsible for the security of that system whether it used in office, residence or any other location other than office premises. Configuration – A standard configuration and brand shall be made available . IT department is responsible for managing all dealings with computer vendors and recommending configuration as per need.

Procedure – Electronic data, information and files, other type of correspondence can be accessed and read by authorized persons from the organization. 1. Access by system administration employees during the course of system maintenance and administration 2. Approved by the employee’s supervisor in case of urgency to access the employee’s computer. For example, if a employee is absent and supervisor has reason to believe that information pertaining to day-to-day business transaction is located in employee’s computer.

3. Access approved by the employee’s supervisor when there is enough reason to believe that the employee is using the electronic medium in violation to the company policies. The electronic communication medium should not be used to communicate sensitive and confidential information. People in the organization should expect that data might be disclosed or read by individuals other than intended persons. Electronic communications, media and services cannot be used for knowingly transmitting, retrieving or storing any material that is: a. Discriminatory or harassing b. Derogatory to any individual or group c. Obscene d. Defamatory or threatening Passwords: Each user access the e-mail system with designated user name and password. 1. Passwords are intended to keep unauthorized persons from accessing information stored in system. The failure to keep passwords confidential can allow unauthorized persons to read, modify, delete, circulate e-mail or instant messaging forgeries, download and manipulate files on other systems. 2. The practice of using password should not allow employees to expect privacy with respect to information sent or received. 3. Employees are prohibited from disclosing their log-in name and passwords to other employees except when required by an urgent business matter. They should change their password as soon as possible after urgent business matter has been resolved. Personal use: Computers are provided by company for business use. Limited or occasional use of system for personal use is understandable and acceptable. Employees are expected to demonstrate sense of responsibility while using this privilege. Use of computers, other electronic services are subjected to following restrictions: 1. Must involve in any prohibited activity 2. Interfere with work productivity, learning environment of employees 3. Involve large file transfer or otherwise deplete system resources available for business purpose. 4. To participate in any newsgroup, mailing list, discussion forum that is not job related and not incidental personal use is strictly prohibited. 5. Employees should delete the personal information/messages as soon as they are dealt with. Employees are prohibited from engaging in or attempting : 1. monitoring or intercepting the files or other communications of other employees or third parties. 2. Hacking or obtaining access to systems or accounts they are not authorized to. 3. Breaching, testing or monitoring computer, network security measures. 4. Using other person’s log-in or passwords. Prohibited Activity: Employees are strictly prohibited from sending e-mail or using the e-mail in connection with any of the following activities: 1. Engaging in illegal, fraudulent activities 2. Sending or storing offensive, obscene or defamatory material 3. Annoying or harassing other employees 4. Unauthorized sending of copyrighted materials Confidential Information: All employees are required to protect the company’s confidential information. Employees should exercise greater care when sending

confidential information to intended persons because e-mail makes it easier to redistribute secret and confidential information to third parties. Performance appraisal Aim – To define staff performance management guidelines at the organization and strengthen the feedback and evaluation process for the employee. To provide the opportunity for improving the performance through discussions with supervisor in a constructive manner. And also to provide a systematic mean for supervisors to make determinations based on candid objective assessment of an employee’s performance, identify the training needs. Importance of Performance Appraisal : It is in the interest of the Company as also of the employee that the value of a proper Appraisal System is recognized by the all concerned parties. Some of the purposes of performance appraisals are : 1. Career Progression 2. Placement 3. Training and Development. Appraisals can also be used for : 1. Succession Planning 2. Salary Progression 3. Merit Awards Guidelines: 1. Each factor should be weighed equally. 2. Appraisee should be assessed for his / her performance for the particular period. 3. Appraisal should not be biased 4. Qualities should be judged with fairness. 5. Assessment should be made objectively. Policy – The performance appraisal is a continuous process of employee assessment through performance evaluation system. Appraisals can be conducted as deemed necessary by supervisors. Procedure – The assessment process should include clear and honest feedback regarding job performance, needs for improvement, career advancement opportunities. Performance appraisals are a function of evaluating employees on the basis of performance in relation to their job. Supervisors are responsible for conducting through, timely performance appraisals to the employees who are directly reporting to them. 1. Performance in every factor should be rated independently. 2. A supervisor may chose to conduct alternate method of performance appraisal only with written approval from Human Resources Department. Supervisor will prepare the performance appraisal and review it with next level of supervision (his immediate reporting head) before reviewing it with the employee. Performance appraisal discussion should closely related with assigned duties and responsibilities, performance standards. He should invite the employee to make comment on the performance appraisal. The employee should sign and return the appraisal form to supervisor, the same should be retained in employee’s personal file maintained by the organization. The employee’s signature on appraisal form indicates that performance evaluation form has been received. If the employee disagrees with the evaluation, he shall discuss the difference with supervisor in order to arrive at resolution.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Definition “Research Methodology” is a term made up of two words, research & methodology. ‘Research’ means ‘search for knowledge’. It is a scientific and systematic search for potential information on a specific topic. It is an art of scientific investigation. It is careful investigation or inquiry especially for search of new fact in any branch of knowledge. Method of Data Collection Data can be of two type’s primary and secondary data. Primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and it is in original form. Primary data can be collected either through experiment or through survey. The researcher has chosen the survey method for data collection. The questionnaire method was chosen as a method of data collection due to limited time in hand. While designing data-collection procedure, adequate safeguards against bias and unreliability must be ensured. Whichever method is selected, questions must be well examined and be made unambiguous. The collected data has been examined for completeness, consistency and reliability. Various information from journals, magazines and reports prepared by the other researchers was also collected. For this study, the following methods has been used:  Questionnaire  Observation Sample Design 

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from the sampling frame. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting some sampling units from which inferences about the population is drawn. Sampling design is determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a given population. The researchers must decide the way of selecting a sample. There are various methods of sampling like systematic sampling, random sampling, deliberate sampling, etc. Among these methods of sampling, random sampling method has been used so that bias can be eliminated and sampling error can be estimated. Designing samples should be made in such a fashion that the samples may yield accurate information with minimum amount of research effort.

Sampling  

Sampling may be defined as the selection of some part of an aggregate or totality on the basis of which a judgment or inference about an entire population by examining only a part of it. The items so selected constitute what is technically called a sample, their selection process or technique is called sample design and the survey conducted in the basis of sample is described as sample survey.

Sample Size In sampling design the most complicated question is: what should be the size of the sample. If the sample size is too small, it may not serve to achieve the objectives and if it is too large, we may incur huge cost and waste resources. So sample must be of an optimum size that is,

it should neither be excessively large nor too small. Here, researcher has taken 50 as the sample size.

Hypothesis  Human Resource Policies provided by the organization of employees works as an agent for the growth of employees and also motivates the employees to perform well i.e. employee performance and satisfaction is the valuable outcome of sound of HR Policies of the organization.  Ensure healthier growth of organization in terms of business and motivation among managers.  The various HR Policies at Big Bazaar makes the employees enthusiastic towards work.

DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Are you satisfied with the recruitment process performed in your organization?

Recruitment process 18% agree disagree 82%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding recruitment process 82% employees are satisfied or agree whereas 18% are not satisfied which is performed in the organization. Therefore, the employees are satisfied by recruitment process.

Monetary Reward

Are you satisfied with the monetary reward given on bringing a candidate on board?

Monetary reward


agree disagree 74%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding monetary reward given on bringing on board 74% of employees are satisfied and 26% are not satisfied.

Background Checks Are you satisfied with the background checks conducted for employees?

Backgroud checks

22% Agree Disagree


INTERPRETATION: Regarding background checks which is conducted for employees 78% employees are satisfied whereas 22% employees are not satisfied.

Induction Program The induction program of your organization is formal type.

Induction programme 18% Agree Disagree 82%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding induction program which is conducted in the organization, 82% of the employees are satisfied whereas 18% of the employees are not satisfaction.

Induction The induction of your organization covers organizational structure and policies.

Induction 10% Agree Disagree 90%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding induction of organization, 90% of the employees are satisfied and 10% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that most of the employees are benefited.

Training Method

Are you satisfied with the Classroom method adopted by your organization to train the employees?

Classroom method

27% Agree Disagree 73%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding Classroom method, 73% of the employees are satisfied whereas 27% of the employees are not satisfied. It means most of the employees get affected but some of the employees want training and development programs to train employees.

Effectiveness of Training Program Effectiveness of training program in your Organization is evaluated by observing the post training performance of employees.

Effectiveness of Training program


Agree 68%


INTERPRETATION: Regarding effectiveness of training program, 68% of the employees are satisfied whereas 32% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that some of the employees want that evaluation of effectiveness of training program should be done with some other method.


Are you satisfied with the feedback given to you by organization?


28% Agree Disagree 72%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding feedback 72% of the employees are satisfied whereas 28% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that some of the employees get benefited but some are not. CAREER PROGRESSION Are











Mentor system 16%

Agree Disagree


INTERPRETATION: Regarding mentor system followed for career progression, 84% of the employees get benefited and only 16% of the employees are exempted.

LEAVE POLICY Are you satisfied with the type of leave policy followed by the organization?

Leave Policy 17% Agree Disagree 83%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding leave policy, 83% of the employees are satisfied whereas 17% of the employees are not satisfied.


Are you satisfied with the informal communication pattern?

Communication pattern 13% Agree Disagree 87%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding communication pattern, 87% of the employees are satisfied and 13% of the employees are not satisfied. It means most of the employees are comfortable with this communication process. Department Meeting Are you satisfied with the Department meeting?

Department meeting

24% Agree Disagree 76%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding department meeting, 76% of the employees are satisfied and 24% of the employees are not satisfied.

REWARDS AND RECOGNITION Are you satisfied with the monetary rewards?

Monetary Rewards

33% Agree Disagree 67%

INTERPRETATION: Regarding monetary rewards, 67% of the employees are satisfied whereas 33% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that some of the employees want to implement non-monetary rewards in the organization.

SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSION SUGGESTIONS 1. The Organization should focus on mentor system intend to help employees in their career progression. 2. The Organization should conduct Psychometric tests for employees. 3. The Training should be mandatory for all level of employees. 4. The Departments should develop constructive attitude towards each other.

5. The company should give the appropriate recognition for the contributions and accomplishments made by employees. A flexible reward system should be adopted by organization to improve employee motivation. 6. A more transparent and full proof communication system developed in the organization. 7. Replacing the lacuna in the current system. 8. Wages and salary administration process should have a more scientific approach laying stress on equal wages for equal work done. CONCLUSION The study has helped to identify employee’s opinion towards various aspects regarding human resources policies in the organization. This study has also enabled us to perform better and to be productive. The study has also helped the employee’s of the organization to express their thoughts and their experiences with regard to HR practices. This study will be helpful for further studies or researches in the same title. Based on the findings from the study, some suggestions have been provided to the management. The management can take the suggestions in to consideration in order to improve human resource within the organization and also bridge the gap between employees’ expectations and existing scenario. 1. The Policy of the company provides facilities for all round growth of individuals by training in-house and outside the organization, reorientation, lateral mobility and selfdevelopment through self-motivation. 2. The Policy grooms every individual to realize his potential in all facets while contributing to attain higher organizational and personal goals. 3. The Policy builds teams and foster team-work as the primary instrument in all activities. 4. The Policy implements equitable, scientific and objective system of rewards, incentives and control. 5. The Policy recognizes worth contributions in time and appropriately, so as to maintain a high level of employee motivation and morale. 6. The employees agree on the part of their performance that they know what is expected from them. 7. The employees understand how their work goals relate to company’s goals. 8. Company inspires the employees to do their best work every day. 9. The employees are not satisfied with the communication and decisionmaking process as it leaks the information related to organization. 10. The employees do not receive the appropriate recognition and rewards for their contributions and accomplishments. 11. The employees feel that they are not paid fairly for the contributions they make to company’s success.

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