Hrm Term Report On Aku

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Aga Khan University Hospital

Management Report on


Aga Khan University Hospital



Submitted By:

Group members: Muhammad Taimoor Khanzada (2914) Amin Saleem (2899) Shaheryar Zafar (2907) Aziz Ahmed (2867) Muhhamad Ali Vohra (2904) Dated: 11th May, 2009 Subject: Principles of Management Topic of Project: Management System of Aga Khan University Hospital Submitted To: Prof. Sanatullah


Aga Khan University Hospital

ACKNOWLEDGMENT We owe our profound thanks and deepest gratitude to ALMIGHTY ALLAH, most merciful, who blessed us with determination, strength, ability and divine help to complete this management. This report is on “Management System of Aga Khan University Hospital”. This report is a part of our course titled as Principles of Management conducted in Iqra University – Gulshan Campus. Then we would like to acknowledge our course instructor Mr. Sanatullah to give us an opportunity to work on this project, and allow us to make use of our analytical abilities. It was his guidance and never ending patience that lead us to complete this report. Then we would like to thank Mr. Faheem Ahmed for his altruistic guidance and patience. Our special thanks to our beloved parents and friends without whose support we would not be able to complete our assignment and their coordination has made us able to achieve the task in time.

Table of contents


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Executive Summary Vision Mission Values Importance of Human Assets Aga Kahn university Commitment to HR Human Resource Hierarchy Human Resources Division 8.1 Vision 8.2 Mission 8.3 HR Management Philosophy 8.4 Principles 8.5 Standards 8.6 Values 8.7 Competency Of HR Professions Organization Unique Challenges Recruitment Department 11.1 Mission 11.2 Recruitment 11.3 Recruitment Process 11.3.1 Requisition 11.3.2 Search Process 11.3.3 Internal Sources 11.3.4 External Sources 11.4 Maintenance of Application Data Bank 11.4.1 Write In 11.4.2 Walk In 11.5 Screening Process 11.5.1 Preliminary Interview 11.5.2 Aptitude Test 11.5.3 Interviews Patient Billing Servicing Department 12.1 Cash Department 12.2 Welfare Department 12.3 Credit & Collection Department 12.4 Corporate Management Hierarchy of P.B.S.D Appendix

Executive Summary Aga Khan University Medical College (AKU-MC) was established in 1983 and enrolls students in a five-year program leading to the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree. It has to date conferred 1,370 degrees. The educational


Aga Khan University Hospital offerings in medicine range from a five-year bachelor's degree to a number of clinical postgraduate residencies. Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, (AKUH,K) started operations in 1985, as an integrated, health care delivery component of Aga Khan University (AKU). It is a philanthropic, not-for-profit, private teaching institution committed to providing the best possible options for diagnosis of disease and team management of patient care. AKUH's multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and care ensures a continuum of safe and highquality care for patients – all services under one roof. This University Hospital has 545 beds in operation and provides services to over 42,000 hospitalized patients and to over 500,000 outpatients annually with the help of professional staff and facilities that are among the best in the region. Care is available to all patients in need. Those who are unable to pay for treatment, receive assistance through a variety of subsidies and the Hospital's Patient Welfare Program. AKUH is the first hospital in Pakistan and among the first few teaching hospitals in the world to be awarded the prestigious Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA) for practicing the highest internationally recognized quality standards in health care. Similarly, the Hospital also holds ISO 9001:2000 certification for practicing consistent international standards of quality services.

VISION Aga Khan University & hospital will be an autonomous, international institution of distinction, primarily serving the developing world and Muslim societies in innovative and enduring ways.


Aga Khan University Hospital MISSION Aga Khan University & hospital; is committed to the development of human capacities through the discovery and dissemination of knowledge, and application through service. It seeks to prepare individuals for constructive and ideal leadership roles, and shaping public and private policies, through strength in research and excellence in education, all dedicated to providing meaningful contributions to society. To advance this Mission, Aga Khan Hospital will:   

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Offer programs of international quality; Respond to identified needs in the countries and regions which it serves; Prioritize teaching and research which will inform and support intellectual innovation and change; Provide service to advance its educational and research mandate; Foster and develop leadership capacity through education and research programs; Assess its impact and effectiveness; Promote access and equity by taking positive measures to make the University inclusive of all socio-economic groups, addressing the particular needs and circumstances of the disadvantaged; promoting the welfare and advancement of women; Engage in knowledge networking and emerging technologies. Add value by promoting partnership and networking across the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), and with other national and international institutions.

VALUES As an international institution, in achieving its Mission, Aga Khan University & hospital operates on the core principles of quality, relevance, impact and access.


Aga Khan University Hospital Inspired by Islamic ethics, humanistic ideals and the philosophy of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), the University is committed to building an environment that fosters intellectual freedom, distinction in scholarship, pluralism, compassion, and humanity’s collective responsibility for a sustainable physical, social and cultural environment.


Aga Khan University Hospital

IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN ASSETS The importance of Human Assets is emphasized in the quality policy of AKUH. The second point in the quality policy is made in order to reflect the importance of Human assets at AKUH. In turn, the Aga Khan University tries its best to come up to the expectations of its employees by anticipating and fulfilling their needs through the highly specialized Human Resource Division.

THE AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY’S COMMITMENT TO HUMAN RESOURCES The Aga Khan University Hospital lays great emphasis on the importance of “Human Assets” in their vast area of development network throughout the world. His Highness The Aga Khan, Chancellor of the University, has from the inception of the University, stressed great emphasis on the importance of good Human Resource Management practices, as incepted in one of his early convocation addresses excerpt given below: “………We must do all we can do to keep our good people and to sustain the highest level of quality in what we do. Without good people, we cannot afford quality. Without quality, good people would not choose to stay….”


Aga Khan University Hospital


The Human Resource Division


Records & Benefits Administration

Policies and Compensation

Training and Org. Development

THE HUMAN RESOURCE DIVISION Vision Human resource Division aim to be leaders and partners in creating innovative people strategies and in anticipating and responding to the needs of our growing international university and The Aga Khan development Network. Mission The purpose of the HR Division’s existence is to: • • • •

Attract, develop, motivate and retain high caliber faculty and staff. Act as strategic partners and players with the lie managers to positively influence and support AKU’s strategic direction. Be employee champions by advocating quality of work life. Serve as a resource for The Aga Khan Development Network.

HR Management Philosophy The AKUH’s HR Management Philosophy is based on the conviction that the well being of the Institution and the well being of its people are one and the


Aga Khan University Hospital same. The Institution is dedicated to the belief that its most valued asset is its PEOPLE. The commitment is employee is treated equitable manner: to they may work: and potential.

to employ on the basis of merit: to ensure that every with dignity and respect and in a fair, consistent and create a stimulating and supportive atmosphere in which to aid and encourage them in the realization of their full

Principles Faculty, Managers and Supervisors at all levels must be committed to following principles. • • •

Accept total responsibility for the success of Institution’s HR philosophy, policies and program. Exercise leadership by demonstrating integrity, professional knowledge, the courage of their convictions, and concern for the feelings of others. Establish a relationship with subordinates that encourage a free flow of information in both directions, permit open discussions of differing views and allow decision making at the most appropriate level.

Standards In the same context of obligations and mutual trust and confidence, all faculty and staff are expected to maintain certain standards and relation to their work and in representing themselves as faculty and staff of AKUH. More specifically, all employees should: • • • •

Communicate constructive ideas and opinions to the next higher level of supervisor, either voluntarily or when requested. Support their own position’s on any matters still under consideration. Accept and support decisions made contrary to their expressed position. Apply the highest standards of ethics, integrity and honesty,


Aga Khan University Hospital

Values The attitudes and actions will be driven by the following values: •

Empathy Be sensitive to the concerns of all faculty and staff.

Equality and fairness Respect all individuals and treat them in a fair and consistent manner.

Continuous learning and improvement Contribute to the creation of learning concept and environment.

Commitment to excellence Strive to achieve excellence in all that we do as we work individually and collectively to meet the needs of those we serve and our co-workers.

Teamwork Maintain harmonious and effective work relationship with colleagues.

Competencies for HR Professionals • • • • • •

People skills Business acumen (ability fundamentals) Acceptance of change Flexibility Problem solving skills Communication skills






Aga Khan University Hospital

ORGANIZATION At AKU personnel functions are organized in a division. Division in turn comprised of different departments. Each department has been assigned an important personnel function. Personnel division is headed by the director personnel. Division is in turn divided into 5 departments each headed by a Manager. Organization personnel division reflects the importance attach to the personnel functions as functions are not assigned to a merely a single department but an elaborate set up has been created to cater to needs of organization and it personnel. Rather elaborate organization is not merely the reflection of sophistication but also its size. It shows that AKU must be having considerably large size. As no organization can sensibly afford to maintain a personnel division without being able to justify the costs of doing so.

UNIQUE CHALLENGES Since personnel function involves challenging role of dealing with human beings, therefore it entails more complication than other function. People responsible for personnel function have to maintain a very delicate balance. Since people are so different in nature that despite development of very sophisticated theories explaining human behavior, it some times baffles the human mined. There are many reasons, which makes task of human resource management at AKU profoundly different from many other organizations in Pakistani context. As has been mentioned in the vision of AKU (See sec introduction of AKU) that before the establishment of AKU there was no precedent of such university in Pakistan. It was one of its kinds in our country. Personnel division of AKU have to be very careful about it’s functions as at the one hand it is part of an organization which claims to be a Islamic university and on the other hand there is evident corporate tinge in the organization.


Aga Khan University Hospital It is operating in a context where universities do not maintain elaborate human resource division. Therefore, in one sense it is very closer to Western universities. Responsibility of catering to a university, especially an Islamic University places a great moral obligation on personnel division. Therefore, it cannot operate on the lines of profit driven corporate organizations. On the other hand, it cannot shy away from the fact that it is competing not with other universities in Pakistan but with multinational organization. If it hopes to get better individuals from market and hope to retain them for the benefit of organization it must offer comparable benefits. To me, it seems a quite a challenging task for Human Resource Management at AKU.


Aga Khan University Hospital

RECRUITMENT DEPARTMENT MISSION “The recruitment department aims to assist supervisors/ department heads in recruiting and selecting suitably qualified high calibre faculty and staff for vacant positions in a timely manner.” The department achieves this by: Helping the institution assess its immediate and long-term resource requirement and ensuring that it has an appropriate number of qualified employees to fulfil these requirements. Providing opportunities to our existing employees to apply for vacant positions in the institution so as to motivate them and help them learn new skills for there further career development. Selecting the best candidates for the job purely on merit with no discrimination on any basis.

RECRUITMENT “The process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers and with appropriate qualifications and encouraging them to apply for job within an organization” The secret behind any organization’s success in the long run is because of its greatest asset – Its PEOPLE Recruitment is one of the most critical processes of the human resource management. In some cases, it becomes most critical because organizations want best people for jobs they offer. The processes that follow the recruitment process are to a great extent dependent of upon this process. For example if an organization has to select a candidate for a job it will naturally do so from the pool made available by recruitment process. If recruitment process is not done properly then the available pool of applicants may lack caliber to fulfill the needs of organization. Therefore, in good organization senior managers take personal interest in the recruitment process.


Aga Khan University Hospital The Recruitment Department at Aga Khan University aims to provide the best recruitment solutions to meet the diverse staffing needs of the institution. The department is responsible to assist supervisor / department heads in recruiting and selecting suitably qualified, high-caliber faculty and staff for vacant positions in a timely manner. Being equal opportunity employers, it is ensured that the best candidate is selected purely on merit basis.

RECRUITMENT PROCESS Requisitions The process is triggered by requisitions from the department heads. Department head issues requisition form. Requisitions specify the requirement of the position. In addition, mentions the reason for vacancy. It could be the result of transfer or termination. It should also answer the questions is to whether the position sought should be permanent or temporary: should it be full time or part time. With a view to identify likely replacement a section of requisition form, requires relevant department to mention whether they require candidate as soon as possible or at later date. Requirement at a later date especially in for positions, which entail hard to find skill levels allows recruitment department to do human resource planning for future. Requisition form is then sent to the Director Personnel office where it is made sure that the requisition position has the approval for the budgetary allocation. Search process is started after director's approval. Requisition forms also requires department to mention the possible sources of recruitment. This facilitates the process of recruitment as relevant has knowledge about the possible sources. There are three key processes undertaken by recruitment department at AKU. Three key processes are as follow. • •

Search Process Screening Process 15

Aga Khan University Hospital •

Selection Process

Except for the search process, none of the other two constitutes the recruitment process according to textbook definition. These processes are explained below.

Search Process There are two sources from which candidates are searched. These sources are what we call the sources of supply of human resources. Internal Sources

Internal Announcements One major source of recruitment is pool of current employees. The only exception is entry-level employees, who of source will have to be hired from outside the organization. During discussion she mentioned that they post the job opening on the notice boards of organization. In addition, Intra-net at AKU is very increasingly and effectively used for such purposes. Any job opening in the departments sent through to employees those who have access to intranet accounts. Otherwise, openings posted on the notice boards attract the attention of employees. It is said that internal recruitment is very helpful in many respects. It offers existing employees incentive to improve their skills. In some cases, these recruits prove less costly for some internal recruits might not need to go through the process of certain procedures such as orientation program. They will not go through the initial period of familiarization with the organization. They could immediately start producing better results. Another benefit of internal recruitment is that organization already knows the strengths and weaknesses of candidates therefore, if recommended for recruitment he or she could be more beneficial for the organization. As mentioned above internal recruitment could be less expensive as these candidates do not necessarily need all the training, which a new recruit might require. 16

Aga Khan University Hospital

External Sources No matter how important and efficient the process of internal recruitment is, no organization can fulfill its entire requirement from internal sources. It will ultimately have to rely on external sources. Some of the positions in organization of necessity will have to be recruited from outside. For example, entry-level positions cannot be filled by from internal sources. In addition, for flow on new ideas and it is necessary that organization should recruit from outside Organizations, which solely depend on internal sources for recruitment purposes, to save monetary costs would do so at the risk of becoming too inward looking.

External recruitment at AKUH In order to attract the external candidates AKU recruitment department undertakes following activities 

Educational Institutions Advertisements placed on the notice boards of educational institutions could be very good source of attracting recruits. At AKU, this practice is only followed for managerial level positions. According to Manager recruitment department, so far advertisements were sent to be place on IBA notice boards. Some management trainees have joined AKU who have done their MBAs from private universities like CBM.

Announcements in Jamat Khana Jamat Khana is a community center of Ismaili Muslims. Since AKU belongs to Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) it is considered important to inform the community members of any opportunity or vacant positions arises Although, Recruitment manager of AKU (herself a non- Ismaili) mentioned during interview that there is a strong emphasis on making AKU an equal opportunity employer. She mentioned of clear instruction


Aga Khan University Hospital she received from the director of department and president of the University for treating candidates on equal basis. However being a part of Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) Ismailis have at least hear about vacant position in Jamat Khanas which other people might miss even if published in the news papers. Especially for such jobs, which are not advertised in the newspapers Ismialis might have more chances of getting the information than other people. However, this might not be the only reason. 

Advertisements Local Newspapers Advertisements are placed in local newspapers once the vacancy emerges, and notified to recruitment department through requisition. Since AKU is considered to be a very reputable organization, and known for its good working environment, these advertisements are received very well and many of the candidates apply for the post. Foreign Newspapers Although advertisement are placed in the local newspapers, but in some cases the target pool of prospective recruits is international. This is largely determined by the nature of job. Since AKU is an international university therefore to maintain the excellence of services, it extends its search beyond national boundaries to recruits. This is mostly the case when faculty members of high caliber are required. As result, many of the factual members and other professionals are expatriates. One could see many foreigners working in different positions of high standing.

Liaison with recruitment firms AKU recruitment department some times contacts with local or international recruitment firms for recruitment purposes. The Officer mentioned that they do so for senior positions.


Aga Khan University Hospital

Maintenance of application data bank Maintenance of application data bank is one of the important processes undertaken here. Recruitment department receives hundreds of applications from different people who are interested to join AKU. Theses include both sought and unsought applications. Application could be sent as response to vacancies announced or those sent by candidates who send in the application for possible future vacancies. This data bank helps to track the relevant applications whenever vacancy arises. This is important because application is not sent only when vacancies arise but some are sent in anticipation of some vacancy at future point in time. Two major sources of data bank of applications are write-in applications and walk-ins. Write in Applications either sought or unsought could be send by applicants through mail. These applications are sorted and then are entered in to appropriate section of data bank of applications. Walk in Some interested candidates might just walk in the recruitment department and hand their application to employees in recruitment department. Such candidates may want accretion that their application is reached to proper place. They might also like to get some information about further possible vacancies.


Aga Khan University Hospital

Screening Process 

Preliminary Interview Preliminary Interview is taken to eliminate the unqualified candidate for further process.

Aptitude Test For different candidates aptitude test is prepared to check their abilities. Aptitude tests test the candidates for their aptitude related to their work. Normally aptitude test contains a test of English Language proficiency. Naturally, different level of proficiency is required for different level of jobs. Apart from these, their work related knowledge is tested. For example for secretarial job computer skills and typing speed are tested to find out whether candidate fulfils the requirements of the job. Aptitude tests serves to exclude the obvious misfits hence screens out the candidates for interview process.

Interviews Interview is the next step in the selection process. This is the most important part of selection process in Pakistani context, because other methods are considered too sophisticated and costly. Those candidates who pass through the first phase of selection process, i.e. aptitude test have to go through the process of interviews. Interviews in some cases are conducted by recruitment department and personnel from line departments. However in some cases line departments conduct a separate interview. Interviews conducted by the department mostly focus on the job related skills and candidates competencies as it relates to job. While personnel department would be more interested in general competencies required for employment.


Aga Khan University Hospital P.B.S.D (Patient Billing Services Department)

P.B.S.D (Patient Billing Services Department)


Credit & Collection



P.B.S.D is a department which deals with four types of billing procedures of patients. There are two types of patients, which are being facilitate in A.K.U.H by P.B.S.D and those two types are in–patient and out-patient. In-patients are those patients who are being treated by A.K.U.H in more than one day. On the contrary out-patients are just consulting with their doctors or being treated in a day care surgery process. All of the four procedures of billing are being dealt by four different subdepartments which are mentioned above in the chart. CASH Department (P.B.S.D) Cash department facilitates those patients who are being treated by A.K.U.H with their respective procedures whether in or out-patients. These patients pay their billing amount in a simple manner either by cash or credit cards. Welfare Department (P.B.S.D) This department usually has a large amount of funds which are being collected in forms of donations and other different sources. These funds are used for those patients who are unable to pay their treatment amount. Those patients generally concerns with welfare department of A.K.U.H.


Aga Khan University Hospital Credit & Collection Department (P.B.S.D) Those patients who are not being approved from welfare department due to their status are facilitated by credit and collection department for payment procedure. Than credit and collection department collect payment from those patients on installment basis. They get surety from the patient about payments in form their NIC card or gives time to patient on behalf of any A.K.U.H employee for payment. Corporate (P.B.S.D) This department concern with those patients who utilize the services of A.K.U.H on behalf of panel provided by the companies where they are employed. Third party payment collection department collect payment from those companies for the treatment of their employees. They also deal those patients who insured their life from insurance companies.


Aga Khan University Hospital


Provost A.K.U Director P.B.S.D

Manager - Cash Dept

Manager – Credit & Collection Dept

Manager – Welfare Dept

Manager – Corporate Dept














Aga Khan University Hospital

Appendix 1. Do you have any separate recruitment department, which does recruiting? 2. What are the responsibilities of this department? 3. Are you the equal opportunity employer? 4. What factors do you consider in making the recruitment policy? 5. Do you have any preference while recruiting? 6. Do you believe in diverse workforce employment? 7. If yes, what problems do you face in managing diversity? 8. Which sources do you prefer for recruitment? 9. How is internal recruitment done in AKUH? 10. How is external recruitment done in AKUH? 11. How do you manage employment application information? 12. When the requisition is received how it is processed?


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