Hrm - Assignment Hint 2009

  • July 2020
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Assignment Hints HRM 2009


Important po ta t Notice ot ce to Stude Students ts 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 7.

2,000 2 000 words Min. 3 sources of references (textbook or journal) Times New Roman Font ((size 12)) Top & Bottom margin 1”; Right & Left margin 1.25” with justify alignment and 1.5 lines spacing C t i Cover Contain: C page, Table T bl off Contents, C t t M Main i B Body d &R Ref. f Assignment must presented in hard copy with CD Deadline: 12th October 2009


Important po ta t to hire e tthe e right g t peop people e 1 1.

Company s performance depends in part of the subordinate’s Company’s subordinate s performance


Employees with the right skills or attributes will do a better job


Employees E l without ith t relevant l t skills kill would ld nott perform f effectively ff ti l and the team’s performance as well as the company will suffer


Costly to recruit and hire employees


Costly to train a new employee


Pick c the t e right g t people peop e 1 1.


It’ about It’s b t talent t l t to t the th job j b Talent is what are looking for: 1. The talent to sell; 2. The talent to detect problems; 3. Th ttalent The l t to t analyze l information i f ti accurately


Maslow’s Maslow s Five Level of Needs (1) 1 Physiological (生理需要) 1. 是維持生活和繁衍後代所必需的各種物質上的需求,包括衣、食、飲水、住所、 性慾和其他身體需要 性慾和其他身體需要。

2. Security (安全需要) 這是有關免除危險和威脅的各種需要,即保護自己免受生理和心理傷害的需要。 如避免疾病、失業、財產損失和意外事故的需要。

3. Social (社會需要 ) 也稱友愛與歸屬的需要,包括與人交往、友誼、愛情、歸宿及接納等方面的需要。


Maslow’s Maslow s Five Level of Needs (2) 4 Esteem (尊重需要) 4. 即地位或受人尊敬的需要,包括自尊、自值與成就等內部尊重需要和權力、地位、 認可與關注等外部尊重需要。

5. Self-Actualization (自我實現需要 ) 這是最高層次的需要,包括發揮自身潛能、成長,實現心之所向的需要。這種需要 這是最高層次的需要 包括發揮自身潛能 成長 實現心之所向的需要 這種需要 是一種追求個人能力之極限的需要,往往要通過對挑戰性工作的勝任感和在創新性 活動中得到的成就感來滿足。


Maslow’s as o s Hierarchy eac yo of Needs eeds Theory eo y Maslow’s Maslow s Hierarchy factors: A H Maslow is one of the most influential content theorists of motivation. Content theories seek to determine the individual choice of goals and hence why certain things are more import to some people th others. than th A H Maslow M l suggested t d that th t individuals i di id l are motivated by five levels of need. They are: Ph i l i l Security, Physiological, S it Social, S i l E Esteem t and d Self-actualization needs. 7





Problems ob e s with t Maslow’s as o s Approach pp oac ((1)) 1. Some needs might not exists in certain people. What is considered important p by y one p person could be regarded g as trivial by another. Social environment influence individual perceptions; much depends on the traditions, culture and lifestyles of the societies in which people live. 2. Assuming that all the needs suggested by Maslow are in fact 2 present, they might not be ranked in the order outlined. Needs can exist simultaneously and horizontally as well as sequentially and vertically. vertically


Problems ob e s with t Maslow’s as o s Approach pp oac ((2)) 3 Maslow had little to say about source of need 3. need. The fact is that many basic needs are actually learned responses with cultural, not p physiological, y g , origins. g Behavior can be conditioned;; wants may be created. Equally, currently perceived needs can be suppressed by social pressures. 5. The theory states that individuals will seek to attain higher level needs only y when lower needs have been satisfied. Many yp people, p , however, are acutely conscious of higher needs even though their fundamental physiological needs have not been fully met. In a consumer society society, the poor may yearn for status symbols even though they are unable to satisfy their immediate requirements.


Maslow 需求層級理論 z



具體需求處於一種階層關係 z



批評 z



高層的需求 可能同時追求 高層的需求,可能同時追求






需求並非剛性結構 12

Get more o e out o of you yourself se 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8.

A system for creating more self self-discipline discipline in your life Call on a higher level of thinking to motivate yourselves Self-discipline p means respecting p g yyour commitment to yyourself and others and doing what you agree to do Flexible and adaptive any time O Open up time ti for f being b i creative ti and d super-charge h your mind i d so that it works faster and makes connections faster, a major factor in creativity training Being self-disciplined means being more focused on tasks, not on being more rigid. You will find your creativity opening-up as you learn to focus better Achievement is exciting, but not 100% stress-free Set goals, write down the reasons for those goals, when you want to achieve them and how 13

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