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  • Words: 3,252
  • Pages: 75
HIRING PROCESS Recruitment Selection Socializing

Socialization Teaching the Cooperate Culture & Philosophies About how to do Business A process of adaptation that take place as individual attempt to learn the Values & Norms of work Roles

Purpose of Socialization        

Influences Employee Performance Increase organizational Stability New members suffer Anxiety Does not occur in a vacuum Learn Company Values & Systems Increase Commitment to the success Willingness to work with commitment To know each other in the company

Ways of Socialization  Orientation  Welcome Party  Job Rotation  On job Training

Stages of Socialization Productivity






Stages of Socialization Prearrival Stage The socialization process stage that recognize individuals arrive in an organization with a set of organizational values, attitude & expectations

   

Before Starting a Job Enter with Values, Attitudes,Experience Schools, Trainings Interview prepare for Organization Fit

Stages of Socialization Encounter Stage The socialization process stage where individuals confront the possible dichotomy between their organizational expectations and reality      

Upon entry into Organization Shock at Possible dichotomy Expectation Reality Affirmation Detachment

Stages of Socialization Metamorphosis Stage The socialization process stage whereby the new employee must work out inconsistencies discovered during the encounter stage

    

Problem workout Comfortable with environment Productivity Commitment Turnover

Who done Socialization     

Human Resource Manager Supervisor Peers Organization Culture CEO

ORIENTATION It covers the activities involve in the introducing a new employee to organization and to his or her work unit

Sample New Employee Orientation Schedule



9:00 Welcome and overview of the day (with refreshments) 9:30 Introduction to the company 10:00 Overview of the employment relationship • wage and salary policies • performance appraisal policies • work schedules • discipline procedures • parking • grievance procedures • training opportunities 11:00 Overview of benefit options 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Benefit enrollment 2:00 Tour of the workplace 3:30 Introduction of supervisor and coworkers

Topic Covered in Employee Orientation part Introduction     

To Organization To Supervisor To trainers To Co Workers To Systems

Topic Covered in Employee Orientation part Job Duties      

Job Location Job Tasks Job Safety Requirement Overview Of the job Job Objectives Relationship With other Jobs

Topic Covered in Employee Orientation part

Organizational Issues          

History of the Employer Names & Titles of Key Executives Employees Titles and Department Layout of physical facilities Probationary period Orientation of production procedure Company policies & Rules Discipline Regulation Employee Handbook Safety procedures

Topic Covered in Employee Orientation part

Employee Benefits         

Pay scale & Pay Dates Vacations Rest Breaks Training & Education Benefits Counseling Housing Facilities Insurance Benefits Retirements Programs Extra Services



EMPLOYEE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Employee training & development is essential for the achievement of organizational goals & effectiveness.human resource development is a core function of human resource management. It include training & development practices for organizational effectiveness and improvement

Training  Improve employee competencies needed today or very soon  Typical objective is to improve employee performance in a specific job

Development  Improving employee competencies over a long period of time  Typical objective is to prepare employees for future role

Training & Development Trends  Skill requirements will continue to increase  Workforce will be become significantly better educated & more diversified  Corporate restructuring reshape the business  Technology will revolutionized certain training delivery methods  The role of training method will change  More flexible courses aimed specifically performance improvement  More organization will strive to become learning organization  Emphasis on human performance management will accelerate

Training Process Need Assessment Design of Training Delivering of Training Evaluation of Training

Need Assessment A needs assessment is the process of identifying performance requirements and the Gap between what performance is required and what presently exists

Performance Gap Analysis The differences between the (P) present performance at the project/work & task levels and its (S) standard performance is called (G) Gap Analysis Performance = Competency + Motivation + Opportunity Competency = knowledge + Skills + Ability


Issues in Gap Analysis  Some performance gaps are quite easy to measure. For example, if the standard is to dig a ditch 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep, but it is dug 1 ½ foot deep, then there is a performance gap of what the depth is and should be. If the ditch digger does not know how a dig a ditch two feet deep, then it is a training problem. If the ditch digger knows how, but did not do it, then is is some other type of performance problem besides training

Issues in Gap Analysis  Some more difficult task to train and measure are SOFT SKILLS. These address manner in which we deal with things emotionally,such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation & Attitude. These traits are not observable, therefore a representative behavior must be measured. For example we cannot tell tell if a if a worker is well motivated by looking at her, but we can observe some representative behaviors, such as being on time working with other, performing tasks to standards, etc. probably two of the most trained soft skills are customer service and teamwork

Four Major Causes of Performance Problems  Knowledge or Skills The employee does not know how to perform the process correctly. This problem arises when there is a new hire, new or revised process, change in standards, new equipment, new policies, transfer or promotion, or a new product. In this case, there is only one solution is training

 Process the problem is not employee related, but is cause by working conditions, bad processes etc.

 Resources lack of resource & Technology .

 Motivation or Culture the employee know hoe to perform, but does so incorrectly Note: when knowledge & skills is not the solution for the problem the company shows response to other major immediately feedback

Why conduct a Training Need Analysis  To improve the performance in individuals & organization  To increase the relevance & effectiveness of training  To distinguish training need form organizational problems

       

Sources Determining Training Needs

Market Analysis Self Assessment Company records Unsatisfactory customer survey ratings Missed objective & Targets New facilities & technology Employee grievance Interview with managers

Determining Training Needs

What deficiencies, if any do incumbents have in the Skills, Knowledge, or abilities require to exhibit the necessary job behaviors

What behavior are necessary for each job incumbent to complete his/her arranged tasks

Is there a need for training

What are the organization’s Goals

What tasks must be completed to achieve their Goals

Components of Training Needs Analysis  Organization Analysis  Operational Analysis  Personal Analysis

Components of Training Needs Analysis  Organization Analysis • Examine Mission & Strategy • Make sure training focus on the mission of he company

• Examine Job Design & Resources Allocation • Examine Internal Environment to determine if it is causing problems • What type of resources are available in the organization. • What is the climate? Is it supportive of the training program?

• Where would be training be useful in the organization

Components of Training Needs Analysis  Operational Analysis • • • • •

Task to required to perform What task are to be performed What level they must be performed What KSA are necessary to be performed Are there any Roadblock

 Data Sources for Operational analysis • Job Description • Job specification • Performance standards

Components of Training Needs Analysis  Personal Analysis • • • •

Do employees possess the necessary KSA Who with in the organization needs training What kind of training do they need Can they be trained

Key stages for Training Needs Analysis  Stage A • • • • •

What is job under review What are main duties What are skills required What standard of people are expected for job Are they currently meeting these standards

 Stage B • Identify key people or stakeholders involve

 Stage C • Consider the best means of finding out what B now plus what they feel they will need to know or do to achieve A

Key stages for Training Needs Analysis  Stage D • Analyze data using valid systematic method • Match against what needs to be know or what skills are required to find the gaps in the present knowledge & skills • This will identify the a training need

 Stage E • Present the plan to management how to meet identified needs

Technique for investigating Training Needs      

Direct observation Questionnaire Group discussion Interview Test Performance records

Economic Gap Analysis Having identified the problems & performance deficiencies. We must lay out the difference between the cost of any proposed solutions against the cost of not implementing the solution • What are the cost if no solution is applied. • What are the cost of conducting programs to change the situation. • Is it worth our efforts to undertake the proposed training. • What will be the return on investment

At last you should prepare a comprehensive report & deliver to officially concerned

Sample TNA Form Name: ______________________________________ Designation: _________________________________ Subjects: ____________________________________

Qualification Degree




Trainings Area


Time Period


R1 NA Involvement of Students

Communication Approach Learning Environment Motivation Student Psychology Course Material Command on Subjects Confidence Time Management Responsiveness Clarity of Concepts Discipline of Class Dressing Language




R2 G







Review Comments and Recommendations of HOD

Signature: ____________________



Review Comments and Recommendations of Manager Human Resource

Signature: ____________________



Comments and Approval by CEO

Signature: ____________________ __________________


Training Design This phase insures the systematic development of the training program. This process is driven by the products of analysis phase & end in a model of training program for future development Before training Always try to understand the trainee

Development of Training Objectives •What will be learners be able to do when they finish the training program •It prescribes the conditions, behaviors (action) and standards of tasks performance for the training setting and some time it may include variables •Objective should be written to be SMART •Specific •Measurable •Realistic •Time bound

Development of Training Objectives Example 1: Write a customer reply letter with no spelling mistake by using a word processor. Observable Action: Write a customer reply letter Measurable criteria: with no spelling mistake Conditions of Performance: using a word processor.

Development of Training Objectives Example 2 : Smile at all customers even when exhausted, unless the customer is irate. Observable action: Smile Measurable criteria: at all customers Conditions: even when exhausted Variable: unless the customer is irate

Design a Training Program Outline


of Training

Time Estimates for Training

Intended Audience

Proposed Content of Training

Training Method & techniques

Training Cost


Evaluation criteria

Training location & environme nt

Support Resources

A Training Lesson Plan          

Topic Summary of key points Training objectives Duration of each activity in each session Training contents Training method activities Breaks (s) Exercise to warm-up Question to test understanding Conclusion

Methods Delivering of Training On the Job Training

At actual work site using the actual equipment Off the job Training At training facility designed specially for training

Techniques Delivering of Training  Lec tu res

 Role playi ng

 Cas e me thod s

 Co mpu te bas ed

 Sim ul ati on s

 Video

 Int ern ship s

 Job rotatio n

 Me ntori ng

 Ass ista nt to positi ons

 Dis cu ssion s

 Co mmi tt ee as sig nm ents

 Game s

 Out door tr aini ngs

 coa ch ing


Why Evaluate Training •To validate training as a Business Tool •To justify the cost Incurred in Training •To help improve the Design of Training •To help in selecting Training Methods

Uirle-Patrick Evaluation Approach •Level 1 - Reaction •Level 2 - Learning •Level 3 - Behavior •Level 4 - Results

Uirle-Patrick Evaluation Approach •Level 1 - Reaction •Description:

Trainee reaction to the course. Does the trainee like the course, trainer, facilities? What improvement can they suggested •Comments: Most primitive & widely-used method of evaluation It is easy quick & inexpensive to administer

Uirle-Patrick Evaluation Approach •Level 2 – Learning •Description:

Did trainees learn what was based on the course objectives?. •Comments: Learning can be measure by pre & post tests either through written test or through performance test

Uirle-Patrick Evaluation Approach •Level 3 – Behavior •Description:

Trainee behavior change on the job Are the learners apply what they learn •Comments: Difficult to follow-up Questionnaire or observation after the training class has occurred Collect data form superior,peer,client & subordinate

Uirle-Patrick Evaluation Approach •Level 4 – Results •Description:

Ties training to the company bottom line Is the organization better because of training •Comments: Generally applies to trainings that seeks to overcome a business problems caused by lack of knowledge or skills Example include reductions in cost, turnover, accidents, absenteeism & profits May be difficult to tie directly to training

Evaluating Sales Teams •Level 1 – Reaction Are trainee satisfied? This also provides information so that the parts they don’t like can be improve

•Level 2 – Learning Did the training change the attitude, increase the knowledge or improve the skills of the trainee? This usually required testing before and after the training

Evaluating Sales Teams •Level 3 - Behavior Are the sales people using skills & knowledge on the job this may measured in the

verity of ways. Asking sales peoples, observation by manager, questioning customers •Level 4 - Results What effect does the training have on the company?

Types of Evaluation Instruments •Questionnaire •Attitude survey •Test •Interviews •Observation •Performance records

Summary of Evaluation Instruments

Level 1 (Reaction) • Questionnaire, Attitude survey, Interviews Level 2 (Learning) •Questionnaire, Attitude survey, Interviews Observation ,Test Level 3 (Behavior) •Questionnaire, Attitude survey, Interviews Observation Level 4 (Result) •Performance records

Evaluation Methods •Post-Training Performance Method Evaluating training programs based on how well employees can perform their jobs after they received the training.

•Pre-Post-Training Performance Method Evaluating training programs based on the difference in performance before & after one receive training

•Pre-Post-Training Performance with Control Group Evaluating training by comparing pre and post training results with individuals who did not received the training

Return on Investment (ROI) ROI is a measure of the monetary benefits obtained by an organization over a specific time period in return for a given investment in a training program

In other way ROI is the extent to which the benefits (outputs) of training exceed the costs (inputs)

The process of calculation Return on Investment (ROI) Forecasting & Measuring Costs

Forecasting & measuring Benefits

Forecasting & Measuring Costs •Design & Development Cost •Resource Person Cost •Material Cost •Infrastructure Cost •Time Cost •Alternative Cost •Evaluation cost

Forecasting & Measuring Benefits •Labor Saving •Reduce duplication efforts •Less time spent correcting mistakes •Faster access to information •Productivity Increase •Improve methodology reducing the efforts time •Higher level of skills leading to faster work •Higher level of motivation leading to increase efforts

Forecasting & Measuring Benefits •Other Saving Costs •Fewer machine breakdown •Lower maintenance cost •Lower staff turnover •Lower Recruitment & training cost

Organization Development (OD)

• is the planned system wide effort that is managed from the top of the organization to increase the organization’s overall performance through interventions that rely heavily on behavioral science technology. • OD assumes that employees desire to grow and to develop, and have a strong need to be accepted by others in the organization. • OD is used to foster collaboration between managers and employees to take advantage of the skills and abilities of employees and to eliminate aspects of the organization that limit employee growth, development, and group acceptance.

Organizational Development Organizational Development is the part of HRM that deals with facilitating system wide change in the organization Whenever a change occur four areas are usually affected, Organization's Systems, its technology, its process & its Peoples That is where OD comes into play OD efforts are designed to support the strategic direction of the business and the focus of the OD is then to help people adapt to change

Team Building Third-party Intervention

What are the OD Methods?

Climate Survey

OD Methods •Climate Surveys Assessment of employees perceptions & attitude about their jobs organization .

•Team Building Activities associated with helping employees come together & work as a Team.

•Third Party Intervention Using outsider to assist employee in a group to change their attitudes, stereotypes or perceptions about one another.

Relationship of Training & Development With Human Resource Functions T R A I N I N G


Availability of training may permit hiring of less qualified applicants

Selection Effective selection may reduce training Cost

& D E V E L O P M E N T

Performance Evaluation Training & Development can lead to higher compensation Opportunity to earn more compensation can motivate trainees

Compensation Management

Labor Relation

Relationship of Training & Development With Human Resource Functions T R A I N I N G

Availability of training can aid recruitment efforts Recruitment may provide source of trainees


Availability of training may permit hiring of less qualified applicants

Selection Effective selection may reduce training Cost

& D E V E L O P M E N T

Trai ni ng & devel op men t ai ds in the a chi eveme nt of pe rforman ce stan da rds Pe rformance eva luatio n pr ovi de s basi s for deter mini ng tr ai ni ng need s and r es ults

Training & Development can lead to higher compensation Opportunity to earn more compensation can motivate trainees

Training program may include the role of the Union Union cooperation can training efforts

Performance Evaluation Compensation Management

Labor Relation

Learning Theory & Employee Training

Learning Is a relatively permanent change in the behavior that result from direct or indirect behavior

Learning Organizations Is one whose employees continuously attempt to learn new things & to use what they learn to improve product or service quality

Learning Principles Motivation to learn Learning reinforced by the organization Training and development

Practice and activity Content effectively communicated Content transferable to job setting Learning require feed back

Meaningful learning

Learning Unlearning Relearning

Assignment No.4 1. Read the book from Page No.206 (Learning Outcome) to Page no 232(Chapter Summary). 2. Answer the question 1-10 from demonstrating comprehension on page 232. 3. Answer the Questions of case application “Team Fun” on page 233. 4. Develop the TNA Form for the following designations Marketing Manager, Finance Manager, Production Manager, Store Manager and Purchase Manager. 6. Develop the training proposal for the marketing department on Team Building Skills. How would you evaluate the effectiveness of training program? 7. Visit at least two international websites of training institutes and one physical visit at any training institute, collect detail information about the training Programs and briefly explain how you can get benefits from them. 8. Memorize all the slides and write the notes in order to compile a book on HRM on later stage.

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