Hr Project

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  • Words: 9,107
  • Pages: 44
====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======


Introduction to the study : In the era of globalization and liberalization companies adopt new techniques for production, new concepts in management , new ideas and styles to get work done from the employees. To cope up with these changes and environment employees need training. Training is an important instrument through which employees become competent enough to accept new challenges to increase productivity and to improve the quality of work and product or services. The implementation of training serves as a transformation into capable workers and present workers are developed to assume new responsibilities. But giving training is not enough in itself. It feedback or impact should be studied at regular intervals. By studying the training activities we will come to known where the training programme is lacking. Which are the areas for further improvement etc. Training activities should focus on outcomes relating to:

1. The reaction by trainees to the training content and process. 2. The knowledge acquired through the training process. 3. Changes in behavior that results from training 4. Improvements in the individual. Thus this study aims at determining the various training activities to the employees and to evaluate the knowledge acquired through training process, satisfaction level of the employees , so that the present short coming can be evaluate to make necessary ====== H.N.C.C =============== 1 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

change in the training pattern took provide best possible training to the employees. 1.2 Advantages of training:The contribution of imparting training to company should be readily apparent. The major values are: 1. Increased Productivity:- An increase in skill necessary

results in an increment in both quality and quantity of output. However, the increasingly technical nature of modern jobs demands systematic training to make possible even minimum levels of accomplishment. 2. Hightened Morale:- Possession of needed skills help to

meet such basic human needs as security and ego satisfaction. Collaborate personnel and human relations programmes can make a contribution toward morale, but they are hollow shell if there is no solid core of meaningful work down with knowledge, skill and pride. 3. Reduced Supervision:- The trained employee is one who

can perform with limited supervision. Both employee and supervisor want les supervision but greater independence is not possible unless the employee is adequately trained. 4. Reduced Accidents:- More accidents are caused by

deficiencies in people than by deficiencies in equipment and working conditions. Proper training in both job skills and safety attitudes should contribute toward a reduction in the accident rate. 5. Increased Organizational Stability:- The ability of an

organization to sustain its effectiveness despite the loss of ====== H.N.C.C =============== 2 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

key personnel, can be developed only though creation of a reservoir of employees. Flexibility, the ability to adjust to short run variations in the volume of work requires personnel with multiple skill to permit their transfer to jobs where the demand is highest. 1.3

Objectives of the study

1. To know which types of training is given to the employees in PCL. 2. To know the purpose of training program in PCL. 3. To know the methods of training program carried in PCL. 4. To know the satisfaction level of training program in PCL. 5. To know whether counseling is carried out in PCL. 6. To know whether the employees are benefited by training program in PCL.

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1.4 Scope and Limitations of the study:Scope:Human Resource management is most essential in the organization. It is defined as “art of getting things done through people” but in order to achieve desired individual and group objective and effectiveness to have skilled and efficient human resource is essential. Every organization big or small, productive or non productive economic or social, old or newly established should provide training to all employees irrespective of their qualification skill, suitability for the job etc. This project chiefly aims at the study of various training facilities provided at precision camshafts ltd. LimitationsThe limitations of the study undertaken are as follows: The study was restricted to only programmes conducted during this year only. The study was restricted to limited number of respondents. The scope of the study was limited to employees in the organization.

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1.5 Research methodology: The manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extent, correct or verify knowledge , whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or practice of an art is research. “All progress is born of inquiry doubts is better than overconfidence for it leads to enquiry and enquiry leads innovations.” Research is common parlance refers to the search for knowledge. It refers to the systematic methods of consisting of enacting the problem, formulating the hypothesis, collection the factor data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusion either in form of solution towards the concerned problem or in certain generalization for some theoretical formulation. The purpose of research is to discover answer to question through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. Thus research is systematized effort to gain new

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knowledge and careful investigation specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Thus research is an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. It is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and experiment.

A: RESEARCH DESIGN:A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. The present research is regarding the implementation of various training techniques in Precision camshafts ltd. The study is made in order to know which training techniques does the company utilizes and provides to its employees and how they are implemented in company and whether employees are satisfied or not with the current training techniques utilized in the company. For obtaining the information a survey is conducted through questionnaire method and through interview primary data is collected. To collect primary data employees are considered as population and data was collected with in fifty days. The data is collected from out of the total of 30 only. 15 employees and 15 operating people in the company. ====== H.N.C.C =============== 6 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

B: DETERMINATION OF SAMPLES: A sample design is definite plan determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a given population. To make research and various training techniques implemented in precision camshafts ltd, a survey is conducted, employees are considered as population.

C: COLLECTION OF DATA: In dealing with real problem, it is often found that data at hard are adequate; it is therefore necessary to collect data that are appropriate, are two types of data.


For the present research, the required data is

collected in the form of primary data. The primary data is collected through interview method, for this purpose an interview schedule is prepared. The questionnaire is filled by the researcher through face to face by personal interviews. Out of 30, 15 employees are selected from various department as representing sample. Thus from total population 50% sampling is done on random basis. ====== H.N.C.C =============== 7 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

2. SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data of precision camshaft ltd. Was collected from the records and through relevant journal and reports of the company.

1.6 Importance of the study: Today many organizations have realized the importance of the training and there by the development of its human resource. Inspite of the fact that organization are spending enormous amount in the training, skill there are doubts about the training as a tool to increase efficiency, motivation and morale. Present day state of affairs demand that any action should yield result and therefore whatever training programme are conducted, their evaluation is equally important. Past experience has revealed that there is a growing cynicism on the usefulness of any training programme. But in the light of liberalization, the trend of the accountability assumes greater significance. In any organization employees play a key roles and it is their basic need to grow and develop. It is therefore important to provide scope ====== H.N.C.C =============== 8 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

and opportunity for development and equally important is the fact of evaluating. Whether the employees have benefited or not and for this evaluation is very essential. Evaluation of training programme begins right from the identification of training need to all the phases. In the light of above objectives of training it is necessary to study aims at checking attitude towards training, identification of training needs and its benefit from trainers, trainees and organization’s point of view.




year, a







capaci ty per












PREC ISION CAMS HAFTS PVT. LTD (PCPL) was registered under Compani es Act-1956. Having its registered office at 51, Sarvodaya Housing Society, Hotgi road, Solapur-413006 and works at W-39, M.I.D.C. Akkalk ot road, Solapur-413006 the company was promoted by Mr. Subhash R. Shah and Mr. Yatin S. Shah wi th an intenti on to set-up a machi ne shop unit for

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the manufacture of fully machined camshafts with an installed capacity of about 1,20,000 numbers per annum. Mr. Subhash R. Shah started this venture because he saw an excell ent future in this parti cular component. This was not a total di versifi cati on for an established busi ness of automoti ve









speci aliz ed fi eld where the demand for thi s product far exceeded and the supply in both domesti c and overs eas market. Moreov er, there were only two major manufacturers of thi s item in Indi a obvi ously the “ENTRY BARR IERS” were too high owing to the CAPITAL COST and TEC HNOLOGY TO MAN UFACTURE,




clos ely,



company rapidly expanded its acti vi ti es under the leadership of Mr. Yatin S. Shah. After conducting a nationwi de market survey,







addi ti onal

faci li ty

(MAC HINE SHOP) in July 1994, to manufacture 1,20,000 “fully machined” camshafts per annum and wi thin a short span of seven months, this plant was certi fied to ISO 9002 from BVQI. In


wi th






SERV ICES whi ch promoted to set up PRECISION SHELL CAST








i ron


dedi cated



for the

medi um of shell moldi ng, wi th a capacity to manufacture 3,60,000 camshafts per annum as the existing sourc e was not able to cope with growing demand, backward integrati on

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helped them enormously and today undoubtedly this set-up is the back bone of group of PREC IS ION. The company having establi shed a fi rm very footi ng in domesti c mark et by 1997, set in moti on planned to enhance capacity in PCPL from 1,20,000 to 3,60,000 and that in PSCPL from 3,60,000 to 4,80,000 per annum and to create a new faci li ty for manufacturing 7,20,000 tappets per annum. Then the company began explori ng the export mark et and i dentifi ed that there was a huge potenti al if quality and pri ce was right. In the year 1997, the company started to uti liz e almost 100% of i ts capacity in machine shop in order to meet the growi ng

requi rement



exi sting


prospecti ve

customers . The company further expanded i ts set-up in order to








Undaunted and continuous efforts of Mr. Yatin S. Shah, Managing Di rector from 1997 to 1998 paid ri ch divi dends to the company worth Rs.8 crores after the confirmed orders from U.S.A. and U.K., whi ch multipli ed, once confi dence about capability was establi shed. In order to reap benefits of synergy, i t was deci ded to merge








PREC ISION CAMSHAFTS LTD. (PCL) and to acqui re the enti re fi xed assets of PREC IS ION CAMSHAFTS (Partnership Fi rm). In this process, the company invi ted COMMONW EALTH DEV ELOPMENT






partner in company by participating in expansi on plan, who ====== H.N.C.C =============== 11 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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agreed to take a stak e at a high premi um as they recognized that the fundamentals of the company have been accredi ted by BVQI. The presti gi ous QA 9000 Certifi cate for all three uni ts located at E-102\103, M.I.D.C. Akkalk ot Road, Solapur. In 1998 the company signed a techni cal and financial JV agreement

wi th






camshafts to set up a faci li ty in Solapur to manufacture 1,80,000 camshafts per annum to be exported solely to major OE





lik e was








COMPOENTS PVT. LTD. (CPCPL). In 1999, all uni ts in the Precisi on Group wee merged for better synergy and were certi fi ed to QS 9000 by BVQI. Commenced

producti on


Joi nt




PREC ISION COMPONENTS PVT. LTD. (CPCPL) has been approv ed by GM Europe and has been successfully supplying 60,000 camshafts per month to GM in Europe starting August 2000. In 2001, CPCL certi fi ed to QS 9000 by TUV. PCL group reached a significant a mi lestone of crossing a supply of more than 1,00,000 camshafts per month. Quality Management System :PCL has implemented the Quality Management System as per requi rements of QS 9000. The Quality System has been certifi ed by BVQI as per certifi cate number 58844-dated 29/07/1999. PCL adopts Advanced Quali ty Planning Process ====== H.N.C.C =============== 12 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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(AQPP) as requi red in QS 9000 System for new product development. Aims & Objectives of the company : To achi eve


Satisfacti on of customers (Internal as

well as External) by supplying the produc ts meeting thei r stated and impli ed needs, such as quality, timely deli very, qui ck response to thei r communi cation To achi eve employee satisfacti on by provi ding healthy and transparent work ing envi ronment. To provi de trai ning to all employees for improvi ng their skills, knowledge and personali ty. To mai ntain highest level of house k eepi ng by adopting 5-S Principle. To stri ve for continual improv ement in our manufacturing operati on. To achi eve economi c manufacturi ng, by focusi ng on defect

preventi on,

reducti on


variati on


mini mizing

waste. Goals, Target & Mission Statement: Goals and Target :The PRECIS ION group, whi ch compri ses of PR ECIS ION CAMSHAFTS






COMPONENTS PVT LTD (CPCL) has emerged as a Global ====== H.N.C.C =============== 13 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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Player and intends to rank amongst the Top Fi ve Camshafts manufacturing in the World by 2008.

In this endeavor PCL ai ms at – Volumes





domesti c



the and

overseas mark et. An 85% share in domesti c market of Tractors, MUV, LCV, and automoti ve segments. 65% sales from exports.

Mi ssi on Statement :To maximum shareholders returns. To achi eve total customer sati sfacti on, just not in quality, but consi stent deli very and competi ti ve pri cing. To create a sustainable supply base for its purchases that will help us to achi eve our goals and objecti ves of growth. To create a moti vated work force that will dri ve the ambition of the company bei ng global player. Client base of Precision group •

Domestic Customers : 1. Tata Engineeri ng & Locomoti ve Company Ltd. 2. Tata Indi ca Ltd.

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3. Esc orts Ltd:-Tractor and Farmtrac di vi si on 4. Si mpson and Co Ltd. 5. Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd: - Tractor and Automotive Sector 6. Ei cher Motors Ltd. 7. Bi rla Yamaha Ltd. 8. Hyundai Motors Indi a Ltd. 9. FIAT India 10.Ford New Holland 11.Ford Tractors. 12.Ki rlosk ar Oi l Engines Ltd. 13.Diesel Locomoti ve Work s 14.Swaraj Maz da Ltd. 15.Rock et Engineering Ltd. 16.Kerala Agro Machinery Company Ltd. 17.Bajaj Tempo Ltd. 18.Bajaj Auto Ltd. 19.Hi ndustan Motors Ltd: - Isuz u and Lancer. 20.Maruti Udy og Ltd. 21.Hero Briggs and Stratton 22.Telco Ltd- Sumo/Safari/ Tata Mobile/Si erra ====== H.N.C.C =============== 15 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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Overseas Customers: 1. Moti ve Components Ltd. UK 2. Arrow Speciality Company Inc. USA 3. Lombardi ni S.P.A. Italy 4. G. Glancy Ltd. UK 5. Perkins Engi nes Co. Ltd. UK 6. Li ster Petter Ltd. UK

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Product Range:

PREC ISION manufacturer





Indi a. The









Camshaft Casting - Chilled Cast Iron. Fully

Fini shed





Casti ng,

Forging or Steel Bar Stock . Tappets- Chilled Casti ng, Cold Forging.

The products are mainly used in internal combusti on engines of leadi ng Automobi le Stati onary and Locomoti ve manufacturers. The company has ability to produce camshafts ranging from 100mm-1800mm in length, having a throw up to 25mm, from chi lled cast iron, forging, or roller steel bar. The

capaci ty




di visi on



camshafts casting per annum and that of Machine Shop di visi on is 4,80,000 camshafts per annum. The tappet di visi on can produce 9,60,000 tappets per annum.

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Sr. No.

Product Type

Min – Max

Applicati on


1 1 Cyli nder

70 – 200 mm

Bi -wheelers, Portable Generator Sets

2 2 Cyli nder

100 – 300 mm

Stati onary Engi nes, Tractors

3 3 Cyli nder

200 – 500 mm

4 4 Cyli nder

300 – 800 mm

400 to 1200 mm 5 6 Cyli nder

(The combi ned length of assembled camshafts could be as

Stati onary Engi nes, Multi Uti lity Vehicles , Tractors, Passenger Car Engines Stati onary Engi nes, Multi Uti lity Vehicles, Tractors, Passenger Car Engines, Light and Medi um Duty Commercial Truck Engines Stati onary Engi nes , Locomoti ve Engines , Heavy Duty Truck Engines


Established Precision Camshafts with a capacity to manufacture 7200 "semi machined" camshafts per annum

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(PCPL) with a capacity to manufacture 120,000 "fully machined" camshafts per annum. 1995

PCPL certified to ISO 9002 by BVQI. Established Precision Shell Cast Private Limited (PSCPL) - a foundry dedicated for manufacturing "chilled cast iron camshafts" through the medium of shell moulding, with a capacity to manufacture 360,000 camshafts per annum.


Enhanced capacity in the machine shop from 120,000 to 360,000 and that in the foundry from 360,000 to 480,000 per annum and created a new facility for manufacturing 720,000 tappets per annum.


Commonwealth Development Corporation, UK (CDC) joined hands to participate in our expansion plan.


Completed all expansion activities successfully and captured 80 % share of business in domestic market.


Signed a technical and financial JV agreement with a leading European manufacturer of camshafts to set up a facility in Solapur to manufacture 1,800,000 camshafts per annum to be exported solely to major OE manufacturers in Europe. This JV was named Clancey Precision Components Private Limited (CPCPL). All units in the Precision Group were merged for better synergy and were certified to QS 9000 by BVQI.


Commenced production in Joint Venture - Clancey Precision Components Private Limited has been

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approved by GM Europe and has been successfully supplying 60,000 camshafts per month to GM in Europe starting August 2000. 2001

CPCPL certified to QS 9000 by TUV. PCL group reached a significant milestone of crossing a supply of more than 100,000 camshafts per month.

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THEORETICAL BACKGROUND What is Training? Training is the corner stone of sound management. For i t mak es employees more effective and producti ve. It is acti vely and intimately connected with all the personnel and managerial acti vi ti es. Training i s a practical and vi tal necessi ty because, apart from the other advantages, i t enables employees to dev elop and ri se wi thin the organizati on and increase thei r “mark et value”, earning power and job securi ty. It enables management to resolve sources of fi cti on ari si ng from parochi ali sm, to bring home to the employees the fact that the management is not di visi ble. It moulds the employees’ atti tude and helps them to achi eve better cooperation wi th the company and a greater loyalty to i t. The management i s benefi ted in the sense that higher standards


quali ty


achi eves,



organizati onal structure is bui lt up, authori ty can be del egated,


sti mulus



appli ed



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Definitions of Training: Defini ti on

gi ven






Glossary of Traini ng Terms (1981): “A systemati c development of the attitude / knowledge / skills / behavi or pattern requi red by an indi vi dual to perform adequately a gi ven task or job” Defini ti on gi ven by Hi nri chs: “Any

organiz ati onally




ini tiated learning

procedures among

wi th


organiz ati onal

members in a di recti on contri buting to organizati onal effecti veness.”

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Training Methods:Because of research in the field of traini ng, a number of programmes methods,


whi le

avai lable. others


Some of







tradi ti onal methods. The training programmes commonly used to train operati ve and supervi sory personnel are di scussed below. These programmes are classifi ed into on-the-job and off-the-job trai ning programmes as shown bel ow:

Training Methods On-the-job Methods

Off-the-job Methods

Job Rotation

Vestibule Training


Role Playing

Job Instruction

Lecture Methods

Committee Assignments

Conference or Discussion Programmed Instruction

(a) On-the-Job Training Methods: This type of trai ning, also known as job instructi on trai ning, i s the most commonly used method. Under thi s method, the indi vi dual is placed on a regular job and taught the ski lls necessary to perform that job. The ====== H.N.C.C =============== 24 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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trai nee learns under the supervi si on and gui dance of a qualified work er or instructor. On-the-job traini ng has the advantage of gi ving fi rst hand knowledge and experi ence under the actual work ing condi ti ons. While the trainee learns how to perform a job, he is also a regular work er renderi ng the servi ces for which he i s pai d. The problem of transfer of trainee is also minimiz ed as the person learns on-the-job. The emphasis is placed on renderi ng servi ces




effecti ve




learning how to perform the job. On-the-job training methods are as follows: Job Rotati on: This type of training involves the movement of the trai nee from one job to another. The trai nee rec ei ves job knowledge and gains experi ence from hi s supervisor or trai ner in each of the different job assignments. Though thi s method of training i s common in training managers for general management posi ti ons, trainees can also be rotated from job to job in work shop jobs . Thi s method gi ves an opportuni ty to the trainee to understand the problems of employ ees on other jobs and respect them. Coaching : The trainee is placed under a particular supervi sor who functi ons as a coach in training the indivi dual. The supervi sor

provi des






hi s

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hi m


suggesti ons


improvement. Often the trainee shares some of the duti es and responsi bi li ti es of the coach and reli eves him of his burden. A limi tation of thi s method of traini ng i s that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportuni ty to express hi s own ideas. Job Instruc ti on: This method is also known as training through step by step. Under thi s method, trainer explains the trainee the way of doing the job, job knowledge, and skills and allows him to do the job. The trainer apprai ses the performance




provi des


informati on, and corrects the trainee. Committee Assignments: Under the committee assignment, group of trainees are gi ven



ask ed









organiz ati onal


joi ntly.


dev elops teamwork . Off-the-Job Methods : Under thi s method of trai ning, trainee i s separated from the job si tuati on and his attenti on is focus ed upon learning


materi al






performance. Since the trainee is not di stracted by job requi rements, he can place his entire concentration on ====== H.N.C.C =============== 26 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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performing it. There i s an opportuni ty for freedom of expressi on for the trainees. Off-the-job training methods are as follows: Vestibul e Trai ning: In this method, actual work condi ti ons are simulated in a classroom. Material, files, and equi pment thos e are used in actual job performance are also used in training. This type of training is commonly us ed for trai ning personnel for clerical and semi -ski lled jobs. The durati on of this trai ning ranges from days to a few week s. Theory can be related to practice in this method. Role-playing: It is defined as a method of human interacti on that involves reali sti c behaviour in imaginary si tuati ons. Thi s method of training involves action, doing, and practice. The parti cipants play the role of certai n characters, such as


producti on



engi neer,

superi ntendents, maintenance engi neers, quality control inspectors,

supervi sor,




work ers,






lik e.

Thi s


interacti ons and relati ons. Lecture Method: The




tradi tional


di rect



instructi on. The instructor organiz es the material and gi ves i t to a group of trainees in the form of a talk . To be ====== H.N.C.C =============== 27 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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effecti ve, the lecturer must motivate and create interest among the trainees. An advantage of lecture method i s that it i s di rect and can be used for a large group of trai nees. Thus, costs and time involved are reduced. The major li mitati on of the lecture method i s that i t does not provi de for transfer of training effecti vely. Conference or Di scussi on: It is a method used for training the cleri cal, professi onal, and supervi sory personnel. This method involves a group of people who pose ideas, examine, and share facts, i deas and data, test assumpti ons, and draw conclusi ons, all



contri bute






performance. Di scussi on has the di sti nct advantage over the lecture method in that the di scussi on involves twoway communicati on and hence feedback i s provi ded. The participants feel free to speak in small groups. The success


thi s





leadershi p

qualities of the pers on who leads the group. Programmed Instructi on: In recent years, thi s method has bec ome popular. The subj ect matter to be learned is presented in a seri es of carefully arranged

planned from

sequenti al

si mple






units levels

are of

instructi on. The trainee goes through these units by answeri ng questi ons or fi lli ng the blanks. Thi s method is expensive and ti me consuming. ====== H.N.C.C =============== 28 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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Providing training in the knowledge of different skills is a complex process. A number of principles have been evolved which can be followed as guidelines by the trainees. Some of them are as follows:1. Motivation:- As the effectiveness of an employee depends on how well he is motivated by management, the







motivation. In other words, the trainee will acquire a new skill or knowledge thoroughly and quickly if he or she is highly motivated. Thus, the training must be related to the desires of the trainee such as more wages or better job, recognition, status, promotion etc. The trainer should find out the proper ways to motivate experienced employees who are already enjoying better facilities in case of re-training. 2. Progress Information:- It has been found by various

research studies that there is a relation between learning rapidly and effectively and providing right ====== H.N.C.C =============== 29 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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information specifically, and such the trainer should not give excessive information or information that can be misinterpreted. The trainee also wants to learn a new skill without much difficulty and without handling too much or receiving excessive information of wrong type of progressive information. So, the trainer has to provide only the required amount of progressive information specifically to the trainee.

3. Reinforcement:- The effectiveness of the trainee in

learning new skills or acquiring new knowledge should be reinforced b means of rewards and punishments. Examples of positive reinforcement are promotions, rise in pay, praise, etc. Punishments are also called negative reinforcements. Management should take care to award the successful trainees. The management can punish the trainees whose behabiour is undesirable. But the consequences of such punishments have their long run ill effect on the trainer as well as on the management. Hence, the management should take much care in case of negative reinforcement. 4. Practice:- A trainee should actively participates in the

training programmes in order to make the learning programme an effective one. Continuous and long practice is highly essential for effective learning. Jobs ====== H.N.C.C =============== 30 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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are broken down in to elements from which the fundamental physical, sensory and mental skills are extracted. Training exercise should be provided for each skill.

5. Full Vs. Part:- It is not clear whether it is best to teach

the complete job at a stretch or dividing the job into parts an teaching each part at a time. If the job is complex and requires a little too long to learn, it is better to teach part of the job separately and then put the parts together into an effective complete job. Generally the training process should start from the known and proceed to the unknown and from the easy to the difficult when parts are taught. However, the trainer has to teach the trainees based on his judgment on their motivation and convenience. 6. Individual Differences:- Individual training is costly, and group training is economically viable and advantageous to the organization. But individuals vary in intelligence and aptitude from person to person. So the trainer has to adjust the training programme to the individual abilities and aptitude. In addition, individual teaching machines and adjustments of differences should be provided. ====== H.N.C.C =============== 31 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======


sh ow i n g

typ e


tr ai n i ng

gi ve n


th e

e m p l oye e s i n P CL

M e th ods Job B ase d

N o. of R es p onde nt s 21

% 70

====== H.N.C.C =============== 32 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

S kil l B ased



Tot al



Types Of Training Programme

80% 70%

60% 40%


20% 0%

Job Based

Skill Based

Int e r pr e ta t i on: Th e ab ove tab l e sh ow th at7 0 % of th e r e sp on de n ts sai d th at th e y ge t S ki l l B ase d tr ai n i ng t o d eve l op b eh avi ou r al a sp e cts an d tr ai n i ng f or f u tu r e r eq u i r em en ts. Whi l e 30 % of th e r e sp on de n ts s aid th at th e y ge t Job B ase d tr ai n i n g s o as t o de ve l op ski l l s ne c e ssar y t o pe r f orm the j ob . 2) Tabl e sh ow i n g p u rp ose of tr ai n i ng pr og r am in P CL .

P ur pos e of Tr a i ni ng P e r f orm an ce A p p r ai sal

N o. of Re s pond e nt s 24

% 80

====== H.N.C.C =============== 33 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

A u t om a ti on







Te ch n ol og i cal ad v an cem en t Total

Reasons For Training 80%


60% 40% 20% 0%


10% Performance Appraisal

Technological Advancement


Int e r pr e t a ti on: Th e ab o ve tab l e sh ow th at 80 % of the r e sp on d en ts sai d th at th e y ge t tr ai n i ng af te r p e rf or m an ce ap p r ai s al be cau s e th e tr ai n e r com e to kn ow th a t th e r e i s g as b e twe e n r e qu i r e d ski ll an d a ctu al ski l l of th e em pl oye e . Whi l e 10 % of the r e sp on d en t

sai d

th at

the y


tr ai n i n g


th e r e


an y

te ch n ol ogi c al ad van ce m e n t an d 1 0 % of th e re sp on d e n t sai d th at th e y ge t tr ai ni n g i f the r e i s an y au tom a ti on in th e o r g an i za ti on . 3) Tab l e sh ow i n g m e th od s of tr ai n i n g car r i e d ou t i n P C L .

M e t h od s

N o. of

% Re s pond e nt s ====== H.N.C.C =============== 34 ================== 2004-2006 On th e Job 21 70 ==== Off the Jo b






====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

Methods Of Training

80% 70%

60% 40%


20% 0%

On the job

Off the job

Int e r pr e t a ti on: Th e ab o ve tab l e sh ow th at 70 % of the r e sp on d en ts sai d th at th e y ge t on th e j ob tr ai n i ng so as to im p r ove th e ski l l s n e ce ssar y t o p e rf or m th e j ob . Wh i l e 30 % of th e r e sp on de n ts s aid th at th e y ge t off the j ob tr ai n in g to con ce n tr a te on l e ar n i ng th e j ob r ath e r th an p e rf or m i n g th e j ob .

4) Tabl e

sh ow i n g

l e ve l


sati sf acti on


tr ai n i n g

p r og r am m e i n P C L .

====== H.N.C.C =============== 35 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

Le ve l of

N o. of


S a ti s fa c t i on R es p onde nt s Hi g hl y 23 sati sf ie d


S ati sf ie d



N ot sati sf i ed



Tot al


10 0

Level of satisfaction 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


25% 0% Highly satisfied


Not satisfied

====== H.N.C.C =============== 36 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ====== Int e r pr e t a ti on: Th e ab o ve tab l e sh ow th at 75 % of the r e sp on d en ts sai d th at th e y ar e hi g hl y sati sf ie d b e cau se th e y we r e ab l e t o o ve r com e the i r m ist ake . A n d 2 5 % of th e r e sp on d en ts sai d th at th e y ar e sati sf ie d an d th e y d on ’ t fi nd an y ch an g e i n th e i r w or ki n g b eh avi ou r. 5) Tabl e sh ow i n g w he th e r c ou n se l i ng i s car r i e d ou t o r n ot

C ouns e li ng

N o. of


Re s pond e nt s

Ye s










100% 80%


60% 40%


20% 0%



====== H.N.C.C =============== 37 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

Int e r pr e t a ti on: Th e ab ove tab l e sh ow th at 1 00 % cou n sel i ng is car r i e d ou t i n P C L, a s the y ge t fe ed b ack f or the i r p e rf orm an ce . A S c ou n se l in g se e ks t o im pr ove em pl oye e s m e n tal h e al th .

6) Tabl e sh ow i n g r e sp on d en ts’ op i n i on ab ou t tr ai n in g .

B e ne fi t e d

N o. of


by Tr a i ni ng Re s pond e nt s Ye s









Benifited by Training



60% 40% 25%

20% 0%



====== H.N.C.C =============== 38 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ====== Int e r pr e t a ti on: Th e ab ove tab l e sh ow s th at 7 5 % of th e r e sp on d en ts s aid th at th e y ar e b en e fi te d b y th e tr ai ni n g pr og r am b e cau s e th e r e

w as

be t te r

im p r ove m e n t


the i r

w or k

ski l l

an d

p r od u cti vi ty. w hi l e 2 5 % of r e sp on de n ts we r e n o t be ne f i ted by tr ai n in g

b e cau se

th e y

fe el

th at

th e re

w as

n ot

m uc h

i m p r ove m e n t i n th e i r ski ll s an d b eh avi ou r as th e y we r e u n ab l e to u n de r st an d i n cle ar te r m s so i t d id n ot ad d d iffe r en ce in th e i r b eh avi ou r n or in th e i r w or k styl e . 7 ) Tabl e sh ow i n g th e typ e s of be n ef i t fr om tr ai n i n g .

Types Of Benefits

No. Of Respondents


Increase knowledge



Increase produc ti vi ty



Increase in Incentives






Types of Benefits 60% 40%



20% 0%

14% Increase Knowledge

Increase Productivity

Increase in Incentives

====== H.N.C.C =============== 39 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

Int e r pr e t a t i on: Th e ab ove tab l e sh ow s 47 % r e sp on d en t sai d th at th e y a r e b en e fi te d b y tr ai n in g i n te r m s of in cr e ase i n kn ow l ed g e w hi ch h el p to im p l em en t th e le ar n ed ski ll . Wh i l e 39 % of th e r e sp on d en t sai d th at the y a r e be n ef i ted b y tr ai n i ng i n te rm s of in cr e ase in pr od u cti vi ty w hi ch r e sul ts i n an in cr e m e n t i n b o th qu al i ty an d q u an ti ty. An d r em ai n in g 14 % r e sp on de n t b en e fi te d b y tr ai n in g in te r m s of i n ce n ti ve s wh i ch he lp s m or e of j ob i n vol vem en t. 8) Tabl e sh ow i n g w hi ch typ e of tr ai n i n g i s m or e be n ef i ci al .

Types of Training

No. Of Respondents


On the Job



Off the Job






====== H.N.C.C =============== 40 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ======

Types of Training 60%



15% 10% 5% 0%

On the Job

Off the Job

Int e r pr e t a t i on: Th e ab o ve tab l e sh ow s 60 % of the r e sp on d en t sai d th at th e y a r e b en e fi te d b y on th e j ob tr ai n i n g wh i ch h el p t o i m p r ove th e skil l s ne ce ssar y to pe r f orm th e j ob . Wh il e 40 % of th e r e sp on de n t sai d th at th e y ar e b en e fi te d by off th e j ob tr ai n in g w h i ch he l p to c on cen tr ate on le ar n i n g ski ll s.

F IND IN G S: 1. It w as f ou nd th at ove r al l tr ai n i n g con sti tu te s 7 0 % of j ob b ase d tr ai n i ng . Wh il e ski l l b ase d tr ai ni n g cou n ts t o 30 % w hi ch i s on l y con ce n tr a te on be h avi ou r al a sp e ct n ot p e rf or m in g th e j ob . 2 . It can b e in te r p r e te d th a t tr ai n i ng pr og r am s ar e car r i e d ou t

af te r

pe r f or m an ce

ap p r ai sal

(8 0 %) .



cl e ar l y

====== H.N.C.C =============== 41 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ====== i nd i ca te s th at th e m ain pu r p ose of tr ai ni n g i s p e rf or m an c e ap p r ai sal . 3 . It w as ob se r ve d th at on th e j ob tr ai n in g m e th od i s m ostl y p r off e r ed i n PC L (7 0 %) . Whi l e 30 % of tr ai n i ng i s off th e j ob tr ai n i ng . 4. Wh i le stu d yi n g th e sa ti sf acti on l eve l of em p l oye e , i t w as ob se r ve d th at 75 % of em p l oye e s ar e h ig h l y sati sf ie d an d 2 5 % e m p l oye e s ar e sa ti sf i ed w i th tr ai n i ng p r og r am m e b e cau se th e y d on ’ t f in d ou t an y ch an ge s i n the i r w or ki n g b eh avi ou r an d sk i ll .

5 . It w as f ou nd th at al l e m p l oye e s ar e aw ar e ab ou t th e c ou n se l in g . 6. It w as f ou nd th at 7 5 % of th e em pl oye e s ar e be n ef i ted by tr ai n in g p r og r am m e . wh i le 2 5 % of em pl oye e s a r e n ot b en e fi te d b e cau se th e y we r e u n ab le to u nd e r st an d in cl e ar te r m s. S o i t d id n ot ad d di ffe r e n ce i n the i r b eh avi ou r n or i n th e i r w or k style . 7. It w as ob se r ve d th at th e em pl oye e s w e re b en e fi te d b y tr ai n in g


te r m s


i n cre ase

kn ow le d ge ,

in cr e ase

p r od u cti vi ty an d i n cre ase i n i n ce n ti ve s.

====== H.N.C.C =============== 42 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ====== 8. It w as ob se r ve d th a t 6 0 % of e m p l oye e s p e r ce i ve on th e j ob tr ai n i ng . Wh i le 40 % of the em pl oye e s pe r ce i ve off th e j ob tr ai n i ng

S UG G E S TION S : 1. As




m anu f actu r i n g

f ir m



te chn i cal

c ap ab i li ti e s of w or ke r ar e cr u ci al . S o i t i s su g ge ste d th at o r g an i za ti on

sh ou ld

con ce n tr ate

m or e


j ob

b ase d

tr ai n in g s o a s to de ve l op ski l l n e ce ss ar y t o pe r f orm th e ====== H.N.C.C =============== 43 ================== 2004-2006 ====

====== M.B.A ======================== Solapur University, Solapur ====== j ob w hi ch wi l l he lp t o i n cre ase th e p r od u cti vi ty of an o r g an i za ti on . 2 . Th e com p an y sh ou ld i ssue d tr ai n i n g ce r ti fi c ate s t o e ac h e m p l oye e af te r tr ai n i ng w hi ch wi l l ad d m or e of val u e . Thi s w il l en c ou r ag e em pl oye e s t o u nd e r ta ke m or e tr ai ni n g p r og r am m e s.

3 . 2 0 % of th e e m p l oye e s ar e n ot b en e fi te d s o t o m ake th e tr ai n in g

m ore

e ffe cti ve



su gg e ste d

th at

th e

o r g an i za ti on sh ou l d use tr ai n i n g t ool s li ke OHP, LC D p r oj e ct or s e tc. w h i ch w il l he l p t o i n cr e ase th e le vel of u nd e r st an di n g an d al so j ob in vol ve m e n t. 4 . It i s su gg e ste d t o h ave a c om bi n a ti on of b o th tr ai ni n g p r og r am m e s f or em p l oye e s, as 60 % of em pl oye e fi nd on th e j ob tr ai n i n g b e ne fi ci al w h il e as 4 0 % li ke off th e j ob tr ai n in g . S o a com b i n ati on w i ll ke e p th e e n th u si asm le vel h ig h am ong em pl oye e s tow ar d s tr ai ni n g .

====== H.N.C.C =============== 44 ================== 2004-2006 ====

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