How To Use Hypnosis To Help Yourself And Others

  • November 2019
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How to use hypnosis to help yourself and others E-course with audio - Lesson 4 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In lesson 4: - How to structure a freeflow induction - Audio session :::: How to structure a freeflow hypnosis session :::: Hi Sanjay Welcome to lesson 4 and one of the most important parts of learning how to do hypnosis - how to compose a hypnosis session and why you do it this way. Now, although this course is for people who want to hypnotise themselves for personal development and self help, the way to get really good at self hypnosis is to treat yourself as someone else when doing the hypnosis. For this reason you use "you" instead of "I" when hypnotising yourself, and follow all the same principles as we have covered so far. ---------------------------------------------------------*** Resources *** Learn conversational hypnosis - 3 disc DVD Hypnosis Scripts Library Hypnosis CDs and Tapes ---------------------------------------------------------:::: Conscious vs unconscious response :::: Don't get confused between your conscious and unconscious mind. You may consciously think "I don't need all that to go into hypnosis", but your unconscious mind will respond to hypnotic language regardless. It's just the same as when someone blushes - they are thinking "Oh no, I really don't want to blush", but

they are blushing all the same. This doesn't mean you can hypnotize people if they don't want to be hypnotized - your subject does actually have to listen! So, before I get too far off track, the point here is that when doing self hypnosis, pretend you are hypnotizing someone else - it works best that way. :::: So you're going to hypnotize yourself :::: OK, so imagine you are sitting down to do a self hypnosis session. Instead of listening to a CD, you want to do your own session. A great way to learn hypnosis quickly is to record your own sessions and then listen to them later (if you can leave a day or so between recording and listening that's even better). This enables you to hear what worked well, and what you need to work on. Making a recording also makes you focus so you learn better. You know what to say to yourself - remember the language patterns - but how do you put it all together? Here's how... 1) Start by observing the way you feel. If you are feeling a bit 'hyper', then start your induction off briskly - there's nothing worse than hypnosis that mis-matches the way you feel. In this case, start off your induction by talking quite quickly and in an 'everyday' voice'. This parallels your emotional state and makes it easier for your unconscious mind to get involved. 2) Talk about things that are immediately observable to start with - "You are sitting in that chair", "You can listen to my voice", "You are still nice and awake" remember 'adjunctive suggestions'? 3) As you feel yourself beginning to focus, just start to slow your voice down slightly, and soften it a little - suddenly jumping into 'Mr Hypno' voice will just jarr ;-) . 4) Begin introducing nominalizations for the sort of response you want - you know; relaxation, calmness, focus - that sort of thing. Start making suggestions

for responses. 5) Start to use imaginative involvement - talk about things you can see, hear, smell, touch and feel. As you begin to relax, your imagination will work better. 6) Once you have attained a good level of relaxation, you can do any rehearsal you want to do - you can rehearse how you want to feel in a particular situation (more on this in the advanced course). 7) When you decide you want to bring the session to a close, draw the attention away from internal imagination back to things in the immediate environment, such as sensations in the body, sounds in the room. This will begin the re-orientation process. As you do this, very gradually make your voice more normal. This will serve as a message to the unconscious to return to the normal waking state. OK, so now I'll give you an example of this so you can hear what I mean... Here's the audio download: In our final lesson we will look at how you use hypnosis to achieve specific goals. Until then relax... :-) Best Roger -------Roger Elliott Co-founder Ltd, 12 Queen Square, Brighton, BN1 3FD Registered in England no. 3573107 -----------------------------------Learn hypnosis on our live online course. Ask questions and discuss techniques directly with the founders of Hypnosis Live online hypnosis training. How to use hypnosis to help yourself and others E-course with audio - Lesson 5 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In lesson 5: - Achieving specific goals with hypnosis Hi again Sanjay Welcome to the final installment of How to Use Hypnosis to Help Yourself and Others! :::: Achieving specific goals in hypnosis :::: So today I'm going to show you how to use self hypnosis to achieve a specific goal. Many so-called hypnosis 'masters' will tell you that all you have to do is repeat positive ideas to yourself for things to improve. That is such nonsense I wrote an article about it: The Pitfalls of Positive Thinking ---------------------------------------------------------*** Resources *** Learn conversational hypnosis - 3 disc DVD Hypnosis Scripts Library Hypnosis CDs and Tapes ---------------------------------------------------------:::: Skilled sculpting, not sledgehammering! :::: Achieving the best (or any) results with hypnosis is a subtle blend of solution-focused psychology and carefully crafted communication. If you have listened to any of the downloads listed on the left, you will probably have noticed the many ways in which the goal of the download is reinforced. Some you may not have noticed at all. Sometimes more subtle is better! Now there are many threads to interweave when creating

a powerful and effective goal-focused script, but I can give you a few of the central techniques right here. :::: Fundamental hypnotic techniques :::: It is vital that you get a good understanding of these, so I have included as much information as possible on this lesson's support page: There you will find descriptions of the '3 pillars' of hypnosis: 1) Rehearsal 2) Anchoring 3) Pattern interruption :::: How to use these techniques to achieve your goals :::: OK, so let's take a look at some of the things you might want to do using hypnosis, and how you would set about achieving them using the techniques above. :::: Self confidence :::: There is much you can do with self confidence (which is why we developed our free self confidence course and the Self Confidence Trainer CD pack) But first, let's look at the basics: Using hypnosis, you can decrease anxiety by using rehearsal, and improve confidence at the same time. You can use anchoring to powerfully remind yourself how it feels to be confident, and to remember times when you did feel confident. These feelings can be 'applied' to the new situation using rehearsal. :::: Anxiety :::: There are varying degrees of anxiety from mild worry through to panic attacks. (For more on this, see our panic attacks site.)

However, the enemy of anxiety is calmness, and there is no better way to get seriously calm and relaxed than hypnosis. Relaxing every day will bring down your average anxiety 'set point', allowing you to be calmer generally. You can also use anchoring to remind yourself of a time you felt really relaxed. Rehearsal can be used to help prepare for an event that is making you anxious, and if you tend to worry in a repetitive way, pattern interruption will help a lot. You can also think more constructively by relaxing yourself in hypnosis first, then thinking calmly and slowly about whatever it is that is bugging you. :::: Public speaking :::: This is an incredibly common problem, which is why we developed the public speaking confidence download. There are two main things you need to do to help yourself be more relaxed. Firstly, take care of any conditioning effects of previous unpleasant speaking experiences. For that, you can use the dissociation technique outlined in the section on rehearsal. For any previous experiences that were unpleasant, relax yourself nice and deeply, then watch the old experiences on a screen in your mind until you can do it and remain calm. Then, rehearse the way you want things to happen - how you want to feel, how you will look and sound, the way the audience will be responding, that sort of thing. Although simple, if done properly, this can make a huge difference. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: And that brings us to the end of our course. Although it may seem brief, there is a vast amount of information contained in these lessons, handouts and audio files. As with any skill, hypnosis takes time to master, but the great thing is that you can begin getting results right away, which is great motivation to continue your study. Hypnosis is the most useful life skill you can have. It is at the core of all self help techniques and, dare I say it, all effective therapy.

Once you understand it and can use it, the limits are only that of your imagination - and even that improves when you use hypnosis! :-) It has been a pleasure telling you about hypnosis and I hope I have inspired you to learn more! My best wishes Roger Elliott Co-founder Ltd, 12 Queen Square, Brighton, BN1 3FD Registered in England no. 3573107 ------------------------------------

Here are the '3 pillars' of hypnosis, as mentioned in the course:

Hypnosis Technique 1: Rehearsal Put simply, this is just a way of using the imagination constructively. And it really is the most fundamental technique for hypnosis. And so many problems are created by people using their imaginations against themselves - see negative self hypnosis. (As I write this I am finding it difficult to convey just how important this is!) Briefly, your imagination is an unbelievably powerful tool that you can be used by, or that you can master and learn to use for your own benefit. If you constantly imagine things going wrong, you are going to feel anxious of course. If you are able to imagine things going right, and in a detailed, relaxed way, you are likely to feel more optimistic and calm. Plus (and it's a big plus), you are much more likely to get the responses you want from yourself in the situation you have rehearsed. Learn to use rehearsal well and you will be able to prepare yourself to perform the way you want, be it socially, in exams, for sports, presentations - whatever! The 2 stages of rehearsal There are two stages to good rehearsal: Stage 1: Dissociated - this simply means to see yourself in an experience as if you were

watching yourself on a screen. You will feel less (if any) emotion when viewing an experience in this way. Stage 2: Associated - this means to imagine an experience as if it were happening now - seeing the world through your own eyes. You will feel more emotion when imagining an experience in this way. The best way to go about rehearsal is firstly to imagine yourself on a screen looking and sounding the way you want to be in the situation you are rehearsing. Then, once you have got a good idea of how that would look, 'float' into the screen and experience it from within yourself. Once in this position, really focus on how you want to feel, what you would see, hear, feel, touch in the situation (just like in lesson 1).

Hypnosis Technique 2: 'Anchoring' - amplifying resources Sometimes called 'anchoring', this technique focuses on the area of a person's life where they feel good, or can do something well, and 'transfers' it into another area where they feel less capable.This technique is unbeatable for helping with public speaking, confrontational situations, social anxiety and many other scenarios people have difficulty with. How does it work? 'Anchoring' works due to human 'conditioning'. Ivan Pavlov discovered over 100 years ago that he could make dogs salivate by ringing a bell having previously paired the bell with food.Humans work the same way in the emotional sphere except that here, the bell is replaced by the finger and thumb touching. Used well, this is perhaps the most effective and important technique for self hypnosis. How to do 'Anchoring' in Self Hypnosis Principle: to set up an association between a stimulus (anchor) and a positive state.

1. Create deep relaxation and a positive state by using nominalisations. Often a good 2. 3.

memory will come to mind at this point. Bring the finger and thumb together to create an association between this and the positive emotional state. Repeat application of the anchor until you notice that you feel good when the anchor is applied.

4. Imagine a situation where those resources would be useful. Bring the finger and thumb 5.

together. Notice the differences as you experience the situation whilst feeling really good.

Hypnosis Technique 3: 'Pattern Interruption' - breaking habit patterns Although it may not seem like self hypnosis at first, this technique is highly hypnotic. It is brilliant for getting rid of 'bad' habit patterns and addictions. People on our courses have used it for: •


Nail biting



Overeating and bingeing

Difficult or stressful situations

How does it work? Pattern interruption works because it 'breaks the flow' of a habit, or unconsious process. If you are driving a car and someone asks you to describe what you are doing, it can quickly become diffcult to drive, much like it was when you first learnt. This is because we are making a smoothrunning unconscious process more conscious. How to do it Principle: to disrupt an old sequential pattern of problem behaviour. Imagine you have to describe the steps of your habit to an alien. 1. Work out the steps of the problem from start to finish. If there is a desirable behaviour you would like to 'substitute' for the present one, write that down too. 2. Go through the steps in order. Close your eyes to imagine each step happening then open them again before going onto the next step. 3. Do the same as in 2, but in a different order. For example 1 then 4 then 8 then 2 then 7 etc... It is a good idea to do each step 3 times. 4. As you progress, focus more on the steps you would like to have happen and less on the ones you want rid of. 5. Imagine the first step of the behavior, then follow it with your desired behavior, so you are effectively missing out the undesirable way of doing it.

So to sum up, you i) Break the unwanted behavior down into step ii) Do each step in turn, then in random order 3 times iii) Hypnotically rehearse the way you want things to go Example pattern interruption for nail biting 1. Sensation of boredom or stress. 2. Feel around the fingers for a 'catchy' nail. 3. Pick at nail. 4. Bite nail with teeth. 5. 'Clean up' rough edges. 6. Spit out or swallow piece of nail. 7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 until too painful or bleeding. 8. Feel guilty. Preferred behaviour: Relax and enjoy sense of achievement at having beaten habit.

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