How To Take Over The World

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How To Take Over The World

Prince consort Albert with bad comb-over; and Queen Victoria – a short, slow, remarkably ugly woman, and at least half Jewish.

Queen Victoria’s diaries were full of the mention of “George” and it is only recently that historians discovered “George” was Victoria’s code for ‘sodomy’. Victoria mentions George often and this was part of the bargain to induce Prince Albert to marry her. She was one of the ugliest women in European royalty and Albert was a balding sodomite.



rom 22 June 1815 the Rothschilds owned the Bank of England and many of the British royals were more or less permanently drugged as a result of their doctors being Freemasons who used the royals as guinea pigs to cure their family illnesses of porphyria, haemophilia and syphilis. As the medical almanacs show, London physicians were sometimes the last to get information and were up to five centuries behind the times. Queen Victoria (24 May 1819–22 January 1901) was the ‘granddaughter’ of mad King George III and his not very royal wife. Victoria became Princess Regent aged 11 and Queen at 18 and 27 days. She was neither bright, nor quick-witted, and her family nickname ‘Drina’ suited her perfectly. Albert did not take to Victoria at first and it required some inducements, like guaranteed anal sex and a royal palace to live in. Queen Victoria (20) married her ‘first cousin’ Prince Albert (20) and they shared many cultural features, although their first cousin status was not biological. For both, their biological father was illegitimate and Princess Viktoria and Princess Luise were merely sisters-in-law. But due to centuries of inbreeding there were some similiar physical and inheritable features. If Albert was not the father of one child, his features could still be ascertained as present in that child. This was the Rothschilds’ reasoning in arranging Victoria’s marriage with Albert. As such, the London head of the Rothschilds’ banks, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, officially died on 28 July 1836, but there are reasons to believe he lived behind the scenes until 1850. He should be considered the potential father to some of Queen Victoria’s children and was in a position to sire her first seven children. Equally, his son Lionel Nathan Rothschild (1808–79) could have sired all of Victoria’s children. As it was, with Alois Hitler, they shared the burden. Prince consort Albert was certainly not a threat to anyone and was happy to be living in such a nice place as a palace. This was further backed up by a lack of analysable photographs of the prince. Alexandrina ‘Victoria’ was the biological daughter of Viktoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld and Nathan Mayer Rothschild. 

The Queen Victoria Cons

Nathan Mayer Rothschild.


Queen Victoria.

Princess Victoria. Prince Edward. N. M. Rothschild, Queen Victoria and their children, Victoria and Edward.

Lionel Nathan Rothschild.

Queen Victoria.

Lionel Nathan Rothschild, Queen Victoria and their children, Princess Helena and Princess Beatrice – all of them FitzWettins, or FitzRothschilds. Princess Helena.

Princess Beatrice.


How To Take Over The World

Since school and Trinity College at Oxford University, Edward, Prince of Wales had been the target for friendship of every male Rothschild, and together they planned WWII and continued to sire the major players of that war. Prince Edward went on to sire the most import figure of WWII, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874–1965) with Jenny Jerome. From here, the Jewish-run Rothschild-Windsor war could really escalate. Winston Churchill was Winston Rothschild-Windsor Churchill. His father was King Edward VII and his grandfather and great-grandfather was Nathan Mayer Rothschild. On his maternal side his mother was Jenny Jerome and his grandfather was Leonard Walter Jerome, a wealthy Wall Street speculator, owner of the New York Times, and a Jew. Winston Churchill was at least three-quarters Jew by blood and a full Jew by virtue of his mother. It was not uncommon practice for royal children to look different and to remove the royal who differed most from the other siblings. Of all the children, Prince Leopold’s resemblance to Prince consort Albert was the most remarkable and he died first at the age of 30. Queen Victoria kept her children house-bound and then married them very young into the royal families of Europe. These were areas that had shared Rothschild, Hanover and SaxeCoburg and Gotha parentage.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

King Edward VII.

Winston Churchill.

The Queen Victoria Cons


In order, these countries were Germany, Denmark, Hesse (Thuringia, east of Hesse), Augustenberg (Germany), Canada, Prussia (North East Germany and Poland with Berlin as its capital until WWI), Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Bavaria and Thuringia in Germany) and Hesse. Bavaria, Hesse, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and Thuringia were places of origin of the Illuminati, the Golden Dawn, Naziism and Hitler. This placed Queen Victoria’s children in marriage locations that were historically suspicious, but beneficial to the Illuminati-Rothschilds. It linked Queen Victoria’s children with all that was Rothschilds’, Hitler, Nazi and advanced technological experimentation still not available to the public today (Thulingren). The Rothschilds could not have been happier with the British royal marriages, fathering the future king of England, providing their nephews as his friends and colleagues and being grandfather to the wartme Prime Minister Winston Churchill. MI-6 Chaplin underwrites the world and parodies Prince ‘Bertie’ Edward with “Li–Berty” and a double cross.

The Queen Victoria Cons


are well-known intelligence sluts, he could leak sensitive information from his British royal cousins to the German Nazi Party. At the end of WWII he was placed under house arrest, sentenced in the denazification court, heavily fined and had many of his properties seized by the Soviet Army. This left him in poverty and he died in seclusion on 28 March 1954. Charles Edward George Albert Leopold, Duke of Albany, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was a complete embarrassment to the British Royal Family. He backed the Germans during WWI and fought alongside the Germans during WWII. All the while, he was the first cousin of Britain’s King George V, whose brother ran England during WWII.

Duke Carl Eduard of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha – first cousin of King George V.


How To Take Over The World

Queen Victoria replying to your mail.

Queen Victoria: “Now remind me. I won’t tell the commoners I’m illegitimate, Prince consort Albert is illegitimate, my father is also my children’s father, my brother is also my children’s father, my eldest son Edward, Prince of Wales is the father of Winston Churchill, I come from a long line of syphilitics and mental defectives, I represent a puppet monarchy for the Jewish International Bankers, my family is so interbred with the Rothschilds we are a subset of the Rothschilds, we all live together at Belgravia and we are used to create war whenever our relatives, the International Bankers, require it for their profits.” Natty, 1st Baron Rothschild: “How about we put your image on biscuit tins and sell biscuits especially designed to stop any questioning? We’ll call these biscuit eaters ‘royalists’ and elevate them every now and then for services to the community.” Queen Victoria: “Can I tell the commoners that the war draft is actually a bank draft.” Natty, 1st Baron Rothschild: “No. Now type . . . biscuit Drina?” Subject.

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