How To Quickly Locate The Antichrist In Scripture

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 535
  • Pages: 2
How To Quickly Locate the Antichrist in Scripture Four prophets repeatedly refer to the Antichrist as the Assyrian: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea and Malachi. This means that: 1.

He will arise from a nation that was part of the old Assyrian Empire (Isa. 10:5, etc.).

The prophet Daniel describes him both as: 2.

He will come up from among the 10 nations of the Revised Roman Empire (see Daniel, Chapter 7, verse 8), and likewise


He will come out of one of the four divisions of the old Grecian Empire (i.e., out of either Greece, Turkey, Syria or Egypt; see Daniel, Chapter 8, verse 9); and will arise in the latter time of their kingdom (see Daniel, Chapter 8, verse 23).

Daniel further describes him: 4.

He is the king of the north from Syria (see Daniel, Chapter 11, verse 40).

This fixes the Antichrist as rising from Syria, immediately north of Israel. There is much about his coming reign that can be discerned from a study of the Syrian king, Anitochus Epiphanes (Dan. 11:21-39), as a prototype of this man of sin and his future dealings with nation Israel. The 11th chapter of Daniel is a chapter of mostly fulfilled prophecy: verses 1-39 are fulfilled in history, while verses 40-45 shift to events at the time of the end. The recorded historical events can be easily deciphered with the help of a good study Bible. What is important to note here is that the Antichrist will not rise from Europe, where most western Bible prophecy teachers are looking for him. Finally, the Apostle John describes him as arising out of the seven Babylonian world kingdoms that have oppressed or will yet oppress Israel: 5.

He is the eighth and final world ruler to oppress Israel, heading the Revived Grecian Empire (see Revelation, Chapter 17, verses 10 and 11). 1

The Bible speaks of six world kingdoms that have ruled Israel in the past: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Rome fell apart. With the European Economic Community (EEC) on the ascendancy, it looks like the Revised Roman Empire is being put back together in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. This is not so! It is only a shadow of the two coming world kingdoms that are yet to oppress Israel: the Revised Roman Empire and Revived Greecian Empire. A confederacy of 10 nations will be formed in the last of the last days inside the boundaries of the old Roman Empire. These 10 nations will make up the Revised Roman Empire, and shall become the seventh great world kingdom. In his rise to power, the Antichrist will uproot three of these kings or heads of state (Dan. 7:8,20). After a short space of approximately 3 ½ years, the remaining kings shall give their power, kingdom and authority to the Antichrist, as he establishes the eighth and final world kingdom before the return of Jesus to reign over the earth: the Revived Grecian Empire. In summary, although the Antichrist will come out of the Revised Roman Empire, his origin must be from one of the four divisions of the old Grecian Empire—Greece, Turkey, Syria or Egypt—which Daniel 11 clearly shows to be Syria. …………………………….


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