How To Improve Memory At Optimum Level

  • June 2020
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How to improve memory at optimum level? How to improve memory power with accuracy in short time too First I would say that nothing is impossible if you really feel than break this word it becomes “I m possible” Man from the very beginning wishes to have magic stick that he whirl in the air and he gets what he wishes. Things are simple every solution of the world secrets is in your mind just make it utilize in the right direction. Usually the more successful and courageous person is one who got sharp memory he always satisfy with himself because sharp memory always gives you great confidence. This is one of the realistic facts that capacity of brain is not same for every person, some people have naturally sharpness but it doesn’t mean to give up the hopes. This world is the classroom where we are among sharp and weak students. I will teach you a method that will surely increase your memory power with less effort and time. In this method of memorizing you will notice how much you memorize and what exactly escape from your memory. Let start with an example of an article having 15 headings and every heading 5 to 6 points in description. You must have pen/ pencil and a note book and watch so that you note the amount of time it will take compare to the traditional way of learning. First you have to learn all the headings. Break in 3 parts so that there would be 3 sets of headings. Learn the first five headings by reading in ascending order than read in descending order and again read in ascending order. Stop now, use your finger tips and repeat loudly all the five headings that you read. You would probably learn all within no time. I am using this ascending and descending order I tell you how it works on brain. When you first read a new stuff in ascending order there some impact built on your brain it leaves traces on your mind and as you go down the traces are removed while the new impact replaces them but when we repeat in descending order the new impact that replaces the former become more strong and also it recalls the first impression that was just removed but this time it has strong prints on brain. Repeating third time in reverse again (in ascending order) makes your work done.

Keep in mind while reading there are two copies are sent to the brain. One from the eyes that actually take picture of the words and print on brain the other from the ears that prints the other copy by hammering words we listen. Learn all the headings in the same manner, in the end you will notice it saves your time and energy. Learning in reverse sequence would increase the ability to remember exactly in the same sequence. At this point you already have done 40 % of your work. Learn all the descriptive points underneath each heading in the same way. Now, write down all the headings in your note book and repeat the whole article. As a whole anything you want to memorize make in parts read three times in reverse sequence that’s all. Remember to learn in calm and quiet environment as your brain is not use to of it and you need practice to improve. This is absorbing type of learning, the traditional way of learning is known as adsorbing type that consumes more time and energy, with less effective results. The great advantage of this method you don not need to revise for recall but it will come with practice for about six weeks. Use this method and change your life and implement it in your child. Your brain is the biggest gift of the nature. Give it full nutritional diet and ample sleep to get relax yourself. It is commonly observe people who are absent mind they are actually deficient in iodine content that brain requires and having short circuits in their brain. Use iodized salt. Do practice with your child. Make something for their brain exercise such that they enjoy it like a game. The technique will surely increase the ability in your child to memorize everything what he listen or just heard at optimum level. lets have an example Take 5 words or 5 numbers of 3 to 4 digits and read to your child once 1234-

Maths Physics Chemistry Botany

5- Zoology Now ask him randomly by calling sequential number. Like, what is the word at 3 and 4. Ask him one, two or three words like wise. Ask him to repeat all the words in backward sequence for example from number 5 to 1. You can take 3 or 4 digit number for example 1- 123 2- 456 3- 234 4- 345 5- 432 Ask him in the same manner to repeat as describe above.

Use this technique to increase your own concentration level. The best thing about this technique, it can help people of any level and age to learn everything from words to digits, contents of book etc. Give 15 to 20 minutes that will enough for the brain exercise. Remember friend brain is the most powerful device, we can store data like computer and recall whenever we need but the effort will be required to take the ability of brain at certain level. THIS IS THE MOST APPLIED TECHNIQUE It Really Works My memory technique isn’t the most common but the most effective technique on the market. But it has worked for me, my students, and even my wife, who claims to have the “worst memory in the world.” My best advice is to try it for yourself. When it comes to memorization, it’s important to find a strategy that works for you, whether it’s mine, someone else’s, or your own. Posted by SOLOMON at 11:00 AM 0 comments Labels: Optimize Your Brain 

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