How To Do A Phd From The Quran

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  • Words: 1,001
  • Pages: 7
How to do a Ph.D. from the Quran? Dr. Zaid Kasim Mohammad Ghazzawi Website: Introduction: A Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is considered to be the highest of certificates a person can obtain, and the way to obtain it is that a person is given a question or more and he has to find the answer to this question and add something new to knowledge, and the question given is so difficult to answer that is needs a period of 3 to 5 years to obtain an answer or part of it. This topic shows a personal experience that happened to me during my Ph.D. in Britain showing how Allah (God) guided me to answer all of my questions in my Ph.D. from the guidance of the Quran in minutes compared to years, and instead of seeking knowledge from strangers. Questions in my Ph.D.: Among the questions in my Ph.D. is the following: What is the loading environment on human bone? Such that the question is to find the loading environment in bone during movement and performing physiological functions (figure 1), such that any structure when subjected to load can be in any of the following three loading environments: compression, tension, or bending (figure 2). So which one of these three loading conditions exists in bone during movement?

Figure 1: The design of Allah (God) for human bones as a structure bearing loads.

Figure 2: Three types of loading on structures.

Thinking about the engineering of human bone started about 1900 (i.e. more than 100 years now) and yet there is no answer to the question stated above. While the answer to this question has paramount importance in the field of prosthetic systems, such that if the loading environment on bone is known then the prosthetic part can be designed to subject bone to its optimal

loading environment which would increase the strength of bone after the insertion of the implant and reduce the risk of bone fracturing (figure 3).

Figure 3: The placement of an artificial hip in direct contact with bone.

The answer to the one hundred years question from the Quran: Allah (God) out of His mercy taught me the answer to the question I stated previously in a matter of minutes by guiding me to ponder upon two verses of the Quran, such that the first is verse 14 of chapter 55 which states: (Created Humans from clay like that used in pottery), such that if we ponder upon this verse and not just merely reciting it we find that Allah (God) teaches us that He created humans from clay material (i.e. ceramic material) like that used in the making of pottery and thus we can conclude that human bone is made of a ceramic material and this conclusion has been proven by experiments as shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: The perfect match between the response of bone and that of a ceramic material.

Such that figure 4 shows that the response of bone to an applied force is identical to the response of a ceramic material subjected to the same force. Now a ceramic material can be subjected to a compressive, tensile, flexural stress environments and thus the question remains as to which one of these loading environments exists in bone? The answer to this question is found in verse 4 of chapter 95 of the Quran which states: (Allah (God) created humans in an optimal form), such that Allah (God) teaches us that He created human in an optimal form which means that for bone to be in an optimal form it should have maximum stiffness and strength and knowing that a ceramic material has maximum stiffness and strength with it is under a compressive loading environment thus we can conclude that the loading environment in bone is compressive and this is the answer to the question that scientists could not answer for more than 100 years. Computer Models:

To show that human bone is under a compressive loading environment I made with the guidance of Allah (God) computer models for human lower jaw bone as shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: A computer model for human lower jaw.

After doing the model shown in figure 5 I applied muscle and external forces generated during mastication as shown in figure 6.

Figure 6: Placing masticatory muscle forces and other forces on jaw model to simulate mastication.

After the step shown in figure 6 the computer calculates the stress generated within the model and the results shown in figure 7 show that the stress environment within bone is compressive, which is exactly as deduced from the Quran.

Figure 7: A diagram showing a compressive loading pattern in human bone (Red bars: Compressive stress, White bars: Total stress, Blue bars: Tensile stress).

Thus we notice brothers and sisters how Allah (God) teaches us everything from the Quran such that dignity and honor would belong to the believers. A lot of people talk about the gap in knowledge between the Muslims and the west, however, we see in this article how Allah (God) not only removes this gap but also makes the believers the teachers of others, and the reason why Muslims are in the miserable state they are in today is because they deserted the Quran. Allah (God) also wants by this knowledge to attract the strangers to the Quran and His straight path, such that when the non-Muslim finds himself learning engineering and all other branches of knowledge from the Quran then that would attract him to the Quran and therein he will find happiness in this life and the hereafter, and this testifies to the truthfulness of the statement of Allah (God) in the Quran in verse 53 of chapter 41: (Allah (God) will show people His signs in the horizons and in themselves until it manifests to them that this is the truth, is it not sufficient that your Lord is a witness over all things).




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