How Culturally Aware Are You

  • November 2019
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How Culturally Aware are you? Japanese often send money to bereaved friends as an expression of sympathy True False Armenians and Georgians belong to the same language family True False Shaking hands with women is acceptable in Indonesia True False Number 4 is considered lucky in Japan True False Eating with left hand is taboo in Saudi Arabia True False Brazilians usually wear black shoes in the offices True False Japanese and Chinese can read each other`s newspapers True False White flowers in Japan are given at funerals True False Mexicans are supposed to keep their hands on the table during a meal True False In Britain you tip your plate away from you when eating soup True False Spaniards like to maintain eye contact during conversations True False Arabs expect gifts to be opened in front of the giver True False Japanese, unlike Chinese, do not mind "losing face" True False Germans like deadlines True False Muslims can eat Kosher meat True False

Most Scandinavians start their bargaining with what is in their opinion, the fair price True False Lithuanian is a Slavic language True False British people drink more than 200 million cups of tea a day True False Thailand a pale face is a sign of beauty in a woman True False The further South you go in Europe, the more authoritarian the boss is expected to be True False Italian executives often come to business meetings in designer sports jackets and flannels True False American businessmen dislike detailed written contracts True False In India holy men usually wear white True False The thumbs up sign means ‘OK’ in Argentina True False All Arabs are Muslims True False Eating with your hands is rude in Malaysia True False Cross Cultural Quiz 3 1. There are three of you interviewing an Afghani man for a position in your company. Of the interviewers, two of you are women. The interviewee only ever gives eye contact to the man and never to the women. This is because: He is nervous around women He is showing respect to the women 2. In Spain, the main purpose of a business meeting would be to: Make decisions by discussing in the length the pro’s and con’s of an issue Reach agreements by consensus

Brief the team on a decisions already taken 3. You asking a question of a junior Japanese colleague and he/she looks down and answers you. He/she : Has something to hide and is looking for answer to cover their back Is paying your respect 4. Your German colleague says about a proposal you have put together, “no offense, but this idea is ridiculous.” He/she : is merely expressing their opinion and means no harm is being blunt and has no etiquette is being rude to undermine your position 5. You are making a proposal to a group of Japanese executives when you notice a few of them sat with their arms folded and eyes closed. They are: Listening intently Tired and catching up on some sleep Pretending to be asleep to show you that they think your presentation is poor 6. A potential Mexican client arrives 45 minutes late for a business meeting. He/she: Has arrived late on purpose to show that they are the party in the driving seat Has simply arrived late as punctuality is taken lightly in Mexico Has arrived late to let you enjoy your surroundings before discussing business 7. During a break for a meeting between you and a group of Saudis, you walk into the men’s room to find a few of them washing their feet in the sink. You think: They must have had smelly feet They are simply freshening themselves up Are preparing to read their prayers 8. You are beginning negotiations with a Chinese company. From the start of the meeting the Chinese team show great humility and deference. You should think: Such behaviour is a ploy designed to gain concessions Such behaviour is just the way Chinese people are Such behaviour shows these negotiations will be easy 9. While in South Korea, you present a gift to a new client to thank him for his hospitality and to cement your business relationship. He/she refuses to accept the gift. You should: Apologise for offending him/her Insist he/she takes it until it is accepted Offer it to someone else from his/her company 10. You are the new manager in an Indian office. You ask one of your supervisors to move a desk and place it in another corner of the office. The next day you notice it has not yet been done. Why? The supervisor was offended you asked him/her and refused to do anything about it

The supervisor could not find a labourer to move it and would not do so him/herself Because things get done slowly in India

Cross Cultural Quiz - Gestures 1. In Belarus, when someone pokes their thumb between their forefinger and middle finger it means... You have been beaten (i.e. in negotiations) You will get nothing Go away 2. In Bolivia you are waiting for a bus and when it arrives the driver gives you the "soso" gesture (twisting the flat, open hand). This means... There may be room if you give me a tip Get on The bus is full 3. How should one point in China? With a closed fist With an open hand With the thumb 4.When an Arab brings the tips of all fingers and thumb together and bobs the hand up and down, this means... Calm down I am waiting Hurry up 5.If you make the "V" for victory sign in the UK, you must do so with the palm... Facing outwards Facing inwards 6.A toss of the head in Finland means... No Come here 7.In Honduras, a finger placed below the eye means... I am watching you I disagree Show caution 8.The "OK" gesture (thumb and forefinger curled in an O) means what in Japan? Slow down Money 9.To indicate someone is miserly, the Dutch would.. Slap their elbow Glide the forefinger down the nose

Make a fist 10. When a Pole flicks their finger against the neck it means.. You're dead Join me for a drink Don't test may patience

Cross Cultural Quiz - Gift Giving 1. In Belguim when should gifts be given to a host? After the meal Before the meal During the meal 2. In Bolivia what colour flowers would make a poor choice for a gift? White Red Yellow 3. Why would you not give a Brazilian a knife for a gift? It represents the cutting off of a head It represents the cutting off of a relationship It represents the desire to marry the recipient's daughter 4.When giving or receiving a gift in China, you should so do using... Both hands The right hand The left hand 5.What colour would you suggest wrapping a gift in for a client in India? Green White Black 6.Gifts are opened in front of the giver in Indonesia. True False 7.Which of these gifts is the most appropriate for a Saudi business associate? Gold watch Silk tie Silver pen 8.In Japan gifts are considered bribes. False True 9.If invited to a house for dinner in Turkey, which of these would you take? Money Pastries Whiskey

10. Reciprocal gifts in South Korea should always be.. More expensive Equal worth Cheaper

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