How are Food and Health related? - Know what is meant by malnutrition, periodic famine and obesity. - Understand how these conditions are related to health. - Understand their causes, effects and possible solutions.
“YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” Are you making the right choices?
NUTRITIO N …is the study of HOW our BODY USES THE FOOD WE EAT to maintain health.
Appetite vs. HUNGER
Appetite …is the DESIRE to eat based on PLEASURES *TASTE
It’s what causes us to eat beyond HUNGER!
Is the BODY’S PHYSICAL RESPONSE to the need for FUEL.
Hunger Pains tell us when to eat.
Factors that affect food choices o Personal preference o Education o Convenience o Cost o Cultural o Social o Religious o Availability/Variety
Diseases of Affluence vs. Diseases of Poverty The trend is for diseases of affluence (CHD, diabetes and obesity) to occur more as diseases of poverty (starvation and famine) decline and as people live longer (the global ageing population). Diseases of affluence: Diseases that are thought to be a result of increasing wealth in society.
Diseases of poverty: Diseases that result from impoverishment.
“DIET” A diet is a pattern of eating that includes what a person eats, how much a person eats, and when a person eats.
Reasons Why we EAT o o o o
It (food) was there. Boredom Access to food / Availability Social (family, holiday, outing) Emotions (anger, sadness, happiness) o Someone Else o Nervousness o Stress
Define the following key words associated with diet: • • • • •
Malnutrition Undernourishment Famine (periodic famine) Obesity Overweight
Which are diseases of affluence and which are diseases of poverty?
Malnourished/Undernourished? • Are these people always in LEDCs? • Why? Why not?
Malnutrition Causes MEDC
is the way you FEEL about and PERCIEVE your BODY
Eating Disorders ANOREXIA NERVOSA o Self-Starvation o Extreme WeightLoss BULIMIA NERVOSA o Secretive o Binge & Purge BINGE EATING o Binge w/o purge
Mental Distortion ONE THINKS they are FAT But in REALITY… They ARE Painfully NOT.
“You are what you eat” Short term problems related to diet:
depression fatigue
mood swings
“You are what you eat” LONG term problems related to diet: • obesity • heart disease • diabetes • High blood pressure • Cirrhosis of the liver • Cancer • Cavities • Dietary deficiency
Kwashiorkor • Read through your sheet and complete the bottom half of your table for malnourishment in LEDCs
Famine • For one named area that you have studied where periodic famine has taken place:
– a) Describe the causes of famine in that area. – b) What are some of the effects of famine on a particular area? – c) Outline the actions taken to prevent famine from arising there again.
What are the main factors which cause FAMINE?
Map analysis
How can FAMINE be solved?
What exactly is obesity? • having too much body fat (high body mass index - of over 30 – this is the ratio between height and weight). • it occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use • Causes include: genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods/convenience foods, not being physically active, sedentary forms of work, labour-saving devices and motorised forms of transport.
% of people OBESE by state
Out of the top 10 Leading Causes of Death:
6 are associated with Obesity: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Coronary Heart Disease Cancer Stroke Chronic lower respiratory diseases Diabetes Accidents (unintentional injuries) National Center for Health Statistics
Possible solutions? Surgery to tackle rising obesity
El Poder del Consumidor msn&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term =for%20life&utm_content=Change4Life&utm_campaign
-Mexico Drugs and stomach surgery should be used to help some adults and children lose weight, say experts.
Successfully campaigned for a Kellogg TV advert to be taken off the air for misleading claims, in particular about the skills children would develop if they ate the cereal high in sugar.
UK NHS website Which? – United kingdom - Australia.
Which?’ s campaign helped ensure the UK TV regulator OFCOM introduced a ban on the advertising of junk food during TV programmes of appeal to children under 16 years old.
Can you think of any others?
In conclusion
In conclusion
what you eat affects your MIND, BODY
& emotions