House Of Friends Newsletter January 2009]

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  • Words: 1,161
  • Pages: 2
Volume 9 Issue 1

John Gross met with Pastor Mande Eri and Jesca Wadanya, wife of a church leader.

101 N. Zeysing · P O Box 228 · Alma, MO 64001 · 660.674.2222 ·

When a people pray, God answers. When a people hear God call, they fulfill His plan. Pastor Mande Eri of Buvende Disciples of Christ Church, Busia, Uganda, and his congregation prayed for a medical team to come from the U.S. Vicki Bennett visited there in 2004 and was asked if she would bring one. This church ministers to 600 children and others in the community who need medical care. Plans for a medical mission were finalized by John Gross and Vicki as they met with Pastor Mande Eri in October of 2008.

House of Friends and Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance (CTOMA) have teamed up to be the answer to their prayers. The team plans to leave the U.S. on May 11 and provide medical services in Busia and Entebbe with a return date of May 31. There is still an opening on the team for a U.S. doctor and/or nurse practitioner and dentist. Interested individuals should contact 660.674.2222.

Above is the building in Busia where our medical mission team will provide medical services to the community.

Permission has been granted by the government in Uganda for us to conduct a medical mission. Along with this permission came a request to provide certain quantities of specific medications. The CTOMA has received around $10,000 in medications from donations to date. Efforts to secure donations continues as there is more needed to meet the Uganda government’s medication requirements.

Donations of Furniture….Appliances….Household goods

Vicki Bennett, House of Friends Board Member, with school children in Uganda.

House of Friends Board Member, Vicki Bennett of Kansas City, Missouri, is a woman of faith, giving of her talents to impact people and nations. Vicki is a Registered Nurse who works in a treatment center for troubled children. She also pastors the Kansas City Christian Fellowship Church along side her husband, Todd. Vicki has a passion to help children and adults who are hurting. As an active member of the Board of Directors, she and Todd give of themselves wholeheartedly to spread the Gospel and help make life better for others. In 2004 Vicki went to Busia, Uganda, with two of her children and John Gross. Two major accomplishments have developed out of that visit. This trip was a teaching mission for her, but a local church became aware she had a medical background and asked her if she would bring a medical team to Busia. That is coming to pass in May 2009. Secondly, Vicki and her children sowed $200 into a dream of the women of the church. That dream is being fulfilled daily. (See article Sown Seeds Succeed)

In 2004 Vicki Bennett taught the church ladies of Buyende Disciples of Christ Church in Busia, Uganda about the sower and the seed. She shared that God has given us dreams and He wants to Goats raised from gift sown in Uganda see them come to pass. He wants to see us fulfilled and serving for His purposes. The ladies immediately knew what their dream was—to raise pigs. They wanted to help ease their poverty and the burden of living with polygamy by getting some money through pig farming. But the village was very poor and it would take them two years to pool their money together to buy one pig. Vickie, and her children who were with her, decided to donate enough money for them to purchase five pigs. The money was given but something delayed them from purchasing the pigs. During that delay, a pig epidemic hit and killed many pigs. After the epidemic passed the purchase was made. The pigs were not well suited for the village, so they were sold and goats were purchased instead. Vicki’s brother, Vaughn Edwards, also sent money to purchase goats. “Four goats have become 29 goats,” says Vicki, “minus one that they butchered for our meal while we were there in October of 2008.” Many of the goats gave birth to twins which greatly increased the population. Teaching the people of Uganda Biblical principles, and helping them to implement what they have learned, is an excellent way of helping them maintain their dignity, give them hope, and change a nation one person and/or community of people at a time.

Judy Lieser, Executive Director of House of Friends, has a passion to help the poor and the hurting of the earth and to empower them to become all that God has purposed for them to be. She also is very committed to maintaining integrity in all she puts her hands to. For 17 years of her career, Judy worked for a Missouri Department of Mental Health facility. She first began her nonprofit work as Chairman of the Board for New Life Home, a Missouri nonprofit corporation with the sole purpose of establishing a home for abused/neglected children, which received State recognition. For the past nine years, prior to her role in House of Friends, she served in several management positions for Children of Promise International, an interdenominational Christian mission organization bringing hope and a future to orphans, destitute children, and widows in 19 countries. In addition to her work with House of Friends, Judy is very active in her community and church.

Chain Link fence around Abba House grounds…$1,500. The home is situated next to a road and a huge lake. A fence is needed for the protection of the children. Bore Hole…(cost has not been secured as yet). The only water available to Abba House is from the school. The homes will need their own water supply. Furnishings for new home. The home has beds and mattresses for the children but there is a need for other furniture, utensils, curtains etc.

Alma Jones, missionary, reports there is a widespread outbreak of fungus in the children. The girl to the right has a topical cream on her for a fungus condition. This condition is spreading rapidly among the children because of their constant contact with one another. It is at the point that only medication can destroy the fungus in their bodies. One child was taken to the hospital to see the doctor as it had spread all over her face. Funds were sent to purchase the medication. Please be in prayer for God to bring healing to them.

My name is Akim. I am 11 years old. I enjoy playing soccer and want to become a male nurse. Akim’s father is deceased and mother’s whereabouts is unknown. Extended family are unable to take responsibility for his care. My name is Faridah. I am 11 years old. I love to sing. When I grow up I would like to be a doctor. Faridah’s father passed away when she was two. She has been raised by her mother who struggled to care for her sufficiently.

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