House Of Friends Newsletter 04.09

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,343
  • Pages: 2
Volume 9 Issue 4

101 N. Zeysing · P O Box 228 · Alma, MO 64001 · 660.674.2222 ·

We are blessed by you who have given and you who have prayed. Blessings have come by twos this month with two new homes emerging in Uganda to care for the orphans and destitute children.. The first Abba House in Entebbe will soon be joined by a second home thanks to Steve Brock Ministries of Atlanta, Georgia. The home has been named David Anthony House of Refuge in memory of Steve and Patsy Brock’s son, David, who was killed at age 16 in an automobile accident caused by a drunk driver, and in honor of their son, Pastor Anthony Brock, who pastors Hope and Life Fellowship in Atlanta, Georgia. Anthony and his congregation wholeheartedly lend support to this mission project of Steve Brock Ministries. This home will house 15 of the 30 children who are in the first built home. All 30 children were originally placed in the 850 sq. ft. home. There were no complaints from the children, as a bed to sleep in and a roof over their heads was a big blessing to them. Reducing the numbers in the home; however, will give the children better care and allow the caregivers to give them more indiAbove—Alma Jones handing funds to vidual mentoring. Pastor Kaaya to begin the building of The trench for the David Anthony House of Refuge. Below footings of the foundathat picture—Footing trench of the home. tion had been dug previously awaiting funding to start the second home. We do not have a new picture to share but we have received word that some materials have arrived on the site and Pastor Kaaya is finding the best pricing from sand and cement companies to start on the foundation. This is the rainy season, so weather also is a factor in the process. Pray that everything runs smoothly, so that the home will be complete and ready for dedication when the Medical Team is in Entebbe the end of May. (continued on back)

A February wedding of son, Adam, captured the whole family of Pam Plattner, House of Friends Board Member from Grand Pass, Missouri (left of the bride). Pam is mom to two sons and a daughter —Aaron (far left), Adam (the groom) and Tiffany (to Adam’s right)—and grandma of two little ones. Pam loves children, and God immediately placed a burden for orphans on her heart in 1975. Since then, she has supported various feeding programs in different countries and has visited orphanages in Mexico and Asia. When her husband, Jay, passed away in 2005, her heart of love and care enlarged to encompass widows. She began mentoring others who experienced the same loss—offering friendship, counsel, and a listening ear. This opened doors for various speaking engagements and the writing of articles for a Christian magazine. “It was a perfect opportunity for me to become more involved with widows and orphans when House of Friends was formed,” says Pam. “It is an honor to be able to serve in the capacity of Board member.” Pam has a BS degree in Business Education and manages/operates an 1100 acre farm with the help of her son, Adam, and one hired hand. She has served in leadership capacities in church and a Missouri agriculture organization.

IN TWOS (continued) The second home going up is the Eddy Reber Memorial Home. In a 2007 trip, John Gross, House of Friends founder, as well as Dale Ritter and Travis Kolder, Board Members, helped in a home building project with Pastor Valentine and his wife, of Kamuli. The Valentines have two children and have taken nine orphans under their wings to raise and nourish in the Word of God. Pastor Valentine had planned to finish the home but was never able to do so. This month, House of Friends have partnered with Pastor Valentine in making his home the Eddy Reber Memorial Home. Funds have been sent to begin finishing the home. Plans are to raise the remaining funds of $4,000 to complete the project also by the end of May

Hope City’s outreach continues to be a unique blend of mixing the meeting of practical needs with spiritual needs of inner Kansas City. It also serves as a fellowship where many different ministries work together to release HOPE to the hopeless. Monday, March 30, John Gross ministered out of Zechariah 9:12 to those gathered. Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you. A corporate prayer meeting followed, praying this portion of scripture for the inner city and over those who came forward for personal prayer.

Best #EU004 10 years old Best loves to study. Drawing and English are her favorites. Her mother is deceased and her father ran off. She was not attending school and was being cared for by her aging unemployed grandmother. Best needs a sponsor. Tina #EU009 12 years old Tina loves to dance and sing. She is in Abba House Children’s Choir. Math and Social Studies are her favorite subjects. Her parents are unemployed and cannot care for their 11 children. A sister is also in Abba House. Tina needs a sponsor

Upper and lower left—Pastor Valentine’s church in Kamuli; upper right Travis Kolder with children and Linda (who is now in the U.S. attending college); middle right—John Gross and Dale Ritter in background and Pastor Valentine in the forefront during a time when gifts were being given out to the children; lower right— John (center back) and Dale Ritter (back right) with the nine orphans and other children of the community.

We are very thankful to you who are providing funds to help care for the children in Abba House. They would be without daily sustenance if it were not for your love and gifts of provision. We have learned over the past few months that the U.S. dollar is not holding steady when the funds are exchanged for Ugandan shillings and the cost of items in Uganda is rising. Since we don’t know how much will be coming in monthly, we sometimes have a shortfall of funds to take care of all the needs. Considering these things, it has become evident that we needed to initiate a Sponsorship Program so we could assure all the needs are covered adequately. House of Friends invites you to join other ’friends’ in extending the hand of friendship through monthly sponsorship of a child, which helps provide food, clothes, medical care, and an education. You can place an extra child at your table through monthly sponsorship. It only takes $20 a month for their daily care—that is around 22 cents a meal. You can help educate that child for $25 per month—less than $1 per day. Education plays a vital role in lives. It helps define an individual’s future. The Lord trained Moses in the best Egyptian schools and that knowledge helped mold him into the man God called to lead His people out of Egypt. Our children have been given a great educational opportunity in Entebbe. On the same grounds as Abba House there is a Christian school. In Uganda, parents pay for their children’s education in government schools, which can cost thousands of dollars a year. This school has allowed our children to attend at no cost, but it is causing a strain on them financially. They must pay their teachers, provide books, and feed them the noon meal. Your sponsorship of a child at $45 a month will take care of all a child’s basic needs. Those who have been giving toward Abba House needs may continue to do so as we will probably always have children without sponsors or unexpected needs. Your faithfulness is always a blessing as you fill in the gaps. Or, you may want to bless a child or children through sponsorship. We also invite you to share the sponsorship opportunities with your family and friends. To sponsor call 660.674.2222 or write [email protected].

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