Hope Magazine Autumn 2009 Issue

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autumn 2009

autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com.au

Editor’s Note When God created the universe, the first thing He made was light. Out of all the things he could have created first, He chose to begin with light. Continuing through the Scriptures we read of more and more references to light and the God who created it. In this edition of Hope Magazine, we invite you to join us as we venture into the world of ‘Lights’, reflecting on the implications of such an interesting phenomena mentioned numerous times in the Bible. As you read the variety of articles, we pray that you will be blessed and encouraged to allow the God of the universe to light up your life.

hope magazine

Executive Director Rev. Dr. Aileen Gunawan Editor Ps. David Gunawan Sub-Editor Karen Tong Writers Karen Tong May Wong Julia Ma Jonathan Gunawan Allison Tong Art Director Jonathan Gunawan Design Jonathan Gunawan Timothy Tan Stella Lim Web Production Victor Tran Johan Sugiarto Photography Timothy Tan Katherine Dinh

Ps. David Gunawan The Centre Head Office 3/27 Daking St 56 Delaney Drive North Parramatta Baulkham Hills NSW 2151 Sydney, NSW 2153 Australia Australia

4 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

[email protected] +61 2 9634 1408 www.hopemissioncentre.com

A Word in Season

Rev. Dr. Aileen Gunawan

6 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

Soak yourself in the glorious presence of God and shine brightly for Him in a world desperately in need of His light.


verything that is made has a purpose or use. A rice bowl is made to hold rice. A milk bottle is made to hold milk. A heater is made to keep you warm during the cold months. The list goes on. Recently we bought a few solar lights for our garden and I observed that when the sun was shining very brightly during the day, the solar lights shone extremely bright in the night. The days where the solar lights did not receive a lot of sun resulted in the lights being very dim, with some not even illuminating at all. Out of this observation it is very interesting to see that as Christians the more we are with God who is the Light, the more of His glory shines through us. Like Moses, after being in the presence of God his face shone so brightly that he had to cover it with a veil. Being so close to God up on the mountain, Moses received and saturated his whole being with the glory and brought back God’s radiance to

the people who were waiting. He could not help it. He was with God. Similarly if we are with God we will definitely emit that same radiance as well. How glorious! Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (John 9:5 NKJV). The world is very dark, miserable and lost. We are called to be the light of this dark world, to emanate the light of God so that they may see. This is an extremely great responsibility. Before Jesus left this world He commanded us as children to represent Him. With the help of the Holy Spirit we can draw on His resource and power to brighten our lives and others, as well as those that come across our pathway. We are containers or vessels created to contain the power of God, the light of God and everything about God. That is what we are created for. In order for us to see what is in a glass container it has to be clean. If it is murky or dirty we will not be able to see clearly. But if it is washed properly and the dirt is

A Word in Season

removed, we will be able to see the contents of the container. In Jeremiah 4:23 (NKJV) “I beheld the earth, and indeed it was without form, and void; And the heavens, they had no light.” God is very concerned about bringing his illuminating Presence to this world. “No light” disturbed Him greatly. Without light spells chaos, for God is a God of order and purpose. God desires that we “walk in the light” 1 John 1:7 (NKJV). When we walk in the light, we walk with Him and in Him and His Truth is in us because we emit that light. Conducting our lives in this manner will cause others to see their dark and wrong ways and hence save souls from falling into the pit. In Genesis 1:3 (NKJV), “‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” In the beginning of creation God made it very evident that this world was in a mess, it was dark and had no shape or purpose or use. The very thing

that God saw as top priority was to have light come and dismiss all disorder and eradicate the works of darkness. Light destroys the destructive work of Satan. He remodeled the disordered mass with His mighty power by calling out His Light. 1 John 1:5 (NKJV), “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.”

The world is miserable and called to be th dark w

The earth was a big mixed up mess. This really shows the very nature of the devil. As we see more and more of what is happening in the world, we see chaos, confusion, emptiness and a mixed up society. This really reflects the lives of those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. More than ever the world needs Jesus. When we first came to Jesus we were also a big mess spiritually, but because we invited Jesus to come into our hearts and He cleansed us and spoke life and light into us, we are now shining lights. The world needs God who is the light, to

shine on them too so that they can see the mess and then clear the mess. Without light it is impossible to clear anything. We were created to have dominion over every creeping thing, fill the earth and subdue it. God had remodeled the earth, straightened it out, and has presented it so beautifully for us to rule and enjoy, so s very dark, what are we d lost … we are really doing he light of this about it?


Satan had destroyed the perfect place, but in Christ Jesus everything is made new, now from the inside out. Instead of re-creating our outward appearance, God did changed what was inside us. Now Satan cannot blow out that light because it is kept safe inside us by Jesus Christ. I praise God for His great wisdom and intelligence. We now have full control with the power of the Holy Spirit, to choose to turn on that light that is within us. We can shine as bright as we like

depending on how charged we are with God. Let us be close to the Light so that we can shine in this world that is so full of darkness. We are containers of the light of God, called to lit up high on top of the mountain. We can either be buried under the mountain of problems and difficulties, or we can rise above the mountain and shine for Jesus. The Lord Jesus invites us to come to Him and cast our burdens on Him “for My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:30 NKJV). We cannot be effective and productive people if we are constantly weighed down by heavy burdens on our shoulders. The Lord Jesus wants us live a life free from the worries of this world and fulfill His very purpose on this earth. Brighten up someone with your light! God’s blessings, Rev. Dr. Aileen Gunawan


by Julia Ma


s Simon’s feet pummelled along the rock-strewn path, the heat of the sun scorched fiercely through the clouds, burning through patches of blue sky. Fluttering his eyes profusely to stave off the moisture from escaping, he squinted at the crowds just in time to catch a glimpse of Reuben’s head disappear into the swarm of people behind the temple doors. What is that boy doing going to the temple? We have two more weeks left until the show! With three-quarters of the auditorium still to be filled, he had better be going there to sell more tickets!

10 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

3 Months earlier Again, again! The crowds chanted in unison. The auditorium was bursting at the seams. Word of Simon’s talent had tore through the city like a tornado. In six days, fifty thousand seats had been sold, with some few hundred grappling precariously at the edge of the stairs to catch the last act of “Simon the Sorcerer”. At that moment, a voice cut through the crowd, “I dare you to raise me up”. Although not many knew of it, the boy and he had long been a team. At the end of each show Reuben would call for Simon’s final act. They both knew that the finale would stir the crowd to frenzy. With fixed concentration and

tense composure Simon raised his hands to steer Reuben’s lithe frame up into the air. A torrent of shrieks and applause erupted from the auditorium. Simon the Sorcerer had once again won over Samaria … Simon traced Reuben’s steps through the temple doors. Immediately, the dank human stench assailed his senses. The hall was amassed with a hive of desperate, sweat-drenched bodies clamouring for a man named Philip. Simon tipped his head up to see their cries fall on a foreign man at the far end of the hall speaking to the demon-possessed, lame and paralysed. Listless bodies centred their last drops of concentration on Phillips’s


words of enlightenment about the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ. Exhilarating awe transfixed Simon upon crossing the temple’s threshold as he witnessed the following scene. The demon-possessed were brought out of bondage. The paralysed and lame were made whole. Not a single need was left unmet. The hall was teeming with cries of joy. Whoever this Messiah was, Simon was adamant he wanted to know Him. Pushing his way through the crowd, he inched closer until he was standing alongside Philip. With their own volition Simon’s heart conceded whilst his lips followed Philip and the crowd confess their belief in Jesus Christ before becoming baptised. Now with Reuben’s whereabouts far from his mind Simon made himself Philip’s constant companion. Simon followed Phillip everywhere he went, and was astounded by the signs and great miracles Philip performed, until one day when the two apostles Peter and John arrived

in Samaria from Jerusalem. Never before had Simon witnessed such a spectacle. Both men were praying for the new believers and when they had both laid their hands on them the believers received the Holy

The lustre and affluence you pursue is fleeting … it should be Jesus that you should seek after Spirit. It was the greatest miracle of all, one that not even Philip’s greatest signs and miracles could rival. As Simon marvelled at this, a young boy resembling Reuben boldly came forward to Peter and asked to be baptised with the Holy Spirit. In that instant Simon recognised his cohort. With an anguished outcry he propositioned money to both Peter and John for their power. “Let me have this power, too,” he exclaimed, “so that when I lay my hands on people, they will

receive the Holy Spirit!” Pride reigned in Simon’s request and Peter rebuked him, “May your money be destroyed with you for thinking God’s gift can be bought! You can have no part in this, for your heart is not right with God. Repent of your wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive your evil thoughts, for I can see that you are full of bitter jealousy and are held captive by sin.” “Simon, you have it all wrong,” Reuben hissed at him. “Don’t you see the power of God through Jesus Christ can not be bought, no matter the amount? I knew this weeks ago which was why I could not deceive myself any longer in continuing to sell the seats to the show. The lustre and affluence you pursue is fleeting and comes from evil. But it should be Jesus that you should seek after. Simon, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the light of the world. Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

The conviction came again pulling at Simon’s heart tighter this time, overpowering every other opposing thought. The presence of God was now beating against his chest out to the tip of his limbs. With resignation Simon turned to Reuben and cried, “Let us go to Peter and ask him to pray to the Lord for me, that these terrible things he said won’t happen to me!”


Check out www.hopemissioncentre.com for the late 14 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com


est information on all Hope Mission Centre events.



avid Gu Pastor D

What does it mean to shine as lights in this world? Pastor David Gunawan unravels the mystery of refracting His light in a unique and wonderful way. 16 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com


ight is a fascinating light and my salvation; Whom shall phenomenon that has I fear?” The writer of 1 John 1:5 intrigued scholars for thousands (NKJV) put it even more bluntly of years. While light still continues saying, “God is light and in Him to astound researchers today, one is no darkness at all”. For these thing is for certain – without light, writers, light was synonymous we would not have life. Light with life, and they recognised enables us to see and interact that their lives were sustained with our world; light from the sun by God. To have God ‘shine’ causes plants to grow so that we upon them, was for God to can breathe; pour out His and the grace upon Jesus made us plants grown them and travelling lanterns because of give them an the light, are with the purpose of abundance then eaten and fullness bringing life and hope by animals, of life they wherever we go which are could only then available dream of. To for our nourishment. Light have God ‘light’ their path, was sustains life. for God to direct and steer their life in the ways of all that was Interestingly, this perspective of good and wholesome. To have light was also common to the God ‘enlighten’ them, was for ancient writers of the Scriptures. God to give them wisdom and They understood the instrumental understanding to make godly role of light in the physical world, decisions. God was their light. and their encounters with the He was their sustainer. He was real, living God caused them their provider. They had life appreciate the similarities between because of Him. God and the phenomenon of light. The psalmist in Psalm 27:1 Then Jesus entered the world. (NKJV) wrote, “The LORD is my He opened the way for God


(who is light) to live inside us and emanate through us. He made it possible for every person in the world to experience a fullness of life that few had ever known. Then He said,

God can use our imperfections to make even more beautiful displays of His light “You are the light of the world… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16 NKJV). He was passing the mandate to us to emanate the Light of life to all those who encounter. He was effectively saying, ‘I have deposited into you all you need for life and more, now go and bless others, touch the lives of others, and bring the light of God into the darkness of the world.’ Jesus made us travelling lanterns, with the purpose of bringing life and hope wherever we go. To add to the visual appeal, He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us along the way, revealing to us the evidence of the light shining through us. Ephesians 5:8-9 (NKJV) tells us, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness,

righteousness, and truth)”. The fruit of the Spirit is elaborated in Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV) as “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, selfcontrol.” These if you like, are the ‘colours’ that are dispersed from the refractions of the light of God in our lives. Just like a prism, our lives can show the variety of components that make up the life that comes from God. If we avail ourselves to shine God’s light through our lives, it will manifest in different ways and in different colours. The same beam of white light shone into a triangular prism will produce a display of colours that differs to another prism of a different shape. The shape of the prism determines the manner in which the light is refracted and displayed. In the same way, our lives have been sculpted differently by our Creator and we will naturally refract His light in different ways to bring life and colour into the lives of others. We are all called to shine God’s light in our lives, but because of our different environments and personalities we will display the fruit of the Spirit in different

ways. Sometimes we may feel as though our prism has been chipped from various circumstances in our past maybe people have hurt us, or we have had to endure difficult struggles. But when God shines His light into our lives, God can use those very imperfections to make even more beautiful displays of His light through our lives. The shaping that is unique to us will produce colours, shapes and patterns unlike any other. The common thread, however, is the light of God shining through our lives. No matter how great a prism, its potential is never realised until light is shone through it. Our lives need the light of God to reveal our ‘true colours’ – the colours that God designed us to emanate. May we all purpose in our hearts to shine the light of God through our lives, so that God’s life would reach those in darkness and bring hope and colour to every life.

About Face

Is the glass half empty or half full? Karen Tong uncovers the secret to positive thinking and the tremendous power it yields.


ou wake up to a blaring alarm clock and hit snooze – just a few more minutes, you tell yourself. You glance again at your clock, half an hour has passed. 7:00 AM! You rush to the bathroom, stubbing your toe along the way – this is going to be a bad day, I just know it – still vaguely hopeful that you’ll catch the 7:15 train just beating out peak hour. No, I’m not going to make it. You stumble down the stairs to the platform just as your train pulls away. After a considerable delay, you squeeze into a packed carriage with not a seat in sight, then look down and notice a stain on your shirt. 20 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

It can’t get any worse than this, right? Who am I kidding, this I could see t is going to be the disaster, or se worst day of my life. opportunity f

bless me… It’s easy to fall into a negative pattern of thinking. One little thing leads to another and soon enough, the trivial matter of waking up a little later than usual has spiralled downward into the worst day of your life. If you really think about it, negativity profits you nothing. In fact, thoughts like ‘I just can’t do this’ and ‘I’ll never achieve that’, or

‘why can’t I have a better life?’ and ‘why doesn’t anyone care about me?’, take away from your life – it saps you of motivation and energy, destroys your hope, makes you worry about the maybe’s and what if ’s, and ultimately causes you to live in fear and defeat.

with a better car – which He did,” Victor says.

Theresa Teo also experienced a turning point in her thinking when she became a Christian. “I used to be easily angry and people were afraid to Having a positive mindset, on come near me,” she says, “even the other hand, is a powerful my good friend could not accept thing. “A positive mind allows me as she felt that my negative you to do more than the norm,” thoughts were affecting me.” Victor Tran says, “By thinking Now, Theresa doesn’t allow positively, we allow herself to think negatively at all, ourselves to move “I am very aware of any negative this as a forward rather than thoughts that enter my mind ee it as an allowing things and ensure not to be trapped in them,” she says. As a relatively for God to to stop us.” Since becoming a Christian, young Christian, Deon Ngatai - Victor Victor has developed agrees and says that learning a positive attitude more about Jesus has shown him that is able to weather many a better way of looking at life. storms, including a serious car “God gives us new things every accident. Grateful for emerging day that is not only full of life from the accident without even but it gives us a positive outlook a slight injury, Victor did not on life,” Deon says. When even give one negative thought speaking with others in the hope the light of day even though his of encouraging them, Deon car was written off, “I could see always asks people about the this as a disaster, or see it as an highlight of their day or week, “I opportunity for God to bless me have them describe it to me,” he

About Face

says, causing them to focus on the positive things in their life.

believers to pursue positive thinking with a renewed mind. Paul exhorts early Christians in However, Theresa admits there Colossians 3:2 (NKJV) to, “Set are limits to mere mind power your minds on things above” and the and there are times when she prophet Isaiah says, “You will has to rely on someone greater keep him in perfect peace, whose mind to help her stay positive. “I will is stayed on You, because he trusts in always be positive because there You” (Isaiah 16:3 NKJV). One is hope, and my hope comes of May Wong’s favourite verses from this verse, ‘Where does helps her remain joyful and our help come from? Our help positive at all times, “Matthew comes from the Lord’,” Theresa 19:26, with God all things are possible!” she I know I believe the power of a says.“ that God has a positive mind is knowing divine purpose that God is in control of and plan for my life. As simple everything. - May as it may be, I believe the says. Remembering the Word of power of a positive mind is God gives her the ability to tap knowing that God is in control into God’s power, which is much of everything.” greater than her own strength, to overcome any problems that may Similarly, Stephanie Tang bring about negative thoughts. remembers Philippians 4:13 to “I refuse to look at the problem keep her thinking positively, “I but to focus on the Lord and His can do all things through Christ promises,” Theresa says. who strengthens me – Wow!” It also helps to have encouraging The bible is full of verses that and supportive people around encourage and uplift, urging you, particular when times get

tough and it’s not as easy to have a bright perspective on life, “I spend time with my family to be strengthened and refreshed,” Stephanie says, “Tanga (Stephanie’s husband) is also a great encouragement to me and always rubs off his joy and positivity onto me.” On the flip side, Stephanie and Victor both agree that the greatest challenge to positivity is being with people who are negative; it is important, then, to keep focussed on the goodness and faithfulness of God and remember, Victor says, “God is in control and no matter what happens, He always has our best in mind.” Former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, once said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every

difficulty. For myself I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use being anything else.” Negative thoughts may lurk around every corner and pop into your mind at every turn, but negativity is neither useful nor beneficial in life. Instead, take up the challenge to think positively and you will find a new hope, a new joy and new strength. Perhaps the next time you wake up late, or your morning doesn’t go as planned you’ll be thinking, “I’m grateful that today is a new, brighter day.”

About Face

Positivity to ponder The thoughts that God thinks toward us glow with assurance and shine with great optimism. In Jeremiah, the Lord says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you … thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV). And in Isaiah, the Lord says, “For My

thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways … For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV). Be encouraged to know that God loves you and has greatness in store for you.




Jonathan Gunawan

are you?

Keep your lights on! Discover how you can affect and influence the people around you just by shining your light.


ave you ever walked into a room where everything looks yellowy? Or you walk into a building and everything looks blue-ish? This is due to colour temperatures. These temperatures are measured in kelvins (K) where different values of kelvins emit different colours of light.

(yellow–red) colours. Coolcoloured light is considered better for visual tasks and warm-coloured light is preferred for living spaces because it is considered more pleasing on skin tones and clothing. Colour temperatures in the 2700–3600 K range are recommended for most general indoor lighting.

For example, higher colour temperatures (5000 K or more) are “cool” (green–blue) colours, and lower colour temperatures (2700–3000 K) are “warm”

So we see that different colour temperatures emit different coloured light, and the colour of the light evokes certain moods or is used for different purposes.

26 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

We all have some kind of light inside of us. We all affect our environment and the people around us. Depending on the colour of the light that we shine we could be a “cool” light that encourages people to do their best in life, or a “warm” light that makes others feel comfortable, or a “neutral” light who is just there to listen. We affect and influence the things and people around us.

our ways. John 9:5 (NAS) says it like this, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” So don’t turn your light off, let it shine! We may shine in different colours and in different ways, but we are lights that are made to shine!

Remember that the way that we shine our light, affects how things are perceived. We have to make sure that the light we shine It can be so easy to turn our light out in our lives display things the off and not emit anything; to be way they are. Keep shining your a person that is not concerned or light! helpful and to be self-centred in

Kidspot Kidspot

Allison Tong

It’s tall and bright and shines a light … find out all about lighthouses! A lighthouse is a tall tower with a lamp shining a bright beam of light. They were built near the seashore to help sailors know where they were and where they were going. They can also be used to warn of dangerous conditions such as rocks or sandbars, or to point sailors in the direction of the shores. Many years ago, lighthouse keepers added fuel to the lamp and kept the lighthouse in order.

28 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

How much do you know about lighthouses?

2 Which nickname was given to the lighthouse keeper before electricity was invented? a) Wickie b) Shore sentinel c) Ship spotter 3. When sailors have to sail in pitch darkness and the lighthouse light cannot be seen, what sound to they listen for? a) Sea siren b) Foghorn c) Whale call

a) 51 metres b) 59 metres c) 72 metres 5. A person who studies or is interested in lighthouses is called a: a) Lighthouse specialist b) Pharologist c) Navigator


a) Turkey b) Greece c) Egypt

4. The tallest lighthouse in the United States is the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. How tall is the Lighthouse?

1. c) Egypt 2. a) Wickie 3. b) Foghorn 4. b) 59 metres 5. b) Pharologist

1. The first lighthouse was called the Pharos. Where was it built?

Kidspot Kidspot

I Can See a Rainbow Pour some water into a flat, shallow container. Place a mirror in the water so that part of the mirror is submerged in the water. Put the container near a window so that reflects the sunlight onto the wall. You should be able to see a small rainbow on the wall just underneath the white light on the wall.

Create-a-character When the lights go out, it’s time for some serious fun! Put your old light globes to use by making these cute characters. What do I need? Light bulb Newspaper Paper Mache glue Glue Paintbrush Optional: wiggle eyes, foam, fabric pieces, cellophane, pom poms, wool, pipe cleaners

30 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

Step 1 Cover the light bulb with a few layers of paper-mache made by mixing together the newspaper and paper-mache glue.

Step 4 Draw the teddy bear’s face on a piece of cardboard. Cut it out and stick it on the light bulb.

Step 2

Step 3

When dry, paint the Stick on some light bulb brown for cotton balls for the a teddy bear’s body. teddy bear’s tummy.

Step 5 Use ribbon or a pipe cleaner to tie a bow around the teddy bear’s neck.

Step 6 Now all you need to do is give your light bulb teddy bear a name and show it to all your friends!

What other characters can you make? What about a lightbulb… cat and mouse? Or fish? Or bird? Or a girl and boy?


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32 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

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38 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

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Barbados Floor Lamp Brown, $199.00

All products displayed in ‘A Brighter Look’ are available for purchase at www.beaconlighting.com.au.


Chandeliers Brighten up your room with a light palette in lolly pink, sweet watermelon and fresh whites with this exquisitely crafted pendant

Camille Pendant White, $189.95

Krysta 12 Light Pendant Chrome, $495.00

Floor lamps / Table lamps Krysta Floor Lamp Chrome, $495.00

The sleek modernity of these stunning bijoux clustered lamps add to the charm of this décor featuring crisp white furnishings punctuated with a jolt of blue

Krysta Lamp Chrome, $229.90

All products displayed in ‘A Brighter Look’ are available for purchase at www.beaconlighting.com.au.


Tahitian Black $269.90

Ceiling light fans Stay indoors in sophisticated style with dark bold textures that epitomise the warmer summer months, and capture nature in all its beauty and abundance

LED Bollard Chrome, $69.95

Exterior garden lights / Energy saving exteriors Individual and unique in its lustre and form, this exclusive Envirolux energy saving LED Kit stays true to nature and can be easily installed to suit the style of your garden

All products displayed in ‘A Brighter Look’ are available for purchase at www.beaconlighting.com.au.

Turkey Roll

Roll out the good times with vibrant bursts of flavour and plenty of zing! Rev. Dr. Aileen Gunawan

44 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

Avocado shake

Shake it up with this nutritious beverage Jonathan Gunawan

Dress up your table with tealight candles of all different shapes and sizes. Wrap flowers, patterned paper or lace around the outside of the tealight candle holders. Secure the wrapping with raffia, velvet or satin ribbon. Place tealight candles inside the holders and light them. Make sure that any paper is not too close to the flame. For extra decoration, place rocks at the base of the tealight candles. Remember: Never leave lit candles unattended.

Did you know? In ancient times, clear oil of pressed olives was used to keep lamps burning. Find out more in Exodus 27:20

Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com 47

48 Autumn 2009 hopemagazine.com

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