Chis Loxton London Marathon Training Schedule

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
CHRIS Here is your personal London Marathon schedule as promised. These sessions in your programme are recommendations/suggestions in order for you to accomplish your intended marathon target of around the 3hour mark. They are also based on your running training commitment of 4 days per week (some weeks 5 days) in order to enable you to achieve plus any cross training that you may do during each week. The programme may look quite formidable but don't worry or have nightmares as it is a flexible one in that you can adapt the sessions as circumstances dictate. At least you now have a training plan to guide you through to April 2010 but it is now down to you to get out there and put it into practise in doing the training. Over the coming weeks you will find that you will get progressively fitter and because of this, faster. Therefore you will eventually be able to cope with the longer runs and harder sessions. Don't forget there are runners at the club to help you whenever you need it so you will not be alone. When on some of your long runs, if you are unable to maintain the desired pace as required by the schedule, don't be afraid to drop the pace to a more comfortable one in order to achieve the set distance. This also applies to your speedy sessions. (Keep in mind that you can never train too slowly but that you can run too fast. The best results come when you train to a 'comfortable' tired state, knowing at the end of the run that the training run/session could have been harder but that you are able and ready to carry out your next run without any physical problems). Don't forget, I am always available either at the club, the end of a telephone and now by e-mail should you feel the need to contact me at any time. ENJOY!!!! David P.S. As you currently recover from the slight knee problem you experienced after last Thursday's session (i.e. 26th Nov), your first week back at least should be easier so you need to adapt your sessions to slower & shorter runs. If unsure, contact me to discuss. NOTES (1) Rest days stated are rest days from any running. (2) Tempo Pace Running Surge is where you run on the edge of comfort/discomfort but that you can still manage to carry out that full required surge. Once the surge time limit has been reached, you go back to the normal pace that you have been running at. (3) MPM = minutes per mile. (4) Races. Any races that you may wish to do prior to London can be fitted into the schedule. You can discuss this with me whenever you want.


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WEEK 20 (w/e 6/12/09) 30/11 Rest day 01/12 Club run – good pace throughout (8-10 miles) 02/12 Rest day 03/12 Club speed endurance session (or 1hour steady pace run but include a 15 mins. tempo pace surge within that run). 04/12 Rest day 05/12 10 mile steady pace run (aim for 7:30mpm =75mins.) 06/12 1hr 30mins steady pace run aim for 12 miles (7:30mpm pace) or 96mins at 8mpm pace. WEEK 19 (w/e 13/12/09) 07/12 Rest day 08/12 Good pace run aim for 10 miles 09/12 Rest day 10/12 Club speed endurance (or 1hour steady pace but include a 20mins.Tempo pace surge within the run) 11/12 Rest day 12/12 10 mile steady pace (7:30 x 8mpm pace) 13/12 13.5 mile steady pace run (7:30 x 8mpm pace)

Fri Sat Sun

WEEK 18 (w/e 20/12/09) 14/12 Rest day 15/12 Good pace run aim for 10 miles 16/12 Rest day 17/12 Speed endurance or 1hour steady pace with a 20mins.Tempo surge towards end of run (i.e. after 35mins.) Last 5mins ease down. 18/12 Rest day 19/12 10mile run @ 7:30mpm pace (75mins.) 20/12 13.5miles steady pace at 7:30mpm

Mon Tues Wed Thurs

WEEK 17 (w/e 27/12/09) 21/12 Rest day 22/12 Good pace run aim for 10 mile 23/12 Rest day 24/12 (No club training session) 1hour steady pace as per last Thursday







Mon Tues Wed Thurs

CHRISTMAS DAY – i'll let you have a rest day today but only if you really want one! Enjoy your day and christmas feasting. No doubt your raring to get out for a run, well maybe, perhaps or not. I'll leave this up to you. If you do then a 10mile run @ 7:30mpm pace If up for it 13.5miles @7:30mpm pace

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

WEEK 16 (w/e 03/01/10) 28/12 Back to reality. Rest day 29/12 Good pace run of 10 miles 30/12 Relaxed recovery run for 30mins. 31/12 (No club training )News Year Eve. It's up to you but if you feel like it and can, do the same run as scheduled for last 2 Thursdays. 01/01 New Years Day and yes, I will give you a rest day again. (Happy New Year) 02/01 10 miles steady run @ 7:30mpm pace. 03/01 15 miles steady run @7:30mpm pace (1hr.52mins) WEEK 15 (w/e 10/01/10) 04/01 Rest day 05/01 Good pace club run 10 miles 06/01 30mins.easy relaxed run 07/01 Club speed endurance session (or 90mins steady pace run with 2x10mins. Tempo surges within). 08/01 Rest day 09/01 10 miles steady run @ 7:30mpm pace. 10/01 15 miles at a goodish pace. (aim for 1hr 45mins. = 7mpm pace). WEEK 14 (w/e 17/01/10) 11/01 Rest day 12/01 Good pace club run 8-10 miles 13/01 Relaxed recovery run of 30x45mins. 14/01 Club speed endurance session (or 90mins. steady run @7:30mpm pace but include within 2x15mins Tempo surges (aim for 6:30mpm pace). 15/01 Rest day 16/01 10 mile steady run @ 7:30mpm pace (75mins.) 17/01 18 miles. Aim for 7:30mpm pace or quicker if able to (2hrs.15mins.) WEEK 13 (w/e 24/01/10) 18/01 Rest day 19/01 Good pace club run 8-10 miles 20/01 30x45mins easy relaxed run 21/01 90mins steady pace run with 2x20mins Tempo surges within (i.e. 15mins steady pace:20mins Tempo pace:20mins steady pace: 20mins Tempo pace: 15mins steady). 22/01 Rest day 23/01 6 miles relaxed recovery run (45x50mins.) 24/01 2hrs 30mins.@7:30mpm pace. (should attain 20miles)

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

WEEK 12 (w/e 31/01/10) 25/01 Rest day 26/01 Good pace club run 8-10 miles 27/01 Relaxed recovery run of 30x45mins. 28/01 90mins session as per last Thursday. 29/01 Rest day 30/01 6 miles easy relaxed run (45x50mins). 31/01 2hrs 30mins @ 7:15x7:30mpm pace (should attain 20.5x21 miles)

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

WEEK 11 (w/e 07/02/10) 01/02 Rest day (you'll need it!) 02/02 Good pace club run throughout for 8x10 miles 03/02 30x45mins. Easy pace run 04/02 90mins session as per previous 2 Thursdays 05/02 Rest day 06/02 6 miles relaxed pace run (45x50mins). 07/02 2hrs 45mins @7:30mpm pace (aim for 22 miles).

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Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

WEEK 10 (w/e 14/02/10) 08/02 Rest day 09/02 Good pace club run of 8-10 miles 10/02 Relaxed recovery run of 30x45mins. 11/02 1hr run as follows: 15mins. steady pace: 6x2mins quick @ 6x6:30mpm pace with 3mins steady pace (not jogging) in between: 15mins steady pace. 12/02 Rest day 13/02 1hr easy pace run 14/02 2hrs 30mins run = 20 miles. WEEK 9 (w/e 21/02/10) 15/02 Rest day 16/02 Club run good pace of 8x10 miles 17/02 Rest day 18/02 Same session as last Thursday. 19/02 Rest day 20/02 11 miles relaxed run @ 8mpm pace 21/02 11 miles to aim as follows: 5 miles(35mins) @7mpm pace: 5miles(30mins)@ 6mpm pace):1 mile ease down pace. WEEK 8 (w/e 28/02/10) 22/02 Rest day 23/02 Good pace club run throughout (8x10 miles) 24/02 Rest day or 30mins relaxed pace run 25/02 Club speed endurance session (or 20mins. steady pace followed by 8x2mins at quick pace with 2mins. steady pace between each surge: 20mins steady. 26/02 Rest day 27/02 6 miles easy relaxed run 28/02 20 miles (i.e. 10 miles steady @ 8mpm pace increasing tempo gradually to 7mpm pace over last 10 miles) = 2hrs 30mins.

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WEEK 7 (w/e 07/03/10) 01/03/ Rest day 02/03 Good pace club run 8x10 miles 03/03 Rest day or easy pace 30mins run 04/03 90mins steady pace with 3x15mins Tempo surges as follows: 15mins steady pace: 15mins. tempo surge:10mins steady pace: 15mins tempo surge:10mins steady pace: 15mins tempo surge:10mins ease down pace) 05/03 Rest day 06/03 1hr easy pace run 07/03 20 miles run (i.e. 15miles @ 7:30mpm pace increasing tempo pace over last 5 miles to 6x6:30mpm pace). WEEK 6 (w/e 14/03/10) 08/03 Rest day 09/03 Good pace club run of 10 mile 10/03 Rest day 11/03 90mins. Steady relaxed run (11x12 miles) 12/03 Rest day 13/03 1hr easy pace run 14/03 90mins run as follows: Start of steady for 20mins.then gradually wind pace up over next 1hour. End with a 10mins. wind down. WEEK 5 (w/e 21/03/10) 15/03 Rest day 16/03 Club run of 8x10 miles 17/03 Relaxed 30mins run. 18/03 Either speed endurance at club (or 90mins. steady pace but to include 3x10mins tempo surges with 10mins. steady pace in between each surge). 19/03 Rest day 20/03 2hrs 45mins. steady pace run throughout. Aim for 22 miles (7:30mpm pace). This is your last really long run but do not overextend yourself on the pace as this is not marathon race day! (Stop at whichever comes first, 22miles or 2hrs 45mins) 21/03

WEEK 4 (w/e 28/03/10) Mon 22/03 Rest day Tues 23/03 Club run with steady pace group (6-7 miles). You may be feeling Sunday's run. Wed 24/03 Rest day Thurs 25/03 Club speed endurance session (or 1hour run but to include within it 8x2mins. quick pace surges with 2mins steady pace in between). Fri 26/03 Rest day Sat 27/03 Easy pace 90mins relaxed run Sun 28/03 90mins good pace run

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

WEEK 3 (w/e 04/04/10) 29/03 Rest day 30/03 Club run at good pace aim for 10mile 31/03 Rest day or a relaxed easy pace recovery run 01/04 Club speed session whatever it may be!(or 90mins run but to include 2x20mins @ tempo pace (i.e.15mins steady: 20mins tempo surge:20mins steady pace: 20mins tempo surge:15mins ease down). 02/04 Rest day 03/04 1hour relaxed pace run. 04/04 2 hours run (i.e. 30mins steady pace: 90mins at anticipated marathon pace but do not race it!(Remember this is still only training to prepare you. Leave the racing to the 28th!).

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

WEEK 2 (w/e 11/04/10) 05/04 Rest day 06/04 Good pace club run of 10 miles 07/04 Rest day or 30mins easy pace run 08/04 Club speed endurance session 09/04 Rest day 10/04 90mins steady pace run 11/04 90mins good pace run

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

WEEK 1 (w/e 18/04/10) 12/04 Rest day 13/04 Good pace club run – 10miles 14/04 Rest day or relaxed easy pace for 30mins. 15/04 Club speed session 16/04 Rest day 17/04 75mins goodish but comfortable pace 18/04 1hour relaxed pace run. WEEK 0 (w/e 25/04/10) THIS IS IT – YOUR FINAL WEEK. BE POSITIVE THROUGHOUT THIS WEEK.

Mon Tues Wed Thurs

19/04 20/04 21/04 22/04

Fri Sat Sun

23/04 24/04 25/04

Rest day Run with steady pace group Rest day Club session – easy and relaxed. Possibly those 10x100metres quickish pace runs only plus the 10mins warm up & ease down. Rest day Rest day or easy 20mins warm up pace only LONDON MARATHON

You are now well prepared for this and should be quietly very confident of completing it and finishing strongly with a satisfactory time as well. I hope this schedule has helped you in your quest.

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