The Bible is the Word of God . The Bible is written for a special group of people that were foreordained unto eternal life.There are three groups of people in this world believers, make believers and unbelievers.In the days of Lot we see the Abraham group out of Sodom, the Lot group in Sodom and the Sodom group who were Sodomites. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with fire and brimstone. The Lot group escaped the fire judgement that rained down on Sodom because of the intercessory prayers of Abraham that requested God to deliver the Lot group.The Sodom group were burnt ashes. Archeological digs confirmed Bible truths. There are other books in this world of witchcraft, fairy tales ,history, literature,comic books, philiosophy, religious books etc etc. Witchcraft books are written about wizards and witches and their spells. Fairy tales are books about fairies.The Bible condemns witchcraft. The Bible is not a fairy tale. Even if fairies exist in some people's minds it will be just in fairy tales.History allegedly is supposed to be the correct chronicling of events as they happen but some events have recorded by biased scribes posing as historians.Literature is fictional writing,so are comics.Philiosophy is an attempt by man to discover the secret of life in man's quest for eternal happiness and so are religiouws writings that offer man a panacea to escape the drudgery of the struggles of life. None of these books can compare to the Bible. The Bible is the only book that tells mankind who they are, where they come from and where they are going to.The Bible is clear about right and wrong.The Bible will judge you now or judge you Judgement Day.The Bible tells mankind death is not the end, that there is life beyond the grave and there is a purpose for everything. The drop in moral standards in recent years shows that mankind is living on the edge of civilisation. History shows that debauchery, perversion , moral decline signals the end of a so called civilization. Before judgement there is always a warning. There have been Biblical warnings, Judicial warnings, Political warnings, outrage from society warning against the tide of moral filth sweeping across the universe. Part of mankind is in danger of loosing their moral compass to those that have embraced moral perversity. When nature is perverted or tampered with there is always a penalty to pay. When mercy is spurned there is nothing left but judgement. We are at the end time. The world will end soon, just like Sodom and Gomorrah.Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their wicked works.Fire not water, will destroy the world in these last days. Errol Smythe. The State Supreme Courts should read their law books. Their law books recognise that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.Marriage certificates by the millions attest to that. Marriage is defined as “..... the institution under which a man and a woman become legally united under a permanent basis.....”( Webster's Dictionary ). The State Supreme Court may be guilty of proverbially putting “.....lipstick on a pig...”. Literally speaking, a pig is a pig with or without lipstick.The lipstick doesnot change it's
nature or it's character. Pinning the label of “marriage” on two people of the same sex makes a mockery of law books , judicial precedent, traditional christian values and traditional moral values that regard marriage as between a man and a women.A man marries a woman. The woman becomes the wife to the man who becomes her husband. For the courts to try and equate a man and a woman getting married in holy matrimony in the eyes of God to any same sex union under the definition of “...marriage ...” is to go against legal certainty and to introduce absurdity in the law. Right now there is a debate of changing marriage licence forms . What a legal mess ! Where is the moral compass? Where is moral decency?If any person or any persons or any community or any club or any society or any courts say that a sheep is a pig then no matter what label is posted on that sheep be it the label " a pig " that sheep will still have the character of a sheep because it was born as a sheep and not " a pig". The label " a pig" doesnot confer the character of a pig on the sheep. Nature is natural. The DNA of a sheep determine it's natural sheep characteristics, for everything brings forth after it's own kind. It is the law of seed and harvest.The law of seed and harvest cannt be changed by a stroke of a pen or by a declaration of any person or persons, society , club or person. The nature of reproduction is for male and female of the same species to procreate. Everything brings forth of it's own kind. The DNA of the sheep determines it's characteristics. In humanity, male and female procreate to produce children.That is the natural way. Every child has a father and a mother. A male father and a female mother.Husband and wife procreate to have children. That is the law of reproduction, the law of seed and harvest.Everything brings forth after it's own kind. Marriage has always been defined as that union between a man and a woman who on being being married become husband and wife and on the birth of their first child become father and mother. Their Marriage Certificate like countless millions of marriage certificates before them reflect their marital status as Mr and Mrs Jo Public. Regrettably pressure groups are twisting the arms of officials that sit on the bench to redefine marriage .May the judges be firm and resolute and not be like reeds blowing in the wind. They should not bow down in the temple of sacrilege and offer slaughter legal precedents on the altars of perversion. That is like taking a sledge hammer to a Rolls Royce and smashing it like a maniac that escaped from some nightmare induced rage, or a graffitti artist practicing new style writing using the original Mona Lisa to practice graffitti .Talk about putting lipstick on a pig! Talk about a tone deaf orchestra trying to play one of Beethoven or Mozart’s composition. Madness. Total madness. A bull in a china shop is more polite. Some people just want to destroy every vestige of respectability in the face of so called modernism.Enough is enough . Away with all this foolishness! Marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage Certificates have always attested to that. Case law and
Statutes recognize the proud institution of marriage. Grandfatthers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers proudly show their grandchildren and children their marriaged certificates. Thank God that people voted the way they did. Marriage has always been defined as that union between one man and one woman. In countries of high morals the courts consulted their law books, they looked at legal precedents, they looked at case law, they looked at intrinsic and extrinsic aids, they looked at the Constitution, they looked at THE HOLY BIBLE,THEY LOOKED AT OTHER RELIGIOUS BOOKS: yes folks all these AFOREMENTIONED REFERENCED ITEMS REFERRED TO DEFINE MARRIAGE AS THAT UNION BETWEEN ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN. Marriage is a hetereosexual institution.Marriage is not a homosexual institution.Marriage is between a man and a woman. There is no provision in the word "MARRIAGE" for same sex unions. Why should people that deny the sanctity of marriage want to adorn themselves with the respectability of the WORD "MARRIED?". It boggles the mind!. Go and educate yourselves. A man is born to be a man, and a woman is born to be a woman. Men and women marry and procreate and have children. Children born out of wedlock are bastards. Bastards are discriminated by current LAWS OF INHERITANCE.Go educate yourselves instead of having a tantrum. HOMOSEXUALITY IS CONDEMENED BY THE BIBLE (Leviticus 18 verse 22 and Genesis chapters 18 and 19 and Romans chapter 1). The all wise God knew that a vote for the OBAMA_BIDEN 2008 TICKET would ensure that BLACK VOTERS would vote against same sex unions because the BIBLE CONDEMNS HOMOSEXUALTY and the BIBLE defines marriage as between a man and a woman