Homoeopathic Repertory Of Hypertension

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Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Dr. Dushyant Kamal Dhari M.D. (Hom)

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension HYPERTENSION - acon. adon. Adren. agar. aids. ail. all-s. Am-m. Ambr. aml-ns. androc. ang. anh. ant-ar. antip. apis aran. aran-ix. arg-n. arn. ars. asar. aster. atra-r. Aur. aur-ar. aur-br. aur-i. aurm. aur-m-n. aur-s. Bar-c. bar-m. bell. benz-ac. boerh-d. borra-o. brass-n-o. cact. cactin-m. calren. calc. calc-ar. calc-f. calc-p. calc-s. carb-v. carbn-s. caust. cean. cench. chin. chinin-s. chirfl. chlor. chloram. chlorpr. choc. cimic. coc-c. coff. CON. convo-s. cortico. cortiso. crat. crot-c. crot-h. cupr. cupr-act. cupr-ar. cur. cyna. cyt-l. dig. diph. diph-t-tpt. dulc. ergot. esp-g. eucal. fago. ferr-i. ferr-m. ferr-p. ferr-s. fl-ac. fuma-ac. gels. glon. glycyr-g. graph. Grat. grin. halo. ham. hist. hydrc. ictod. ign. iod. ip. iris kali-ar. kali-br. kali-c. kali-chl. kali-m. kali-p. kali-sal. kres. lac-c. lach. lat-h. lat-m. laur. lyc. lycps-v. lyss. mag-c. mag-m. mand. med. meli. merc. methys. morg-p. naja nat-i. nat-m. nat-met. natox-act. nat-p. nat-s. nit-ac. nux-v. onop. op. ph-

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Hypertension (contd) - ran-b. Rauw. reser. rhus-t. sabin. sal-l. sang. scop. Sec. sep. Ser-ang. sil. spartin. spartin-s. spig. squil. staph. Stront-c. Stront-i. stroph-h. sul-ac. sulfa. sulph. Sumb. syph. tab. tarent. tela ter. thal. ther. thlas. thuj. thyr. toxo-g. tub. tub-d. tub-m. uran-n. usn. valer. vanad. VERAT. verat-v. verb. Visc. wye.  x-ray . zinc-p. Accompanied by – - apoplexy - bell. gels. glon. lach. op. Pitu-gl. stront-c. - face; red discoloration of - stront-c. - head; pain in  morning – fuma-ac. - heart, hypertrophy of - aur. crat. - kidney, complaints of - cupr. kali-bi. kres. pic-ac. plb. 

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Accompanied with nephrosis - fuma-ac. - urine; albuminous - aml-ns. calc-ar. dig. glon. kalm.  ser-ang. spartin. stroph-h. thyr. tub. visc. - vascular degeneration – Bar-m. Acute attack - acon. bell. Aged, of the - bar-m. glon. iod. Anxiety, from - adren. Arrhythmia, with - lith-c. Arteriosclerosis, with - adren. ambr. ars-i. aur. auri. aur-m-n. bar-c. bar-m. cact. calc-f. con. crat. ferr-p. gink-b. pituin. plb. plb-i. saroth. sec. stront-c. sumb. tab. vanad. visc. - cerebral & coronary arteries - aur. bar-m. Aspirin, after - antip. 

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Asthma, with - bar-c. bar-m. visc. Asymptomatic - ail. am-c. naja Atherosclerosis, with - aur-m-n. dios. rauw. stront-c. Attacks of - thal. Belladonna fails; though indicated - adren. Cardiac symptoms, with - bar-m. Cerebral symptoms, with - arn. bar-m. caust. glon. ictod. op. usn. Children, in - cortiso. hydr. Cholesterol, with high - dulc. kali-c. lac-c. med. plb. Chronic - ail. Constipation, with - sep. Corpus luteum disorder - puls. Diabetes, in - chlorpr. plb. thyr. visc. Drenching, after - rhus-t. Dropsy, with - uran-n. 

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Dysentery, after - merc. Dyspeptic - ars. cact. crat. kali-c. lyc. puls. pyrog. sulph. Ears, with roaring in - adren. Epistaxis, with - bell. meli. Eruptions, after suppressed - graph. Essential – acon. adren. ars. aur. bar-c. bar-m. cact. calc-f. con. crat. dulc. gels. kali-bi. lach. lyss. med. plb. rhus-t. stront-c. stront-i. verat. verat-v. visc. Excessive - toxo-g. Flatulence, with - arg-n. lyc. sulph. Glaucoma, with - spig. Gouty - benz-ac. visc. Haemorrhages, with - adren. Haemorrhoids, with - aur-s. lycps-v. 

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Headaches, with - adren. all-s. ambr. ant-c. bell. lach. pitu. sang. - occiputal – all-s. bell. - right sided - sang. Hepatic - bell. Hyperacidity, with - nux-v. Hyperthyroidism, with - thal. Intracranial - cortiso. Lung complaints; after - nat-ox-act. Malignant - adren. Memory diminished, with - ail. Menopause, at - aur. con. graph. lach. sabin. samb. sep. Mental exertion, after - lach. 

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Nasal engorgement, with acute - iod. Nervous mechanism; due to disturbed - aur-m-n. Ocular - streptoc. Portal - perh. sep. sulph. Pregnancy, during - bell. glon. hydr. thyr. Prostate, with enlarged - dig. ph-ac. Pulmonary - bar-m. brass-n-o. Renal sclerosis, with - kres. saroth. ser-ang. visc. Renovascular hypertension - spartin. Retinopathy, with - cic. Sadness, with - aur. Salt, after abuse of - nat-m. phos. Septic - pyrog. Sexual desire, with insatiable - anan. 

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Spasms, after - ip. nux-v. spig. visc. Sudden rise - adren. coff. Glon. Sulphur patients, in - carbn-s. Sweets, abuse of - arg-n. Systolic high; diastolic low - bar-m. lyc. Systolic high; diastolic normal caust. sulph. Systolic low ; high diastolic - crat. Tachycardia, with paroxysmal adren. Tonsillitis / tonsillectomy after 

Homoeopathic Repertory of Hypertension Urine - scanty - dig. kres. ser-ang. -, - oedema, with - dig. -, - oedema, without - ser-ang. Variable - ign. Vertigo, with - ambr. bar-m. bell. lach. morg. Worry, from – kali-ar. 

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