Homoeopathic Repertory of Diabetes
Dr. Dushyant Kamal Dhari M.D. (Hom)
DIABETES MELLITUS - abrom-a. acet-ac. adren. Aether. alf. all-s. allox. alumn. am-c. aml-ns. ant-t. apoc. argn. arist-m. arn. ars. ars-br. ars-i. aur. aur-m. bar-c. bell. benz-ac. Bor-ac. bov. brid-fr. bry. calc. calc-p. calc-sil. camph. caps. carb-ac. carb-v. carc. card-m. Carl. cean. cephd-i. cham. chel. chim. chin. chinin-ar. Chion. chlol. chlorpr. coca. cod. coff. colch. con. conv. cortico. cortiso. crot-h. cupr. cupr-ar. cur. cyna. datis. elaps eup-pur. fel ferr-i. ferr-m. fl-ac. friedr. galeg. glon. glyc. grin. gymne. hed. hell. helon. hep. ign. ins. inul. iod. iris kali-act. kali-br. kali-chl. kali-n. kali-p. kiss. kreos. Lac-ac. lac-d. lach. lec. lept. lith-c. lyc. lycpr. lycps-v. lyss. mag-act. mag-o. mag-s. med. meny. merc. merc-d. morind-l. morind-m. morph. mosch. mur-ac. murx. nat-m. nat-p. NAT-S. nauc-l. nit-ac. nux-v. Op. orthos-s. pancr. peps. petr. ph-ac. phase. phlor. phos. pic-ac. plb. podo. rad-br. rat. Rhus-a. rhus-t. sacch. sal-ac. sanic. sarcol-ac. sec. sep. sil. spig. squil. staph. stry-ar. sul-ac. sulfonam. sulph. SYZYG. tarax. tarent. tarent-c. ter. tere-la. thuj. thyr. tril-p. tub. uran-m. Uran-n. urea vanad.
DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by - abdomen; complaints of - spig. verat. - albuminuria - carb-ac. chin. colch. eup-pur. ferr-i. Helon. lac-d. merc. ph-ac. pic-ac. Urea. - alcoholism - chel, med. - leukorrhea - abrom-a. - lungs, complaints of - calc-p. - raw articles; constant craving for - tarent. - respiration - asthmatic - nat-s. - rheumatic pains - lac-ac. - tongue - cracked - bor-ac. - dry - bor-ac. lac-ac. - red discoloration of the tongue - bor-ac.
DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by - tongue - red discoloration of the tongue - bright - Nats. - white discoloration of the tongue - helon. uran-n. - urine; constant urging of - nat-p. Acidosis, with - senn. Ankles, with swollen - arg-met. Anxiety, diabetes; in - cod. Nat-s. Assimilative (gastro-hepatogenic) - alf. arg-n. ars. ars-i. bry. calc. carl. cham. chel. chinin-ar. chion. colch. crat. echi. grin. iod. iris kali-br. kali-p. kreos. lac-ac. lec. lept. lyc. mag-c. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nux-v. phos. podo. puls. sil. sulph. tarax. thyr. uran-n. verat. Blackness of external parts, with - Ars, Kreos, kres, Sec. Brain fag, with - sil. Brain paralysis, with - zinc.
Children; in - calc-p, crat. Constipation, with - carl. cupr. graph. kali-br. kali-m. kreos. lac-ac. lac-d. lat-m. mosch. nat-s. nux-v. op. plb. sec. sil. syph. tarent. uran-n. Corneal opacity, with - am-c. arg-n. aur. aur-m. bar-c. calc. calc-p. chel. chim. chin. colch. con. hep. lach. lyc. nit-ac. op. phos. plb. sacch. sil. sulph. tarent. zinc. Diarrhoea, with chronic - acet-ac. ars. gal-ac. nat-s. pancr. ph-ac. stry-ar. Dropsy, with – lac-ac, uran-n. Emaciation, with - acet-ac. arg-met. arg-n. ars. coloc. cur. dig. glyc. helon. iod. kali-br. kali-p. lac-d. lyc. lycps-v. merc. mosch. nat-m. nat-s. perh-mal. ph-ac. plb. psor. rat. rhus-a. sec. syzyg. tarent. thyr. urann. vanad.
Eye complications, with - sacch. Family history of - Carc. sacch .thuj. thyr. Fistula, after suppressed - abrot. Foot, with ulcer - ars. bar-c. calc-s. carb-ac. cham. con. fl-ac. lyc. nit-ac. petr. phos. sep. sil. sul-ac. sulph. zinc. Fungal infections, with - ant-c. graph. nit-ac. phos. sanic. sep. sil. thuj. zinc. Gangrene, with – ARS. carb-ac. con. echi. KREOS. kres. lach. SEC. solid. Gouty symptoms, with - carl. colch. kali-i. Lac-ac. natlac. Nat-s. nux-v. Grief, from - nat-s. Headaches, with – iris, tarax. Hepatic form - nat-p. Hepatomegaly, with - ars. bry. calc. carb-v. carc. chel.
Hunger, with canine - iod. Hypertension, with - adren. cean. lac-d. plb. uran-n. Hysterectomy, after - helon. Hysterical persons, in - am-c. lac-ac. mosch. Impotency, with – coca. cupr. helon. lyc. mosch. ph-ac. phos. pic-ac. plb. sulph. thuj. uran-n. Infants, in - nat-p. rhus-a. thuj. uran-n. Incipient - staph. Inflammation - gangrenous - diabetics; in - nat-pyru. sec. Influenza, after - xan. Injuries, after - op. Malaria, after - chin. nat-m. nat-s. Melancholia, emaciation, thirst and restlessness, with helon. Memory, weakness of – kali-br. OP.
Menses, after suppressed - uran-n. Mental shocks, after - op. Mouth, with dryness of - cur. kali-br. plb. Mumps, after - abrot. parot. Myocardial infarction / ischaemia, with - ars-i. aur-m. bry. carb-v. colch. glon. kali-ar. kali-n. lach. phos. sulph. Neurogenic (stress diabetes) - acet-ac. alum. arg-n. ars. ars-br. aur-m. calc. cod. con. gels. Ign. kali-br. kali-c. kali-p. kreos. lac-ac. lach. lec. lycps-v. lyss. mag-p. mosch. nat-m. nat-s. nux-v. op. Ph-ac. Phos. pic-ac. plan. rhus-t. sil. staph. stry-ar. tarent. thyr. tub. zinc-p. - anxiety, with - ars. cod. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-c. nat-s. thuj.
Neurogenic, shock, after - ign. lec. med. op. staph. tarent. - spinal origin - con. cur. kreos. lac-d. nux-v. pic-ac. rat. sil. Pancreatic – iris. pancr. phos. Paralysis, with - cur. nux-v. phos. plb. tarent. Peripheral neuropathy, with - arg-n. ars. ars-i. bell. calc. calen. chel. chin. cur. gels. graph. lac-d. lach. lyc. nit-ac. op. ph-ac. phos. plb. sang. sec. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. Phosphaturia, with - alf. lec. ph-ac. senn. Piles, after suppressed - abrot. lycps-v. spong. Polyuria more at night, with - aur-m. Pregnancy, during – lac-ac. podo. Pulse - weak - diabetes mellitus, in - kali-br. Rapid course - cur. morph.
Renal failure, with - adren. ars. bell. benz-ac. calc. chel. chim. chin. cupr. helon. hep. lac-ac. lyc. nat-m. nitac. nux-v. phos. plb. sec. squil. ter. uran-n. zinc. Renal metastasis, with - abrom-a. colch. rhus-t. solid. Retinitis, with - calc-f. crot-h. dig. lach. phos. sec. Retinopathy - ars. aur. calc. chim. crot-h. lach. phos. plb. sec. sul-ac. sulph. zinc. Rheumatic-gouty diathesis, with - abrot. aur. carl. colch. crat. guaj. helon. lac-ac. lyc. nat-lac. nat-p. nat-s. phos. phyt. solid. thuj. Sadness, with - Helon. Nat-s. Op. Skin - discoloration, with yellow – chim. lept. lycps-v. podo. - itching of – agar. calad. Cephd-I. kreos. mang-act. - ulcers, with – asaf. calc-s. syzyg
Sleeplessness, with – carc. coca. Lac-d. Uran-n. Spinal leisons, from - nux-v. Stroke, with - ant-t. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. camph. carb-v. chin. chinin-ar. coff. con. crot-h. cupr. fl-ac. glon. hell. hep. iod. kali-br. kali-n. kreos. lach. lyc. morph. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. op. ph-ac. phos. plb. sec. sep. sulph. thuj. Teeth, with destruction of - sul-ac. Thirst, with excessive - acet-ac. ph-ac. uran-n. Tuberculosis, with - phos. Unstable - okou. Uremia – cupr-ar. phos. plb. ser-ang. solid. urea.
Urine - copious, with – acet-ac. med. Phos. - specific graviity, with high - abrom-a. ars. cupr-ar. glyc. stry-ar. syzyg. - specific gravity, with low - acet-ac. calc-p. ph-ac. plb. rhus-a. urea. - sugar, in - Acet-ac. aether. alf. all-s. alumn. am-c. amlns. ant-t. anthraco. arg-met. ars. Ars-br. aur. bar-c. benz-ac. berb. bov. calc. calc-p. calc-sil. camph. Carb-ac. Carb-v. carc. cephd-I . Chel. Chin. chinin-ar. chir-fl. chlol. chr-met. Cod. coff. coff-t. Colch. Coloc. con. conv. cop. crat. cupr. Cur. Elaps .ferr. ferr-i. Ferr-m. ferr-p. grin. helo. HELON. Hep. Hydr. ign. ins. Iris kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. Kali-chl. kali-m. kali-n. Kali-p. Kreos. Lac-ac. Lac-d. Lach. Lec. led. lith-c. LYC. lycpr. Lycps-v. lyss.
Urine – sugar, in (Contd) - sal-ac. sec. sep. Sil. squil. Sul-ac. Sulph. SYZYG. tarax. TARENT. TER. Thuj. uran-met. URAN-N. vanad. vinc-r. zinc. zinc-p. Varicose ulcers – cupr-ar. Visceral neuropathy, with - arg-n. arn. ars. aur. calc. caps. carc. caust. chin. con. lach. lyc. nat-m. ph-ac. phos. plb. sep. sulph. Vision - dimness of – phos. tab. tarent. - dullness of – sul-ac. Weakness - diabetes mellitus, in - acet-ac. Arg-met. Ars. carc. coca Lac-ac. op. ph-ac. phos.