
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 801
  • Pages: 5
1. AFL-CIO - American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

2. AI - Artificial intelligence

3. AMEX - American Stock Exchange

4. AP&AR – Account payable and account receivable

5. BARS - Base Accounts Receivable System

6. BCG matrix - Boston Consulting Group analysis

is a chart that had been created by Bruce Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1970 to help corporations with analyzing their business units or product lines.

7. CAD-CAM - Computer-aided design and Computer-aided manufacturing

refers to integration of design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) systems during product development.

8. CAPM - Capital Asset Pricing Model

is used in finance to determine a theoretically appropriate required rate of return (and thus the price if expected cash flows can be estimated) of an asset, if that asset is to be added to an already well-diversified portfolio, given that asset's non-diversifiable risk.

9. CBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange

located at 400 South LaSalle Street in Chicago, is one of the world's largest options exchanges with an annual trade of over 450 million options contracts, covering more than 1200 companies, 50 stock indexes, and 50 exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

10. CBT – Chicago Board of Trade 11. CD - Certificate of Deposit 12. CEO - Chief Executive Officer 13. CFAN - Canadian Franchise Association 14. CFO - Chief Financial Officer 15. CI - Consumers International 16. COGS - Cost Of Goods Sold 17. COO - Chief Operating Officer 18. CPA - Certified Public Accountant 19. CPI - Consumer Price Index 20. CPU- Cost Per Unit 21. CRP – Capacity Requirement(s) Planning 22. DJIA - Dow Jones Industrial Average 23. DP - Domestic Partnership 24. EBIT - Earnings Before Interest and Tax(es) 25. ECU - electronic control unit 26. EEC - European Economic Community 27. EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 28. EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer 29. EOQ - European Organization for Quality 30. EPA- Economic Price Adjustment 31. EPS - Earnings Per Share 32. ESOP - Employee Stock Ownership/Option Plan 33. FASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board

34. FAX - Fresno Area Express (Fresno, California, bus system) 35. FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 36. FICA - Fertilizer Industry Federation of Australia 37. FIFO - First In, First Out 38. FOB - Free On Board (shipping industry) 39. FSLIC - Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation 40. FTC - Federal Trade Commission 41. FY - Financial Year 42. GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 43. GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 44. GDP - Gross Domestic Product 45. GNP - Gross National Product (total value of a nation's goods and services) 46. HMO - Health Management Organization 47. HRM - Hotel Restaurant Management 48. IMF- International Monetary Fund 49. IPO- Initial public offering 50. IRR- internal rate of return

51. IRS - Internal Revenue Service 52. ISDN - Institute for the Study of Developing Nations 53. IT - Income Tax 54. JIT - Just In Time 55. LAN - Líneas Aéreas Nacionales (Chile's national airline) 56. LBO - Leveraged Buy Out 57. LDC - Local Distribution Company

58. LIFO - last in, first out

59. MBA - Master of Business Administration 60. MBO - Management By Objective 61. MBWA - Management By Walking Around

62. MIS - Management information Systems 63. MITI - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan; formerly MITI)

64. MLP - Master limited partnership 65. MNC - Multinational Corporation 66. MRP - Manufacturer's Recommended Price 67. NASDAQS - National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System 68. NLRA - National Labor Relations Act 69. NLRB - National Labor Relations Board (US government) 70. NPV - Net Present Value

71. NYSE - New York Stock Exchange 72. OD- Organizational Development 73. OPEC - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 74. OPIC - Overseas Private Investment Corporation 75. OR - Operations Research 76. OSHA - Operation & Support Hazard Analysis 77. OTC - Over The Counter

78. P&L - Profit and Loss Statement 79. P, P, &E - Property, Plant and Equipment

80. P/E - Price to Earnings (ratio) 81. PAC - Planned Amortization Class 82. PC - Professional Corporation 83. PERT - Program Evaluation & Review Technique

84. PIMS - Pipeline Integrity Management System 85. PLC - Public Limited Company 86. PPI - Producer Price Index 87. PR - Page Rank 88. QWL - Quality of Work Life 89. R&D - Research & Development 90. RFP - Request For Proposal 91. ROA - Return On Assets 92. ROE - Return On Equity 93. ROI - Return On Investment 94. S&P - Standard & Poor's

95. SBU - Strategic Business Unit 96. SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 97. SMSA - Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area

98. TQM - Total Quality Management 99. UAW - United Auto Workers 100.VAT - Value added tax

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