Homeo Doctor

  • June 2020
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EMAIL: <[email protected]>

============================================== DATE

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: 11-MAY-2009


1/ 4

PRESIDENT, -'1£tBap-k ~t~., Head Office, 8UiFl
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1. I enclose a copy of your Regional Business Head's letter Ref: RBH/0069/2009 dated 28-April-2009,delivered to me by TCS on 02-May-2009,which is in reply to :my Complaint dated 19-March-2009. 2. I confirm that your Regional Business Head, Mr. Tanveer-ul-Islam, and your District Manager, Mr. Dahar Junejo visited me at my residence on 24-March-200Hat 1445~~~B'&i1l)1530 hours, for investigating and negotiating my Complaint against your Nazimabad Branch Manager Mohammad Ali Saleem. 3. This Complaint of mine was addressed to you Mr. President. I had advised your two Officials, named in para 2 above, to be fair and impartial, and submit thE~ir report to you. It was agreed that you were the proper person to write to me under your personalls!gngtBr:~.~"Jn!Ormin9".meabout. st~ps. taften..top~~~?th~,insolent, 'inefficieiit& '·a.fsnone-stN azimabad -Branch Manager MohammadAli Saleem.· 4. It is unwise on the part of your Regional Business Head, Mr. Tanveer-ul-Islam, to send his letter, stated in para 1, to me, when he had agreed to my contention that a reply to my Complaint must come from you, Mr. President. If he lacked courage not to let himself be used by you as a door-mat, he should have voiced his disagreement to my contention, indicated in para 3 above.


5. Your Regional Business Head, Mr. Tanveer-ul-Islam, has taken 35 days (from 24-Mar-09to 28-Apr-09) to complete his investigations and to produce a masterpiece of Classical UBLBusiness Literature, which contains numerous errors and omissi.ons unbecoming of a talented person of high position. If that is the caliber of a "Head.", I can visualize the incompetence of the "Hands" employed by your organization. ][ elaborate my comments on his writings as follows ;-


Page 2 I 4

(a) "President of the bank UBL" - very poor/erroneous expression. (b) "Erroneous Deduction of Rs. 52.50" - eloquent proof of his cursory and slipshod manner of studying my Complaint; total amount stated by ]ffie is Rs. 382.50, not only erroneous but also unlawful as alleged by mE~; in fact criminal theft of my funds, punishable by excision of culprit's hand, according to Shariat Law. (c) "I had visited your residence ... and tender an apology ... " - another example of his command on English language.


(d) "I once again offer my apology ... and thanks for your feedback ... ",-

why should he offer his apology? I never blamed him for anything! (e) Under his signature, appears his name as "Tanveerul-ul-Islam" - it is a pity that he should commit spelling error in his own name! (f)He took 35 days to investigate/study my Complaint comprising 7 pages. Perhaps he is a Lotus-eater or an Opium-addict; or he has aversion for mental work due to his mental impotence. 6. And Mr. President, why did you fight shy of writing to me directly, instead forcing your Regional Business Head, Mr. Tanveer-ul-Islam to tender his apology? Do you really exist, or are you some sort of a Ghost, or a Robot, or a Pardah-Nasheen Lady? I am not interested in apology from your RBH, nor from you, nor from your criminal Branch Manager Mohammad Ali Saleem. If he were my Son, I would have spanked him for his misconduct, inefficiency and dishonesty with my customers. But he happens to be your accidental Son, and I am interested in knowing how you have punished your criminal/accidental Son, Mohammad Ali Saleem.

7. May I assume you to be a Muslim well versed in History of Islam? An ordinary Arab Bedouin had once criticized the celebrated Caliph, Hazrat Umar. The latter appreciated his critic's courage, and gladly vindicated his position. I, as a Pakistani Bedouin, have complained against your Branch Manager Mohammad AU Saleem.; even criticized you too vide para 24, sub-paras (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f),of my Letter dated 19-March-2009, regarding a similar episode during the year 2004/2005, against your Officer Abbas Khan. Your Analyst Sammia Ali, of Service Policy and Proble!m Resolution Deptt., had failed to tell me exactly what action was taken to punish the accused Officer Abbas Khan? She also failed to tell me what means were employed to "ensure that this would not happen in future". The fact remains that this has happened again!! This time the criminal is your Branch Manager, Mohammad AU Saleem. Mr. President, I accuse you for failure to punish your accused Officer Abbas Khan, and to ensure the offence will not be repeated. Obviously you have failed to manage the United Bank with justice and fair-play; there seems to be something radically wrong with your administration. I demand you vindicate your position, or else prove that you enjoy higher status than our revered Caliph, Hazrat Umar. 8. We are all aware of the Universal Philosophy - "When human rights of people are denied, Terrorists are born, like Palestine and Kashmir"; and I add that United Bank can be no exception. Some aggrieved younger Pensioner will certainly blast ~

your Bank one day, if you fail to insure justice and fair-play, and punish your insolent,




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inefficient & dishonest Branch Manager, Mohammad AU Saleem. Your imprudent effort to hoodwink me by making Regional Business Head, Mr. Tanveer-ul-Islam, to tender an apology to me, leads me to believe that morally you are too impotent to punish accused Nazimabad Branch Manager, Mohammad AU Saleem. If that is so, I must sympathize with you, and seek your permission to let me invoke the tiny spark of Allah inside me to punish your accidental Son, Mohammad Ali Saleem. 9. I now wish to recapitulate/summarize my allegations against your Branch Manager, Mohammad Ali Saleem, to save you, Mr. President, and your talented Regional Business Head, Mr. Tanveer-ul-Islam, the mental torture of studying my Complaint dated 19-March-2009, as both of you are disposed to be indolent :(a) Statement of my Account for 6 months ending 31-December -2008 was given to me on personal visit on 9-March-2009, almost 2 months toOl late! Your Manager failed to send it to me during first week of January2009? - just because he is a lethargic person. (b) Bank Charges were debited to my Account as follows :30-06-2008 Rs.52.50 31-07-2008 Rs.55.00 30-08-2008 Rs.55.00 30-09-2008 Rs.55.00 31-10-2008 Rs.55.00 29-11-2008 Rs.55.00 31-12-2008 Rs. 55.00 Total Rs.382.50 • Relevant Debit Advices should have been sent to me on these seven dates. Your lethargic Manager failed to do so . • These Bank Charges were unlawful; in fact a theft of my Funds. Your arrogant Manager ignored the fact I am a PAF Pensioner . • I claimed a Credit Advice for Rs. 382.50 on 5-March-2009. Your indifferent Bank Official spumed my request. (c) My Pension Cheque for Rs. 26682 was credited to my Account on 14-Jan-09. Your negligent Bank Official failed to send me a Credit Advice. (d) On 6-March-2009, I visited Manager to protest against his young Official's lethargic attitude. I was disillusioned to find him impolite, insulting', impudent, with a rustic/ugly demeanor. I however stuck to my gU.ns to make him see the light of reason, until I got the required Credit Advices. 10. Mr. President, you can certainly discern that your Regional Business Head, Mr. TC!nveer-ul-lslam has failed miserably to apply his mind to totality of complaints summarized in para 9 above, perhaps because he is unable to sustain mental effort. Trials and tribulations that I have so far gone through, remind me of Habib Jalib's renowned verse :,#'



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" "An Owl is Sitting on Every Branch; Woe Betide the Garden of UBL."


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Page 4 I 4

11. I now await hearing from you, Mr. President. Please enlighten me about findings of investigation by your Regional Business Head, Mr. Tanveer-ul-Islam; punishment you have given to the accused, your Nazimabad Branch Manager Mohammad Ali Saleem.


no more faith in you,


Copy of UBL Regional Business Head's letter Ref: RBH/0069/2009 dated 28-April-2009.

Copy to :

[In continuation

of my letter dated 19-March-2009].

(1) Mr. Tanveer-ul-Islam, Regional Business Head, Karach North Region, Airport Terminal-l, Karachi. (2) Mr. Dahar Junejo, District Manager, Retail Banking, S.I.T.E. District, Karachi. (3) Mr. Mohammad Ali Saleem, Manager, UBL Nazimabad Branch, Karachi-74600. (4) Syed Salim Raza, Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi. /(5)

Ford Rhodes Sidat Hyder & Co., 601,602,603 Progressive Plaza, Beaument Road, Karachi-75530. (6) Chief Editor, The Daily DAWN, DAWN MEDIA GROUP, Haroon House, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road, Karachi-74200. (7) Chief Editor, The Daily JANG, JANG GROUP OF NEWSPAPERS, Printing House, 1. 1. Chundrigar Road, Karachi-74200. (8) Chief Editor, The Monthly URDU DIGEST, 19/21, Acre Scheme, Samanabad, Lahore. (9) Chief Editor, The Monthly HIKAYAT, 26, Patliala Ground, Link Mcleod Road, Lahore.






, UBL, .






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Ref: RBH/0069/2009.

Mr. Shabbir Hussain, II-A-2/24,


Dated: Tuesday, April 28, 2009


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Re: Your Complaint

reClardinQ Service Standard

at our Nazimabad


Dear Sir, I refer to your corn plaint dated 19/03/2009 addressed to the President of the bank UBL regarding ,erroneous deduction of ~:?5?,50 from your account # 101-6501-6 with our Nazimabad Branch and the inconvenience caused to you due to the services offered. You may recall that, I along with nlY District Manager, rV1r.Dahar Junejo, had visited yQ,Urresidence on 26/03/2009 and tender an apoloqy for the ~rroneous deduction of ---- -.

charges and inconvenience caused to you during your visit to NazirTlabad Branch. I once again sincerely ,offer my apoloqy for the inconvenience caused to you ~E~9thaQk:; for your feedback on our services, which will definitely help us in making them better.

Yours ~inCerelY



~~veer~'~!1'-=.!~J.~!TIL Regional Business Head, Karachi North Region, Airport Terminal-i, Karachi. Tel-

021-9248551-2 . i

Head Office: 8th Floor, State Life Building # 1, 1.1.Chundrigar Road, Karachi-Pakistan. UAN: 111-825-111, www.ubl.c:om.pk !J,tkL,I,'l




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