Parish of Cardiff: St German with St Saviour’s
HOLY WEEK SERVICES 2019 Palm Sunday - 14 April
9:30am Procession of Palms and Sung Mass (St Saviour’s) 11:00am Procession of Palms and Sung Mass (St German’s)
7:00pm Evensong and Benediction (St German’s)
Monday - 15 April 7:00pm
Sung Mass (St Saviour’s)
Tuesday - 16 April 7:00pm
Sung Mass (St German)
Wednesday - 17 April 7:00pm
Sung Mass of Spy Wednesday (St Saviour’s)
THE HOLY TRIDUUM Maundy Thursday - 18 April
10:00am Chrism Mass in Llandaff Cathedral. One of the traditional Holy Week liturgies, where the clergy of the diocese renew their ordination vows. The Bishop of Llandaff will preside and preach.
5:15pm Mass with Washing of the Feet (St Saviour’s) This is followed by the procession to the altar of repose and a vigil (the Watch of the Passion). 7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Feet (St German’s) This is followed by the procession to the altar of repose and a vigil (the Watch of the Passion), where prayer is kept silently until at least 10pm before the Blessed Sacrament.
Tenebrae (St Saviour’s)
Good Friday - 19 April 10:00am Stations of the Cross (St Saviour’s) 12noon Stations of the Cross (St German’s)
3:00pm Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion and Death (St Saviour’s)
Holy Saturday - 20 April 8:30pm
The Easter Vigil (St German’s)
Easter Sunday - 21 April 5:30am
The Dawn Vigil and First Mass of Easter (St Saviour’s)
9:30am Sung Mass (St Saviour’s) 11:00am Sung Mass (St German’s)