We are Called to be Holy (1 Pe. 1:15-16)
The word “holy” itself is used at least 549 times in the Scriptures. In the Hebrew (Old Testament) the word for holy is Qadash (kaw-dash’) and in the Greek (New Testament) the word for holy is Hagiazo (hag-eead’-zo). It means “set apart for a sacred purpose”. Set your hearts and minds on things above and not on earthly things (Col. 3:1-3, Deut. 6:5, Mk. 7:20-23, Rom. 6:6, 8:5-6, 12:2, Gal. 5:16-25, Eph. 4:22-24, 5:1-5, Phil. 4:8, James 3:13-18) This is an affirmative command calling us to act. Signs of our earthly nature and of a life not controlled by God’s Holy Spirit Gk. Sarx, flesh– represents our old, fallen, sinful nature Sexual Immorality (Col. 3:5, Ex. 20:14, Prov. 6:32, Acts 15:28-29, 1 Cor. 6:13 & 18, 1 Thes. 4:3-7) Gk. Porneia. That word refers to all forms of sexual intercourse outside of marriage (e.g. fornication or adultery). Impurity/Uncleanness (Col. 3:5, Rom. 1:22-32, 6:19, Eph. 4:17-19) Gk. Akatharsia. Lewdness, Perversion, Debauchery, Unnatural Sexual Behavior (e.g. homosexuality). Lust/Passion (Col. 3:5, 1 John 2:16) Gk. Pathos. Erotic passions which are aroused by visual things (e.g. pornography). Evil Desires (Col. 3:5, Mt. 5:27-28, James 1:13-15) Mental uncleanness. Greed/Covetousness, which is idolatry (Col. 3:5, Ex. 20:17, James 4:1-3) The desire to possess/control the body of another person. Preoccupation of the heart with that which isn't God as though it were. Anger (Col. 3:8, Prov. 15:1, Matt. 5:22) Impetuous name-calling or calculated insult. Rage (Col. 3:8, Gen. 49:7, Prov.14:16-17) From temper tantrums to violent displays, in word or deed. Malice (Col. 3:8, Eph. 4:31-32) That silent, hidden hatred of the heart that takes revenge in secret. Slander/Libel (Col. 3:8, Ps. 15:1-3, 101:5, Prov. 10:18, Titus 3:2, 1 Tim. 3:11) A false verbal or written attack upon a person’s character intended to harm their reputation. Filthy Language (Col. 3:8) Foul talk, crude and coarse words or expletives which one might resort to in a time of sudden pain or hurt.
Lies (Col. 3:9, Ps. 34:13, 101:7, Prov. 19:5, Rev. 21:8) Destroying trust and awakening suspicion Prejudice/Discrimination (Col. 3:11, Gal. 3:28) We are all one in Christ regardless of such things as heritage, rank or gender. Other Relational Sin-lack of love, selfishness, hatred, discord, dissensions, factions, jealousy (1 Cor. 3:3), envy, etc. Religious Sin – idolatry, witchcraft, astrology, “belief-shopping”, failure to pray, lack of zealousness, lack of joy, lack of peace, worldly pursuits, selfish ambition, fits of rage, etc. Sins of Excess- drunkenness, etc. Our former master, sin, constantly seeks to reclaim us Though we are dead to sin, sin is not dead to us. Sin is alive. Sin will continue to try to control us. We can stand fast against sin with the aid of God’s Holy Spirit We can live a new life NOW, not just in the future or after our physical death and resurrection. (Rom. 6:4, 8:11) The baptism of the Holy Spirit does the work in our inner being and water symbolizes or pictures what is done (Matt. 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 1:35, 3:16, John 1:33, 14:26, Eph 3:16) He is energizing and creating in us the power and desire to accomplish His will. (Phil. 2:13,14) We must ask for the help of God’s Holy Spirit to do this. (2 Pe. 2:9-10) Constant reliance on God’s grace is necessary because our sinful nature continually resists the Spirit. (Gal. 5:17, 1 Cor. 9:24-27, Rom. 7-14-8:4) God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Cor. 10:13) Give your body parts to Christ in prayer to be used as instruments of righteousness (Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Hands, Stomach, Sexual Organs, Feet, etc.) (Rom. 6:11-14) We are called to “keep on living by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:16) When we purpose in our hearts on a moment-to-moment basis to do God’s will, He empowers us to do that will. Walking in the Spirit is a lifelong process of submission to the will of God. The Spirit of God like a fountain inside, continually filling? How to live the Christian life Read & Meditate on God’s Word Pray Constantly Worship God
Fellowship Serve Witness Signs of things above/Heavenly things and of a life controlled by God’s Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:16-6:5, 7-9) Gk. Pneuma, spirit – represents the influence of God’s Holy Spirit The Fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5-22-23, Matt. 7:17) Fruit, not fruits, the point being that if one is truly Spirit-led they should show evidence of all the fruit described below, not just some of it. Love – (1 Cor. 13:4-7) for others Love the sinner, hate the sin. Love sees people for what they can become, rather than what they are. Joy – in all circumstances Heb. simchah means "gladness of heart," Gk., chara means "inner delight." Don’t mistake happiness for joy. The Bible mentions "joy" or "rejoicing" 330 times. But it only mentions "happiness" 26 times. Happiness depends upon what happens to you. So if all the circumstances are right, then you can be happy. But joy comes from inside. "Rejoice that your names are written in heaven." (Luke 10:20) "Your heart will rejoice and your joy no man can take from you. Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full." (John. 16:22-24) Peace – a tranquillity of heart which is derived from the knowledge that we are in the secure hands of a loving, faithful, all-powerful God. How could Peter sleep in Acts 12:6-7? Patience – Gk. makrothumia, longsuffering, slow to anger Who do we need to have patience with? A patient person should also be a praying person, waiting upon God to act Kindness (Eph. 4:32) – Gk. chraystotays, acting out of the goodness of one’s heart Kindness is loving people more than they deserve. One kind act will teach more about the love of God than a thousand sermons. Carry each others burdens (Gal. 6:2) Goodness – Gk. agathosune, morally pure & honorable, pleasing to God, beneficial to others Test your own actions (Gal. 6:4) Faithfulness – Heb. emunah = "steadfastness or stability", Gk. pistis = reliability or dependability To follow through with a commitment regardless of difficulty. 1 Cor. 4:1-2 challenges us to be faithful in stewardship. Eph. 6:21 talks about being faithful in service. 1 Tim. 5:9 speaks of being faithful in our marriages. Rev. 2:15 speaks of being faithful in witnessing. Rom. 12:12 says we are to be faithful in prayer. Col. 1:7 speaks of being faithful in ministry. Gentleness –Power under control Example: Restore sinners gently (Gal. 6:1)
Self-Control Gk. egkrates, which means self-restrained, disciplined, as an athlete in training. Self-Control here is not really SELF control but HOLY SPIRIT control. Submissive to the will of God Love and Peace, for the sake of unity (Col. 3:14-15) Learning and Internalizing God’s Word (Col. 3:16, Ps. 1:1, Ps.119:11) Teaching and Admonishing Each Other with: (Col. 3:16, 1 Cor. 14:26, Eph. 5:18-20) Psalms/Sacred Compositions Categories of Psalms: Expressions of Thankfulness, Petitions for Mercy and Aid, Prophecies, Basic Spiritual Doctrines & Inspired Advice on What is Pleasing to God. Hymns/Praises to God Spiritual Songs with Graciousness Singing in Your Hearts to God Giving Thanks to God Through the Lord Jesus (Col. 3:17) Do all in Word or Deed in the Name of the Lord Jesus (Col. 3:17, contrast: Titus 1:16)