Holliday, Terry Cv

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  • Words: 1,753
  • Pages: 5
Resume Terry Holliday 282 Whippoorwill Road Mooresville, NC 28117 Education Ph. D. Educational Administration Ed. S. Educational Administration M. Ed. Educational Administration B. M. Music Education

University of South Carolina Winthrop University Winthrop University Furman University

1994 1989 1987 1972

Work Experience Superintendent of Schools Superintendent of Schools Associate Superintendent Director of Accountability Principal Assistant Principal Director of Instrumental Music Band Director Band Director Band Director

Iredell-Statesville Schools Transylvania County Schools Rock Hill School District 3 Rock Hill School District 3 Fort Mill High School Fort Mill High School Fort Mill High School Northside Junior High School Parker High School Gaffney High School

2002-present 1998-2002 1996-1998 1994-1996 1991-1994 1987-1991 1981-1987 1978-1981 1975-1978 1972-1975

Recent Presentations Quality New Mexico Conference – keynote 2008 and 2009 ASQ Leadership Summit - keynote 2008 and 2009 National Quality in Education Conference – keynote 2008 American Productivity Quality Council Conference on Data Driven Decision Making – keynote 2008 Florida Sterling Conference – keynote 2009 and concurrent sessions 2007 and 2009 Florida Education and Technology Conference – concurrent session 2008 Quest for Excellence National Conference – keynote 2009 North Carolina School Boards Association – keynote 2009 and concurrent session 2008 Memphis City Schools Principal Academy – keynote 2009 and concurrent sessions 2009 North Carolina Association of School Administrators – concurrent sessions 2007 and 2008 Pearson Software User Group – keynote 2009 American Productivity Quality Council – keynote 2008 District Administrator National Webinar Series – keynote 2009 Teachscape National Leadership Summit – keynote 2007 Georgia Oglethorpe Conference Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Winter Conference - 2007 National Association of Secondary School Principals National Conference Council of Chief State School Officers Large Scale Assessment Conference National Tech Prep Conference Recent Publications School Administrator – 2008 and 2009 Quality Progress – 2009 Scholastic Administrator – 2009 NC Administrator – 2008 Business Enterprise – 2009 E-School News – 2008 American Society for Quality Case Study – 2008 Follett Software White Paper – 2008 Teachscape Case Study – 2008 School Wires Case Study – 2009 Energy Education Case Study - 2009 Recognitions 2009 NC Superintendent of the Year 2009 Grayson Medal for Innovation in Quality – American Productivity Quality Council 2008 Southwestern Region NC Superintendent of the Year

2008 NC Music Educators Association Superintendent of the Year 2008 Friend of NCAAHPERD (physical education and health award) 2001 Western Region N.C. Superintendent of the Year Alumni Examiner for Baldrige National Quality Award South Carolina Band Directors Association Hall of Fame Superintendency Institute of America North Carolina Public School Forum Jay Robinson Finalist Award Principal of the Year - SC Tech Prep and SC Arts Association Teacher of the Year - Gaffney High School and Northside Junior High School

Recent State and Local Level Committees/ Involvement NC School Superintendent Association President Ex-Officio Member of NC School Board NC Race to the Top Committee NC Blue Ribbon Commission on Testing and Accountability (facilitator) NC Principal Evaluation Rubric Development Committee NC E-Learning Commission/NC Virtual High School Advisory Committee Governor’s Teacher Working Conditions Advisory Committee NC State Superintendent’s Advisory Board Governor’s Appointee to NC Public School Forum Board United Way Board of Directors Statesville and Mooresville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Statesville and Mooresville Economic Development Board of Directors Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors Boy Scouts of America Gemstone Region Board of Directors State Employees Credit Union Board of Directors

Major accomplishments during tenure as Superintendent of Iredell-Statesville Schools High Student Performance • Highest performance on state testing in history of school system (overall Top 10) • Academically gifted performance in top 20 of NC districts • Alternative Learning Program in top 20 of NC districts • Top Ten in ABC growth among NC districts • Top 20 in AYP among NC districts • SAT Scores highest in history of school system – Top 10 in NC • Achievement gap for African-Americans closed by over 40% • Exceptional Children’s performance in Top 20 among NC districts • Lowest dropout rate in history of school system (first time below state average) • Graduation rate improved from 58% to over 80% • Grants – largest mentoring grant in nation, grants to provide extended day and year programs to at-risk students • Innovations – Early college, Freshmen Academy, Virtual High School, Alternative Programs Healthy, Safe, Orderly, Caring Schools: • Class sizes below state average while spending per pupil is 9th lowest in NC • Attendance percentages in Top 5 NC districts • 100MB bandwidth from every school – largest school system in nation to utilize microwave technology • Standardized technology systems improved “up time” • Lowest rate of crime in history of school system (well below state average) • Stakeholder satisfaction ratings above 80% • Innovations – partnership with Barium Springs Home for Children, Positive Behavior Program for EC students, out of school suspension reporting centers Quality Teachers, Administrators and Staff: • All training aligned to strategic plan • Percentage of highly qualified staff above state and region averages • Over 150 National Board Certified Teachers (over 10% of workforce) • Raised local supplement for teachers each year for three years (currently 7.5%) • Lowest teacher turnover rate in history of school system (below state and region) • First school system in NC to host a Teacher Working Conditions conference • Classified staff incentive bonus plan tied to results • Innovations – Teacher of Year Forum, Staff Development Tracking Software, on-line staff development customized for new employees Strong Family, Community & Business Support: • Significantly improved parent satisfaction with school/district communication (over 90%) • Implemented a program to develop business partners (over 150 partners) • Over 100,000 hours of volunteer time donated per year Effective & Efficient Operations: • Baldrige National Quality Program 2007 site visit (only education institution in nation) • North Carolina Awards for Excellence Recipient (3 times) • Baldrige National Quality Program 2007 top 6% of applicants • 9th lowest per pupil operating expenditure in NC • Transportation efficiency rating above state average • Four consecutive years of “clean” audits with zero findings • Improved fund balance from negative reserve to 8% of local current expense • Passed bond referendum by 2:1 margin (first passed since 1947 that required tax increase) • All Enterprise funds operate with a profit margin and pay overhead costs • Implemented national Baldrige Criteria and received state level award • Every dollar spent includes over 67% for instruction (above state and national comparisons) • Implemented Energy Education Programs leading to over 20% energy reductions – rank 2nd in nation • Implemented three phase building program to meet 8-10% annual growth projections

Major accomplishments during tenure as Superintendent of Transylvania County Schools High Student Performance • Student achievement as measured by state testing was among highest in NC districts • SAT scores above state and national averages and among top 10 districts in NC • Implemented an occupational course of study for special needs students • Secured 1 of 8 state reading grants for special needs students • Implemented alternative school that was the highest performing alternative school in the state • Implemented comprehensive virtual curriculum to expand course offerings • Implemented enriched program for middle years academically and intellectually gifted students • Implemented program of inclusion for Title One • Implemented Cisco and network engineering programs for workforce development • Established process for development and monitoring of student 4 year career plans Safe and Orderly Schools • Completed $28,000,000 capital outlay project • Maintained ratio of student incidents of crime below state average • Implemented technology plan that provided internet access to all administrative and instructional spaces • Improved pupil to computer ratio to 3:1 • Developed district crisis response plan • Secured grant funding for School Resource Officer in every school (K-12) • Implemented alternative programs to remove disruptive students from classrooms • Implemented alternative program to eliminate short-term out-of-school suspensions • Implemented recommendations for improvement of student experience in transition grades (5th to 6th and 8th to 9th ) • Implemented programs to recover dropouts Quality Professional Staff • Implemented system for Performance Excellence (Baldrige criteria) on all levels • Increased local supplement for teachers to 5% • Increased salaries of office professionals and teacher assistants • Developed goals based evaluation instrument for all staff • Implemented team process (parents, staff, students, community) for selection of administrative positions • Implemented New Teacher Orientation program that led to 100% of initially licensed teachers achieving performance based license • Implemented cohort process for Nationally Board Certified Teachers Strong Community, Parent, Business Support • Increased parent and volunteer hours by over 200% • Implemented model for School Improvement process that involves parents and community • Improved relationships and implemented articulation agreements with Brevard College, Blue Ridge Community College, Schenck Job Corps, and Brevard Academy • Established quarterly reports to the community on education progress • Wrote bi-weekly columns on education issues for the local newspaper • Published marketing brochures for recruitment of teachers and students • Implemented advisory groups for students, staff, parents, and community • Served on board of Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development, United Way and 8 other community based organizations • Served on committee that received Community Block Development Grant of $1.75 million • Implemented stakeholder surveys to inform school improvement process • Implemented process to enroll home schooled students Efficient and Effective Operation • Developed and implemented district strategic plan • Developed measures and indicators for evaluation of school system performance • Developed goals based evaluation instrument for board and superintendent annual review • Streamlined budget process and implemented zero-based budgeting • Implemented quality tools at all levels to improve efficiency and effectiveness • Implemented 5 year capital improvement plan for all facilities • Implemented distance learning lab • Reduced paperwork through electronic communication and data gathering • Obtained interest free Qualified Zone Academy bonds for school renovation

• • •

Maintained top academic performance of districts in NC while holding operational cost at or below state average Implemented tools for data driven decision making in all departments and schools Completed Baldrige criteria self-evaluation

Notable Accomplishments as high school principal • Highest performing high school in South Carolina (AP exams and BSAP) • Reduced dropout rate over 200% • Increased percentage of students going to postsecondary to over 80% • Obtained over $2,000,000 in grant funding (annual)

Notable Accomplishments as associate superintendent • Implemented comprehensive program evaluation model • Implemented model to measure customer and stakeholder satisfaction • Developed K-12 school and district level report card system • Developed and implemented K-5 developmentally appropriate student assessment system

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