Hmschl 101 Homeschool Approaches

  • April 2020
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Homeschool 101: Homeschooling Approaches Compiled by De'Etta Goecker ([email protected]) Following is a list of some of the most common homeschooling methods and philosophies. I listed examples of which I was aware. These are not listed in any particular order. The definitions and resources are based on my web surfing. I do NOT advocate nor endorse all the sites listed below. They are presented for you to further research for YOUR family.

Traditional or 'School at Home' The traditional method of instruction would be similar to the public school style with a curriculum, grading, testing and schedules. Usually a curriculum package is used with the typical grades and subjects taught in a school. The 'school at home' family will usually have a daily schedule and will typically also have school days and vacation days. A Beka Book Choosing Homeschool Curriculum Resources Alpha Omega Publications Bob Jones University Press Calvert School Christian Liberty Academy School System Five in a Row Greenleaf Press Griggs University & International Academy Modern Curriculum Press Saxon Publishers Sonlight Curriculum

Unit Study Unit studies are an integrated thematic approach to learning several subjects/concepts through a main topic. Topics or themes can be chosen by the child's interests, experiences in family life, books, events in the news, etc. This method can be used with different grades at one time to incorporate all the children of a family. Unit studies can be made up by the parent, taken from a book of unit studies or from sources on-line. For example, a child's interest may be insects. Several subjects can be covered with this one topic. Science includes the insects' body parts and habitats. Geography is learned by studying different countries' insects. Many fictional books with insect characters can be found to cover reading. Social studies is covered with insect control or insect use in different cultures. For more help planning your own unit study, see Highland Heritage. Easy Fun School Eclectic Homeschool Online Heart of Wisdom Unit Studies

Learning Success With Unit Studies & More KONOS Home Schooling With Frugal Unit Studies Michele Tanis Unit Studies links

Waldorf This method was developed by Rudolf Steiner. A Waldorf education educates the whole child -- head, heart and hands. It is geared to the child's stages of development and incorporates all elements -- intellectual, artistic, spiritual and movement. The goal is to produce individuals who are able, in and of themselves, to impart meaning to their lives. Oak Meadow Waldorf Homeschoolers Waldorf Resources Waldorf Without Walls

Montessori Homeschooling Maria Montessori advocates observing your child, removing obstacles to learning and providing children with real, scaled-to-size tools to use. Montessori Homeschooling International Montessori Index “Official Montessori Homeschooling List

Charlotte Mason Charlotte Mason was an educator in the 1800's. Her method "is based on core subjects and incorporates the fine arts. Children deal directly with the best books, music and art. The children are trained in the practice of narration, or telling back what they've learned. The emphasis is always placed on what the children do know rather than what they do not know. This training in essay-style examination effectively prepares children for adulthood and success in college." Her material covers an extensive amount of topics including: the formation of good habits, keeping a Nature Diary, and preparing a handmade Book of the Centuries. Charlotte Mason advocates the avoidance of twaddle, or what we might call "dumbed down" literature, and replaces twaddle with classic literature and noble poetry. Her method also includes a unique style of dictation and spelling. There is some debate in homeschool circles as to how the Charlotte Mason and the Classical Method relate. Some hold that Charlotte Mason is Classical and some insist it is not. Charlotte Mason Approach Charlotte Mason resources Charlotte Mason Research & Supply Company Charlotte Mason Education

Simply Charlotte Mason Ambleside Online Charlotte Mason adapted by HOW step

4Mat System


Motivating students

2. 3. 4.

Teaching ideas and facts Experimenting with concepts and skills

Charlotte Mason's Methods Motivate the student by making the lesson interesting on his/her level—not "dumbed down." Get the facts from living books, reference books, nature, humanities, the Internet, etc. Do something with what has been learned. Copy work, dictation, adding to a nature notebook or timeline book or portfolder.

Integrating new learning Narration; tell back what has been learned; share with others. into real life.

Classical Education/Trivium The Classical Approach to education is based upon the medieval scheme of education teaching children to think, not teaching "subjects". The medieval syllabus has as the primary part of education the Trivium. The Trivium consists of three parts: "Grammar", "Dialectic", and "Rhetoric". The first part, "Grammar", is not the subject of grammar; rather it is the study of the basic facts of different subjects. This stage covers the ages of approximately 6 to 10, the stage when children are the most receptive to information and will readily memorize information. The "Dialectic" stage, begins at approximately age 10 when children naturally begin to demonstrate independent or abstract thought. In the "Rhetoric" stage, the aim is to produce a student who can use language, both written and spoken, eloquently and persuasively to express what he thinks. Classical Christian Homeschooling Classical Homeschooling Magazine The Well-Trained Mind Classical Education Teaching the Trivium – Bluedorns – definite Christian flavor – uses different ages than those listed above. Tapestry of Grace - geared teaching multiple children on the same topics, sort of a mixture of Charlotte Mason and Classical – with many true classical educators saying it is not classical.{bg} Maybe it’s eclectic. The ages used in TOG for grammar, dialectic and rhetoric are different than the ones above: Early Grammar (K-2 or 3), Upper Grammar (3 or 4 – 5 or 6) Dialectic (6 or 7 – 8 or 9) Rhetoric (9 or 10 - 12) The levels overlap giving you the freedom to place your child where he will learn best.

Eclectic This method uses any combination of methods of homeschooling, picking and choosing among the methods. This affords great flexibility. Eclectic Homeschool Online

Natural Learning/Child Led Learning/Delight Driven/Unschooling/Funschooling Education is not separated from living life. In unschooling, learning can happen anywhere and at anytime. It is an ongoing and natural endeavor. Secular unschooling tends to differ greatly from Christian unschooling. Basically the thought here is that children will learn more and remember more when hands on activities, discovery learning and children’s interests are taken into account. Radical Unschooling Unschooling, delight-driven learning Learn in Freedom Life Learning Magazine Great blog with a CARNIVAL of links etc for those who want to implement some FUN schooling Two books: The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education by Grace Llewellyn and Growing Without Schooling: A Record of a Grassroots Movement by John Holt and Susannah Sheffer.

Principle Approach This method is based on a book written by Rosalie Slater called, Teaching and Learning America's Christian History: The Principle Approach. The 7 principles outlined by Rosalie Slater are: God's Principle of Individuality, The Christian Principle of SelfGovernment, America's Heritage of Christian Character, "Conscience Is the Most Sacred of All property" (James Madison), The Christian Form of Our Government, How the Seed of Local Self-Government Is Planted, and The Christian Principle of American Political Union. This method also seeks to base all education on Biblical Principles.

Distance Learning Companies and schools that provide teaching assistance as well as learning materials. These schools vary widely in their choice of method, let alone formality.

Resource Centers & Cottage Schools Mini-schools are springing up among homeschoolers all over the world.

Studio Teachers Young entertainers and athletes often need especially accommodating tutors, willing to travel with them.

Tutoring Hiring a tutor makes a family (and the tutor) fall under the tutoring laws of a state's education code, rather than under homeschooling laws, especially if they intend to hire a tutor full time.

Umbrella Schools Independent Study Programs, Distance Learning Programs, Virtual or Cyber Schools, Charter Schools, Learning Centers North Atlantic Regional Schools has a service that many homeschoolers use to document work and award a High School diploma. They are a private school in Maine. There are other services like these available.

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