Hiv Ppt

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 56
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What is disease of century ?


Content • What is HIV-AIDS? • How do you get HIV-AIDS? • What do you prevent and treat HIV-AIDS?

What is HIV-AIDS • HIV is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) • The virus that causes AIDS • First exposed (phát hiện) in 1981 in central Africa by French scientist Luc Montagnier and American researcher Robert Gallo, infection( nhiễm) unknown at that time

HIV/AIDS The process HIV become AIDS HIV attack immune (miễn dịch) system It enters and reprograms CD4 cell. The process continue with other cells The body weaker and weaker

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

6 years ago


Without treatment, about 9 out of every 10 people with HIV will progress to AIDS after 1015 years. Many progress much sooner.

• Treatment with anti-retroviral increases the life expectancy of people infected with HIV. Even after HIV has progressed to diagnosable AIDS, the average survival time with antiretroviral therapy (as of 2005) is estimated to be more than 5 years. Without antiretroviral therapy, death normally occurs within a year. It is hoped that current and future treatments may allow HIV-infected individuals to achieve a life expectancy approaching that of the general public.

Global HIV/AIDS estimates, end of 2007

Global HIV/AIDS estimates end of 2007

• Has killed more than 25 million people and with 2 million people dying last year alone.

Global Trends

• Everyday, over 7000 people become infected HIV around the world

Regional statistics for HIV & AIDS, end of 2007

• Estimated about 33 million people that we know of are currently living with HIV.

In Viet Nam 31/8/2008: • People are living with HIV: 132.048 • People are living with AIDS: 27.579 • People died by HIV: 40.717

How do you get HIV-AIDS?

Sexual transmission Having sex with a person who is HIV and not using a “ condom”

A sex worker stands in a doorway at a brothel in Northern Thailand.

Transmission through blood 

Sharing needles or syringes ("drug works") with someone who has HIV

Injecting drug use

Transmission through blood What do you think so about this picture????????

Transmission through blood 

Some people have been infected through a transfusion of infected blood. These days, in developed countries all the blood used for transfusions is tested for HIV. In those countries where the blood is tested, HIV infection through blood transfusions is now extremely rare. In some developing countries, testing systems are not so efficient and transmission through blood transfusions continues to occur

Mother-to-child transmission

An infected pregnant woman can pass HIV on to her unborn baby during pregnancy, labour and delivery. HIV can also be transmitted through breastfeeding. If a woman knows she is infected with HIV, there are drugs she can take to greatly reduce the chances of her child becoming infected

Young woman breastfeeding her child in Tanzania

HIV/AIDS-disaster all over the world

And now, we will find out about as many as problems the above

A big Questions is made: What is the main reasons help HIV is one of the most disaster of human

First, using drugs is life’s pleasure of one part population -It helps human pass their stresses, goes to the heaven that doesn’t reality as they feel

-It give to people the heavy-duty feeling, helps people pass over the body suffering and do many crazy actions : parties over-night, motorcycle race, many loud sounds and many general drugs

-It is the tide of young people nowadays : newly, no tired, excited but it damage their body in a strong way. After that, if you used it once or twice, you must be a slave to drugs

-And when you was on drugs, you would be delusion and could imagine everything what you wanted. Example as : want to fly to a high place, shoot headlong into a wall, or like seeing blood,….

-From there, they didn’t dominate their behaviour , ready to be a guilty and “take off all one’s clothes”……

Disturbances (thác loạn)….and to be a guilty

What do you think about a suggestion “Nowadays, one part of young people – special as “8x” or “9x’’ consider drugs is a connoisseur (sành điệu) “?

Next, Relation sexual untidiness Nowadays, one part of young people – special as “8x” or “9x’’ consider drugs is a connoisseur (sành điệu) and relation sexual untidiness is more popular than it before because drug can be arouse (kích thích) sexually human. Then, HIV could infect more generous than… And it’s one of the most dangerous worry for our youth everyday 

And the last, An issue about :“Mother-to-child transmission “ is the pain for whole social because a lot of woman is infected HIV by her husband with ways of sexual , and when their child who is born ,is reliable infected HIV by their mom.

Shape of general drugs - “deadly candy”

You can't get HIV by:

• Being in the same room with someone who has HIV. • Sharing a knife or fork, sheets, toilet seats, or phones with someone who has HIV • Kissing a person with HIV • Shaking hands with someone with HIV • Getting bitten by a mosquito or other bug

What do we prevent and treat HIV?

• There is no cure for AIDS at this time. However, several treatments are available that can delay (hoãn lại) the progress of HIV and improve the quality of life of those who have developed symptoms (triệu chứng).

• Propaganda (tuyên truyền) and education • Treatment drugs


• Don't share instrument such as razor (dao cạo), brush, injection needle…


• Shouldn't bird child when woman infect HIV. If they bird, their child will be infected HIV.


Many innocent kids is born but infect virus HIV-century disease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SAFE SEX Using condom Sexual contact accounts for 95 % of all new HIV infections worldwide. When a person has sex without a condom, they are extremely vulnerable (tổn thương) to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

PROPAGANDA AND EDUCATION • One husband one wife: • Libertine ( bừa bãi) way of living is one of the major cause to transmit HIV. • Strong and faithful living , one husband one wife are good way to prevent effectively HIV.

PROPAGANDA AND EDUCATION Don't discriminate (kỳ thị) against HIV patients. Many patients in Vietnam meet with difficulties when they come back society. Other people always don’t meet them

Truck drivers being handed leaflets on HIV/AIDS prevention in Maharashtra, India

Treatment drugs

DRUG Now, the world has many drugs to treat AIDS but it's still expensive and hasn’t distributed almost patients. For example, ARV, HAART… drug.

When did HIV expose? How many ways does infect HIV ? Could you name its ? What do you think about everyday, every hour still many innocent kids is born but infect virus HIV-century disease ?

Group 15  Phùng Ngọc Khánh  Trịnh Quang Hưng  Chu Hồng Kiên

Thank you for your listening and your attention

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