“Historians Wanted” Gallery Exhibition, Peer Assessment Form Class : _____________ Student Number: ____________ Tick the box you think best describes the poster you are assessing…
Lay Out
Your poster was organised, you used a whole page evenly and it was easy to understand. It had a colourful picture and an interesting title. Your handwriting was clear.
Your poster was organised and you used the page evenly, your handwriting was easy to understand. It had a colourful picture but the title was not very interesting.
So, So!
Your poster was not well distributed on the paper. Your handwriting was not clear and that made it difficult to understand. It had a picture and a title.
You explained clearly what do historians do and how they collect information to write about the past. You used the terminology like, evidence, primary and secondary source, artefact, monument, etc., correctly and also explained how useful and reliable is each kind of evidence for this work. You explained what historians do and briefly described the way they collect information to write about the past. You used some terminology like, evidence, primary and secondary source, artefact, monument, etc., but you didn’t explain how useful and reliable is each kind of evidence for this work. You wrote information of the way historians collect information about the past and you mentioned briefly what they do with what they gathered, using some appropriate terminology. You wrote some information of the way historians collect information about the past, but didn’t mention how they use what they gathered. You didn’t use the terminology correctly.
Could be Your poster was messy and your better! handwriting was not very clear. It had a title but no picture.
Assessed by: _________________________________