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  • Words: 816
  • Pages: 22
Jerwin Mauricio

Mickel Manuel

Jilliane Bertiz

Razhelle Lumacang

Hinduism  In Depth.  No

single historical founder.  No unified system of belief.  No single doctrine of salvation.  No centralized authority.  Diversity is its characteristic feature.  Ancient origins extend back beyond the second millennium BCE.

A Historical Overview  Indus

Valley Civilization 1500BCE

 The

Aryans & Early Vedic Society  Devotionalism & Sectarian Worship  Hinduism During British Colonial Rule PHILOSOPHY

 Archeological

excavations in this area have revealed evidence of what appears to be highly developed urban culture.  Excavations shows iconographic features of Hindu Deities.

 Developed

from within the Indus Valley Culture and was not introduced from outside.  Sanskrit was the Aryan language.  "Vedas“ is the corpus of texts compiled over hundreds of years. It is referred as the timeless revelation and repository of all knowledge.

 Vedic

Rituals were rituals of sacrifice addressed to Gods.  Central acts was the offering of substances into the sacrificial fire.  The ritual was usually initiated by a wealthy sponsor and by ritual specialists or priests.

Vedic Society and its fourfold system Brahmans- priests and ritual specialists Kshatriyas- warriors or rulers Vaishyas- commoners Shudras- servants

Pujadevotional worship  Ritual expression of of love or devotion to a deity .

Hindu Renaissance  Muslim to British colonial rule  Hinduism Reform movements paid attention to social and ethical concerns.  Indian nationalist movement brought about the independence of India as a state in 1947.


universe has neither beginning nor end. It is issued forth from Brahman and will return eventually to Brahman.  Dharma (to uphold) is to understood to be the moral and metaphysical foundation of the universe.  To attain Moksha (ultimate liberation, goal of human existence) is to attain complete freedom from the samsaric cycle and all of the dissatisfaction, suffering and death- as well as the joys and pleasures which go with it.

SACRED WRITINGS Scriptures: Two categories:  Sruti (heard or revealed)  Communicated directly by God to ancient Indian sages.  Smriti (remembered)  Less authoritative and consists of texts such as Hindu epics (Ramayana and Mahabharata), the Dharma Sutras (book of law, concerned with customs and correct conduct) and Puranas (mythology).

HINDUS’BELIEFS Many Hindus believe that the power (shakti) of a deity is actually present in that deity’s image (murti).

God, Gods and Goddesses Vishnu

is associated with the preservation of the cosmos and its proper order.


”the auspicious” is the both the lord of yogis. He has two sons, Ganesha, the elephant headed God and Skanda.

 Ganesha

is widely worshipped as the Remover of Obstacles and more generally as Lord of beginnings and the Lord of obstacles (Vighnesha).

God, Gods and Goddesses  Rama is is worshipped as worshipped as a child as a god the ideal ruler and the restorer of erotic of the dharma. mystical love and hero of the epic Mahabharata.

 Krishna

BELIEFS  Dharma-

social order  Samsara- endless cycle of rebirth  Karma- one’s action determine one’s condition in this life and rebirth in the next  Three Paths: Jnana (knowledge, insight, wisdom) Karma (action) Bhaki (ecstatic devotion)

BELIEFS Four Goals:  Artha (wordly wealth and success)  Kama (plesure, desire)  Dharma (virtue, morality)  Moksha (spiritual liberation) Hindus believe that this goals are interconnected and that no goal is primary. Spiritual and social harmony are ensured through the four legitimate goals.

Worship  The

water in N India is believed to wash away the sins of the devout Hindus as they take their bathe.  Cows, monkeys, snakes and rats are believed to be sacred and therefore worshipped.  Men and women capable of performing miracles who can transform the lives of devotees and ensure their well-being.

Festivals  

 

Janmashtami (July-August):celebration of the birthday of the popular Hindu god, Krishna. Ganesh Chaturthi ( August-September): a festival dedicated to the elephant-headed god, Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. Dussehra (September-October towards the end of the monsoon) making the victory of Ramaang his monkey army over the demon-king Ravana. It encompasses Navaratri (the festival of nine nights) which in Bengal culminates in a grand celebration dedicated to the worhip of the goddess Durga. Diwali (October-November): the festival of lights, following shortly after Dussehra. Hindus throughout the world illuminate their homes with lamps and exchange gifts. Shivaratri (January-February): a festival during which Shiva is worshipped. Holi (February-March): a spring festival, during which people drench one another in water and colored powder.


system determine one’s place in society.  Marriage was a central institution ordering and regulating the Hindu social system.  Bride in Hindu communities is a gift from her parents to the family of the groom.  Marry up into a family of higher social standing than her own is


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