ON LEAD OF “THE HINDU” Dt: - 24/7/2008
“A ONE-STATE SOLUTION FOR ISRAEL & PALASTINE” As the world knows, Israel & Palestine are two faces of a coin having adamancy common in them. The day they these nations are born, disputes at every front are observed between the two. Whether its Gaza strip, in house disturbances or the religion clashes, on every issue these nations are always ready for a war. Israel has hand of USA, thus it uses to curb every Palestine movement by use of weapon causing bloodshed and mass shifting of population and thus affecting lives of many. Though it is obvious for Israel to use such measures as both its neighbors just hate the existence of Israel as it is a Jewish country and adamancy of so called Islam does not allows it. Some facts also reminds us of dispute of Gaza strip and the west bank which is going on past 30yrs. Thus in such situation “one – state “solution is just a dream. Some say that the theory of “one state” can prove fruitful if Israel promotes a citizenship policy for the Palatine citizen which is not observed in Israel today. Also due to Zionist project which focuses on a state where only Jews will exist, but this theory stand base less as the population is a not homogeneous. But disputes are not just on this , they are most on religion and existence of Judasim.