Hillary Clinton

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  • Words: 455
  • Pages: 3
Lauren Lewis December 5,2007 Government period 1b


Hillary Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham,Dorothy and Hugh Rodham's first child,was born onOctober 26,1947.She has two brothers Hugh and Tony,soon followed.Hillary's childhood in Park Ridge,Illinois,was happy and disciplined.She loved sports and her church,and was a member of the National Honor Society,and a student leader.Her parents encouraged her to study hard and to pursue any career that interested her. As a undergraduate at Wellesley College,Hillary mixed academic excellence with school government.In 1969,Hillary entered Yale Law school,where she served on Board of Editors of Yale Law Reviewand Social action,interned with children's advocate Marian Wright Edelman,and met Bill Clinton.After graduation,Hillary advised the Children's Defense Fund inCambridge andjoined the impeachment inquiry staff advising the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives.After completing those responsibilities, she followed her heart to Arkansas,where Bill had begun his political career. Hillary and Bill married in 1975 when she joind the faculty of the University of Arkansas Law School in

1975 and the Rose Law Firm in 1976.In 1978,President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the board of the Legal Services Corporation,and Bill Clinton became governor of Arkansas.Their daughter,Chelsea,was born in 1980.Hillary served as Arkansas's First Lady for 12 years,balancing family,law,and public service.As the nations First Lady,Hillary continued to balanced public service with private life.Her active role began in 1993 when the president asked her to chair the Task Force on National Health Care Reform. She was elected United States Senator from New york on November 7,2000.She is the First Lady elected to the United States Senate and the first woman elected statewide in New York.

Health-Hillary's American Health Choices Plan covers all Americans and improves health care by lowering costs and improving quality.It speaks to American values,American families,and American jobs.She wanted to make it affordable,available,and reliable.

War In Iraq-She said it is time to begin ending this war.Not next year.not next month,but today.We have heard for years now that as the Iraqis stand up,our troops will stand down.Every year,we hear about how next year about they may satrt coming home.Now we are hearing a new version of that yet again from the president as he has more troops in Iraq than ever and the Iraq government is more fractured and ineffective than ever.

Education-From her first job out of law school at the Children's Defense Fund to her time as First Lady of Arkansas and of the United States to her service in the Senate,helping children has been at the center of Hillary's public life.

Security-When it comes to Social Securit,one of her opponents uses the Republican talking points and has been open to raising the retirement age and cutting benefits.Now he says he is for lifting the payroll tax,which would be a trillion dollar tax increase.

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