The Hillary Clinton Whitehouse A Political Allegory A Work of Fiction By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif © Copyright 2007 by Anthony J. Fejfar It was the second year of Hillary Clinton’s presidency. She has spent her first two years consolidating her power by using involuntary psychiatric commitments to put away all of her political enemies. Now, there was a majority of women in the House and the Senate. It was time for Hillary to make her first major policy initiative. Hillary decided to outlaw a belief in God in favor of the Goddess. She had a criminal statute enacted to ensure that everyone who believed in God would go to Prison. It was the second year of Hillary’s God pogrom. The United States was now filled with child prisons. Any child who professed a belief in God was given a sentence of life in prison. Once again, however, the plan backfired. The children spent their time in prison praying and meditating and soon were rescued by the Resistance.
Soon the
Resistance was getting people and children out of psychiatric wards and prisons everywhere. There were even rumors that Hillary Clinton would be impeached and sent to Federal Prison for violating 18 U.S.C. section 242.