High Priority Plan Action Plan

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2008 – 2009 Implementation

SINGLE PLAN FOR STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT/HIGH PRIORITY SCHOOLS FLOWCHART This flowchart describes the components of the action plans for high priority schools. ACCOUNTABILITIES

Targets reflect the collection of data that must be analyzed for the Strategic Plan.

• •

Local Education Goals (i.e., AYP and AMAO) Quality Education Investment Act 

NEEDS ASSESSMENT The Needs Assessment will measure the implementation status of the tactics needed to advance the seven required strategies. Findings from the Needs Assessment will be utilized to complete the action plan components. STRATEGIES 

Strategies share and reflect the common needs of all schools and are fundamental to a school’s success. The Strategic Plan is   predicated on the following strategies for school and District improvement:

• • • • •

A District adopted core curriculum that is California Standards aligned Focused professional development to advance instruction Leadership development and training Parent and community engagement Safe and secure environments 

TACTICS Tactics are the elements of the plan that advance the strategies. ACTION STEPS Action Steps serve as  the detailed process  that will lead to the  successful  implementation of the  tactics selected.   Senior highs must  consider goals and  recommendations 

SUBGROUPS  —African­American  —American Indian —Alaskan Native —Asian —Filipino —Hispanic/Latino —Pacific Islander —White  —Socioeconomically       Disadvantaged —English Learners

BENCHMARKS  Benchmarks for   effective   implementation of   priority tactics   may be a   predictor of final  

PERSON(S)  RESPONSIBLE  Person(s)  responsible  determines if the  Action Steps are  successfully 

EXPENDITURES   Human/Fiscal Resources Human/Fiscal Resources are  services/personnel needed  for implementation of the  action steps.

TIMELINE Indicate implementation and completion dates.

ACCOUNTABILITIES FOR HIGH PRIORITY SCHOOLS English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History/Social Science, and English Language Development Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding The following have been provided as targets to guide the actions and resources to improve student achievement in accordance with State and Federal guidelines. LEA Goals: • All students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in English/language arts and mathematics by 2013-14. • All English learners will become proficient in English within 5 – 6 years of instruction. • All students will graduate from high school.

All schools will meet the Graduation Rate Criteria by meeting one of the following options: Option 1: Have a graduation rate of at least 82.9 Option 2: Show improvement in the rate from 2006-07 of at least 0.1 Option 3: Show improvement in the average two-year graduation rate of at

AYP Goals:

The percentage of SENIOR HIGH students scoring proficient or above on the 10th grade administration of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) and the California Alternative Performance Assessment (CAPA) in English/Language Arts for 2008-09 will equal or exceed 44.5% and for 20092010 will equal or exceed 55.6% The percentage of MIDDLE SCHOOL students scoring proficient or above on the California Standards Test (CST) and the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) in English/language arts for 2008-09 will equal or exceed 46.0% and for 2009-10 will equal or exceed 56.8%. All schools will achieve a 95% participation rate for all state assessments.

least 0.2. AMAO Goal: • 70%+ of English learners will score in the appropriate performance range on the CST for English/language arts according to the District Progress Benchmarks for English learners. • 70%+ of English learners progress one ELD level per year. • 70%+ of English learners will score an overall ELD level of 4 or 5 on the CELDT after 4-5 years of ELD instruction. All schools receiving QEIA funds must meet the following requirements: Schools receiving Regular QEIA funds must meet these additional requirements: • Exceed the API growth target averaged over the first three full years of • Reduce class size in English language arts, reading, math, science, and funding history/social science to the lesser of: o five fewer than 2006-07 average or • Meet or exceed the District’s Teacher Experience Index o 25 students per class • Provide forty hours of professional development for teachers and • Maintain a pupil-to-counselor ratio of 300:1. instructional paraprofessionals • Ensure that each teacher in the school is highly qualified under the NCLB Act of 2001 • Increase pupil attendance and graduation rates Schools receiving Alternative QEIA funds must meet these additional requirements: • Provide a higher level of academic achievement through specific activities • Address research on effective practices.

ACCOUNTABILITIES FOR HIGH PRIORITY SCHOOLS English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History/Social Science, and English Language Development Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding Accountabilities for June 2008: Implement the Superintendent’s Strategic Plan for High Priority Schools (HPS Plan): 1. All HPS schools will have a completed and approved Single Plans for Student Achievement based on their specific needs assessment; 2. All HPS schools will have established baseline data for each of these tactics and set growth targets for each tactic for FY 2008-2009 through 2011-2012;


Each of the HPS schools will have school specific performance metrics established by the Division of Accountability and System-wide Performance for FY 2008-2009 through 2011-2012 including but not limited to: Academic





c. d.

e. f. g. h. i.

j. 1

Growth targets in the percent proficient and advanced on the ELA CST by student subgroup (i.e., English learner, African American, Latino, students with disabilities1) Growth in the student participation rate on the ELA CST by student subgroup Growth targets in the percent proficient and advanced on the Math CST by student subgroup (i.e., English learner, African American, Latino, students with disabilities) Growth in the student participation rate on the Math CST by student subgroup Decline in the percent below and far below basic on the ELA CST by student subgroup (i.e., English learner, African American, Latino, students with disabilities) Decline in the percent below and far below basic on the Math CST by student subgroup (i.e., English learner, African American, Latino, students with disabilities) Growth in API above 5% expected growth target (set on a school-by-school basis) Growth in the percentage of English learner students who move from CELDT level 3 to CELDT level 4 Growth in the percentage of students reclassified For high schools only, expected improvement in percent of first time test takers in the 10th grade in Class of 2008 passing the CAHSEE above rate for all schools (identified above)

b. c. d. e. f.

Increase percentage of English learners who move out of ESL into core classes Increase in graduation rate above rate identified for all schools Improvement in student attendance by subgroups (set on a school-by-school basis) Improvement in staff (classified and certificated) attendance (set on a school by school basis) Reduction in percentage of students suspended by subgroups (set on a school by school basis) Reduction in the dropout rate by subgroups (set on a school by school basis)

Students with disabilities include basic category

Accountabilities for 2008-2009: Complete first year of implementation of the Strategic Plan for HPS, including but not limited to the following: 1. All HPS schools will demonstrate growth or improvement that meets or exceeds their targets for at least one of the tactics implemented for each of the seven Plan strategies 2. All HPS schools will demonstrate growth in percent proficient and above on the ELA CST for at least two of the following subgroups in ELA: (a) African-American students (b) Latino students (c) English learners (d) Students with disabilities 3. All HPS schools will demonstrate that they did not experience a decline in the percentage of students who are proficient and above for the other subgroups on the ELA CST 4. All HPS schools will demonstrate growth in percent proficient and above on the Math CST for at least two of the two following subgroups: (a) African-American students (b) Latino students (c) English learners (d) Students with disabilities 5. All HPS schools will demonstrate that they did not experience a decline in the percentage of students who are proficient and above for the other subgroups on the Math CST 6. All HPS schools will demonstrate growth or improvement for three of the remaining, academic performance metrics established by the Division of Accountability and System-wide Performance 7. All HPS schools will demonstrate growth or improvement for at least three of the seven remaining, non-academic performance metrics established by the Division of Accountability and System-wide Performance 8. All HPS schools will demonstrate increase in their use of data to improve instruction 9. All HPS schools will demonstrate improvement in the use of standards-aligned, District adopted and created curriculum in English, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies and a reduction in the use of non-standards aligned curriculum 10. All HPS schools will demonstrate improved use of resources to align to priorities established in the SPSA (e.g.): (a) Improved use of time during the school day (b) Improved use of personnel to support instruction (c) Improved use of fiscal resources to support instruction. (6/2008)

English/Language Arts Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

#4. All departments consistently develop and implement use of diversified instructional strategies to address differences in student learning styles. #5. The administration and staff develop a coordinated plan to provide remediation for students not demonstrating mastery of standards or grade level proficiency on the CST, CAHSEE, and Lincoln course requirements.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Strategy 1: Use a research-based, coherent, and rigorous standards-based curriculum that meets the needs of diverse learners as a tool that ensures they will be college-prepared and career-ready

English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 1.TACTIC:Implement the California Standards-based, Research-supported Core Curriculum in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi Timel C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks scal ng Person(s) ine o Resource Sourc st s e  1.1.1 Implement the California Standardsbased, Researchsupported Core Curriculum in ELA (i.e., Instructional Guides, concept lessons, explicit rubrics, quality formative and summative written and oral feedback, periodic assessments, and additional curriculum based measures, and state/district adopted standards aligned textbooks) Content area teams (PLCs) for each Small Learning Community will implement the California Standards-Based, Research supported core curriculum in ELA (using listed to the left) in the manner that most effectively promotes student achievement for proficient and non-proficient students and allows them to benefit from the specific attributes of the SLC. (WASC #7)

ELA 9-12, All Students Build common agreements and clear expectations around implementation of the district’s instructional guide; including identification of materials, pacing, and internal assessment tools to improve overall student achievement. (SAIT)

ELA, 9-12, All Students

See above Ensure that all ELA teachers, including teachers with students with disabilities, have all components of the grade level instructional materials including adequate numbers of supplemental materials aligned to the core texts (SAIT)

ELA, 9-12, All Students

See above Develop a monitoring system to ensure that district adopted instructional materials are used in 9th

ELA, 9-12, All Students

See above.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009.

Content learning teams, English Administrat or, SAIT Administrat or,

X Time Sub time Facility Rental

Conference s






June 2009

Administrat or

English Department Administrat or, SAIT Administrat or, Content learning teams, English faculty English Administrat or, English department chair, Content learning teams, literacy coaches Administrati ve team, SAIT

X Time Sub time Facility Rental

(see abov e)

SAIT BuyBack

January 2009

N/A 10K

District EL T-1 QEIA

June 2009



June 2009


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 1.TACTIC:Implement the California Standards-based, Research-supported Core Curriculum in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi Timel C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks scal ng Person(s) ine o Resource Sourc st s e  1.1.1 Implement the California Standardsbased, Researchsupported Core Curriculum in ELA (i.e., Instructional Guides, concept lessons, explicit rubrics, quality formative and summative written and oral feedback, periodic assessments, and additional curriculum based measures, and state/district adopted standards aligned textbooks) 1.1.2 Implement culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy that addresses the needs of: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Content area teams (PLCs) for each Small Learning Community will implement the California Standards-Based, Research supported core curriculum in ELA (using listed to the left) in the manner that most effectively promotes student achievement for proficient and non-proficient students and allows them to benefit from the specific attributes of the SLC. (WASC #7)

ELA 9-12, All Students Teachers will select culturally relevant materials to enhance the implementation of EL and literacy strategies for the English learners, RFEPs, Standard English learners, and Students with Disabilities to improve overall student achievement

ELA, 9-12, All Students

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009.

Content learning teams, English Administrat or, SAIT Administrat or,

X Time Sub time Facility Rental

Conference s






June 2009

Administrat or

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the ELA CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

ELA Administrat or, EL Coordinator , literacy coaches, English faculty

X time Sub



Sept 2009


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Responsi Fundi ble Timeli Human/Fisc Priority Tactics Action Steps Subgroup Benchmarks ng Person(s ne al Cost Sourc ) Resources e 1.2.1 Implement 1 2.1.1 Continue implementation of All * Demonstrate 5% Principal, Materials 20K QEIA Sept intervention programs district-developed intervention Students, 9- growth on the ELA English EL 2009 and tactics aligned to programs: Read 180 Strategic 12 CST for both Administra the core that Literacy, double-block English proficient and nontor, Math specifically target Language Skills class, RSP Learning proficient students and underperforming Center supporting students with by Sept. 2009. English students not making disabilities students, Required departme adequate progress in Learning Academy, Extended nt chairs, core subjects, Learning Academy, and CAHSEE Boot Math and including: English Camp to improve student English learners, including achievement. Coaches RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Continue current CAHSEE preparation/intervention programs and develop strategies to increase effectiveness and attendance in existing and future programs.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

10-12th grade students who have not passed the CAHSEE

* Demonstrate 5% increase on passage of the CAHSEE and 5% increase in the number of students overall scoring proficient on the CAHSEE and within students with disabilities and EL subgroups by June 2009.

Principal, Administra tor in charge of CAHSEE programs

Leadership Team



Februar y 2009 June 2009


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Responsi Fundi ble Timeli Human/Fisc Priority Tactics Action Steps Subgroup Benchmarks ng Person(s ne al Cost Sourc ) Resources e 1.2.1 Implement 1 2.1.1 Continue implementation of All * Demonstrate 5% Principal, Materials 20K QEIA Sept intervention programs district-developed intervention Students, 9- growth on the ELA English EL 2009 and tactics aligned to programs: Read 180 Strategic 12 CST for both Administra the core that Literacy, double-block English proficient and nontor, Math specifically target Language Skills class, RSP Learning proficient students and underperforming Center supporting students with by Sept. 2009. English students not making disabilities students, Required departme adequate progress in Learning Academy, Extended nt chairs, core subjects, Learning Academy, and CAHSEE Boot Math and including: English Camp to improve student English learners, including achievement. Coaches RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Develop and embed curricular interventions for EL and special education students by: a) Provide detailed rosters of identified EL and special ed students, including reading scores/levels. b) Develop and embed data-driven literacy and ELD strategies (for example, pre-reading vocabulary, post-reading strategies, advanced organizers, semantic mapping, accountable talk, drawing conclusions, multi-sensory lesson design) c) Provide teaching assistants for student support when appropriate. d) Investigate comprehensive research-based reading program (i.e. focused on high-interest non-fiction with built-in assessment). Administer reading test (GATES or alternative) at beginning of school year (and at the end of the

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* ELA, 9-12, All Students * EL and students with disabilities students in regular ELA English classes

* Meet AYP and API targets. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the ELA CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

ELA Administra tor, EL Coordinat or, literacy coaches, Librarian, English faculty and TAs

X Time



June 2009

TA’s and Ed. Aide II’s

100K 105K

T-1 T-1, N-State QEIA

Sept 2009

Reading Program



18K 22K

T-1 T-1



Copier rental & maintenance

All students

See above.

Administra tive team, Literacy


Sept. 2008


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Responsi Fundi ble Timeli Human/Fisc Priority Tactics Action Steps Subgroup Benchmarks ng Person(s ne al Cost Sourc ) Resources e 1.2.1 Implement 1 2.1.1 Continue implementation of All * Demonstrate 5% Principal, Materials 20K QEIA Sept intervention programs district-developed intervention Students, 9- growth on the ELA English EL 2009 and tactics aligned to programs: Read 180 Strategic 12 CST for both Administra the core that Literacy, double-block English proficient and nontor, Math specifically target Language Skills class, RSP Learning proficient students and underperforming Center supporting students with by Sept. 2009. English students not making disabilities students, Required departme adequate progress in Learning Academy, Extended nt chairs, core subjects, Learning Academy, and CAHSEE Boot Math and including: English Camp to improve student English learners, including achievement. Coaches RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities year for evaluation, possibly as part of final exam) in all ELA classes to determine grade equivalent reading, distribute results with rosters to all core teachers and each SLC develops and implements a literacy plan, which creates a climate for supporting the value of reading and writing and adopting common strategies that will be used across the SLC. Students, including underperforming students, will utilize library/library media and computer labs during the school day as well as before and after school. Research skills and non-fiction reading will be emphasized.

coaches, SLC Lead Teachers, ELA faculty

All students

See above

Librarian, Technolog y Coordinat or, Technician (MSA) Library aide

Library aide



Library Books/suppli es







June 2009

Library Equipment Laptop Cart or other

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Responsi Fundi ble Timeli Human/Fisc Priority Tactics Action Steps Subgroup Benchmarks ng Person(s ne al Cost Sourc ) Resources e 1.2.1 Implement 1 2.1.1 Continue implementation of All * Demonstrate 5% Principal, Materials 20K QEIA Sept intervention programs district-developed intervention Students, 9- growth on the ELA English EL 2009 and tactics aligned to programs: Read 180 Strategic 12 CST for both Administra the core that Literacy, double-block English proficient and nontor, Math specifically target Language Skills class, RSP Learning proficient students and underperforming Center supporting students with by Sept. 2009. English students not making disabilities students, Required departme adequate progress in Learning Academy, Extended nt chairs, core subjects, Learning Academy, and CAHSEE Boot Math and including: English Camp to improve student English learners, including achievement. Coaches RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Continue implementation of Bridge Program for incoming underperforming students

 1.2.2 Implement targeted, researchbased literacy intervention programs for underperforming students with disabilities (Modified Consent Decree, Outcome 2) Increase the number of academic interventions (reading comprehension classes) during the school day to increase student achievement.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Incoming 9th graders

Student with disabilities

See above.

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the ELA CST for students with disabilities by Sept 2009.

T-1 Coord, Librarian, Tech coord, Library aide

equip per SLC

English Administra tor, RLA Administra tor, English faculty

X time/clerical OT

APSCS, Content learning teams, ELA teachers


22K 2K








X time Clerical OT Sept. 2008/ June 2009

Curricular trips Sept 2009


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Responsi Fundi ble Timeli Human/Fisc Priority Tactics Action Steps Subgroup Benchmarks ng Person(s ne al Cost Sourc ) Resources e 1.2.1 Implement 1 2.1.1 Continue implementation of All * Demonstrate 5% Principal, Materials 20K QEIA Sept intervention programs district-developed intervention Students, 9- growth on the ELA English EL 2009 and tactics aligned to programs: Read 180 Strategic 12 CST for both Administra the core that Literacy, double-block English proficient and nontor, Math specifically target Language Skills class, RSP Learning proficient students and underperforming Center supporting students with by Sept. 2009. English students not making disabilities students, Required departme adequate progress in Learning Academy, Extended nt chairs, core subjects, Learning Academy, and CAHSEE Boot Math and including: English Camp to improve student English learners, including achievement. Coaches RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities 1.2.3 Implement CAHSEE preparation/interventio n programs as appropriate at middle and high school Continue the after-school CAHSEE interventions and increase the number of CAHSEE interventions during the school day.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

All students, 10-12, and students who haven’t passed CAHSEE

* Demonstrate a 5% increase in the passage rate of the ELA portion of the CAHSEE by June 2009

APSCS, English and Math teachers, RLA/ELA Administra tor




June 2009



English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Provide Expanded Curricular Opportunities for Students Expenditures

Priority Tactics

Action Steps

1.3.1 Increase educational alternative options for students at risk of school failure and non-passage of CAHSEE Embed CAHSEE prep into the double-block English class and in 10th grade English classes. Develop a plan to maximize student participation in Beyond the Bell, CAHSEE ELA classes, and supplemental services. [WASC VCR pg. 20]

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


10th grade students

10-12th EL students who haven’t passed CAHSEE

Benchmarks * Meet AYP target.

* Demonstrate a 5% increase in the CAHSEE passage rate for the ELA portion by Sept 2009.

Fundi ng Sourc e

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

Administra tive Team, 9th/10th grade English teachers, literacy coaches

Materials XTime

5K 5K


Administrato r



RLA Administra tor, Testing Coordinat or, Interventi on teachers

Ed. Aide Office tech Testing coord.

15K 45K 87K


C o st

Timel ine June 2009

Sept 2009


Mathematics Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

B1. Ensure that the intended standards-based curriculum is the taught curriculum to support students’ literacy and numeracy success. D2. All staff need training in how to access the student data at the site, how to interpret data, and how to use the data to inform student performance.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Strategy 1: Use a research-based, coherent, and rigorous standards-based curriculum that meets the needs of diverse learners as a tool that ensures they will be college-prepared and career-ready

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 1.TACTIC:Implement the California Standards-based, Research-supported Core Curriculum in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgroup le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e Identify and articulate the * Demonstrate an Math 2 Math N/A District Sept  1.1.1 Implement the All necessary standards, concepts and Administra Coaches 2009 California Standardssubgroup increase of 5% skills for embedded intervention in growth on API for tor, Math 30K QEIA based, Researchs supported Core Curriculum in Mathematics (i.e., Instructional Guides, concept lessons, explicit rubrics, quality formative and summative written and oral feedback, periodic assessments, and additional curriculum based measures, and state/district adopted standards aligned textbooks)

1.1.2 Implement culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy that addresses the needs of: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 to improve student achievement. (SAIT)

2008-2009. * Exceed average growth API target by 2011.

Through professional development provided by SAIT, math department will: a) create interim assessments b) identify student weaknesses for embedded intervention c) develop department lessons and strategies, including technology, to address standards 3) measure effectiveness of strategies. (WASC #7)

Textbook /materials for tutorial class





X Time



Februar y 2009

X Time/ Subs



Sept 2009

PD time for Math teachers Conferences Math teachers will support literacy through a common writing rubric (such as Lincoln paragraph. (WASC #7)

All subgroups

See above. Utilize technology, culturally relevant strategies, and hands-on lessons to engage all student populations, including EL, SPED, and students with disabilities (Word Walls, Graphic organizers, Concept Maps, math manipulative, EL student resource supplemental, Math Journals, calculators, UBD Lessons, PowerPoint presentations)

All subgroups

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

coaches, math faculty

Math Administra tor, literacy coaches, math faculty Math Administra tor, Math coaches, math faculty, math TAs, Technolog y Coordinat or


Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Fundi Timel C Responsible Human/Fis Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Evaluate alternative schedules (block scheduling, twilight, before/after school, Saturday classes) to allow for common planning time and implementation of SLC objectives. Continue implementation of Math Tutorial program for underperforming students. (SAIT) (WASC #6)

All subgroups

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

Administrati ve teams, SLC Leads, faculty




Sept 2009 Additional paid professional development time beyond the school day devoted to SLC and departmental planning time. (WASC #6)

All subgroups

See above.

Administrati ve teams, Math department chair, match coaches, SLC Lead teachers, math faculty

X Time subs



June 09 Data team will provide timely and synthesized data for underperforming students, EL students, and students with disabilities students. (WASC #1)

All subgroups

See above

Math Administrat or, Math coaches, math faculty

X Time



Sept. 08 Use software (such as Carnegie) to support students with disabilities/EL students in math classes

All subgroups

See above

Math administrat or, Technology Coordinator

Software (materials/eq uipment)



June 09

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Fundi Timel C Responsible Human/Fis Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Evaluate alternative schedules (block scheduling, twilight, before/after school, Saturday classes) to allow for common planning time and implementation of SLC objectives. Continue implementation of Math Tutorial program for underperforming students. (SAIT) (WASC #6)

All subgroups

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

Administrati ve teams, SLC Leads, faculty




Sept 2009

Teaching assistants

$ 38K $ 76K

T-1 EL

June 2009




Sept 2009

, Technician (MSCC), math coaches

 1.2.2 Implement targeted, researchbased literacy intervention programs for underperforming students with disabilities (Modified Consent Decree, Outcome 2) Provide human, fiscal and material resources to assist students who may require additional time and practice to master Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 standards. (SAIT) Implement TI Interactive school site license to complement the use of graphing calculators in the classroom and help students to access content standards in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

See above

Students with disabilities

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for students with disabilities by Sept 2009.

Math Administrat or, SWD Administrat or, Math coaches, math faculty, Technology Coordinator


Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Fundi Timel C Responsible Human/Fis Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities

1.2.3 Implement CAHSEE preparation/interventio n programs as appropriate at middle and high school Evaluate alternative schedules (block scheduling, twilight, before/after school, Saturday classes) to allow for common planning time and implementation of SLC objectives. Continue implementation of Math Tutorial program for underperforming students. (SAIT) (WASC #6)

All subgroups

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

Administrati ve teams, SLC Leads, faculty




Sept 2009 Incorporate additional literacy support for underperforming students, including Word Walls, Math journals, concept maps, and accountable talk. (WASC #7)

Students with disabilities

See above

Math Administrat or, Math coaches

Math Coach



Nov. 2008



EL Continue implementation of Bridge Program for incoming underperforming students

Incoming 9th grade students

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

RLA Administrat or

X Time



Sept 2009 Embed CAHSEE prep into the pacing plan for all math classes

All Subgroups

* Meet AYP targets. * Demonstrate a 5% increase in the CAHSEE overall passage rate for the Math portion by June 2009.

Math administrat or, Math coaches, math faculty

Coaches Materials



June 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Fundi Timel C Responsible Human/Fis Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Evaluate alternative schedules (block scheduling, twilight, before/after school, Saturday classes) to allow for common planning time and implementation of SLC objectives. Continue implementation of Math Tutorial program for underperforming students. (SAIT) (WASC #6)

All subgroups

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

Administrati ve teams, SLC Leads, faculty

-- Develop a plan to maximize student participation in Beyond the Bell, CAHSEE ELA classes, and supplemental services. [WASC VCR pg. 20]

All Subgroups

See above.

RLA Administrat or, Testing Coordinator , intervention program teachers


Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



Sept 2009

Februar y 2009



Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Provide Expanded Curricular Opportunities for Students Expenditures Co s t

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine

Math Administra tor, Math coaches, math faculty




June 2009

See above.

Math Administra tor, math coaches




Sept. 2008

All subgrou ps

See above.

Math Administra tor, math coaches, math faculty

X time/ Subs



June 2009

All subgrou ps

See above.

Math Administra tor, Special Ed. Administra tor, Special Ed. and math teachers

X Time



June 2009

Action Steps

Subgro up


1.3.1 Increase educational alternative options for students at risk of school failure and non-passage of CAHSEE Provide alternative courses that will help students meet the three year requirement in math as stipulated in the A-Gs, including Statistics, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Math.

All subgrou ps

* Meet 3% increase in targeted graduation rate. * Demonstrate a 5% increase in the CAHSEE overall passage rate for the Math portion by June 2009. Evaluate the offering of a MESA class (students will be able to apply their knowledge of math and science to work on MESA projects) and an interdisciplinary course combining physics and Algebra in the 9th, 10th, and 11th grade

All subgrou ps Augment district quarterly assessments with assessment data from the MDTP program (offered by UCLA) providing additional assessment data to guide instruction of the math curriculum. (WASC #1) Continue training to develop clear expectations for the collaborative co-teaching model between Students with disabilities and math teachers.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fisc al Resources

Priority Tactics



Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Provide Expanded Curricular Opportunities for Students Expenditures Co s t

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine

Math Administra tor, Math coaches, math faculty




June 2009

See above.

Math Administra tor, math coaches




Sept. 2008

All subgrou ps

See above.

Title I Coordinat or, Math coaches, Math faculty Technolog y Coordinat or

TA’s Coaches, Tech. Coordinator

38K N/A 95K

T-1 District QEIA

June 2009

All subgrou ps

See above.

Math Administra tor, Math coaches, Math faculty




June 2009

Action Steps

Subgro up


1.3.1 Increase educational alternative options for students at risk of school failure and non-passage of CAHSEE Provide alternative courses that will help students meet the three year requirement in math as stipulated in the A-Gs, including Statistics, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Math.

All subgrou ps

* Meet 3% increase in targeted graduation rate. * Demonstrate a 5% increase in the CAHSEE overall passage rate for the Math portion by June 2009. Evaluate the offering of a MESA class (students will be able to apply their knowledge of math and science to work on MESA projects) and an interdisciplinary course combining physics and Algebra in the 9th, 10th, and 11th grade

All subgrou ps

.3.1.5 Coordinate and maximize all available resources, including the use of teaching assistants and technology resources, for math support as identified by the student achievement data. Provide training and follow-up support for implementation of differentiated instruction in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fisc al Resources

Priority Tactics


Science Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

B1. Ensure that the intended standards-based curriculum is the taught curriculum to support students’ literacy and numeracy success. C2. There is a need to define and reinforce best practices from year to year. This requires time within the school day for teaching to collaborate. D5. Science and Social Studies need to develop interim assessments.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Strategy 1: Use a research-based, coherent, and rigorous standards-based curriculum that meets the needs of diverse learners as a tool that ensures they will be college-prepared and career-ready

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 1.TACTIC:Implement the California Standards-based, Research-supported Core Curriculum in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Expenditures Fundi Timel C Responsible Human/Fis Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e  1.1.1 Implement the California Standardsbased, Researchsupported Core Curriculum in Science (i.e., Instructional Guides, concept lessons, explicit rubrics, quality formative and summative written and oral feedback, periodic assessments, and additional curriculum based measures, and state/district adopted standards aligned textbooks) Science content teams will set clear departmental expectations in regards to implementing district-based, standards-based curriculum in all science classes to improve student achievement. (WASC #7) All science classes will demonstrate adherence to the Instructional Guides provided by the District Science Branch. (WASC #7)

All subgroups

All subgroups Utilize and coordinate district pacing plans, units, common formative assessments and grading rubrics for every science subject. Departmental meetings (PD) to review data. (WASC #7)

All subgroups Science teachers will dedicate time to meet in professional learning communities for collaborative planning, evaluation of

All subgroups

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on Science portion of the CST for proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

See above.

See above.

See above.

Science Administrat or, Science chair, science faculty, teaching assistants

Science Administrat or, Science chair, science faculty, teaching assistants Science Administrat or, Science chair, science faculty, teaching assistants Science Administrat or, Science chair, science

Planning time to develop pacing plans, common assessments and grading rubrics, common units. -Increase annual science IMA budget to $10,000 to purchase and repair lab equipment/ materials and replace consumable items -Provide each classroom/ storeroom with the necessary safety upgrades (eyewash stations, bracing for chemical cabinets, cabinetry upgrades for more efficient and safe use of



Sept 2009





June 2009

5K XTim e


Februar y 2009

6K Trips 3K admi ssion

NState, N-EL

Februar y 2009



Twice a year/ June 2009



June 2009


Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Fundi Timel Human/Fis C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities. Student support in classroom using supplemental curriculum and content standards-based laboratory activities for student achievement.

All subgroups Provide teacherdirected after-school tutoring (subject specific and/or math based).

All subgroups Continued peertutoring programs coordinated through the UPP SLC.

All subgroups Coordinate departmental and SLC plans to implement literacy strategies (literacy ESLR) adapted for science.

All subgroups Develop assignments which emphasize research skills and non-fiction reading to encourage students, including underperforming students, to utilize library/library media and computer labs during the

All subgroups

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

Science Administrator, Science leads, science faculty

See above.

Science Administrator, Science leads, science faculty

See above.

See above.

See above.

Science Administrator, Science leads, science faculty Science Administrator, Science leads, science faculty Science Administrator ,Technology Coordinator, Librarian, teaching assistant, science

X Time for tutoring in science. -Professional development provided for sciencespecific literacy strategies. -Funds provided for specific literacy supplementa l materials, such as test kits, periodical subscriptions , science dictionaries


Sept 2009

Inclu ded in abov e Inclu ded in abov e Inclu ded in abov e See ELA


June 2009


June 2009


June 2009


June 2009

Inclu ded in abov e Inclu ded in


Sept. 2008


Sept. 2008


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Fundi Timel Human/Fis C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities. Student support in classroom using supplemental curriculum and content standards-based laboratory activities for student achievement.

All subgroups Provide teacherdirected after-school tutoring (subject specific and/or math based).

All subgroups Continued peertutoring programs coordinated through the UPP SLC.

All subgroups Coordinate departmental and SLC plans to implement literacy strategies (literacy ESLR) adapted for science.

All subgroups Develop assignments which emphasize research skills and non-fiction reading to encourage students, including underperforming students, to utilize library/library media and computer labs during the

All subgroups

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

Science Administrator, Science leads, science faculty

See above.

Science Administrator, Science leads, science faculty

See above.

See above.

See above.

Science Administrator, Science leads, science faculty Science Administrator, Science leads, science faculty Science Administrator ,Technology Coordinator, Librarian, teaching assistant, science

X Time for tutoring in science. -Professional development provided for sciencespecific literacy strategies. -Funds provided for specific literacy supplementa l materials, such as test kits, periodical subscriptions , science dictionaries


Sept 2009

Inclu ded in abov e Inclu ded in abov e Inclu ded in abov e See ELA


June 2009


June 2009


June 2009


June 2009

Inclu ded in abov e Inclu ded in


Sept. 2008


Sept. 2008



Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Provide Expanded Curricular Opportunities for Students Expenditures

Priority Tactics 1.3.1 Increase educational alternative options for students at risk of school failure and non-passage of CAHSEE

Action Steps

Subgroup Embed CAHSEE prep. into science classes.

All subgroups Develop a plan to maximize student participation in Beyond the Bell, CAHSEE ELA classes, and supplemental services. [WASC VCR pg. 20]

10-12th grade students who have not passed CAHSEE

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Responsible Person(s)

* Meet AYP targets. * Demonstrate a 5% increase in the CAHSEE overall passage rate by June 2009. See above.

Administrator, Intervention class teachers

Administrator, Intervention class teachers

Human/Fis cal Resources

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine June 2009


June 2009


History/Social Science Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

B1. Ensure that the intended standards-based curriculum is the taught curriculum to support students’ literacy and numeracy success. C2. There is a need to define and reinforce best practices from year to year. This requires time within the school day for teaching to collaborate. D5. Science and Social Studies need to develop interim assessments.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Strategy 1: Use a research-based, coherent, and rigorous standards-based curriculum that meets the needs of diverse learners as a tool that ensures they will be college-prepared and career-ready

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


History/Social Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 1.TACTIC:Implement the California Standards-based, Research-supported Core Curriculum in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Timeline Responsi Human/ Fundi Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ble Fiscal ng Timelin Cost Persons Resourc Sourc e es e  1.1.1 Implement the California Standardsbased, Researchsupported Core Curriculum in ELA (i.e., Instructional Guides, concept lessons, explicit rubrics, quality formative and summative written and oral feedback, periodic assessments, and additional curriculum based measures, and state/district adopted standards aligned textbooks)

1.1.2 Implement culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy that addresses the needs of: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Provide curricular resources for teachers to improve student achievement., including curricular trips

All subgroup s

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on Social Studies portion CST by Sept 2009.

Social Studies Administrat or, Content lead teachers

Purchase of History Alive! Training and Textbooks.



10K 13K



EL T-1






19K 25K


Sept 2009

Conferenc es Curricular trips Analyze student data to develop common assessments and lessons. (WASC #1) Select culturally relevant materials to include in course curriculum to address our diverse population. Teachers will implement literacy and EL strategies for English learners, RFEPs, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities. Teacher assistants will provide support as necessary.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

All subgroup s

All subgroup s

See above.

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Social Studies CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

Social Studies Administrat or, Content lead teachers, social studies teachers. Social Studies Administrat or, Content lead teachers, social studies teachers.

Subs XTime Facility rental

June 2009

Sept 2009


History/Social Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Priority Tactics

Expenditures Fundi Human/Fisc ng al Cost Sourc Resources e X Time 10K PI, Materials 1K QEIA EL, T-1

: English learners , includin g RFEPS, Standar d English learners , and student s with Disabilit ies Student with disabilit ies

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Social Studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Responsi ble Person(s ) Social Studies administra tor, social studies teachers

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Social Studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Social studies Administra tor, social studies teachers




Sept 2009.

1.2.2..2 Teachers must use prereading, vocabulary, and post-reading strategies to improve reading in the social sciences.

Student with disabilit ies

See above

Social studies Administra tor, social studies teachers




Februar y 2009 Devise and implement research-based department-wide reading program.

Student with disabilit ies

See above

Social studies Administra tor, social studies teachers

Materials, Inclass library, Equipment



Februar y 2009 Incorporate a common set of words related to social studies, for posting and tested weekly.

Student with disabilit ies

See above

Social studies Administra tor, social



EL T-1

Februar y 2009

Action Steps

1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, and students with Disabilities

1.2.1 Social studies teachers will idevelop and mplement a curricular intervention program for students FBB, BB and Basic iin History classes. a) Identify student needs b) Research best practices c) Decide on departmental best practices d) Develop teacher skills in those areas through PD e) develop interim assessments to measure effectiveness of this program. (WASC 2 ,4)

 1.2.2 Implement targeted, researchbased literacy intervention programs for underperforming students with disabilities (Modified Consent Decree, Outcome 2) Social studies will implement literacy in social studies classes as part of a school wide literacy program (literacy ESLR) and use a common writing rubric.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Subgr oups


Timeli ne Sept 2009


History/Social Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Priority Tactics

1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, and students with Disabilities

Action Steps 1.2.1 Social studies teachers will idevelop and mplement a curricular intervention program for students FBB, BB and Basic iin History classes. a) Identify student needs b) Research best practices c) Decide on departmental best practices d) Develop teacher skills in those areas through PD e) develop interim assessments to measure effectiveness of this program. (WASC 2 ,4)


Responsi ble Person(s ) Social Studies administra tor, social studies teachers

Expenditures Fundi Human/Fisc ng al Cost Sourc Resources e X Time 10K PI, Materials 1K QEIA EL, T-1

Timeli ne

: English learners , includin g RFEPS, Standar d English learners , and student s with Disabilit ies Student with disabilit ies

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Social Studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

See above.

Social Studies Administra tor, EL Coordinat or




Septem ber 2008 Develop assignments which emphasize research skills and nonfiction reading to encourage students, including underperforming students, to utilize library/library media and computer labs during the school day as well as before and after school.

All subgrou ps

See above




June 2009 Social studies teachers will review CAHSEE sample questions with students.

All subgrou ps

* Meet AYP Targets

Social Studies Administra tor, Technolog y Coordinat or, Librarian, teaching assistant, science teachers Social Studies Administra tor,

X Time



March 2009 Provide detailed rosters of identified EL and special ed students, including reading scores/levels.

1.2.3 Implement CAHSEE preparation/interventio n programs as

Subgr oups

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* Demonstrate a 5% increase in the

Sept 2009


History/Social Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Priority Tactics

Action Steps

1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, and students with Disabilities

1.2.1 Social studies teachers will idevelop and mplement a curricular intervention program for students FBB, BB and Basic iin History classes. a) Identify student needs b) Research best practices c) Decide on departmental best practices d) Develop teacher skills in those areas through PD e) develop interim assessments to measure effectiveness of this program. (WASC 2 ,4)

appropriate at middle and high school Incorporate CAHSEE-like nonfiction reading selections in social studies classes.


Subgr oups : English learners , includin g RFEPS, Standar d English learners , and student s with Disabilit ies “

Benchmarks * Demonstrate 5% growth on the Social Studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

CAHSEE overall passage rate.

Responsi ble Person(s ) Social Studies administra tor, social studies teachers

Expenditures Fundi Human/Fisc ng al Cost Sourc Resources e X Time 10K PI, Materials 1K QEIA EL, T-1

Timeli ne Sept 2009

Literacy Coach & Social Studies Teachers

History/Social Science Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Provide Expanded Curricular Opportunities for Students Expenditures

Priority Tactics 1.3.1 Increase educational alternative options for students at risk of school failure and non-passage of CAHSEE

Action Steps Develop a plan to maximize student participation in Beyond the Bell, CAHSEE ELA classes, and supplemental services.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Subgro up


Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

All subgrou ps

* Demonstrate a 10% increase in participation of intervention programs by June 2009.

Administra tor, Interventi on class teachers

Office Tech for intervention programs

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e





Timel ine June 2009



English Language Development Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

B1. Ensure that the intended standards-based curriculum is the taught curriculum to support students’ literacy and numeracy success. C2. There is a need to define and reinforce best practices from year to year. This requires time within the school day for teaching to collaborate.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Strategy 1: Use a research-based, coherent, and rigorous standards-based curriculum that meets the needs of diverse learners as a tool that ensures they will be college-prepared and career-ready

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 1.TACTIC:Implement the California Standards-based, Research-supported Core Curriculum in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e Continue with successful ESL * Ten percent increase ELD Subs T-3 June  1.1.1 Implement the 20K California Standardsbased, Researchsupported Core Curriculum in ESL (i.e., Instructional Guides, concept lessons, explicit rubrics, quality formative and summative written and oral feedback, periodic assessments, and additional curriculum based measures, and state/district adopted standards aligned textbooks.)

implementation of High Point Curriculum in ESL classes. (SAIT)

student s

in the number of EL students who progress one ELD level per year * Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009. *Meet AYP target 2008-2009

administra tor and EL Coordinat or, ESL teachers

XTime Develop consistency and coherence in ELS instructional Program. (SAIT()

ELs (Underp erformi ng PRPs)

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009. *Meet AYP target 2008-2009

EL Administra tor, EL Coordinat or, ELS teachers

Subs Xtime


T-3 EL

June 2009

1.1.2 Implement culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy that addresses the needs of: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Select culturally relevant materials to include in course curriculum to address our diverse population. Teachers will implement literacy and EL strategies for English learners, RFEPs, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities. Teacher assistants will provide support as necessary.

EL Student s

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the ELA CST for EL students by Sept 2009.

ELD administra tor, EL Coordinat or, ELD teachers




Sept 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Fundi Timel C Subgro Responsible Human/Fis Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including English learners, including RFEPs. Ensure that all ELS teachers have all the components of the instructional materials for ELS classes. (SAIT)

EL student s

See above Provide more accessible reading materials and reading strategies that support struggling readers (EL and Special Ed) (WASC p. 192).

EL student s

See above. Increase exposure to high interest non-fiction reading opportunities (in preparation of CAHSEE) (WASC p. 192).

EL student s

* Demonstrate 5% growth in ELA CAHSEE for EL students by June 2009.

ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD teachers Develop assignments which emphasize research skills and nonfiction reading to encourage students, including underperforming students, to utilize library/library media and computer labs during the school day as well as before and after school.

EL student s

See above. Develop and embed curricular interventions for EL and special education students by:

EL student s

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the ELA CST for EL students by Sept 2009.

ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD teachers, librarian, library aide (bilingual),T echnology Coordinator , technician ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD teachers

a) Provide detailed rosters of identified EL and special ed students, including reading scores/levels.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD Teachers ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD Teachers



Sept. 2008




Sept 2008




June 2009

Februar y 2009


Subs XTime

See Abov e

See Above

Sept 2009


English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM 2. TACTIC: Ensure all supplementary materials in English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are aligned to state standards Expenditures Fundi Timel C Subgro Responsible Human/Fis Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 1.2.1 Implement intervention programs and tactics aligned to the core that specifically target underperforming students not making adequate progress in core subjects, including English learners, including RFEPs. Ensure that all ELS teachers have all the components of the instructional materials for ELS classes. (SAIT)

EL student s

See above Provide more accessible reading materials and reading strategies that support struggling readers (EL and Special Ed) (WASC p. 192).

EL student s

See above. Increase exposure to high interest non-fiction reading opportunities (in preparation of CAHSEE) (WASC p. 192).

EL student s

* Demonstrate 5% growth in ELA CAHSEE for EL students by June 2009.

ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD teachers Develop assignments which emphasize research skills and nonfiction reading to encourage students, including underperforming students, to utilize library/library media and computer labs during the school day as well as before and after school.

EL student s

See above. Develop and embed curricular interventions for EL and special education students by:

EL student s

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the ELA CST for EL students by Sept 2009.

ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD teachers, librarian, library aide (bilingual),T echnology Coordinator , technician ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD teachers

a) Provide detailed rosters of identified EL and special ed students, including reading scores/levels.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD Teachers ELD administrat or, EL Coordinator , ELD Teachers



Sept. 2008




Sept 2008




June 2009

Februar y 2009


Subs XTime

See Abov e

See Above

Sept 2009



English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY ONE: CURRICULUM Provide Expanded Curricular Opportunities for Students Expenditures

Priority Tactics 1.3.1 Increase educational alternative options for students at risk of school failure and non—passage of CAHSEE

Action Steps Counselors will encourage at risk students to take alternative educational options. Expand II lab opportunities for credit recovery.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Subgro up


EL student s at risk

* EL Students will increase ELA passage rate for CAHSEE by 5% by June 2009.

Responsib le Person(s)

APSCS Counselor s EL Coordinat or

Human/Fis cal Resources

C o st N/C

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine June 2009


English/Language Arts Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

C1. There is a need to develop a mechanism for analysis of the data from common, district and state assessments to revise the essential/power standards and re-teaching strategies. C2. There is a need to define and reinforce best practices from year to year. This requires time within the school day for teaching to collaborate. C3. There is a need to articulate the content standards so that students are able to speak to what they are able to do as a result of their learning.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION Strategy 2: Build learning communities in which teachers and those who support them use data in a reflective cycle of continuous improvement to develop their skills in delivering high-quality, personalized instruction that ensures learning for all students in all classrooms

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi C scal ng o Resource Sourc st s e

Timel ine Sept 2009

Priority Tactics

Action Steps

Subgro up


Responsible Person(s)

2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities Identified subcommittee within the Leadership Council will provide the ELA content teams with multiple sources of student achievement data (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, etc.) to inform instruction [WASC VCR pg. 10] and to improve student achievement. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA learners

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009 * Demonstrate a 5% increase on the English portion of the CST by Sept 2009.

Principal, School Improveme nt Office, SLC Lead Teachers

XTime Subs ELA content teams will collaborate with the Central District and the Administrative Leadership team to clarify the process for collecting, scoring, and distributing the SPA data in a timely way. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA student s

See above

Administrati ve team, Literacy Coach ELA content teams will ensure all teachers have been trained in the methods to access the SPA data. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA student s

See above

 2.1.2 Promote the formation of professional learning communities and learning teams at school. Continue the implementation of SLC and departmentalized PLCs, and Critical Friends and Achievement Solutions groups to meet the instructional needs of students.

9-12 All Student s The ELA content teams will identify common assessments (including student work) utilizing existing assessment resources, to use as interim assessments (6-8 weeks) to monitor student progress. (SAIT) SLC content teams (PLCs) will meet and collaborate regularly regarding the instructional practice

2.1.3 Include teachers of English learners, standard English

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



10K 10K


XTime Subs



Februar y 2009

ELA Administrat or, Professional Developme nt Coordinator


See Abov e

See Above

Februar y 2009

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009 * Demonstrate a 5% increase on the English portion of the CST by Sept. 2009

Administrati ve team, School Improveme nt Facilitator, grade level

See above



Sept 2009

9-12 All Student s

See above

ELA Administrat or, ELA teachers, Literacy coaches




June 2009

9-12 All Student s

See above

Administrati ve Team, SLC

X time



Februar y 2009

Custodial OT Clerical OT


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi C scal ng o Resource Sourc st s e

Timel ine Sept 2009

Priority Tactics

Action Steps

Subgro up


Responsible Person(s)

2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities Identified subcommittee within the Leadership Council will provide the ELA content teams with multiple sources of student achievement data (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, etc.) to inform instruction [WASC VCR pg. 10] and to improve student achievement. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA learners

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009 * Demonstrate a 5% increase on the English portion of the CST by Sept 2009.

Principal, School Improveme nt Office, SLC Lead Teachers

XTime Subs ELA content teams will collaborate with the Central District and the Administrative Leadership team to clarify the process for collecting, scoring, and distributing the SPA data in a timely way. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA student s

See above

Administrati ve team, Literacy Coach ELA content teams will ensure all teachers have been trained in the methods to access the SPA data. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA student s

See above

ELA Administrat or, Professional Developme nt Coordinator

learners, and students with disabilities as members of content learning teams that meet regularly to engage in a collaborative inquiry process regarding instructional practice

and develop common assignments and interdisciplinary lessons aligned with standards and research-based strategies. (WASC #6)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



10K 10K


XTime Subs



Februar y 2009


See Abov e

See Above

Februar y 2009

Custodial OT Clerical OT

Coordinator , Department Leads, Content Area Administrat or


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi C scal ng o Resource Sourc st s e

Timel ine Sept 2009

Priority Tactics

Action Steps

Subgro up


Responsible Person(s)

2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities Identified subcommittee within the Leadership Council will provide the ELA content teams with multiple sources of student achievement data (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, etc.) to inform instruction [WASC VCR pg. 10] and to improve student achievement. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA learners

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009 * Demonstrate a 5% increase on the English portion of the CST by Sept 2009.

Principal, School Improveme nt Office, SLC Lead Teachers

XTime Subs ELA content teams will collaborate with the Central District and the Administrative Leadership team to clarify the process for collecting, scoring, and distributing the SPA data in a timely way. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA student s

See above

Administrati ve team, Literacy Coach ELA content teams will ensure all teachers have been trained in the methods to access the SPA data. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA student s

See above

 2.1.4 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding and use of appropriate instructional strategies for: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Continue professional development and district-mandated buyback days to include appropriate instructional strategies, such as SDAIE, differentiated instruction, accommodation/modification, collaborative/cooperative learning, and technology integration for student achievement. (WASC #4)

9-12 All Student s Identify, obtain, and implement technology resources

9-12 All Student

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



10K 10K


XTime Subs



Februar y 2009

ELA Administrat or, Professional Developme nt Coordinator


See Abov e

See Above

Februar y 2009

* Meet AYP and API targets. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the ELA CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009. * An average of 40 hours of PD for 1/3 of staff (including paraprofessionals) in the core academic program, is provided each of the first three years (2009-2011).

ELA Administrat or, Professional Developme nt Coordinator , Technology Coordinator

Xtime Facility Rental

36K 42K

PI N-State

Sept 2009

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the ELA

Administrati ve Team,

XTime Equipment

10K 20K


Sept 2009

Custodial OT Clerical OT


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi C scal ng o Resource Sourc st s e

Timel ine Sept 2009

Priority Tactics

Action Steps

Subgro up


Responsible Person(s)

2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities Identified subcommittee within the Leadership Council will provide the ELA content teams with multiple sources of student achievement data (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, etc.) to inform instruction [WASC VCR pg. 10] and to improve student achievement. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA learners

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009 * Demonstrate a 5% increase on the English portion of the CST by Sept 2009.

Principal, School Improveme nt Office, SLC Lead Teachers

XTime Subs ELA content teams will collaborate with the Central District and the Administrative Leadership team to clarify the process for collecting, scoring, and distributing the SPA data in a timely way. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA student s

See above

Administrati ve team, Literacy Coach ELA content teams will ensure all teachers have been trained in the methods to access the SPA data. (SAIT)

9-12 ELA student s

See above

2.1.5 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding of barriers to learning and provisions of opportunities to learn for diverse students Provide professional development regarding methodologies and strategies in working with students with disabilities, EL, and culturally diverse students.

9-12 All Student s

See above

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



10K 10K


XTime Subs



Februar y 2009

ELA Administrat or, Professional Developme nt Coordinator


See Abov e

See Above

Februar y 2009

Administrati ve Team, Professional Developme nt Coordinator , EL Coordinator , Bridge Coordinator

See above

See abov e

See above

Februar y 2009

Custodial OT Clerical OT


English/Language Arts Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 2.TACTIC: Build Student Capacity to Self-monitor, Apply Learning Strategies and Sustain Learning, and Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 2.2.1 Develop student understanding and skills in the following: (a) A-G Requirements (b) Passing CAHSEE (c) Autonomy (d) Selfadvocacy (e) Studentled conferences (f) Collaborative and team learning (g) Demonstrating proficiency (h) Reclassification requirements Incorporate the importance of the listed skills and understandings (ah to the left) in Life Skills and ELA curriculum for 9th grade students. (WASC #3) Continue to discuss Individualized Graduation Plans (IGP) with students and parents on an annual basis and include the listed student understandings and skills in the discussion. (WASC #3)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

9th grade student s

All Student s, 9-12

See above

See above

ELA Administra tor, Life Skills faculty, ELA teachers, SLC Counselor s, Career Advisor

Materials Supplies



Career Advisor



Content Area Administra tor, APSCS, Life Skills Teachers

Counselor OT



Decem ber 2008

June 2009


Mathematics Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

C1. There is a need to develop a mechanism for analysis of the data from common, district and state assessments to revise the essential/power standards and re-teaching strategies. C2. There is a need to define and reinforce best practices from year to year. This requires time within the school day for teaching to collaborate. C3. There is a need to articulate the content standards so that students are able to speak to what they are able to do as a result of their learning.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION Strategy 2: Build learning communities in which teachers and those who support them use data in a reflective cycle of continuous improvement to develop their skills in delivering high-quality, personalized instruction that ensures learning for all students in all classrooms

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics 2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities.

 2.1.2 Promote the formation of professional learning

Action Steps

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine


Benchmarks Provide training and assistance, with support from the district, for effective collaboration including norms, agendas, protocols, and outcomes for all meetings.(SAIT)

All subgroups

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Math Administra tor, Math lead teachers, math coaches


28K Provide a structure (such as common planning periods, contiguous space) to ensure that regularly scheduled collaboration time is protected and used to focus on the review of assessment data/student work and the discussion of what instructional strategies could be used to support student achievement of the standards. (WASC #1)

All subgroups

See above

Math Administra tor, Math lead teachers, math coaches



Feb. & June 2009 Monitor regularly scheduled collaboration time to review assessment data/student work and identify instructional priorities as demonstrated in classroom practice. (WASC #1)

All subgroups

See above

Math Administra tor, Math lead teachers, math coaches


Ongoin g / Feb. & June 2009 Grade level teachers and SLC interdisciplinary teams will use scheduled meetings to develop common understandings around the eight SLC attributes and effective instructional practices across the content areas. (WASC #6)

All subgroups

See above

Math Administra tor, SLC lead teachers, Math lead teachers, math coaches

XTime Facility Rental



Februar y 2009 Continue to strengthen and implement the work of SLC and departmentalized PLCs, and Critical

All subgroups

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on

Math Administra tor, SLC




Sept 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Sept 2009


Responsi ble Person(s )


2.1.3 Include teachers of English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities as members of content learning teams that meet regularly to engage in a collaborative inquiry process regarding instructional practice. SLC content teams (PLCs) will meet and collaborate regularly regarding the instructional practice and develop common assignments and interdisciplinary lessons aligned with standards and research-based strategies. (WASC #6)

All subgroups

See above

SLC administra tor SLC lead teachers, PLC teachers, math teachers



Fundi ng Sourc e “”

2.1.4 Expand administrator’s understanding and teacher use of research-based, content-appropriate instructional strategies. Develop and embed instructional strategies in math classes for EL and students with disabilities students (literacy and ELD strategies) for technical vocabulary in Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry.

All subgroups

See above

EL Administra tor, Math coaches




Februar y 2009

 2.1.5 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding and use of appropriate instructional strategies for: English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities. Identify, obtain, and implement technology resources available as supplementary materials in the classroom, including but not limited to computer programs, to teach and model difficult-tounderstand concepts and ideas.

All subgroups

* Meet AYP and API targets. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the Math CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by June 2009.

Math Administra tor, Technolog y , Math coaches, Coordinat or




Sept 2009

2.1.6 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding of barriers to learning and provisions of opportunities to learn for diverse students Provide time for mathematics teachers to engage in professional development and follow-up implementation aligned to student needs.

All subgroups

Math Administra tor, math coaches, math lead teachers




June 2009

Priority Tactics

Action Steps

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



Human/Fisc al Resources


Timeli ne Sept. 2008


Mathematics Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 2.TACTIC: Build Student Capacity to Self-monitor, Apply Learning Strategies and Sustain Learning, and Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgroup le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 2.2.1 Develop student understanding and skills in the following: (a) A-G Requirements (b) Passing CAHSEE (c) Autonomy (d) Selfadvocacy (e) Studentled conferences (f) Collaborative and team learning (g) Demonstrating proficiency (h) Reclassification requirements Expand student-led conferencing in SLCs to increase parent attendance at parent conferences and Open House. (WASC #3)

All subgroups

See above.

SLC Administra tor, SLC Lead teachers, Career Advisor Investigate use of advisory period for review of items on the left (a-h). (WASC #3)

All subgroups

See above

Administra tive team

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan





June 2009

June 2009


Science Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

C1. There is a need to develop a mechanism for analysis of the data from common, district and state assessments to revise the essential/power standards and re-teaching strategies. C2. There is a need to define and reinforce best practices from year to year. This requires time within the school day for teaching to collaborate. C3. There is a need to articulate the content standards so that students are able to speak to what they are able to do as a result of their learning.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION Strategy 2: Build learning communities in which teachers and those who support them use data in a reflective cycle of continuous improvement to develop their skills in delivering high-quality, personalized instruction that ensures learning for all students in all classrooms

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

 2.1.2 Promote the formation of professional learning communities and learning teams at school.

Action Steps



Responsible Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

ELL, Special Ed., Nonproficient, Subgroups experiencing an Achievement gap

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

-Science Administrat or, Individual science teachers -Science content lead teachers -LD5 Science Specialists




Sept 2009 Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All Students

See above.

Science Administrat or, science lead teachers, Data Team

Science Coach



June 2009


QEIA Develop and embed instructional strategies for EL and students with disabilities students for implementing department agreed-upon literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support where appropriate.

EL and students with disabilities students

See above

EL Administrat or, EL Coordinator ,

See above



June 2009 Continue implementation of school-wide SLC plan, strategic, interdisciplinary and cross-content lesson planning and expansion of current PLCS, such as Achievement Solutions, to include all Science content areas. (WASC #6)

All Students

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 20082009 * Demonstrate 5% growth on

SLC Administrat or, Science Administrat or, Science Teachers, School

See above

See Abov e

See above

Sept 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Subs XTime Facility Rental


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

2.1.3 Include teachers of English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities as members of content learning teams that meet regularly to engage in a collaborative inquiry process regarding

Action Steps



Responsible Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

ELL, Special Ed., Nonproficient, Subgroups experiencing an Achievement gap

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

-Science Administrat or, Individual science teachers -Science content lead teachers -LD5 Science Specialists




Sept 2009 Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All Students

See above.

Science Administrat or, science lead teachers, Data Team

Science Coach



June 2009



See Abov e

See above Science teachers with students with disabilities, RSP teachers, and teacher assistants will attend science department meetings and professional development meetings to increase collaboration about working with students with disabilities.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

All subgroups

the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

Improveme nt Facilitator, SLC Lead Teachers

See above

Science Administrat or, Science teachers, teacher assistants

Subs XTime Facility Rental

See above

Februar y 2009


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

Action Steps



Responsible Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

ELL, Special Ed., Nonproficient, Subgroups experiencing an Achievement gap

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

-Science Administrat or, Individual science teachers -Science content lead teachers -LD5 Science Specialists




Sept 2009 Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All Students

See above.

Science Administrat or, science lead teachers, Data Team

Science Coach



June 2009



Subs XTime Facility Rental

instructional practice.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics

Action Steps



Responsible Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

ELL, Special Ed., Nonproficient, Subgroups experiencing an Achievement gap

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

-Science Administrat or, Individual science teachers -Science content lead teachers -LD5 Science Specialists




Sept 2009 Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All Students

See above.

Science Administrat or, science lead teachers, Data Team

Science Coach



June 2009



 2.1.4 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding and use of appropriate instructional strategies for: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities Continue professional development and district-mandated buyback days to include appropriate instructional strategies, such as SDAIE, differentiated instruction, accommodation/modification, collaborative/cooperative learning, and technology integration. (WASC #5)

All students

Administrati on Professional Developme nt Committee/ Coordinator

See above

See Abov e

See above

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* Meet AYP and API targets. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009. * An average of 40 hours of PD for 1/3 of staff (including paraprofessional s) in the core academic program is provided each of

Subs XTime Facility Rental Sept 2009


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

2.1.5 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding of barriers to learning and provisions of opportunities to learn for diverse students

Action Steps



Responsible Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e

Timel ine Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

ELL, Special Ed., Nonproficient, Subgroups experiencing an Achievement gap

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

-Science Administrat or, Individual science teachers -Science content lead teachers -LD5 Science Specialists




Sept 2009 Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All Students

See above.

Science Administrat or, science lead teachers, Data Team

Science Coach



June 2009


QEIA Devote both SLC and departmental meeting time to explore, share and implement agreed upon instructional strategies. (WASC #4)

All subgroups

See above

SLC Administrat or, SLC Lead teachers, content lead teachers

Subs XTIme Facility Rental

See Abov e

See above

June 2009 Provide professional development regarding methodologies and strategies in working with special populations (Students with disabilities, EL, children of poverty and culturally diverse students)

All subgroups

Demonstrate 5% growth on the Science CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Science Administrat or, SLC Administrat or

See above

See Abov e

See above

June 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Subs XTime Facility Rental


Science Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 2.TACTIC: Build Student Capacity to Self-monitor, Apply Learning Strategies and Sustain Learning, and Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Fundi Timel C Responsible Human/Fis Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng Person(s) ine cal o Sourc Resources st e 2.2.1 Develop student understanding and skills in the following: (a) A-G Requirements (b) Passing CAHSEE (c) Autonomy (d) Selfadvocacy (e) Studentled conferences (f) Collaborative and team learning (g) Demonstrating proficiency (h) Reclassification requirements Continued implementation and expansion of CAHSEE preparation strategies and school-wide activities, including: a) incorporating CAHSEE skill-building into science lessons, b) training and implementation of cooperative learning strategies in all science classes c) increasing hands-on laboratory experiences strengthening autonomy and allowing students to demonstrate proficiency. (WASC #6) SLC lead teachers will make sure that all students meet with a counselor to plan out their A-G classes. (WASC #6)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

All subgroups

* Demonstrate a 5% increase in the CAHSEE overall passage rate by June 2009.

Science Administrat or, content area leads, science teachers, Career Advisor, science PLCs, lab assistants Science Administrat or, content area leads, science teachers, science PLCs, lab assistants

-One science TA per subject area. -Lab prep time for teachers. -Lab equipment/ materials and consumables -safety upgrades / equipment

See Abov e N/C

See above

June 2009 See above


History/Social Science Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

C1. There is a need to develop a mechanism for analysis of the data from common, district and state assessments to revise the essential/power standards and re-teaching strategies. C2. There is a need to define and reinforce best practices from year to year. This requires time within the school day for teaching to collaborate. C3. There is a need to articulate the content standards so that students are able to speak to what they are able to do as a result of their learning.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION Strategy 2: Build learning communities in which teachers and those who support them use data in a reflective cycle of continuous improvement to develop their skills in delivering high-quality, personalized instruction that ensures learning for all students in all classrooms

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics 2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

 2.1.2 Promote the formation of professional learning communities and learning teams at school.

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources Subs XTime Facility Rental

Subgrou p

Benchmarks Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the social studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Social studies Administra tor, Individual social studies teachers, social studies content lead teachers Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic and departmental interim assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

See below

Social studies Administra tor/social studies teachers Develop and embed instructional strategies for EL and students with disabilities students for implementing data-driven literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support where appropriate.

EL and students with disabiliti es students

See below. Provide teachers with professional development time for interdisciplinary lessons, technology implementation driven by the SLC action plan, literacy strategies as well as discussion concerning best practices, resources, and research (i.e. library / Internet based.). (WASC #6)

All subgroup s

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009.

Action Steps

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Social Studies Administra tor, EL Admini., EL Coordinat or, social studies teachers Social studies Administra tor, social studies teachers

C o st 20K

Fundi ng Sourc e PI/QEI A

Timel ine Sept 2009

See abov e

See above

Februa ry200 9

See above

See abov e

See above

Februa ry 2009

PD Time (See Curriculum)



Sept 2009

See above


1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics 2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

2.1.3 Include teachers of English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities as members of content learning teams that meet regularly to engage in a collaborative inquiry

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources Subs XTime Facility Rental

Subgrou p

Benchmarks Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the social studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Social studies Administra tor, Individual social studies teachers, social studies content lead teachers Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic and departmental interim assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

See below

Social studies Administra tor/social studies teachers Develop and embed instructional strategies for EL and students with disabilities students for implementing data-driven literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support where appropriate.

EL and students with disabiliti es students

See below. Social studies teachers will have additional training in differentiated instruction and scaffolding.

All subgroup s

See below

Action Steps

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Social Studies Administra tor, EL Admini., EL Coordinat or, social studies teachers Social Studies Administra tor, Social studies teachers, Technolog y Coordinat or,

C o st 20K

Fundi ng Sourc e PI/QEI A

Timel ine Sept 2009

See abov e

See above

Februa ry200 9

See above

See abov e

See above

Februa ry 2009

PD Time (See Curriculum)



Ongoi ng/Jun e 2009

See above


1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics 2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources Subs XTime Facility Rental

Subgrou p

Benchmarks Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the social studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Social studies Administra tor, Individual social studies teachers, social studies content lead teachers Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic and departmental interim assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

See below

Social studies Administra tor/social studies teachers Develop and embed instructional strategies for EL and students with disabilities students for implementing data-driven literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support where appropriate.

EL and students with disabiliti es students

See below. SLC content teams (PLCs) will meet and collaborate regularly regarding the instructional practice and develop common assignments and interdisciplinary lessons aligned with standards and research-based strategies. (WASC #4)

All students

See below

Action Steps

process regarding instructional practice.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Social Studies Administra tor, EL Admini., EL Coordinat or, social studies teachers teacher assistants

C o st 20K

Fundi ng Sourc e PI/QEI A

Timel ine Sept 2009

See abov e

See above

Februa ry200 9

See above

See abov e

See above

Februa ry 2009

PD Time (See Curriculum)



See above


1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics 2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources Subs XTime Facility Rental

Subgrou p

Benchmarks Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the social studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Social studies Administra tor, Individual social studies teachers, social studies content lead teachers Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic and departmental interim assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

See below

Social studies Administra tor/social studies teachers Develop and embed instructional strategies for EL and students with disabilities students for implementing data-driven literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support where appropriate.

EL and students with disabiliti es students

See below.

Action Steps

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Social Studies Administra tor, EL Admini., EL Coordinat or, social studies teachers

See above

See above

C o st 20K

Fundi ng Sourc e PI/QEI A

Timel ine Sept 2009

See abov e

See above

Februa ry200 9

See abov e

See above

Februa ry 2009


1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Priority Tactics 2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessment data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, students with disabilities

 2.1.4 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding and use of appropriate instructional strategies for: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources Subs XTime Facility Rental

Subgrou p

Benchmarks Provide timely student achievement data (CST, CAHSEE, CELDT). (SAIT) (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

* Demonstrate an increase of 5% growth on API for 2008-2009. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the social studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Social studies Administra tor, Individual social studies teachers, social studies content lead teachers Provide training in accessing and analyzing periodic and departmental interim assessment data to inform and improve their classroom practices, and develop relevant, personalized instruction to ensure learning for all students. (WASC #1)

All subgroup s

See below

Social studies Administra tor/social studies teachers Develop and embed instructional strategies for EL and students with disabilities students for implementing data-driven literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support where appropriate.

EL and students with disabiliti es students

See below. Social studies will attend Complex Instruction and History Alive training.

All students

* Meet AYP and API targets. * Demonstrate 5% growth on the social studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009. * An average of 40 hours of PD for 1/3 of staff (including

Action Steps

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Social Studies Administra tor, EL Admini., EL Coordinat or, social studies teachers Administra tion Profession al Developm ent Committe e/ Coordinat or

C o st 20K

Fundi ng Sourc e PI/QEI A

Timel ine Sept 2009

See abov e

See above

Februa ry200 9

See above

See abov e

See above

Februa ry 2009

PD Time (See Curriculum)



Sept 2009

See above


History/Social Science Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 2.TACTIC: Build Student Capacity to Self-monitor, Apply Learning Strategies and Sustain Learning, and Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 2.2.1 Develop student understanding and skills in the following: (a) A-G Requirements (b) Passing CAHSEE (c) Autonomy (d) Selfadvocacy (e) Studentled conferences (f) Collaborative and team learning (g) Demonstrating proficiency (h) Reclassification requirements

2.2.1 Incorporate the importance of the listed skills and understandings (ah to the left) in Life Skills and ELA curriculum for 9th grade students. (WASC #3)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

All student s

See below

ELA teachers, Life Skills teachers, counselors , Career Advisor

June 2009


English Language Development Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

B1. Ensure that the intended standards-based curriculum is the taught curriculum to support students’ literacy and numeracy success. D2. All staff need training in how to access the student data at the site, how to interpret the data, and how to use the data to inform and adjust instruction.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION Strategy 2: Build learning communities in which teachers and those who support them use data in a reflective cycle of continuous improvement to develop their skills in delivering high-quality, personalized instruction that ensures learning for all students in all classrooms

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Human/Fis cal Resources

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the English CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

SAIT administra tor, ELD administra tor




Sept 2009

EL Student s

See above.

SAIT administra tor, ELD administra tor

See above



Sept 2009

EL Student s

See above.

EL Administra tor, EL Coordinat or, Special Ed. Leads, ELD faculty PD coord., T-1 coord, EL coord.

Xtime Subs



Februar y 2009



Coordinator Ztime/auxiliar y See above

15K 12K


See abov e

See above

June 2009

See above

See abov e

See above

June 2009

Action Steps

Subgro up


2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessments data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities. Identified subcommittee within the Leadership Council will provide the ELA department with multiple sources of student achievement data (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, etc.). [WASC VCR pg. 10] (SAIT)

EL Studen ts Develop a system through dedicated time for teachers to share, observe, model and implement the identified effective strategies (SAIT). Develop and embed curricular interventions for EL and students with disabilities students by implementing department agreed-upon literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support when appropriate.

 2.1.2 Promote the formation of professional learning communities and learning teams at schools Continue the implementation of SLC and departmentalized PLCs, and Critical Friends and Achievement Solutions groups.

2.1.3 Include teachers of English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities as members of content learning teams that meet regularly to engage in a collaborative inquiry process regarding instructional practice SLC content teams (PLCs) will meet and collaborate regularly regarding the instructional practice and develop common assignments and interdisciplinary lessons aligned with standards and research-based strategies. (WASC #6)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Fundi ng Sourc e

Responsib le Person(s)

Priority Tactics

See above

EL Student s

See above

EL Administra tor, EL Coordinat or, Learning team leaders

Consultant Contract

C o st

Timel ine


English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Fundi ng Sourc e

Responsib le Person(s)

Human/Fis cal Resources

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the English CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

SAIT administra tor, ELD administra tor




Sept 2009

EL Student s

See above.

SAIT administra tor, ELD administra tor

See above



Sept 2009 Develop and embed curricular interventions for EL and students with disabilities students by implementing department agreed-upon literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support when appropriate.

EL Student s

See above.

Xtime Subs



Februar y 2009



15K 12K

QEIA Continue professional development and district-mandated buyback days to include appropriate instructional strategies, such as SDAIE, differentiated instruction, accommodation/modification, collaborative/cooperative learning, and technology integration for student achievement. (WASC #5)

EL Student s

EL Administra tor, EL Coordinat or, Special Ed. Leads, ELD faculty PD coord., T-1 coord, EL coord. Administra tive Team, EL Coordinat or, literacy coaches, SAIT Administra tor



Priority Tactics

Action Steps

Subgro up


2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessments data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities. Identified subcommittee within the Leadership Council will provide the ELA department with multiple sources of student achievement data (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, etc.). [WASC VCR pg. 10] (SAIT)

EL Studen ts Develop a system through dedicated time for teachers to share, observe, model and implement the identified effective strategies (SAIT).

 2.1.4 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding and use of appropriate instructional strategies for: English learners, including RFEPS, Standard English learners, Students with Disabilities

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* An average of 40 hours of PD for 1/3 of staff (including paraprofessionals) in the core academic program, is provided each of the first three years (2009-2011). * Demonstrate 5% growth on the social studies CST for both proficient and nonproficient students by Sept 2009.

Consultant Contract Coordinator Ztime/auxiliar y Contracted Consultants

C o st

Timel ine

Sept 2009


English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Human/Fis cal Resources

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the English CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

SAIT administra tor, ELD administra tor




Sept 2009

EL Student s

See above.

SAIT administra tor, ELD administra tor

See above



Sept 2009 Develop and embed curricular interventions for EL and students with disabilities students by implementing department agreed-upon literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support when appropriate.

EL Student s

See above.

Xtime Subs



Februar y 2009



EL Student s

See above

Coordinator Ztime/auxiliar y Equipment

15K 12K Identify, obtain, and implement technology resources available as supplementary materials in the classroom to address multiple modalities of our EL population.

EL Administra tor, EL Coordinat or, Special Ed. Leads, ELD faculty PD coord., T-1 coord, EL coord. Administra tive Team, EL Coordinat or, literacy coaches, SAIT Administra tor



June 2009 Provide professional development regarding methodologies and strategies in working with students with disabilities, EL, and culturally diverse students.

EL Student s

See above

Administra tive Team, EL Coordinat or, literacy coaches, SAIT Administra

XTime Subs Facility Rental

See abov e


June 2009

Action Steps

Subgro up


2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessments data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities. Identified subcommittee within the Leadership Council will provide the ELA department with multiple sources of student achievement data (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, etc.). [WASC VCR pg. 10] (SAIT)

EL Studen ts Develop a system through dedicated time for teachers to share, observe, model and implement the identified effective strategies (SAIT).

 2.1.5 Expand and deepen teacher and administrator understanding of barriers to learning and provisions of opportunities to learn for diverse students

Fundi ng Sourc e

Responsib le Person(s)

Priority Tactics

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Consultant Contract

C o st

Timel ine


English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 1.TACTIC: Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Human/Fis cal Resources

* Demonstrate 5% growth on the English CST for both proficient and non-proficient students by Sept 2009.

SAIT administra tor, ELD administra tor




Sept 2009

EL Student s

See above.

SAIT administra tor, ELD administra tor

See above



Sept 2009

EL Student s

See above.

EL Administra tor, EL Coordinat or, Special Ed. Leads, ELD faculty PD coord., T-1 coord, EL coord. tor

Xtime Subs



Februar y 2009



15K 12K


Action Steps

Subgro up


2.1.1 Provide teachers with training and support in the use of process and tools for examining quantitative data (i.e., periodic and other assessments data) and qualitative data (i.e., student work and classroom practice) as a means to improve instructional practice to address the needs of diverse learners and improve learning opportunities for English learners, standard English learners, and students with disabilities. Identified subcommittee within the Leadership Council will provide the ELA department with multiple sources of student achievement data (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, etc.). [WASC VCR pg. 10] (SAIT)

EL Studen ts Develop a system through dedicated time for teachers to share, observe, model and implement the identified effective strategies (SAIT). Develop and embed curricular interventions for EL and students with disabilities students by implementing department agreed-upon literacy and ELD strategies (i.e. pre-reading vocabulary and post-reading strategies) and using teaching assistants for student support when appropriate.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Fundi ng Sourc e

Responsib le Person(s)

Priority Tactics

Consultant Contract Coordinator Ztime/auxiliar y

C o st

Timel ine


English Language Development Action Plan: STRATEGY TWO: INSTRUCTION 2.TACTIC: Build Student Capacity to Self-monitor, Apply Learning Strategies and Sustain Learning, and Build Capacity for Effective Teaching Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 2.2.1 Develop student understanding and skills in the following: (a) A-G Requirements (b) Passing CAHSEE (c) Autonomy (d) Selfadvocacy (e) Studentled conferences (f) Collaborative and team learning (g) demonstrating proficiency (h) reclassification requirements.

2.2.1 Incorporate the importance of the listed skills and understandings (ah to the left) in Life Skills and EL and ESL classes for 9th grade students. (WASC #3)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

EL and ESL student s

* Demonstrate a 5% increase in the CAHSEE overall passage rate by June 2009.

APSCS, counselors , EL coordinato r, Career Advisor


June 2009


Leadership Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings written in the left hand column. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

A1. Develop a mechanism for data analysis to include sufficient time to collaborate, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate the effect of initiatives on student learning and performance on pre-identified indicators so that the most productive programs or program elements can be strengthened and replicated. A2. Establish a 3-5 year research based Professional Development program that provides timely, sustainable, and cyclical activities that allow staff to move from initial to full implementation of techniques and strategies. A3. Increase input opportunities from all stakeholders, including parents, students, community and staff in the decision-making process. Increase communication school wide, including financial updates and disseminate minutes of SSC, Legislature, Leadership meetings and SLC Lead Teacher Meetings on the Lincoln High School Website, teacher boxes and to parents.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY THREE: LEADERSHIP Strategy 3: Build school and District leadership teams that share common beliefs, values, and high expectations for all adults and students and that support a cycle of continuous improvement to ensure high-quality instruction in their schools

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



Leadership: STRATEGY THREE: LEADERSHIP Build Capacity of Administrative and Other School Leaders Expenditures

Priority Tactics 3.1.1 Model instructional leadership -define and implement instructional leadership practices that exemplify highest expectations for all members of the school community

Action Steps Teacher groups (SLC, departments, PLCs) hold regular meetings or opportunities to provide input for decision making. Action plans should include roles for all stakeholders, including parents. Develop job descriptions for SLC Lead Teachers and Dept. Chairpersons.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Substitute Time Replacement time


ELD, Students with disabiliti es

* Increase the attendance at leadership meetings by 10% by May 2009 * Official minutes of all leadership committees will be 100% complete and accurate and archived and distributed within 3 days of culmination of meetings by January 2009.

SLC Lead Teachers, Departme nt Chairperso ns administra tor

* Conduct leadership team meeting each semester to review behavioral, academic expectations, ESLRs action plans as evidenced by minutes and agendas by June 2009.

SLC Lead Teachers, Dept. Chairperso ns administra tor SSC, Instructional Leadership Council and administration agendas and minutes will reflect regular review of teacher/stakeholder group recommendation. SLCs/Depts. (including all stakeholders) develop behavior and academic expectations, including ESLRs action plans.

Human/Fis cal Resources

Subgrou p Each stakeholder group will annually review goals and action plans. 3.1.2 Distribute leadership responsibility and accountability across all members of the school community including staff, teachers, students, and parents.

Responsib le Person(s)

ELD, Students with disabiliti es

Teacher X time

C o st

Fundi ng Sourc e











Timel ine May 2009

Jan. 2009

IMA Adv. Council expenses

Substitute Time

June 2009

QEIA Teacher X Time IMA Replacement time


School, Family and Community Partnerships Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

A3. Increase input opportunities from all stakeholders, including parents, students, community and staff in the decision-making process. Increase communication school wide, including financial updates and disseminate minutes of SSC, Legislature, Leadership meetings and SLC Lead Teacher Meetings on the Lincoln High School Website, teacher boxes and to parents. E3. Build stronger and more open communication among faculty, administration, lead teachers, department chairpersons, and program coordinators on schoolwide issues so that all staff are well informed, E4. Develop a student culture that values the importance of mandated state testing.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY FOUR: PARENT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Strategy 4: Build at each school a community of informed and empowered parents, teachers, staff, and community partners who work collaboratively to support high-quality teaching and learning

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


School, Family and Community Partnerships Action Plan: STRATEGY FOUR: PARENT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 1. TACTIC: Move Beyond Parent Involvement to Authentic Parent Engagement Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 4.1.1 Create a customer driven and welcoming environment for all stakeholders at every school

4.1.2 Make available translation services, both oral and written, that are adequate to meet District needs Provide professional development (and follow-up) for all staff in using customer service model for parent interaction.

Certific ated staff, classifie d staff

* Parents will issue LHS a score of at least 80% on a parent survey measuring school environment in terms of its “welcoming nature” in May 2009.

Administra tive team

T-1 Coordinator EL Coordinator

T-1 T -1 EL EL

May 2009

Sept. 2008 Develop a comprehensive document that describes the various worthwhile student support programs at Lincoln High School.


* A comprehensive document will be available online and in the Parent Center by September 2008 describing programs at Lincoln High School

Administra tive team Create a welcoming environment and improve communication of school programs and services through SLC and Parent Center and build rapport with parents.


See above. Continue efforts to translate all school/home communication into Spanish and Chinese, continue to provide oral translation for all parent meetings and phone calls with District translation unit or Lincoln staff

Spanish speakin g parents, Chinese speakin g parents

* At least 90% of all school to home correspondence will be translated into the student home languages by January 2009

Administra tive Team, Parent Center, faculty and staff AP–Parent Center, Title One & EL Coordinat ors, Parent Resource Liaison & communit y reps

Materials Equipment

1K 4K

Parent T-1 Parent T-1

May 2009

Parent Resource Liaison



Jan. 2009

96K Comm. Reps (8@ $12,000) Parent Center Supplies, Mat’l Technology & Phones

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

95K 1.4K 95K 1.4K

Parent (1) N-EL (2) QEIA (5)

5K 5K Parent Parent


School, Family and Community Partnerships Action Plan: STRATEGY FOUR: PARENT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 1. TACTIC: Move Beyond Parent Involvement to Authentic Parent Engagement Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 4.1.1 Create a customer driven and welcoming environment for all stakeholders at every school

4.1.3 Provide ongoing workshop for parents to assist their children in how to navigate the educational system and reach their goals (i.e., A-G Requirements, College Entrance, Graduation Requirements and Tracking Completion, Career Pathways, Reading a Transcript) Provide professional development (and follow-up) for all staff in using customer service model for parent interaction.

Certific ated staff, classifie d staff

* Parents will issue LHS a score of at least 80% on a parent survey measuring school environment in terms of its “welcoming nature” in May 2009.

Administra tive team

T-1 Coordinator EL Coordinator

95K 1.4K 95K 1.4K

T-1 T -1 EL EL

Sept. 2008 Develop a comprehensive document that describes the various worthwhile student support programs at Lincoln High School.


* A comprehensive document will be available online and in the Parent Center by September 2008 describing programs at Lincoln High School

Administra tive team Gear Up to continue to provide workshops for parents.


* Gear Up will double the number of parent workshops in 2008-9 (to a total of 12) by June 2009.

APSCS, EL Coordinat or, Gear up

3 Counselors @ $87,000



Clerical OT for meeting facilitators; custodial OT for meetings

5K 10K


* Parent Center will offer workshops every 2 months and increase participation by 10% by June 2009.

Parent communit y facilitator and communit y reps

Materials and Equipment



Clerical OT


Custodial OT



Parent Parent Center will offer workshops every 2 months (5x/year). Provide conference attendance

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



* Increase parent

May 2009

June 2009

June 2009





School, Family and Community Partnerships Action Plan: STRATEGY FOUR: PARENT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 1. TACTIC: Move Beyond Parent Involvement to Authentic Parent Engagement Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 4.1.1 Create a customer driven and welcoming environment for all stakeholders at every school Provide professional development (and follow-up) for all staff in using customer service model for parent interaction. Develop a comprehensive document that describes the various worthwhile student support programs at Lincoln High School.

Certific ated staff, classifie d staff


for parents to increase family literacy and numeracy including technology ; address parenting skills; preparing for college and other topics (i.e. CABE).

* Parents will issue LHS a score of at least 80% on a parent survey measuring school environment in terms of its “welcoming nature” in May 2009.

Administra tive team

T-1 Coordinator EL Coordinator

95K 1.4K 95K 1.4K

T-1 T -1 EL EL

May 2009

* A comprehensive document will be available online and in the Parent Center by September 2008 describing programs at Lincoln High School

Administra tive team

conference attendance by 50% by June 2009.

Resource Liaison, EL Coordinat or, Title I Coordinat or

Conferences Costs

$100 0



Sept. 2008 Coordinate with adult school to develop a variety of classes for parents and develop a Lincoln parent in-service program (technology, parenting, English, college orientation, career exploration).


* Increase offering of classes through the adult school by 50% by June 2009.

Administra tive team, EL Coordinat or, Title I Coordinat or, Adult School Principal

X Time for 2 Faculty Members to teach and coordinate



June 2009 Build parents’ capacity to support our students emotionally, academically and socially and build staff capacity to work with parents.


* Increase our contacts between parents and counselors/Healthy Start/and school nurse by 10% by June 2009.

Administra tive team, Parent Center, Title I Coordinat or, EL

Materials Equipment



June 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


School, Family and Community Partnerships Action Plan: STRATEGY FOUR: PARENT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 1. TACTIC: Move Beyond Parent Involvement to Authentic Parent Engagement Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 4.1.1 Create a customer driven and welcoming environment for all stakeholders at every school Provide professional development (and follow-up) for all staff in using customer service model for parent interaction. Develop a comprehensive document that describes the various worthwhile student support programs at Lincoln High School.

Certific ated staff, classifie d staff


* Parents will issue LHS a score of at least 80% on a parent survey measuring school environment in terms of its “welcoming nature” in May 2009.

Administra tive team

* A comprehensive document will be available online and in the Parent Center by September 2008 describing programs at Lincoln High School

Administra tive team

T-1 Coordinator EL Coordinator

95K 1.4K 95K 1.4K

T-1 T -1 EL EL

May 2009

Sept. 2008

Coordinat or, Gear Up Create a rewarding parent volunteer program.


* Increase the number of parent volunteers by 50% by June 2009.

Administra tive team, Parent Center, Title I Coordinat or, EL Coordinat or, Gear Up

Materials Equipment New 9th grade counselors to provide workshops for parents.


* Ninth grade counselors will offer one parent workshop per semester to discuss A-G requirements, student conduct and expectations by June 2009.

New 9th grade counselors


Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



Februar y 2009 / June 2009

June 2009


School, Family and Community Partnerships Action Plan: STRATEGY FOUR: PARENT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 1. TACTIC: Move Beyond Parent Involvement to Authentic Parent Engagement Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 4.1.1 Create a customer driven and welcoming environment for all stakeholders at every school

4.1.4 Hold monthly School Site Council (SSC), Compensatory Educational Advisory Committee (CEAC), and English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings Provide professional development (and follow-up) for all staff in using customer service model for parent interaction.

Certific ated staff, classifie d staff

* Parents will issue LHS a score of at least 80% on a parent survey measuring school environment in terms of its “welcoming nature” in May 2009.

Administra tive team

T-1 Coordinator EL Coordinator

95K 1.4K 95K 1.4K

T-1 T -1 EL EL

May 2009

Sept. 2008 Develop a comprehensive document that describes the various worthwhile student support programs at Lincoln High School.


* A comprehensive document will be available online and in the Parent Center by September 2008 describing programs at Lincoln High School

Administra tive team Continue to hold SSC meetings 2x/mo; continue to hold CEAC meetings 1x/mo; continue to hold ELAC meetings 1x/mo.

Parents & commu nity membe rs

* Increase parent and student attendance at SSC, CEAC, and ELAC meetings by 5% by June 2009.

Principal; SSC chair; Title One Coordinat or, EL Coordinat or

Advisory council expenses/





Advisory council expenses/

2K 2K 2K

EL T-1 Parent




June 2009

X Time N/C

4.1.5 Ensure SSC and other standing school committees are in place, meet regularly, and have adequate parent representation Continue to hold SSC meetings regularly and continue to have adequate parent representation.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Parents & commu nity membe rs

See above.

Principal, Parent Resource Liaison, Title One coordinato r

June 2009



Physical and Emotional Safety Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

B4. There is a need to integrate the SLC themes into the instruction of each class more fully. E2. Ensure support services for students are both well understood and coordinated where possible.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY FIVE: PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL SAFETY Strategy 5: Build school environments where students and adults are physically and emotionally safe and secure and, as a result, where learning opportunities and personal achievement can be optimized for all Physical and Emotional Safety Action Plan: STRATEGY FIVE: PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL SAFETY Engage People in Productive and Supportive School Cultures that demonstrate respect for all Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks scal ng Person(s) o Resource Sourc st s e


5.1.1 Implement the LAUSD District Foundation Policy: School-wide Positive Behavior Support (adopted 03/07) at school site level (Policy Bulletin BUL-3638.0)

Timel ine Inform staff during faculty meeting about school wide positive behavior support policy and referral process.

All subgroups

Conduct one faculty meeting a year concerning positive behavior support policy and referral process as evidenced by agenda by October 2008.

SLC lead teachers, administrat ors, teacher, deans, and counselors

Incentives for students


Donati ons

Oct. 2008 Revisit discipline policy with input from all stakeholders concerning issues of consequences, fairness and consistency.

All subgroups

Reach 75% faculty/staff consensus on a discipline policy by October 2008 and implement by November 2008.

Deans and counselors, faculty, parents, PSW, PSA




Octobe r 2008 Nov. 2008 Address classroom management issues by

All subgroups

Conduct one professional

Administrat or in charge




June 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Physical and Emotional Safety Action Plan: STRATEGY FIVE: PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL SAFETY Engage People in Productive and Supportive School Cultures that demonstrate respect for all Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks scal ng Person(s) o Resource Sourc st s e


5.1.1 Implement the LAUSD District Foundation Policy: School-wide Positive Behavior Support (adopted 03/07) at school site level (Policy Bulletin BUL-3638.0) Inform staff during faculty meeting about school wide positive behavior support policy and referral process.

All subgroups

emphasizing Character Counts school wide.

5.1.2 Implement Dropout Prevention and Recovery Strategies (Policy Bulletin BUL3720.0)

Conduct one faculty meeting a year concerning positive behavior support policy and referral process as evidenced by agenda by October 2008.

SLC lead teachers, administrat ors, teacher, deans, and counselors

development day devoted to classroom management/Charact er Counts incorporating the essential message into our curriculum by June 2009.

of Discipline and Safety, Discipline Committee

Timel ine

Incentives for students


Donati ons

Oct. 2008 Each SLC should develop an action plan for addressing student behavior and conduct and discuss how to use staff and security more efficiently through SLC contiguous space.

All subgroups

Each SLC will develop a discipline plan and reach 75% consensus within SLC concerning its creation and implementation by March 2009.

Administrat or in charge of Discipline and Safety, Discipline Committee , SLC Lead Teachers




March 2009 Increase availability of academic interventions during the school day.

Low Socioeconomic, ELL & SPED

Increase the number of academic interventions during the school day by a minimum of 2 by June 2009.

Office Technician



June 2009 Implement credit recovery program (IILab or NovaNet, etc.).

Underperfor ming students

Increase graduation rate by 5% by June 2009.

APSCS, drop-out prevention coordinator, all counselors, Healthy Start, PSA, office tech. APSCS, Drop out prevention coordinator, counselors




June 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Physical and Emotional Safety Action Plan: STRATEGY FIVE: PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL SAFETY Engage People in Productive and Supportive School Cultures that demonstrate respect for all Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks scal ng Person(s) o Resource Sourc st s e


Timel ine

5.1.1 Implement the LAUSD District Foundation Policy: School-wide Positive Behavior Support (adopted 03/07) at school site level (Policy Bulletin BUL-3638.0) Inform staff during faculty meeting about school wide positive behavior support policy and referral process.

All subgroups

Conduct one faculty meeting a year concerning positive behavior support policy and referral process as evidenced by agenda by October 2008.

SLC lead teachers, administrat ors, teacher, deans, and counselors

Incentives for students


Donati ons

Oct. 2008

5.1.3 Implement behavioral support strategies and alternatives to suspension for at risk learners (Modified Consent Decree, Outcome 5) Improve documentation of progressive discipline in ID 19 and implement “Ripple Effects.”

All Subgroups

Reduce the number of suspensions for students with disabilities by 2% by June 2009.

Deans and counselors, PSW, PSA, Nurse



T-1, NEL, N-State

June 2009



5.1.4 Implement the Consolidated Safe and Healthy School Plan (CSHS Rev. 07/07) at school site level. Continue implementing the Consolidated Safe and Healthy School Plan for improved student achievement.



T-1, NEL, N-State QEIA

Administrat or in charge of Discipline and Safety, Security personnel, PSW, Nurse, Healthy Start Coordinator

Healthy Start Coordinator



Administrati ve team, Title I Coordinator , Discipline Committee, COST team

XTime Cllerical OT

36K Provide a support system for providing adequate and timely help for health and personal problems through the COST Team and insure adequate support personnel (PSA, PSW, DPA, Nurse, Healthy Start, security, Parent Center, Deans’ Office, and additional counselors).

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

All subgroups

All subgroups

Reduce the number of fights and classroom disruptions by 5% by June 2009.

Increase student satisfaction by 10% on student survey conducted in January in regard to receiving adequate and timely support.

(9) Campus Aides @ 40K

120K 240K

District (3) QEIA (6)

2K 2K


June 2009

Jan. 2009


Physical and Emotional Safety Action Plan: STRATEGY FIVE: PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL SAFETY Engage People in Productive and Supportive School Cultures that demonstrate respect for all Expenditures Human/Fi Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks scal ng Person(s) o Resource Sourc st s e


Timel ine

5.1.1 Implement the LAUSD District Foundation Policy: School-wide Positive Behavior Support (adopted 03/07) at school site level (Policy Bulletin BUL-3638.0) Inform staff during faculty meeting about school wide positive behavior support policy and referral process.

All subgroups

Conduct one faculty meeting a year concerning positive behavior support policy and referral process as evidenced by agenda by October 2008.

SLC lead teachers, administrat ors, teacher, deans, and counselors

Incentives for students


Donati ons

Oct. 2008

5.1.5 Integrate students with disabilities with their non-disabled peers (Modified Consent Decree, Outcome 6 & 7) Integrate MRM Students into more electives and core classes.

Students with disabilities

Increase the integration of MRM students into electives and core classes by 5% by June 2009.

Students with disabilities staff

Bridge Coordinator , Sp Ed Office Tech


District District

June 2009

5.1.6 Improve student and staff attendance Implement an attendance incentive program for students and staff.

All subgroups

Increase student and staff attendance by 2% by June 2009.

Administrati ve Staff



Donati ons

June 2009

5.1.8 Hire PSA Counselor to assist with improved student attendance.

All subgroups

Increase student attendance by 2% by June 2009.

Administrati ve Staff, Hiring Committee

PSA Counselor (1 FTE)


T-1, EL, N-State

June 2009





PSA Counselor (2 days) Ed Aide Relief

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Organization and Support Structures Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

A3. Increase input opportunities from all stakeholders, including parents, students, community and staff in the decision-making process. Increase communication school wide, including financial updates and disseminate minutes of SSC, Legislature, Leadership meetings and SLC Lead Teacher Meetings on the Lincoln High School Website, teacher boxes and to parents. C4. There is a need to integrate the SLC themes into the instruction of each class more fully.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world


Strategy 6: Design and implement District and school organizational and support structures to improve school performance Organization and Support Structures Action Plan: STRATEGY SIX: ORGANIZATION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES 1. TACTIC: Implement Organizational Structures that Support Teaching and Learning Expenditures Human/ Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks Fiscal ng Person(s) o Resourc Sourc st es e 6.1.1 Implement Small Learning Communities and Personal Learning Environments at the school sites Continue current movement toward autonomous wall-to-wall small learning communities and strengthen existing and future professional learning groups

SLCs, learning communities

* Increase teacher satisfaction and belonging ratings on faculty survey regarding SLCs by January 2009.

School Improvement Facilitator, SLC Administrato rs, SLC lead teachers, learning community teachers Continue extended hours of library for 2008-2009

All Students

* Insure the library is open at least 38 weeks per year before and after school by June 2009.

Administrativ e Team, Librarian Create an effective system of communication by:

Students, Parents,

* Increase parent, faculty and student

Administrativ e team,

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Timel ine Jan. 2009

X time Subs



Facility rental





10K 3K


June 2009



June 2009

Conferenc es Librarian, library aide



Organization and Support Structures Action Plan: STRATEGY SIX: ORGANIZATION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES 1. TACTIC: Implement Organizational Structures that Support Teaching and Learning Expenditures Human/ Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks Fiscal ng Person(s) o Resourc Sourc st es e 6.1.1 Implement Small Learning Communities and Personal Learning Environments at the school sites Continue current movement toward autonomous wall-to-wall small learning communities and strengthen existing and future professional learning groups

SLCs, learning communities

* Increase teacher satisfaction and belonging ratings on faculty survey regarding SLCs by January 2009.

School Improvement Facilitator, SLC Administrato rs, SLC lead teachers, learning community teachers

X time Subs



Facility rental





Timel ine Jan. 2009

Conferenc es Teachers

satisfaction with school wide communication by 10% on end of the year surveys by June 2009.

faculty, counselors

All subgroups

* Increase planning time for SLCs by 5% in 2008 and 10% in 2009

Administrativ e team, SLC lead

1) Compiling a comprehensive document that describes the worthwhile support programs and services available at Lincoln and explains how to access those services. 2) Identifying a centralized location for posting of information regarding programs, events, services, and the assignment of someone to keep it current. 3) Increasing teacher, student, and parent use of email and school website for awareness of programs and events (including faculty handbook and newsletters) and maintain timeliness of posted information. 4) Increasing the use of the marquee in front of the school. 5) Evaluating our communication through parent, student and teacher surveys. Select and implement alternative schedules (block scheduling) to allow for common

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


June 2008 June


Organization and Support Structures Action Plan: STRATEGY SIX: ORGANIZATION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES 1. TACTIC: Implement Organizational Structures that Support Teaching and Learning Expenditures Human/ Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks Fiscal ng Person(s) o Resourc Sourc st es e 6.1.1 Implement Small Learning Communities and Personal Learning Environments at the school sites Continue current movement toward autonomous wall-to-wall small learning communities and strengthen existing and future professional learning groups

SLCs, learning communities

* Increase teacher satisfaction and belonging ratings on faculty survey regarding SLCs by January 2009.

School Improvement Facilitator, SLC Administrato rs, SLC lead teachers, learning community teachers

X time Subs



Facility rental





Timel ine Jan. 2009

Conferenc es planning time and implementation of the SLC objectives.

6.1.2 Ensure all positions are filled with highly qualified and effective personnel on a timely basis, avoiding vacancies

due to common planning times.

teachers, Leadership team Develop a list of agreedupon basic student competencies for technology upon student graduation and incorporate their support in all content area classes.

All subgroups

* Develop a list of student technology competences by January 2009 and create one technology lesson per course by June 2009.

Administrativ e team, Technology Coordinator, SLC Lead Teachers

6,1,1.6 Continue development and implementation of Andrus Performing Arts Program to address our graduation rate.

All subgroups

* Increase graduation rate by 5% by June 2009.

Administrativ e team, Arts Program Coordinator Teachers should be highly qualified, and Interview committee will include SLC, department, parent, student and administrative representative.

All subgroups

* Increase number of qualified teachers by 5% by June 2009.

Administrativ e team, SLC Lead teachers, department chairs, parents, and students Teachers will be hired to reduce class size to core academic subjects over the first

All subgroups

* Reduce class size of core academic subjects by 5% by

Administrativ e team, SLC Lead

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan



Arts Coordinat or XTime


Jan 2009 June 2008



6 per year, 3 years (6 X


June 2009

June 2009


June 2009


Organization and Support Structures Action Plan: STRATEGY SIX: ORGANIZATION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES 1. TACTIC: Implement Organizational Structures that Support Teaching and Learning Expenditures Human/ Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks Fiscal ng Person(s) o Resourc Sourc st es e 6.1.1 Implement Small Learning Communities and Personal Learning Environments at the school sites Continue current movement toward autonomous wall-to-wall small learning communities and strengthen existing and future professional learning groups

SLCs, learning communities

three years of implementation of QEIA.

* Increase teacher satisfaction and belonging ratings on faculty survey regarding SLCs by January 2009.

School Improvement Facilitator, SLC Administrato rs, SLC lead teachers, learning community teachers



Facility rental





See abov e

See above

Jan. 2009

Conferenc es 85K)

June 2009.

Teachers, Department chairs

* Increase instructional paraprofessionals participation in professional development targeting school ESLRs by 5% by June 2009. * Include all stakeholders in administrative hiring decisions as evidenced by sign-in sheets.

Administrativ e Team, SLC lead teachers, Title I Coordinator, Bridge Coordinator School & local district


June 2009


June 2009 Engage at least one-third of the teachers and instructional paraprofessionals in professional development that will target the literacy and technology ESLRs and strategies targeting EL and students with disabilities.

All subgroups

6.1.3 Stakeholders, faculty, staff, parents, and students participate in interviews of prospective school administrators All stakeholder groups will provide input in the hiring of new administrators.

All subgroups

6.1.4 Ensure stability of high performing teachers, administrators, and staff Continue to move toward reduced class sizes.

All subgroups

* Reduce class size of core academic subjects by 5% by June 2009.

Administrativ e team, APSCS, Offer support for new teachers.

All subgroups

* Increase classroom visitations/observation

Administrativ e team,

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

X time Subs

Timel ine

See above




June 2009

June 2009


Organization and Support Structures Action Plan: STRATEGY SIX: ORGANIZATION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES 1. TACTIC: Implement Organizational Structures that Support Teaching and Learning Expenditures Human/ Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks Fiscal ng Person(s) o Resourc Sourc st es e 6.1.1 Implement Small Learning Communities and Personal Learning Environments at the school sites Continue current movement toward autonomous wall-to-wall small learning communities and strengthen existing and future professional learning groups

SLCs, learning communities

* Increase teacher satisfaction and belonging ratings on faculty survey regarding SLCs by January 2009.

School Improvement Facilitator, SLC Administrato rs, SLC lead teachers, learning community teachers

X time Subs



Facility rental





Timel ine Jan. 2009

Conferenc es

6.1.5 Improve student graduation rate by continual conferencing and monitoring of student progress.

s of new teachers by coaches and mentors by 5% by June 2009.

mentor teacher(s), SLC leads, and department chairs, High Priority Staff Support Monitor student progress from admission through graduation.(i.e. graduation/A-G requirements, progress reports, CAHSEE) by hiring additional counselors and maintaining the pupil-to-counselor ratio of 300:1. (WASC #3)

All subgroups

* Increase graduation rate by 5% by June 2009. * Increase counselor/student contacts per year by 5% by June 2009.

APSCS, Counselors, College Advisor

Hire three counselors

See 4.1.3 .1


June 2009 Conduct counselorstudent-parent/guardian conference to develop a positive, proactive relationship between the parties involved. Review the Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) and update as needed. (WASC #3)

All subgroups

* Reduce the ratio of counselor to student to 300:1 by October 2008.

APSCS, Counselors, College Advisor

Hire three counselors

See 4.1.3 .1


Oct 2008 All students will have a 4year IGP plan, with semester meetings, monitoring progress

All subgroups

* Increase graduation rate by 5% by June 2009.

APSCS, Counselors, College

Office technician



June 2009

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Organization and Support Structures Action Plan: STRATEGY SIX: ORGANIZATION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES 1. TACTIC: Implement Organizational Structures that Support Teaching and Learning Expenditures Human/ Fundi C Responsible Subgroup Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks Fiscal ng Person(s) o Resourc Sourc st es e 6.1.1 Implement Small Learning Communities and Personal Learning Environments at the school sites Continue current movement toward autonomous wall-to-wall small learning communities and strengthen existing and future professional learning groups

SLCs, learning communities

* Increase teacher satisfaction and belonging ratings on faculty survey regarding SLCs by January 2009.

School Improvement Facilitator, SLC Administrato rs, SLC lead teachers, learning community teachers

X time Subs



Facility rental





Timel ine Jan. 2009

Conferenc es toward graduation. (WASC #3)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* Reduce the number of 4+ year graduates by 5% by June 2009. * Reduce drop out rate by 5% by June 2009. * Counselors will meet twice per year with 95% of student load regarding IGP by June 2009.



Performance Reporting, Accountability, and Incentive Action Plan Categorical Program Monitoring: Teaching, Learning and Professional Development and Funding List which Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) support the goals (Senior High ONLY):

List the WASC Recommendations that correspond with the Key Findings. (Senior High ONLY)

Literacy: Lincoln High School students will have the literacy skills necessary for intellectual, cultural, and personal achievement.

A1. Develop a mechanism for data analysis to include sufficient time to collaborate, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate the effect of initiatives on student learning and performance on pre-identified indicators so that the most productive programs or program elements can be strengthened and replicated. B3. Investigate, design, implement, and monitor a comprehensive plan for increasing the the graduation rate and decreasing the drop out rate.

Technology: Lincoln High School students will be technologically literate and prepared to succeed in our modern world

STRATEGY SEVEN: PERFORMANCE REPORTING, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND INCENTIVE Strategy 7: Design and implement systems of reporting, accountability, and incentives as ways to measure outcomes and promote continuous improvement

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


Performance Reporting, Accountability, and Incentive Action Plan: STRATEGY SEVEN: PERFORMANCE REPORTING, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND INCENTIVE 1. TACTIC: Attract and Retain Personnel – Teachers Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 7.1.1 Expect, support, and monitor a continuous cycle of improvement and include evaluation as part of the teaching/learning process (supported by the Performance Measurement and Accountability System) School data team will develop a comprehensive data report for each core department and SLC consisting of CAHSEE, CST, CELDT data and evaluate and purchase Innova program (or alternative) for detailed data analysis for individual student’s performance to inform instruction. (WASC Recommendation) (WASC #1)

ELD Student s with disabilit ies SLCs and departments will develop criteria and administrator/coaches will visit classrooms to monitor teaching process. (WASC #7) Establish a 3-5 year research based professional development program that provides timely, sustainable, and cyclical activities that allow staff to move from initial to full implementation of techniques and strategies. Teachers will reinforce best practices from year to year as part of the plan. (WASC #4, 5)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* All teachers will receive “meaningful” data report with test results concerning all students enrolled in their courses as recommended by Data Team by October 2008.

SLC Lead Teachers, Dept. Chairperso ns administra tor

Substitute Time


T-1 EL

All Student s

* Increase classroom visitations/observation s of new teachers by coaches and mentors by 5% by June 2009.

All Student s

A 5 year PD plan will be developed and approved by 75% of the Leadership Team members and SSC members by November 2008.

SLC Lead Teachers, Dept. Chairperso ns administra tor Leadershi p Team, School Site Council

Oct. 2008



Subs XTIme


T-1 EL

June. 2009

X Time/ Replacemen t Pay



Novem ber 2008

X Time Equipment


Performance Reporting, Accountability, and Incentive Action Plan: STRATEGY SEVEN: PERFORMANCE REPORTING, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND INCENTIVE 1. TACTIC: Attract and Retain Personnel – Teachers Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 7.1.1 Expect, support, and monitor a continuous cycle of improvement and include evaluation as part of the teaching/learning process (supported by the Performance Measurement and Accountability System) School data team will develop a comprehensive data report for each core department and SLC consisting of CAHSEE, CST, CELDT data and evaluate and purchase Innova program (or alternative) for detailed data analysis for individual student’s performance to inform instruction. (WASC Recommendation) (WASC #1)

ELD Student s with disabilit ies

* All teachers will receive “meaningful” data report with test results concerning all students enrolled in their courses as recommended by Data Team by October 2008.

SLC Lead Teachers, Dept. Chairperso ns administra tor

Substitute Time SLCs and departments will develop criteria and administrator/coaches will visit classrooms to monitor teaching process. (WASC #7) 7.1.2 Utilize ongoing multiple assessments and data analysis to inform decisions and practices to address the learning needs of all students. The multiple data sources include formal and informal assessments, formative and summative assessments, reflection, observation, and dialogue. 7.1.3 QEIA: The

All Student s

* Increase classroom visitations/observation s of new teachers by coaches and mentors by 5% by June 2009. Core departments will implement district periodic assessments along with summative achievement data to inform instruction. Core departments will identify student achievement criteria and informal common assessments to assess action plan effectiveness. (WASC #2)

All student s

* Increase the variety of assessment in all courses by June 2009.

SLC Lead Teachers, Dept. Chairperso ns administra tor Administra tive team, SLC Lead teachers, departme nt chairs All departments and SLCs will develop literacy and technology action plans (related to ESLRs) and common assessments to evaluate their implementation. (WASC #2)

All Student s

* Create literacy and technology action plans by October 2008 and implement in each course by June 2009. Retain teachers by providing


* By 2011, Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


T-1 EL

Oct. 2008



Subs XTIme


T-1 EL

June. 2009

See department plans

See depa rtme nt plans

See depart ment plans

June 2009

Administra tive team, SLC Lead teachers, departme nt chairs



EL T-1

Oct 2008 / June 2009






X Time Equipment


Performance Reporting, Accountability, and Incentive Action Plan: STRATEGY SEVEN: PERFORMANCE REPORTING, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND INCENTIVE 1. TACTIC: Attract and Retain Personnel – Teachers Expenditures Fundi Responsib Timel Human/Fis C Subgro le Priority Tactics Action Steps Benchmarks ng up ine cal o Person(s) Sourc Resources st e 7.1.1 Expect, support, and monitor a continuous cycle of improvement and include evaluation as part of the teaching/learning process (supported by the Performance Measurement and Accountability System)

average high school classroom teacher experience equals or exceeds the District average of 6.8 years. School data team will develop a comprehensive data report for each core department and SLC consisting of CAHSEE, CST, CELDT data and evaluate and purchase Innova program (or alternative) for detailed data analysis for individual student’s performance to inform instruction. (WASC Recommendation) (WASC #1)

ELD Student s with disabilit ies SLCs and departments will develop criteria and administrator/coaches will visit classrooms to monitor teaching process. (WASC #7) teacher support through SLC and department members.

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

* All teachers will receive “meaningful” data report with test results concerning all students enrolled in their courses as recommended by Data Team by October 2008.

SLC Lead Teachers, Dept. Chairperso ns administra tor

Substitute Time

All Student s

* Increase classroom visitations/observation s of new teachers by coaches and mentors by 5% by June 2009.

Subs XTIme

Student s

teacher experience will equal or surpass the District average.

SLC Lead Teachers, Dept. Chairperso ns administra tor tive team, SLC lead teachers, faculty


T-1 EL




T-1 EL

Oct. 2008

X Time Equipment

June. 2009



MONITORING CPM: Governance and Administration A comprehensive and multi-level monitoring process will assist the school and the Local District in evaluating the implementation of “Action Plans” and inform future practice. Required monitoring includes the following: 1. The School Site Council (SSC) has the responsibility to monitor the overall progress of the Single Plan for Student Achievement. 2. The school and the Local District will participate collaboratively in monitoring, evaluating and reporting results. 3. Information about and access to the Single Plan for Student Achievement will be provided to school staff, councils and committees to ensure successful implementation and to assist in the ongoing monitoring and, when necessary, modification process. 4. Implementation of tactics and review of interim benchmark progress shall be monitored as determined through the action plan page. 5. Senior high schools shall continue to align the recommendations of WASC into their action plans. Directions: Provide a succinct description of how the school will monitor the “Action Plans” and include members of the monitoring committee, frequency of the meetings and the process for reporting the committee’s findings with stakeholder groups.

Description of School Monitoring Process (Include monitoring of “Action Plan” activities by assessing “Evidence of Progress”. Additionally, include a schedule of sessions for: (a) analyzing data from the District’s “Diagnostic Periodic Assessments” and (b) examining student work samples in order to inform future instruction/learning.)

The Monitoring Team will review and assess pertinent school data and prepare reports to be presented to the SSC four times per year. The SSC will review school programs and school data and revise the school plan as appropriate to improve student achievement.

Members of Monitoring Team Reporting to SSC Administrative Team, Data Team (Literacy Coach, EL Coordinator, SIF, Math Administrator, Testing Coordinator, Bridge Coordinator, Computer Teacher, Special Education Teacher)

Process for Reporting Results The members of the Monitoring Team will provide PowerPoint presentations, including charts, summaries and analysis to the SSC.

Timeline (Frequency) The reports will be prepared and presented four times per year (Sept. December, February and April).

Description of Local District Monitoring Process (An attachment may be provided by the Local District which includes analysis of “Evidence of Progress”, alignment of appropriate textbooks/supplementary materials, and use of diagnostic periodic assessments to inform instruction and improve academic achievement. The Superintendent has delegated authority to the Local Districts to closely monitor the academic program and related expenditures in all Program Improvement schools.)

Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan

Members of Monitoring Team

Process for Reporting Results

Timeline (Frequency)


Abraham Lincoln High School High Priority Plan


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