Bradford West 3 Strategic Plan (first draft July 2009) Priority 1 – Language Development Focus and objectives Develop Basic Numeracy and Literacy Skills for Parents
To develop a learning network to share good practice.
Activities Work in partnership with the Family Learning team to develop a programme of Family learning courses across the LAP Schools with a numeracy and literacy focus. Create a brochure of parents courses across the cluster to distribute Termly face to face meetings with designated coordinators.
Timescale July 09
Sept 09
Lead Nadia
Milestones Arrange PIO and CC managers meeting, choose appropriate courses and send applications
Collate information and create brochure
To develop talk as a tool for raising standards.
PIW release Children Centre worker release and course activities.
Intended impact Rise in basic numeracy and literacy skills in parents Parental support for children at home
Book parents on courses. Sept 09
Philippa (Lidget Green)
First Meeting July 09
£350 for Blog page £6000 for staff release across the year.
Set up a Virtual Learning Environment to share practice. Identify opportunities for joint staff training between schools. To augment the existing Talk For Learning
To raise quality of teaching and learning to at least 80% good across the LAP.
3 x 0.5 day per staff per school.
Sept 09
Sara, Michael
Approach EB to involve schools in the LAP in Dialogic talk programme
Additional costs to include extra schools?
For all schools in the LAP to have good progress in Literacy.
Programme currently being run by Education Bradford. All schools to be included in some form.
who are not already in July 09 Initial Meeting with Carol Satterthwaite (external consultant) About developing talk for learning
To develop a programme to ensure all schools are delivering high quality Talking Partners.
Sept 09
To develop the use of Talk Across the Curriculum document.
Sept 09
Develop a writing buddying scheme with Secondary School Pupils Y5-8
Sept 09
Initial meeting with SR and MT with Claire Reid
Cost of developing and delivering a programme across the LAP £5000 Cost of developing and delivering a programme across the LAP £5000
Initial meeting with SR and MT with Claire Reid
Teacher release - £1000
Priority 2 – Experiential Learning Focus and objectives
Continued development of evening weekend and holiday extended services provision.
Develop quarterly programme and create a quarterly brochure for LAP 3 (To tie in with Family Learning Brochure)
Timescale Sept 09
Lead Nadia
Meet with CC managers and collate there programmes August 09
DSG Subsidy monies
Organise October holiday provision and restart evening weekend clubs Sept 09
Intended impact Positive attitudes, behaviour Increase attendance, develop confidence. Accelerated rates of progress to addressing the Narrowing The gap Agenda.
Design and print Brochures Sept 09
Develop a sustained BW3 wide outdoor education programme Y4 – Y8 Forest Schools programme for Reception – Y3
Develop a sustained and wide ranging number of LAP wide
Develop a programme utilising resources from outdoor education department
Sep 09
Speak to Steve Wilkinson (Bradford Council Outdoor Education)
Jan 10
Audit skill base of existing staff within schools July 09
Develop in school capacity to deliver programmes – ie Training Develop a team of staff across the LAP utilising current capacity and further recruitment of staff. Develop academies across BW3 developing a variety
£10,000 per school from different funding streams.
Positive attitudes, behaviour Increase attendance, develop confidence. Accelerated rates of progress to addressing the Narrowing The gap Agenda.
Positive attitudes, behaviour Increase attendance,
Academies for Gifted and talented
of talents i.e. Sports Academy , music, dance, art. etc during weekends and different venues within the BW3 area.
Consult pupils on choices Sept 09 Map existing provision in schools Sept 09 Recruit staff and develop programme for Academies – Oct 09 – Dec 09
Develop educational visits during term time and during holidays
Schools to develop individual innovative educational visits programmes. Schools to collaborate where possible to take advantage of economies of scale.
Sep 09
EVC’s in schools
To identify a LAP wide charging policy To identify a sustainable transport solution by using shared minibuses.
develop confidence. Accelerated rates of progress to addressing the Narrowing The gap Agenda. Addressing the Personalisation of Learning. Developing identified specific talented pupils and providing appropriate provision. To promote engagement and enjoyment in schools. Broadening horizons beyond the locality.
Priority 3 – Develop Primary BAC Focus and objectives Develop a BW3 BAC
Agree terms of reference for BAC, including agreed protocols for extended leave
Sept 09
Develop a reward system for 100% attendance including end of year celebrations
Sep 09
Jan 10
Lead Duncan
Individual schools Nadia (end of year event)
Develop an Extended Leave Returns Panel
Intended impact
Meet to create a BW3 leaflet for attendance
Less extended leave applications
Meet to create a set of standard attendance and extended leave documents.
Increase attendance within schools
Schools to share Attendance plans at September LAP meeting. Nadia to develop end of year event.
Look into developing Managed move system for KS2 Dialogue with EB re Behaviour Range systems to have a clear picture of WRAP placement
Meet with Fiona Graham about Extended Schools Return Panel and the WRAP places in primaries.