Lesson Guide Date
: Science
Time : 1 hour
Postal Address
: Primary 5
Theme: Cycles Topic: From Parents to Young – Hereditary (A) Reproduction in living things Learning Objectives: 1. State why living things reproduce. 2. Recognise that heredity is the process where parents pass on their characteristics to their young when they reproduce. 3. List examples of characteristics that can be passed on from humans to their young. 4. Identify the characteristics that a young can inherit from its parents. 5. List examples of characteristics that can be passed on from parent plants to their young. Get ready the following • •
My Pals Are Here Textbook pages 6 to 10. My Pals Are Here Activity Book pages 1 to 3.
Instruction • •
You will be learning about what heredity (HAIR-RI-DI-TY) means. You will read the textbook first. As you read, Go through the following checklist: o Why do living things reproduce? o What are some of the characteristics that parents pass to their offspring? o Do plants have hereditary characteristics as well? What are some of these?
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Complete Activity 1.1 of your Activity Book. You will check your answers and do your corrections by referring to the answer sheet provided. (Do not need to submit. Be honest, have integrity!)
Enrichment • •
Read up on the life and discovery of the Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, and his contribution to the study of heredity. http://www.zephyrus.co.uk/gregormendel.html Read up more on inheritance and try the little quiz at the end: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/science/biology/variation_intro.shtml