Hepatic Problems In Farm Animal By Prof. Ali Sadiek

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 666
  • Pages: 23
Diseases of the Liver in farm animals By Dr. Ali H. Sadiek Prof. of Internal Veterinary Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis Dept. of Animal Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Assiut University- Assiut, EGYPT

E-mail: [email protected]

Ali Sadiek


Function of liver • Maintenance of normal blood sugar by providing the source as glycogen. • Synthesis of some of the pl. proteins. • The formation and excretion of bile salts and excretion of bile pigments. • The formation of prothrombin. • Detoxification and excretion of many toxic substances.

Ali Sadiek


Ali Sadiek


Liver Diseases • Primary diseases of the liver occurs rarely in farm animals except as a result of food poisonings and Fatty liver. • Liver dis. occurs secondary to generalized disease process or by spread from another organs e.g. Lung abscess, T.B. RVF, etc. Ali Sadiek


Liver Diseases Liver diseases either: • Localised: T.B. Cysts, Abscess • Diffused: Hepatitis or hepatosis. • Inflammatory or Non Inflam.

Ali Sadiek


Signs of liver and billiary disease 1- Jaundice 2- Nervous signs. 3- Edema. 4- Dig. Troubles (Diarrhea/constipation) 5- Photosensitization. 6- Hemorrhagic diathesis.

Ali Sadiek


Signs of liver and billiary disease 7- Abd. Pain. 8- Change of Liver size. 9- Displacement of liver. 10- Rupture of liver. 11-Black liver in sheep. 12- Anorexia, vomition, emaciation, anemia Ali Sadiek


Jaundice • It is a clinical sign in which yellowish staining of tissues and membranes, especially elastic tissue. • It is clinically detected clinically in the sclera & other visible m. m. • It is often arises in diseases of the liver and billiary system and other disease e.g. hemolysis of RBCs or hemorrhage. • It is classified as: Prehepatic, hepatic nad posthepatic jaundice. Ali Sadiek


Classification of jaundice: A) Pre-hepatic (Hemolytic Jaundice): 1- Bacterial toxins (Bacillary Hb urea and leptospirosis). 2- Babesia and Anaplasma. 3- Viruses (Equine anaemia virus). 4- Immunological reactions. 5- chronic copper toxicity. 6- Lead toxicity. 7- Onion posoning. Ali Sadiek


Classification of jaundice: B) Hepatic causes: (Hep. jaundice) 1-Toxic hepatitis (phosphorus, arsenic). 2-Infectious hepatitis (salmonell., leptosp., listeriosis and inf. Eq. anaemia ). 3-Parasitic hepatitis (Massive liver fluck. Migration of ascaris larvae). 4-Nutritional hepatitis (Deficiency of cystine and thiamine & Methionin deficiency 5-Congestive hepatitis. Ali Sadiek


Classification of jaundice: C) Post hepatic causes: (Obstructive) Obstruction of bile duct by : • Calculi, • Tumors • Abscess. • Fasciola

Ali Sadiek


Bottle jaw

Ali Sadiek


Jaundice in a horse's oral mucosa.

Ali Sadiek


Numerous flukes of Fasciola hepatica observed in the bile ducts and liver parenchyma of a cow

Ali Sadiek



Ali Sadiek


Teats are "burned" and painful

Burned" muzzle, discharges from inflamed eyelids Ali Sadiek


Photosensitization white of the eye" is yellow or icteric, an indication that liver damage may be present

Ali Sadiek


Normal liver and fatty liver

Ali Sadiek


Hydatid cysts in bovine liver.

Ali Sadiek

Watery cysts in liver


Multiple abscesses in the calf liver as a result of an umbilical infection

Abdominal edema caused by liver disease Ali Sadiek


Echinococcosis. E. granulosus cysts in the liver

parasitic lesion & mineralization sheep liver Ali Sadiek


Principals Treatment of liver diseases 1)Treat the original cause if it is known. 2)In biliary congestion, give purgatives: R (for horses) Aloes 18.00 Calomel 4.00 one bolus per os R (for cattle) Magnesium sulphate 60.00 gm Sodium bicarbonate 30.00 gm Sodium citrate 10.00 gm given orally as a drench in suffecient water for 5 successive days. . Ali Sadiek


Principals Treatment of liver diseases 3) Atropin sulphate i.m. (1/4 - 1/2 grain for the horse and 0.001 - 0.002 grain for dogs) to dilate the bile duct . 4) Flush the liver with large quantities of glucose 5) Oral and parentral calcium injection. 6) Multivitamins daily. 7) Easily digest. laxative food (boiled linseed and little fodder for horses and cattle & barley water for dogs). 8) Lipotrophic factors should be given as choline Ali Sadiek


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