Heart Chakra Deity: Shri Shiva (Shri Parvati), Shri Jagadambe, Shri Rama (Shri Sita) Physical counterpart: Cardiac Plexus, heart organ, sternum bone. Looks after: Heartbeat, breathing, chest area. Qualities: Security, joy, love, auspiciousness, duty. No of Petals: Twelve (12) Day: Friday Colour: Dark Red Element: Air Gem: Ruby Symbol: Flame The newborn baby is pure Spirit, with no ego, conditionings or mind at work. This purely Spiritual being finds solace immediately in its mother, joined by an innate love that responds to the closeness and warmth of its mother’s love and Spirit. It is a true bonding in every way. Quality The Heart Chakra is the home of the Self, the Spirit, Atma. This Spirit can only manifest when our heart is open and clean, at which point we feel the eternal joy of the creation and the meaning and purpose of our place in it. We clean our heart through our pure Desire, and through purifying our Attention in meditation. But above all it is love, pure love which enlightens all, which is the real quality of the Heart Chakra.Before our realisation we rarely love for love’s sake. Instead we mistake feelings of love with physical attraction, infatuation and selfishness. Pure love has no motive, it emanates from the Spirit and not from the body or mind. Like the tree which gives shade it has no need of reward. Love also flows through all parts of life, through society and the world. Love is God, we say, and God is love, because in real Love there is no I or you, just the merging of the Spirit. Security is also another aspect of this Chakra. As we meditate we begin to benefit from a growing strength as our heart becomes nourished with love. And as we become ‘lion hearted’ we become physically stronger, more able to withstand disease and illness. We also start to benefit from closer relationships with our parents and partners as we start to treat them with respect and affection. In all aspects of our lives, the Heart Chakra plays a vital role. Without a strong heart we cannot make the important decisions necessary to further our growth as a person. Without an open heart we cannot recognise the beauty and majesty of God and nature. Without a loving heart we cannot give to others, instead we continue to demand and grab everything we can in an insecure fervour of mis-understanding. Without love and a good heart there can be no peace, and without peace there can be no Joy in our lives.
Mythology The presiding deity (or role model) of the left Heart Chakra is Shri Shiva (controlling our very existence as the witness of all), of the right Shri Rama and of the centre Heart Shri Jagadambe, the Mother of the Universe. Each role model offers us private guidance as to the path we need to tread to fulfill the promise of our birth. Gross Physical Aspect The heart is the pump of the body and so any physical or mental excess can strain the centre with potentially drastic results. The Heart is the home of our individual Spirit and so we must respect its importance in our lives in every way. Excessive thinking or athleticism are also not good for the proper functioning of this Chakra. Causes of problems with the Heart Chakra Left side: Lack of faith, neglect of the Spirit, excessive vulgarity and extreme physical/mental activity. Right side: Arrogance, aggressive behaviour, problems with the fraternal/masculine relationship. Centre: Insecurity, fear, miserliness. Looking after the Heart Chakra A weak Heart may be indicated by – overly ascetic tendencies, insecurity or extreme physical activity resulting in frail health, neuroses or allergies. To help clear any problems of the Chakra we can: A. Use the elements. Controlled deep breathing exercises for the centre heart. Candle treatment of the left or centre heart areas. B. Affirmations: Mother, please make me a fearless person Mother, I am the Spirit, not this body, ego or mind General Advice: Centre: Say to yourself Jagadambe quietly 12 times, breathe in, hold the breath and then let it out - three times. Recite the 23rd Psalm or read the Devi Mahatmyam. Left: Keep your Attention on the Spirit residing in your Heart. Put the right hand on the left heart centre and hold the left hand out towards the photograph and candle. Right: Avoid taking on too much responsibility. Raise the left side into the right 108 times during your meditation. Live within the boundaries of good conduct in family and general life.