Healthcare Bill Truth Flyer

  • May 2020
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Will You See the Freedom Forest Beyond the Fascist Trees? President Obama, on July 18, 2009: "If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period, end of story."

President Obama, on June 24, 2009:

Diane Sawyer: "At yesterday's press conference, President Obama seemed to clarify his pledge that if you like your health insurance plan you won’t have to change it with the pending health care reform proposal.” Diane Sawyer followed up in her interview with the president: "People have been hearing you say these words," Sawyer said, "about 'If you like your doctor -- '" "Yeah," said President Obama. " ' -- you'll keep your doctor, period. If you like your -- '" "Right," the president interjected. "' -- health plan, you'll keep your health plan, period.' Yet, I thought today in the press conference I heard you amend it to say, 'If your employer decides to change it, we don't have control over that.' So -- " "Whoa, whoa, whoa," said the president, "But, of course, there, I mean, that's, that's the case whether we pass health care or not. I mean, the, look, the, the, the fact is that right now, all across the country, people are losing their health care. Every day. You, you can travel into Washington, D.C. And you'll find somebody on the street whose employer just dropped them from health care. Or who has decided to increase their deductibles. Or increase their premiums." Continued the president, "So, those choices are being made by employers constantly, right? I can't pass a law that says, 'I'm sorry, employers, you can never make changes to the health care plans that you provide your employees.' What I can say is that the government is not going to force you to, your employer or you, to join a government plan. If you're happy with it, and your employer's happy with it, keep it."

So our President is on record, several times saying that under his administration, with his new health care reform, we will be able to keep our own health care if we like it. However, on page 16 of H.R. 3200, a 1,018-page bill, it clearly says that private insurers will NOT be allowed to ADD ANY NEW CUSTOMERS AFTER A CERTAIN DATE. After the start of Year 1 of the bill, which would be 2013, you would not be allowed to sign up for most private insurance, anywhere. Period. !!!! Here it is, right from the Healthcare bill, itself, deviously placed under the heading … 

"Protecting the choice to keep current coverage."


SEC. 102. PROTECTING THE CHOICE TO KEEP CURRENT COVERAGE. (a) GRANDFATHERED HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE DEFINED.—Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable coverage under this division, the term ‘‘grandfathered health insurance coverage’’ means individual health insurance coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met: (1) LIMITATION ON NEW ENROLLMENT.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day of Y1.

“Grandfathering” means privately-paid health insurers could continue unmodified for five years after the start of the law provided NO coverage change is ever made, while both privately-paid and employer-provided health insurers would have to complete ‘qualifying modifications’ by the end of the fifth year. Meanwhile no adult would be ALLOWED to start a new individual health coverage plan with any grandfathered health insurance issuers AFTER the start of the law !! This is a phasing-in of a complete government regulatory take-over of healthcare, quite possibly resulting in a single-payer system by 2017. In 2005, Canadian Shona Holmes would have had to wait months to be seen by a neurologist for further treatment of an optic cyst. U.S. Mayo Clinic in Arizona expedited an excision after Canada’s single-payer system refused to fast-track the procedure. She had to re-mortgage her home and borrow from friends to pay 100K in the U.S. NO FREE-MARKET CHOICE = FASCISM Still think Obama wants to compete with the private industry? Obama lied. He lied to you and he lied to me and he lied to all of America. To all who said that Obama would not force anyone to have government health insurance: Interview by Dr. Jon LaPook, July 15, 2009 –

Dr. LaPook: “Ultimately, philosophically, do you believe that each individual American should be required to have health insurance?” Obama: I have come to that conclusion. During the campaign, I was opposed to this idea because my general attitude was the reason people don't have health insurance is not because they don't want it, but because they can't afford it. And if you make it affordable, then they will come. I've been persuaded that there are enough young uninsured people who are cheap to cover, but are opting out. To make sure that those folks are part of the overall pool is the best way to make sure that all of our premiums go down. I am now in favor of some sort of individual mandate as long as there's a hardship exemption. If somebody truly just can't afford health insurance even with the subsidies that the government is now providing, we don't want to double penalize them. We want to phase this in, in a way that we have time to make sure that coverage is actually affordable before we're saying to people "go out and get it." This is the most massive entitlement program to ever be proposed in this country and it has, by the Congressional Budget Office's own Director, been declared unsustainable. That means that it cannot be paid for. Is THAT why Obama will FINE YOU for not enrolling in ANY “qualifying” medical coverage plan by 2014? (Adapted from:


July 23, 2009

“Micromanaging Americans' Health Insurance: The Impact of House and Senate Bills” by Edmund F. Haislmaier Senior Research Fellow in Health Policy Studies Heritage Foundation, WebMemo #2558

Killing Existing Coverage The vast majority of Americans already have health insurance. A major concern for them with any new health care legislation is whether they will be able to keep their current coverage, something that both the President and congressional leaders have repeatedly promised. So, not surprisingly, the heading for Section 102 of the House bill reads; "Protecting the Choice to Keep Current Coverage," while the heading for Section 131 of the Senate bill proclaims, "No Changes to Existing Coverage." However, the truth is that, while both those sections would "grandfather" existing individual and employment-based coverage, both bills also include other provisions that would eventually lead to nearly all current plans either adopting the new federal coverage standards or being replaced by new coverage that meets those standards. The Senate bill stipulates that any "significant" subsequent modification of the "benefits or cost sharing requirements" of a prior plan would trigger the loss of its grandfathered status.[7] Also, within five years all Americans would be subject to the individual mandate to either purchase "qualifying coverage" or pay a fine.[8] The Senate bill neither permits grandfathered plans to count as qualifying coverage nor exempts individuals enrolled in grandfathered plans from the individual mandate.[9] Thus, under the Senate bill, beginning in 2014 anyone retaining prior individual or employer-group coverage would be fined annually for not obtaining new coverage that meets the new requirements. In contrast, the House bill does allow grandfathered coverage to count as "acceptable coverage" for purposes of the individual mandate, but it gives grandfathered employer-sponsored plans only a five-year "grace period"--after which those plans would also be required to meet the new coverage standards.[10] Thus, under the House bill, after 2017 the only prior coverage that would be left unchanged would be individual policies--but only so long as insurers continued to renew them.[11]

________ Senate’s version of the Health Care Bill: (Affordable Health Choices Act) House’s version of the Health Care Bill: (America's Affordable Health Choices Act) [7] Senate bill Section 131(e). The language of this section goes on to also require HHS to define what the term significant means by specifying that "[t]he Secretary shall by regulation establish criteria to determine whether a plan or health insurance coverage has been modified to a significant extent under the preceding sentence." [8] Senate bill Section 161. [9] Senate bill Section 161. [10] House bill, America's Affordable Health Choices Act, Sections 401 and 102(b). [11] While an insurer could not decline to renew any particular individual's existing policy, it could opt to discontinue offering individual coverage. Under such circumstances, affected individuals could obtain only new coverage that met the new federal standards. The mandate provisions would take effect in 2013, and the grace period for grandfathered employer coverage would apply from 2013 to 2017. DON’T TAKE THE FLU SHOT! World Health Organization is mandating it be FORCED INTO YOU. It’s a SCAM!

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