Health History Of Bingco

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 12
HE AL TH HIS TORY A. BI OGR APHI C D ATA The client’s name is Genesis Bingco, a 12-year old, single, female, and lives at 7 Sayote St., Evergreen Compound, and Brgy. Pulang Lupa 1, Las Piñas City. She is a Roman catholic and she was born March 02, 1992. She is currently a grade 5 student at Las Piñas Elementary School Central. Her mother, Myrna is a household helper in Manila while her father, Ernesto Bingco is working as a carpenter. She is the youngest among the 8 siblings.

B. PR ESE NT HEA LTH HI ST OR Y The client stated that she is not experiencing any problems or disease at the time of visit. She also said that the previous cough/cold/headache chief complaint had disappeared because of medications she took all over the weeks given by the health center officials. These medicines given were paracetamol and Cotoids.

C. PAS T HEA LTH HIS TORY The mother of the patient told us that the latest illness that her daughter had is the diarrhea before having the cough-cold sickness. The cough-cold sickness was developed due to improper bathing of the client last 2 weeks. The client played outdoors and then when she came back to their house, she took a bath, having a cold water bath. No determined allergies regarding medications and foods. The client also stated that when she had the colds, her upper mouth where the cleft is located is flaring.


The client’s mother, Myrna Galang who’s 47 years old, suffers from severe back aching and upper extremities flaring while his father who’s been a carpenter for almost 10 years suffers from severe hand numbness. Her grandparents from her mother side, grandfather had a cancer, while her grandmother had a heart disease. The client said that she at present, has no disease.

E. HE AL TH PERC EPT ION The client as a teenager and an elementary student believes that “health is wealth’ that needs protection from any dangers and risks, it’s a treasure that no one can get from you. In their family, once there’s someone needing a health management from distress/illness, they seek the help of Pulang Lupa I Health center when they are short in finances but if they have some savings, their parents see to it that they we’re sent in a nearby hospital.


The client conducts bowel elimination twice a day, one in the morning after waking up and sometimes at night before bathing. She does not experience pain or discomfort. The client also conducts urine elimination at least 5 times a day with varying time. Her urine is often yellowish to whitish color and is not aromatic in smell but does not have a strong foul odor. She also does not experience pain or discomfort. She tends to perspire quickly especially of doing activities that require much movement such as volleyball. She does not have a strong smell or body odor.

G. ACTIVITY -E XERCISE P ATTERN The client’s usual activities include going to school and studying. The client said that she fond of playing volleyball at school and in their street. Inside the classroom, the usual activities that she does are to sit and usually listen attentively to her teacher in front. The client is also able to do activities of daily living (i.e. bathing, toileting, grooming, etc.) by herself. She spends her spare time by watching television, listening to radio, playing outdoors and study lessons. She is satisfied with the way on how she spends her leisure time. These activities keep the client from boredom and are exercising her brain capacity. H. SL EEP -REST PATT ERN The client sleeps for about 7 hours every night. Usually, she sleeps at 10pm and wakes up at 9am. The client is satisfied with the amount of sleep because it recharges her energy needed for the school time at 11am. The client’s sleeping environment is uncomfortable because she shares her bed with her older sister. The client’s desired sleeping environment is a bedroom of her own. She does not have problems falling asleep. The client does not take naps. For relaxation, the client watches TV, reads something, and plays outdoors with her playmates. I.


The client has not stated any difficulties she encounters in her studies and household chores. The client does not experience learning difficulties and prefers a teacher to just be the one to discuss the topic. The client does not have any problems speaking, reading or writing. No changes in smell or taste. The client is doing well in school. In J. SE LF-PERC EPTION/ SELF CONC EPT PATTERN The client described herself as a jolly, “kikay” 12-year old adolescent. She feels good about herself most of the time and is happy about her. No physical alterations in her body. No changes about the way she feels about herself. Her stand on their family made her a “baby” by being the youngest among the siblings. Client is fully-pampered by her mother in all her actions.

K. ROL E-RE LA TIONSHIP P ATTERN The client lives with her family and her 5 more siblings. The client is the youngest in the eight of them. She has all the freedom to ask for everything even there’s a problem in financial aspects. She’s a typical grade school student that wants to play and play, like any child of her same age does.

L. SE XUALITY -R EPR ODUCTIVE PATT ERN The client did not experience having the first drop of menstruation referred as menarche. M. COPIN G-STRE SS TOLERANC E PATTERN The client took her achievement exam last January 27, 2009. Her parents are the one whom she runs to whenever she experiences stress/pressure in school. N. VALUE AND BELIEFS Their family usually goes to church every Saturday or Sunday which they take their strength from in surpassing the challenges of life. The client believes that God is only the way that can save and give them graces everyday.




What is health for you?

“Health is wealth.” “You need to protect as you live life every day because it’s you’re personal treasure that no one cannot get from you.”

How do you mana

ge illn ess /disease ?

“When we have some small finances … I’m sent in any hospital if possible.” “When we’re short… we usually seek help from the nearby health center.”

Whe n yo u have an illn ess , do you us ually dri nk me dicines?

“Usually, not all the time because we lack finances, so we usually eat more food and drink water more to regain back our energy.”

II .


“I usually drink 6 to 10 glasses a day”

“I usually don’t eat breakfast.”

“I drink more water than eating sufficient food at meal time.”

“At school, I usually eat waffle with hotdog or cheese.”



“I usually conduct bowel twice a day, one in the morning before going to school, and one at night.”

“I urinate more than 3 times a day.”



“I play volleyball at school as my sport but not often.”

“I go outdoors after school and Saturdays when I don’t have classes for playtime.”

“When I don’t have things to do, I usually read notes, watch TV or listen to music in the radio.”

“Inside the classroom, she usually listens attentively so that she’ll understand better the lecture.”



“My usual wake-up time is 9 am in the morning.”

“I usually sleep at 10 pm in night.”

“I’m satisfied with the amount of sleep I had all day.”

“I can’t sleep in the afternoon because my classes are at 11pm to 6pm.”

“I can’t sleep comfortably because I share my bed with my older sister.”


CO GNIT IVE -PERC EPTUAL P ATTERN “I’m ok at school discussions, active but not that grade or honor student.” “I’m able to read, speak and write correctly even there’s some difficulty on it.”



“I’m a jolly and kikay person.”

“I’m always happy at all times… I don’t yet think of those problems because I know I’m still young.”



“I’m the youngest among all of us; of course, I’m the baby in the family.”

“I’m close to my mom, because we’re too attached in many ways.”



“I don’t yet have menstruation at this point of time.”



“I will be taking my achievement test this afternoon at school, I’m too nervous of it.”

“When I have problems, I usually seek help from my mom. XI.


“We usually go to church during Saturday or Sunday mass but not that often, because my parents only want to rest during weekends.”

“I believe that God is the only person we can run to in our everyday lives.”

JANUAR Y 26, 2009 MONDA Y 1 st day PUL ANG LUP A 1 Health Ce nter , LAS PIÑA S CITY

Objectives: • • • • • • •

To be able to know the importance and concept of community health nursing To be aware of the management and protocols done in the health center To distinguish the difference between CHN and hospital services To identify key patients in the community needing immediate health care assistance To be more aware of the health care programs and advocacies of the Health Department with the City Health Office To be oriented of what is to be done, measured, observed and inspected regarding patient’s records and database. To admit patients and complete their database for the said day of consultation

JANUAR Y 27, 2009 TUE SDA Y 2 ND day PUL ANG LUP A 1 Health Ce nter , LAS PIÑA S CITY

Objectives: • • • • •

To admit patients in pre-natal clinic and fill up important data To learn how to calculate the last menstrual period(LMP) and Age of gestation(AOG) of pregnant clients in the community To have a practice demonstration of Leopold’s maneuver and Fetal heart tone in pregnant women To be able to have the home visit and application of bag technique To have a follow-up check-up of patient’s in the communities who are seeking healthcare assistance and check if they are managing their health watch.

To summarize the learning from the lecture and practical applications of nursing interventions and procedures done for the 2-day clinical experience.

REACTION P APER JANUAR Y 27, 2009 This day was our last stay at Pulang Lupa 1 Health Center, after 2 days of “pulse-taking” movements inside the center, we’re almost done. Yesterday is a basic orientation for all of us. We had our home visit of our follow-up patients at 10:30 am in the steering hot weather, but it’s totally enjoying. I never expected that people from the Evergreen compd., would approached us so simple and readily. My patient, who’s 12-year old, same age of my little sister, paved way for a therapeutic communication, I put myself in her shoe, making myself a simple as myself without any hesitations because I know what level of understanding does a girl of her age can really understand easily. I asked her of the things that her age usually do, especially playtime and schooling which is one of the best part of elementary life. Even if at first glance, she was not the one who talked with me, it’s her mother whom I started the interview until she came…The home visit is one of the best experience I had in my life of being a student nurse, maybe it’s a first time but I was too amazed of what approach and interest their family had given me and my partner even if it’s too steamy hot weather. Another thing that I gave great efforts and interest was in the admission of pre-natal patients, almost all of our patients for today were totally having “watermelons’ in their abdomens. In admitting them, one by one, I had 3 patients whom I was totally shocked of the reality of Philippine life. Ha-ha. There’s 18 year-old patient which had age like mine was already having her 2nd or 1st baby. There’s also the patient whom I wondered even the health center staff was amazed, the 4months new pregnancy baby after delivery of her first baby. The center staff joked that “you already had got pregnant even if your baby is not yet crawling …” There’s this patient that when we asked of her birthday if she knew it, she doesn’t know it but when we asked her age, she knew it… joker… maybe it’s a common mistake among them, but reality bites, that’s real… and factual…

Lastly, the best among the things I’ve done and encountered this day… the laughter… the jokes… and the exam that made me failed… and of course, my first impression for my C.I. during the last semester was totally exchanged with a BIG SMILE… because I really learned from her, from practical to nursing ideas and careers… Mrs. Candones became our mom even if it’s just only for two days! She’ a real Mrs. CONGENIALITY… for the nursing students!

REACTION P APER JANUAR Y 26, 2009 This was our first day out of the school duty after our nervous taking duty at San Ramon Ward. We were all excited… after our last duty last week, if you want to know because we’re too excited to know where we’ll be assigned next. Even if we rode a jeep and had a sweat producing journey from SJDEFI to Pulang Lupa. It’s a great joy that gave us the adrenaline in going to our assigned health center. Upon arriving the health center, I already knew of the scenario that we’ll be encountering… especially me; my mother is a medical representative, saying that she’s also a health care assistant. I’m expecting of the burst of coming patients in/out of the health center… I already knew all of that, because services here are free. But still there are things that I really wondered about, no offense. First, why does the patients need to pay for the bond paper for 1 peso, does the Health department have scarcity of paper products?. Second, medicines here are almost generics and all came from distant INDIA. Third, I really wonder about the effectively of meds to our dear patients who seeks health care. Those are few of the many things I wondered and thought all day, as I arrived our house. Maybe, this is the real thing… reality that HEALTHCARE FINANCING in our country is really poor and unsatisfactory. I don’t want to question anyone but it’s my own beliefs and perceptions. One more thing, remember the old lady who came in for a BP check, I thought her BP was too high from the normal, I saw what the staffs did, we know she cannot be accommodated in Las Piñas because she’s not a resident but why do they need to prolong the agony of the elder having a hypertension, if she dies while walking and fell

over, can we do anything more? Maybe, all the health scenarios I’ve encountered yesterday were the real scenario of our health care status. I really thought that “it’s good that we’re in the middle class and can sustain our medical needs,” because when you’re that short or poor, just relying in the governmental programs regarding health, can we live until 70 years old? This scenario was not the first time that I saw the pitying scenario of our folks in a governmental health facility. Sorry, mam, but this is my main reaction to what happened last Monday, I had teary eyes in front of my group mates when I saw the old lady that was passed and passed by the staffs and not given medicines immediately.

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