Health History

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,326
  • Pages: 3
HEALTH HISTORY Mr I. S. lives in Ceris Subd. Canlubang, Laguna. He is 19 years old, single. He is a Filipino, Adventist, and currently a 3rd year student. His past history includes smallpox and pneumonia. He was involved in some vehicular accidents and he had past injuries like broken arm, legs sprains. He was never been hospitalized. He has no allergies known and no medications taken. He has complete vaccination. His family health history includes diabetes and hypertension on father side. His father and brother have with diabetes. There is no known illness on his mother side.

FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERN Health Perception and Health Management Pattern: He defines health as absence of illness and has a sound physical and mental health. He keeps himself physically fit by being active and playing sports like basketball and jogging or walking during the afternoon if he is free. He develops his mental capacities by meditating, reading a variety of articles and playing mind games like chess and scrabble. He visits the dentist once a year but only visited an ophthalmologist once. He first treats himself if he is ill then seeks for medical consultation if the condition worsens. He uses herbal medicine like oregano and ginger to relieved flu, coughs and colds. He also visits “manghihilot” if he suffers from injuries like leg sprain. Nutritional and Metabolic Pattern: He eats 4 times a day during school days and 3 times when there are no classes. His common diet includes rice, chicken, fish, beef, leafy vegetables and lots of water. He eats fruits during snacks in the afternoon. He does not take any food supplements. He stays away from many kind of food like pork, sea foods except fishes, and other meat due to his religion. His favorite food is beef stew. He seldom eats in fast food chains. He has no complaints about eating and no known dental problems. He considers himself as overweight but he is not gaining weight or losing weight. He drinks about 10 glasses of water everyday. Elimination Pattern: His bowel movement is twice a day. Its characteristic is soft and there is no blood. He does not have any problem in eliminating. He has no rituals before eliminating and does not need laxatives. He had experience diarrhea and constipation when he was young. He urinates 4-5 times a day. It is colorless but sometimes it is color yellow. He does not report any discomfort when urinating. His perspiration is hard to stop when it starts. Activity-exercise Pattern: He is very active. His daily routine when there are no classes involves strolling the dogs, doing house chores, walking, playing basketball and drifting using his motorcycle. Most common activity he does if there are classes is walking. For about 45 minutes, he walks about 1 kilometer every afternoon/night to go home. He does this regularly unless raining or has some injuries. He does not complain any discomfort in it. He uses his spare time listening to radio, surfing the net and strolling the dogs. He prefer using the elevator if it is 4 floors above but uses the stairs if it is 3 floors and below. He loves to play basketball because he loves to sweat a lot and he enjoys playing this ballgame. He can manage to perform his tasks alone without the assistance of somebody.

Sleep-rest Pattern: He commonly sleeps for about 5-6 hours a day. He has some problem with his sleep pattern. He has a hard time to put himself to sleep. His sleeping ritual includes reading books and listening to radio. He has some hard time waking up due to lack of sleep hours. He does not take naps in the afternoon. He often relaxes his mind and body by being idle, watching, surfing net and listening to soothing music so that he can sleep undisturbed. Cognitive and Perception Pattern: His last visit in an ophthalmologist is when he was in grade school. His eye acuity was 20-28. He does wear neither glasses nor contact lens. He sometimes has a blurred vision during night time. He has no problems concerning his hearing. He reports that he was experiencing forgetting most of the time. He easily remembers things by staring at it and analyzing it. Self-perception and Self- concept Pattern: He described himself as a happy-go-lucky guy. He recognized himself as someone who is hard to deal with. He has a positive outlook in life despite of troubles. He expresses himself in sports and in performing various tricks and performances. He enjoys the things he does especially learning. He has many achievements but he wants a lowprofile about it. He does not tell it to anyone unless necessary. He is very aware and concern about the people around him but he tries to help them in a secret and mysterious manner. He is not that friendly at all. He usually gets mad whenever someone ignores him or disrespects his right and beliefs. Most people describe me as sensitive and moody; some says he is serious and mysterious. He considers sports, reading and sensitivity as his strengths and being moody, too much sensitivity and arts as his weakness. Role-relationship Pattern: He lives with his dad and his younger sister. He belongs to an extended family. The problems are most of the time solved individually but if it involves the whole family, his father decides by seeking suggestions from the whole family members. His father also does the budgeting. His responsibility in their house is do the chores and to assist his father. He usually keeps his problems and never reveals it to his family but sometimes they can notice it. He is more comfortable alone but he can be sociable to few people only who can accept him. He is shy that is why he has hard times communicating to others. Though he is lonely, he still prefers to be alone. He only considers few friends that he can rely on. Sexuality-reproductive Pattern: He does not have ant sexual experience yet. He does not have undergone testicular examination. He has no known sexual disorders. He has no known reproductive tract infection. He does not visit a doctor. Coping – Stress Tolerance Pattern: He is seldom seen tense. He does not take any medicine if he is stress or tense. He usually get stressed whenever there are many thing to done and when he is under time pressure. He usually deal with it by prioritizing what should be done first and organizing what to be done. He usually solves his problems alone but may need suggestion to some people in aspects he does not know. He practices meditation every night to soothe his mind to be free from all disturbances that can stress him. He is moody most of the time that may affect his thinking process and decision-making skills. He cries whenever he has a hard time solving his problem but eventually laughs at himself when it is over. He accepts challenges as natural events in life. Values and beliefs pattern: The most important thing for him is his family and his true friends. He never gets what he wants easily but he achieves it by exerting effort and constant trying. He sees future as a wide world with limitless boundaries to unravel. He wants to learn many things in life and be the best man he can be. He is not religious man but he believes that God will help him reach his goals if he will do his best. He believes in God and he knows that God is the mighty force he can hold on in times of troubles. He views life as his own. He says that “Life is yours alone. Live and rise to it.” He believes that he is the captain of his life and the meaning of it is being the one who can complete its journey back and forth to the place he came from.

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